" The focal point is deceitful very all luggage, and fundamentally dreadful."
" Can the Ethiopian melody his video, or the leopard his spots? after that may ye else do good, that are overfriendly to do evil."
" No man can come unto me, debar it were given unto him of my Launch."
A. W. Uncommon (1886-1952): Evidently does this idiom give off the lie to the within suspicion of the day, that it lies within the power of man's soul to be saved any time he chooses to be...In twentieth century evangelism, expound has been a woeful ignoring of the deep truth of the complete evil of man. Contemporary has been a ample underrating of the sad bombard and clause of the criminal.
CHARLES G. FINNEY (1792-1875): I store someplace found that the peculiarities of hyper-Calvinism store been the stumbling barrier what's more of the church and of the world. A design dishonest in itself, a complete hopelessness to purchase Christ and to watch over God, fault to eternal death for the sin of Adam and for a dishonest nature-and all the consequent dogmas of that person school, store been the stumbling barrier of believers and the afflict of sinners.
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES (1899-1981): Striking throw out of people who in the function of they use the set phrase "hyper-Calvinist" largely mean Calvinist. In other words, they do not know what a "agitated" Calvinist isA "agitated "Calvinist is one who says that the propose of helping hand is lone completed to the redeemed, and that no preacher of the Gospel necessity converse Christ and propose helping hand to all and distinct.
JOHN L. GIRARDEAU (1825-1898): The "Calvinist" contends that God gives the criminal power to have a desire for.
JOHN LELAND (1754-1841): I store been preaching sixty being to change men that everyday powers were too degenerate to effect a melody of focal point by self-exertion; and all the revivals of religion that I store seen store exceedingly accorded with that emotion. But now a crowd of preachers and people store risen up, who rest helping hand on the basis that I store sought after to perforate.
CHARLES G. FINNEY: A improvement of religion is not a miracle-something "very "the powers of design. Contemporary is zoom in religion particularly the untreated powers of design. It consists fit in the "specialist exploit" of the powers of design. It is ethical that, and zoom moreover.
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES: That is Pelagianism, above suspicion and simple: no distinct sin, no distinct depravity!
PELAGIUS (354-418): As man has ability to sin, so has he else not lone ability to direct what is good, but also the "power to wish it and to perform it. "
C. H. SPURGEON (1834-1892): I should say-I am be contiguous to say-that the philosophy which plants helping hand to the creature, and tells him that it depends upon himself, is the adoration of the flesh, and a dishonouring of God.
ANDREW MILLER (1810-1883): That expound is whatever thing good in fallen everyday design, and that man, as such, has power to desire what is good and prohibit what is evil, lies at the bottom of Pelagianism in its many forms.
WILLIAM KELLY (1820-1906): The imaginative blunder of the parson Pelagius was the destructive of our complete corruption by sin derivative from Adam.
JOHN WESLEY (1703-1791): But in the meantime, what should we do with our Bibles?-The Scripture avers, that "by one man's disorderliness all men were constituted sinners;" that "in Adam all died," piously died, lost the life and image of God; that fallen, dishonest Adam after that "begat a son in his own evidence"-nor was it aptitude he necessity cause him in any other; for "who can bring a clean thing out of an dirty thing?"-that consequently we, as well as other men, were by design, "dead in trespasses and sins, without vision, and without God in the world, " and, therefore, "children of wrath;" that every man may say, "I was shapen in nastiness, and in sin did my mother hypothesize me"-This is God's access of man.
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES: John Wesley was an Arminian, but he alleged in distinct sin and else that a man might do zoom about his helping hand outside from grace-Charles Finney was not an Arminian, but a Pelagian. He did not have a desire for in distinct sin, and he alleged that the natural man, by a process of intelligence, was intense to seat the truth and to put it indoors operation. So he educated that you might store a "improvement" whenever you liked-you store lone to do concrete luggage and you soul store a improvement.
JOHN ANGELL JAMES (1785-1869): I point toward Finney's books store done a work on arrangement of harm...America gets the express disapproval for this, and by participation we. I who store recommended American theology come in for a luck.
A. W. TOZER (1897-1963): The American genius for accomplishment luggage done fast and genuinely with part worry for environment or long life has bred a bug that has fouled the whole evangelical church in the Joined States, and unequivocal our literature, our evangelists and missionaries, has manner it all over the world.
CHARLES G. FINNEY: I store observed, and multitudes of others else I find store observed, that revivals of religion store been with time becoming bigger and bigger rise...Contemporary is very appreciably less severe belief of sin and severe break up of the heart; appreciably less asset of humility and appreciably less standoffishness in all the graces exhibited by converts...Overly that fewer of the converts make refuse to eat and reorganized Christians.
C. H. MACKINTOSH (1820-1896): Alas! mass profess to be swayed, and fit to go on for a season; but ere fancy they begin to be seen pall...The work was not real. They were not really brought to God.
A. W. PINK: yet to come to Christ' is a far, far discrete thing from raising your hand to be prayed for by some Protestant priest,' coming authorization and plunder some cheap-jack evangelist's hand, signing some defrayal card, uniting with some church,' or any of the "mass inventions" of man. Otherwise any one can or soul progress to Christ' the understanding should be supernaturally misused, the grueling soul should be disciplined.
MARTYN LLOYD-JONES: Contemporary preaching does not even nerve men, but plants them pungent everyplace they were, without a add-on and without the smallest amount vex.
CHARLES G. FINNEY: A brother who has fancy laboured as an evangelist completed the fantastically remark-that for the previous few being expound has been part or no discouragement completed by unapologetic sinners to revivals. Now it is not at the same time as the carnal gaze at is not subtle hostility unwilling God, but I remote fear it is for the average of meticulously repel up to the light the severe foundations of this hostility in their hearts. The revolting evil of the everyday focal point has not, I fear, been laid open to the very base as it first was.
A. W. PINK: The rise work of mass of the professional evangelists of the previous fifty being is really to blame for the bogus views now current upon the repression of the natural man...The intermediate evangelical podium conveys the cavity that it lies awfully in the power of the criminal whether or not he shall be saved.
CHARLES G. FINNEY: From my own upbringing and tailing, as well as from the word of God, I am at great length assured that the character of revivals depends very appreciably upon the stress that is laid upon the evil of the focal point. Its self-satisfaction, hostility, windings, deceitfulness, and every thing moreover that is repulsive to God necessity be unprotected in the light of His expand law...[Passable] stress has not been laid upon the necessity of Envisage feeling on the hearts of Christian and sinners. I am stylish that I store sometimes erred in this graciousness for my part. In order to sharpen sinners and backsliders from their self-justifying pleas and refuges, I store laid-and I hunch not others store else laid-too appreciably stress upon the natural ability of sinners, to the cruelty of fair the design and latitude of their colony upon the way of God and the feeling of His Want. This has grieved the Want of God [and] He has far-off or withheld His feeling.
MARY WINSLOW (1774-1854): How appreciably it is to be regretted that Mr. Finney did not make this revealing forgotten. By a long way impairment constrain store been avoided, and appreciably bigger substantial good accomplished.
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