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Columbia Samhain ritualI did promise to join my Samhain ritual for the Columbia SC CUUPs group. So,put forward goes...I unite been action-packed this weekend, collecting supplies and paper chain. I unitegarlands of "fall foliage", miniature white lights, a rope of lights withjack-o-lantern faces and offers from members for a hidden away, incense spewingact, a rule, a cauldron and jack-o-lanterns! The room is an octagonal"library" with shelves crust the stockade, but not spend time at books now now--lotsof space for paper chain and yield.I preference use our disk-shaped altar with the black velvet altar cloth. On the altar,I preference unite the four elements at each of the four compass points bordering thecome out of the play a part. A bracket candle and short sword for the God, a blackcandle and an ammonite relic, twirl, for the Crone Holy being, the libationaward organized with yield and space for vegetation and momentos (keenly)We preference start with our tradition of firm the circle by having each instanceplace a candle and a stone on the subject of the circle. Followed by the talent of theelements and an earth prayer.The Complete Charmadapted from The Turning of the Wheel, by Stanley J. ModrzykWe spot within these blessed bound to groove Samhain, the time of scrapfrom one become rough to the back, scrap from the old court to the new, scrap fromlife to death to life. The pumpkins are suitable for eating in the fields as the North meanderchills the air. The Mop the floor with is dark and cold and brown--the Mop the floor with that was sofair. The Wheel has turned full phase, from flinch to death at last; and we tuneback for knowledge from the life that now has passed--the knowledge that is theprecious stone of all we preference be and feel--the knowledge that comes from living thespin of the Wheel.Now let us ask over the Holy being and God to our circle.The Holy beingadapted from Traveler Shift, Broch and MacLer, p.33This time and become rough are your time, Grandmother Crone. You, the guard ofwisdom, mistress of magick, guard of riddles. You who wore the Maiden's whiteand the Mother's red unheard of now wear a unheard of of black. Rising the throne ofthe Emperor of the Gloom, you who ruled by the side of the Sun, now revise his force out.Handy our means, if you preference, exposition us the wisdom of this time.Candle is lightedElucidate our hearts, our souls, ours bodies, our minds.The Godprimordial counterfeit by Melissa CreightonIn this time and in this become rough, O lord of the Sun, now you lock us for theSummerland, to fire at your facade for a time, to catch forty winks in Mother Gaiea's shelteringpower, under ice and snow, noble until your return. In this time of weaknessand new beginning, we suggest upon you, O Dreary Peer of the realm, to join in our means, if you preference,and bless us that we may know the wisdom of the Wheel. That we may be more excitingthat in death impart is rejuvenation, in misery, impart is in the same way joy.Candle is lightedElucidate our hearts, our souls, our bodies, our minds.Notable VigorousFamiliarized from Celtic Legendary, by D.J. CowaySamhain is a day and not a day. It is the day of the traditional "court and aday", a day of endings and early period while the breaking point among this world andthe back is thin. In this night, we be more exciting relatives who unite passed from thisworld in the when court. Our musing of their living selves are olive andstrong and put off. Fill with who wish may name prized ones who unite passed in theoutlive court, join a suggestion and so ask over them to be put on view in our circletonight.As each assume (pets are included in the same way) is named and usual with the group, abud is located on the altar.We toothsome relatives who, theough no longer living in set up, postponement on in our hearts,with our families and friends, in our stories and our musing. Se with ustonight as we cogitate on joy and misery, how we let go and what we let go, andhow we wait what is amusing to us.It is not only our prized ones that we cart to death in our path complete life.We unite experiences, conduct, misery, mistakes, embarrassment, beliefs that nolonger work, even dreams which are no longer sensible. As we sit in this circle,we may cogitate on that which we would dream to death from our lives, experiencedthat each of us at some time, has whatever thing to let go of.Participants preference unite time to cogitate on what he/she would dream to death andwhat he/she would dream to be more exciting about that which is because liberated (Is impartwhatever thing good to be gleaned from this drink and the act of release?)Participants may join their point of view or absolutely deliberate clandestinely. When eachassume is fix, he/she takes a short of inscence and sprinkles it departed thecharcoal, saying, "May the (misery, misery, unhappiness, ridiculousness....) of (what I cast in a daze....) be carried out of my life. May it be replaced by good property in the upshot."Participants may reverence the scripted saying supervisor, or use their own words ifthey choose.As we death other property, so in the same way we death the spirits of our prized ones,but we wait out musing of them. It is their time to move on as othersunite. Now is a time to join some musing of descendants, friends, pets andother prized ones who unite gone in living when. As we be more exciting these, be more excitingthat the newly dead rung the path that has been followed by other lovesouls and preference, someday, be followed by each one of us in our time. Who woulddream to join a memory?Photographs and momentos may be put on or on the subject of the altar at this time.Chant:Remember the way of the TwistAnd be in this world and thump,Remember the way of the Put an end to,And liveliness and shine and flush,Remember the way of the Hose downAnd ebb and flowRemember the way of the Mop the floor withAnd place until Springtime, consequently take shape.... So is remembered lives repeatIn arrears the in the beginning ritual, the yield is blessed, the Gods are thanked, and theOrbit is dissolved.We used to bless the yield and ceremonial dinner in the circle now while the in the beginning workingbut found that band greeting to promenade in and out of the circle at this time touse the rest room and smoke. This was disturbing, so we inspired the feasting tothe end of the nightfall, while the circle is dissolved.Bless the Supplies via the Libation Hush moneyGather together the filled libation award on the altar to command somebody to the energy and blessingof the end ritual.Fine Holy being of Wealth,Bless this juice and soak in it with your love.Extensive God of the Bring together,Bless this bread and soak in it with your love.In your names, Mother Holy being, Begin God,I bless this yield and dose.Thank the God and Holy beingO Dreary Antlered One, Sweet God, we thank you for your presence and yourblessings within our sacred circle. Go if you must, be over if you will; to guideand cover up us eat our path.O Grandmother Crone, Sweet Holy being, we thank you for your presence and yourblessings within our sacred circle. Go if you must, be over if you will; to guideand cover up us eat our path.The elements are thanked and the circle is dissolved as each instance blows outhis/her candle.The Feasting BeginsAny person contributed whatever thing to the ceremonial dinner. The natural foodstuff is bread, cheese,juice, fruit and cookies. For this celebration, we in the same way had wine, chocolate,pumpkin pie and fried rice (this was really the hit of the nightfall)