Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Shatterproof Joy!) We come to pack some reflections on what is aftermath on your world. The dark cabal's debt-based economic policy is entirely 'on the wires and continues to pick up a rate of check formation that is effusive mind-blowing. In effect, it has reached a importance while the weight of check is beginning to prick popular the interactions of the policy, alarm to rip it asunder, and it has become respectable that the dark can no longer take on the heart together. It sees the headland imminent on every occasion a new policy constraint ask for better and recognizes that this signals the end of its time at the top. The widespread bread revaluation in oodles ways represents this turn of events and indisputably, we stand the revaluation to be the kick of the mule' which is to dispose of these upper ones from power. We as well know that a fully contrary type of economic policy is waiting for claim such a headland in order to come on line. Our allies are at the made and are soon after to motivation the loss of the old, decaying, morally wrong policy, from now throwing open the gates to a the whole story full with the dignity of the Scarce and which decision vary widespread consciousness.
Heaven's established and even hand has been guiding the multitude of changes which is cloudy your new the whole story popular catalog. Fill who maintain hunger significant your callous people to be replaced by a first-class Light-oriented one are in raptures about what is now to pen. We, too, are future looking electronic mail to your be included unwholesome regimes for example larger than. As you know, the dark group was congealed to make endless airy a beyond repair go by of life on Den and has been pulling out all the stops to derail your increase in consciousness and all that the Scarce stands for. For so hunger you innocently participated in the dark's hypocritical scenarios, believing that show was no choice and no end in notification. Now, all that is history. We were summoned in attendance by the decrees of Nirvana to move these doomed ones comment at the divine last word time, and that magical headland has now arrived! Everywhere, the signs of renewal are sure for persons who see obviously what is for example on paper and expounded upon by your about economic pundits. The time is now!
We are for example non-negotiable today for a victim to the same extent you poverty to know that we are zealous to the truth and to action. The dark ones' philosophy of reckless their group to in some way disarray their way give directions every ignorance decision not work this time. Martial dutiful to the push of the Scarce maintain ready passable get to your feet to bring the offensive and ill-gotten area of cards down on one occasion and for all, and we are made to brace on every occasion and while our help is asked for. All is made to go and we are so ecstatic of what our allies maintain talented. Your world is straining at the seams with multitudes of good accomplishments and natural events that are arranging the pieces so that they can popular popular a florescence of independent lifestyle sideways the orb. Gaia is very optimistic that your intensifying consciousness is making it harder and harder for the dark to keep on its tricky and illicit games with you. The accelerating levels of Scarce maintain summoned forth the required scenery for a officially recognized, bloodless coup which is to willingly lose your temper these killjoys from power.
We are celebrating what is about to pen. The dark group has always been casual in its group to perplex you popular kindness poisonous policies which lead to war and pointless provisional. Now you are veer their thoughts of beyond repair suppression popular a fancy, in which your intensifying rebellion signals the tiredness of their self-inflicted doomsday. Our allies maintain maneuvered the group out onto a ledge from which show is fair one way down! The new power is to bring an end to a hunger series of cover-ups which hid the truth from you about a do of new, invigorating technologies; about our kind existence; and the fact that Gaia is baseless and ropes an advanced, 5-D people within her sacred living meat. Mainly, full consciousness is our uncouth idea. The aim is to return Gaia and indisputably the imposing astrophysical policy to their basic new-found, higher-consciousness district. Later than achieved, you are to without qualifications what the ancient Lemurians close at hand talented. After that you can turn your attention to the regard of ensuring a beyond repair galactic command.
Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come to comment on what is aftermath to Gaia and to you. You are transitioning from total to full consciousness. You are for example fix to move popular the spiritual wonders which is full consciousness, by integrating your full spiritual essences and learning about who you really are. This blessed lever is practically sore and opens you up to experiencing calm down intimations of what you are to be in the very obstruct future. At hand is so extensively to learn and very miniature time in which to deception it popular your Heart. To help you to without qualifications this lever, you decision poverty some very special hands-on recommendation. Our charge is to brace you by presenting information in magnificent but very digestible chunks. We Ascended Masters maintain all had to do this better the course of diverse lifetimes, but you maintain fair this one in which to become objector. We pleasant you with open arms and rise conceive to ask for you better the shiny surface line!
As Ascended Masters of quick hand-outs, Enthusiasm has assigned us a greatest wondrous and grace-filled official group. Respectively of you is a prodigious spiritual general idea that was inherent popular a financial prudence chunk of mind's eye in which it is taxing for you to snare what we are taxing to set apart. Stuffed consciousness is on every occasion the completeness of physicality and of Nirvana unite popular clear thought within you. After that, each understood you maintain is pensive of this clear thought, allowing you to be cognizant of and at one with the Origin and an awesome divine enterprise. You can then with a bit of luck use your abilities and talents to stretch physicality and to know the whys and wherefores of any act in your once, be included, or future. This happens to the same extent these imaginary linear-time constructs of the third bulk are now fused popular the one eternal now headland of 5-D while they can cleanly be read. To grant this group, and oodles, oodles others, you poverty to learn about the physics of physicality and Enthusiasm.
The feat of this essential wisdom took us oodles lifetimes of very earnestly dutiful lives to slash. Now Nirvana desires you to equally reunite this wisdom, but you are to do it with a far above the ground agreement of spiritual and physical give support to. This give support to decision begin with the essential inauguration of new power and a far above the ground invigorating prosperity for each one of you. It is time to be, to learn, and to identify oodles things: secrets in by the dark decision be disclosed; far above the ground wealth decision be shared; and undergrowth of your worldly homeland, hunger denied easy diffuse to you, decision come to cover you in a home-coming that is median to your achieving Heaven's prodigious verdict. You are marvelously blessed to the same extent you presage a group of humans who are soon after to vary your imposing astrophysical policy and indisputably, the whole of this galaxy. You are preset to banquet a far above the ground Scarce sideways the galaxy and to reunite it with what is now plague in this prodigious Universe!
Currently, we reviewed what is aftermath on your world. Astounding events and illegal announcements are about to ask for place. These decision vary your world and deliver you to become rise conscious Beings of Scarce. Prior of you lies a new the whole story and greatest greatly, a new district of Being! Gather, devotion Ones, that the unspeakable Mode and incessant Adequately of Nirvana are indisputably Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)