From: Frizzed Howard To: Da Sysop
See as well as msg # 17
Alright, I don't want to sound dumb, but I contain no preparation what these rituals entain. At the same time as goes on indoors these, and what is their meaning ?
Frizzed Howard
#17 19 06 Aug 85 11:59:57 (RECV'D)
From: Brad Hicks React To: Frizzed Howard
React to msg # 16 See as well as msg # 18
Subject: NEOPAGAN Carry out
Boy, you don't ask the easy ones. Dr. Regardie takes 12 volumes to
admission this one; Aleister Crowley, 13 or so; Isaac Bonewits, two (and that's on its own introductory).
I'll try to go over, but if you're really probing, touch down
Starhawk's THE Swirl Action for give preferentiality to niceties. Highest scholars element ritual hip two classes: 1) theurgic, and 2) thaumaturgic. In like
words, this means that either you are praying to make your self "a superior human being" or "rather to God/ess" or "to be saved from your sins", or you are praying for the God/ess to pry in the world with brute force you - prayers for calm, for money, for health, etc.
Neopagan ritual partakes of what's more aspects, to some range. In a archetypal ritual, poles apart techniques (as old as humanity) are used to "raise the power," subsequently the power is focused via magickal symbols to get hold of the God(s) and/or Divinity(es) who are living thing called upon. He/She/They situate that magickal energy, spread it, and return it to the circle. The Raise
Priest/ess subsequently focuses that energy on the route - the carp or human being to be brazenly, if any - subsequently any energies that establish yourself (or the weigh up energy, if offer is no magickal route) are returned to the Gods, via a processes called "training."
To reaffirm Uncle Isaac's saintly book on the topic, you contain the wind-up, the provender, and the follow-through.
The windup uses any ritual techniques that are interpret to a) the
stage set, b) the meaning of the ritual, c) the deities living thing contacted, and d) the skills of the participants. The universals are chanting, spring, and
"ritual theatre." Organize are, of course, others.
The "provender" uses penalize, romantic metaphors in guided meditations and ritual pounce. Not often (if would-be), this uses music and spring.
As soon as the gods are contacted and the energy flows, it is subconscious in an carp - in general cakes and wine, but occasionally by other means - and circulate, symbolically to all the participants. Having partaken of the energy so raised, the guided meditations avenue the relatives in focusing their energy on the meaning at hand.
From tip to toe, the Raise Holy woman or Priestess goes defeat a "follow-through",
which involves dissolving the "group mortal", reassuring relatives that what we contain worked is done and was effective, and subsequently "training" any floating energies, so that equally the group foliage the ritual circle, they are back in their solid minds.
As I join, it occurs to me that the real admission to your suggestion lies in that obstruction way of thinking - "back in their solid minds." Neopagan ritual is a line of tools and techniques for varying your consciousness,
conditionally, to a place everyplace the Gods and Goddesses are real and muggy, everyplace we as their children and lovers and friends can honey them, and everyplace the magick we work can come true. Having convinced ourselves of this, we act on it, subsequently return to our broadsheet lives refreshed.
(Gods, what a loop of gibberish! You would contain been superior off reading the books!)
Despite, I tried. Everybody as well (esp. Black Dragon if he shows up again, as he's worked at smallest amount of as greatly ritual as I) convince talent free to add or disparagement. Was this the lenient of admission you desired, Curly?
- Vicar Talespinner, O.S.C.
People Try Chapel of Eris & Dionysus
(aka, Brad Hicks)