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Human beings are stubborn creatures. What theythink they cannot explain away, they dismiss.Since the Triune God of the divine revelationScriptures cannot be comprehended throughhuman understanding and logic; most peoplemake the worst mistake of their life by dissingtheir Creator. They then follow a degenerativepath. Note the New Testament, Romans 1:16-32DEFINITIONS: ATHEIST: One who believes there is no GodAGNOSTIC: One who does not believe that God's existence can be provedDivine revelation vis-`a-vis the Scripture, states that a person who says there is no God, is a fool. [Psalm 14:1] But why are people, who call themselves, "atheists," fools? First of all, atheists are fools because God said so. If you had created the universe and had people question and deny your existence - would'nt you also designate those people to be "fools" - especially, when you made your existence and creation plainly evident?ATHEISTS ARE FOOLS BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE PLACE IN WHICH THEY LIVE [THE WORLD AND THE UNIVERSE] HAD TO HAVE A FIRST CAUSEThe COSMOLOGICAL ARGUMENT is that contention which states, that in order to have a universe, there has to be, what is called, "A First Cause." The New Testament Scripture communicates about this first cause:"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so they are without excuse." Romans 1:20Atheists are like some families moving into (empty) foreclosed homes, without permission and, without having bought them. They assume that they have a squatter's type of right to live within these houses. They take these housing shelters for granted. They steal their way in and enjoy the roof over their heads and the space with which the house affords - without any acknowledgment that someone built the house in which they find shelter. They assume that the house was there for the taking. What could be more brash than that?ATHEISTS ARE FOOLS BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE WORLD THEY LIVE IN IS A PLACE OF ORDER AND ARRANGEMENTThe TELEOLOGICAL ARGUMENT is that contention which states, that the world and universe exhibit a particular organization and arrangement in order to function. Why is there a sunrise and sunset? Why is it always on schedule as the earth revolves around the sun? Why are their seasons? Why is there cold, warmth, winter, summer? Why are plants green when they are alive? Why are they no longer green and shriveled up when they are uprooted? Do they uproot themselves? We could go on and on asking these questions that imply "order" and "arrangement." Certainly all this world and universe order, did not come into existence by mere chance - and, certainly does not continue, by mere chance. Scripture says:"For every house is builded by some man but He that built all things is God." Hebrews 3:4ATHEISTS ARE FOOLS BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO ACKNOWLEDGE GOD AS ACTIVE IN THEIR CONSCIENCESAtheists are no different than most people when they cuss another person out. It is common to call down judgment upon someone in the form of cursing and misusing God's Name. Without [at first] realizing it, atheists, will use God's Name, in vain or - at least acknowledge a type of divine justice in their cursing invective, that is humanly impossible to deliver. Also, atheists when enraged, will tell someone to "Go to hell." With that tirade, they are acknowledging a moral superiority, of which they have no right to administer. Only God, who is the ultimate judge can sentence a person and send that person to hell.ATHEISTS ARE FOOLS BECAUSE THEY FAIL TO ACKNOWLEDGE GOD IN THE HISTORICAL DOCUMENTS OF THE HEBREW AND CHRISTIAN SCRIPTURESThere is no ancient document more reliable than the compiled Hebrew and Christian New Testament Scriptures. Hebrew culture's forte was the accurate transmission of the written word. No document in human history is so replete with prophetic writing and fulfilled prophecy. Time and time again, the reliability of the Scriptures has been scrutinized, only to successfully withstand the skeptic's pen of derision. In recent times, [1948] there was the Dead Sea Scrolls Discovery. On-going archaeological digs continue to substantiate very names, places and facts, recorded in the Bible.William Kilpatrick in his commentary, "Jesus of Nazareth vs. Jesus of Neverland" compares Islam's Koran to that of the Christian Scriptures:.......One thing you find in the Gospels which you don't find in the Koran is a solid geographical and historical context. If the story of Christ was set in some mythical location, long before the age of recorded history, it would be easier to pass it off as...well, a myth. But the story takes place not in some vague neverland but in places that can