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"Many people have asked me exactly what is a psychic circle You can think of a psychic circle as a close-knot group who gathers at a Spiritualist Church or other Open-Minded Venue, in order to assist each other in developing their psychic senses and their ability to also communicate with the spirit world. That is my definition of a psychic circle, as it has been used by me and others for years. We are generally looking for a safe environment in which we all can experiment with our psychic powers and learn to develop psychic abilities" to a greater extent.FINDING A PSYCHIC CIRCLE It might take a little looking, but you can most likely find a psychic circle in your area to help you develop psychic abilities yourself. In previous years, information about a psychic circle was usually passed by word of mouth - and then only to someone who could be trusted and wanted to develop psychic abilities. Nowadays, you can usually find a psychic circle simply by doing a search in Google or going to a website like and looking for groups that either say they are a psychic circle or mention that they want to DEVELOP PSYCHIC ABILITIES.GETTING HELP TO DEVELOP PSYCHIC ABILITIES The main thing you want to look for when selecting a psychic circle is whether or not you are comfortable with the group. While there are some groups that want to do nothing more than develop psychic abilities, some groups expand into things like alien abduction, Wicca or even black magic. It's important that you pick a group that has the same goals as you - whether it be to develop psychic abilities or something else entirely.IN A PSYCHIC CIRCLE, PEOPLE CHECK THEIR EGO AT THE DOOR Look for a psychic circle group that have a philosophy that everyone is equal and one in which people check their ego at the door. Trust your instincts and your first impression. If the group seems friendly and encouraging and allows you to be individualistic, then it might be a psychic circle worth joining. If not, you might want to keep looking.FIND A GOOD LEADER TO HELP YOUR DEVELOP PSYCHIC ABILITIES Photo by Pioneer Library System No matter how equal a group is, there will usually be one, or two, people who step up as a sort of leader. Generally, the leaders are either the most powerful psychic in the psychic circle, the most charismatic person in the circle or they are the best at helping people develop psychic abilities. Generally, these people will not pretend to know everything, but will help to use their abilities or experience to help and guide others.THE BEST WAY TO FIND A PSYCHIC CIRCLE As I mentioned earlier, there are many different ways to find a psychic circle - from word of mouth to internet searching. Probably the best way you can find a psychic circle is by getting a recommendation from a friend or psychic you trust. Let's face it, there's nothing like a live testimonial from someone who has either already gone through the process to develop psychic abilities or who is actively working on it with a group. Not only can they give first hand experience with the psychic circle, but you see from their own development whether the psychic circle seems to be legitimate.DEVELOP PSYCHIC ABILITIES - PLAN B If for some reason you do not know any other psychics or do not have any friends who know about a psychic circle in your area, you might need to do it the old fashioned way - by asking around. You can either ask around on the internet, or perhaps at a local new age shop or metaphysical bookstore or even a Spiritualist church, if there happens to be one in your area.USING A PSYCHIC CIRCLE TO DEVELOP PSYCHIC ABILITIES If you have the spark, or gift, of a psychic ability and would like to more fully develop psychic abilities, then it might be time for you to seek out a psychic circle. A psychic circle can help to guide you an encourage you when you develop psychic abilities. But remember to look for the right sort of group - one that treats its members equally and checks their egos at the door, as well as one that has a good leader who guides the other members. Also keep in mind that if you can find a recommendation from a friend, look on the internet, in metaphysical bookstores or even in a Spiritualist Church if you have one.DEVELOP PSYCHIC ABILITIES NOW WITH A PSYCHIC CIRCLE - CLICK HERE