This is perhaps not such a great mystery given the obsessive occupation these neo-Pentecostals have for Satan, it is like the God of Love has been relegated completely to the shadows of neglect and turned into a cruel protector of wrath and intolerance. Love thy neighbor has fallen out from the commandments and is replaced with 'slay the infidels' - and in a world like ours, we all are standing with a foot and an arm in Hell.
Seeing the nature of charismatic Jesus worship in these small churches claiming apostolic succession - while having none - is quite baffling. In their ceremonies angels and spirits of divine judgment are called upon in darkness to take possession of the adherents - just so they can be filled with the spirit of vengeance and bloodshed. They do perform acts of sorcery, but instead of resorting to demons they use angels - or simply Jesus Christ for these purposes. Their theology is not a faith of the mind - but a faith of passionate experience where the reception of Christ in the heart is the law itself. In other words, there is just the law of what you feel is right that reigns with no mediation by reasoning or contemplation. The heart is the throne for the realm of the soul and passions - and naturally they get occupied with Satan, because after all he is the Lord of passions and all what is pleasurable and sexual. It is here at the throne of Satan the fire of passions fetters their kinky souls as they condemn in the name of an intolerant and angry idea of God. As any hypocrite they are farting words of love while their soul is veiled in the oils of wormwood, well baked in lustful sulfur. This fire they are brooding and cuddling, understanding to be a form of Christ love, is nothing else but a host of malefic parasites from some sordid spirit realm that moves them into politics, to proselyte castrated theologies and guilt venerating morals.
The moralistic wrath they impose on God is in truth a fetish - a kink - but contrary to the personal exercise of our kinks and fetishes these brutes clad in suites made red with the blood of lamb and goat twist the kink into a religion that should be embraced by all. As the blood runs and trickles and enflame their putrid soul they are getting it off by condemning all those who do not have received Jesus in their heart - and mind you - this reception must be according to their rules and in conformity with their witless idolatry of wrathful spirits of harm.
Certainly there must be a rush and a tickling in the groin by seeing yourself as the moral guardian of this sinful world. Sin is the stuff dreams are made of; sin is dabbling with the forbidden. It is a transgression re-enacted in the way a fetish or a kink might be harnessed and exercised as we cross over and take our chance on the poisoned apple, or fig.
We know from the time of the Inquisition that God and sex walks hand in hand but we also know as Michael Gira shouted in 'Children of God' that 'the sex in your soul will damn you to Hell'. It should also be well established that sexuality suppressed demands new - and often more wicked - forms of manifestation. Sexual inclinations established do not simply go away, they just mask themselves. Read More >>