still be visited today-Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jerusalem. Christ doesn't just go to some indeterminate wedding feast, he goes to the wedding feast at Cana; in his parable about the good Samaritan, he mentions a specific road, the one going from Jerusalem to Jericho. He converses with the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well in the town of Sychar. He cures one man at the pool of Siloam, and another at the pool with five porticos. Sidon Tyre, Capernaum, the Sea of Galilee, the Jordan River, the Mount of Olives, the Praetorium, Herod's court, Golgotha-there is a specificity and facticity that you won't find in mythology............... Whatever you may think of the claims of Christ, it's hard not to believe in his existence. As Dinesh D'Souza puts it in What's So Great about Christianity, "Do you believe in the existence of Socrates? Alexander the Great? Julius Caesar? If historicity is established by written records in multiple copies that date originally from near contemporaneous sources, there is far more proof for Christ's existence than for any of theirs." Historical reliability? F.E. Peters in his book Harvest of Hellinism writes that "the works that make up the New Testament were the most frequently copied and widely circulated books of antiquity." What does that mean? It means that the New Testament survives in some 5,656 partial and complete manuscripts that were copied by hand. And that's in Greek alone. If you add in the Latin-vulgate and other early versions, there are more than 25,000 manuscript copies of the New Testament in existence. How does that compare with other early histories? Well, there are seven copies of Pliny the younger's NaturalHistory, twenty copies of the Annals of Tacitus, and ten copies of Caesar's Gallic Wars. Score: Christianity, 25,000, Caesar, 10. When you render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's in manuscript terms, it doesn't seem to amount to much. Holy Scriptures were designed to be the Triune God's gift to humanity. With this revelation record of history, there is clear and convincing evidence of the true God's activity in the affairs of humanity. Atheists will often go to great lengths to denigrate the written record - so much so that they will grasp the evolutionary belief of the universe and the world coming into existence by itself. They refuse to believe and accept that somebody greater than themselves fashioned and rules the universe. And, so, the Scripture itself, calls atheists, "fools." And it further pronounces and predicts what people will become when they deny the obvious. Romans 1:16-32 TO ACKNOWLEDGE GOD, IS NOT ENOUGHI'm sure that you've heard the old saying that "there are no atheists in fox holes." Often, atheists will "break down" and acknowledge their own foolishness. When their lives are being threatened or hanging by a thread, they will be motivated by their fear of the unknown and cringe before a (punishing) hereafter, of which they finally admit is an awful place of reckoning for their sins against God and fellowman.The Bible states that to acknowledge God - even the demons do that. [James 2:17-20] Believing that there is a "god," will not rescue a priceless soul from God's just punishment for human sin. CONTINUED................PART 2 -- WHY ATHEISTS ARE FOOLS AND AGNOSTICS FOLLOW CLOSELY BEHIND RELATED SCRIPTURES -- INTENDED TO BE UTILIZED IN A SIMPLE WORSHIP FORMAT:OLD TESTAMENT:Psalm 14:1 -- The foolishness of peopleProverbs 1:7 -- What fools despiseNEW TESTAMENT GOSPEL:Romans 1:16-32 -- Especially note verse, 20Romans 2:14-15 -- The God conscieness of right and wrong written in a person's heartOF WHOM DOES THE PROPHET SPEAK" -- by Victor Buksbazen -- Isaiah 53:1-12 -- an in-depth view of and the prophecy of Christ, hundred of years before his birth. Isaiah 53:1-12 underscores the truthfulness of Divine Revelation as exemplified in the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures. PLEASE NOTE: Topical Messages, by subjectPastor (emeritus) Nathan Bickel ALSO NOTE: The "Words in Season" topical messages and related worship format are not intended to discourage or replace the Christian worship and assembly of Christians at their particular places of church worship. As this website's author, it is my prayer and hope, that many souls will find the topical messages, related worship format and other material, a useful and valuable Christian resource. THE CHRISTIAN FAITH: PARTS 1-31 -- What is meant by "Believing" and / or, being, "Saved?" 2 -- How the saving (believing) process of the Christian Faith takes place 3 -- What are the tell-tale signs that a person has been "Saved" [is a Christian NOTE: The above sermon message (with minor editing) was previously posted online by Nathan Bickel