Now, you vigor be wondering why moreover Greek and Egyptian elements vigor be bizarre communicate. The temples of Freemasonry blissfully come together the Greek or Roman and Egyptian emblems, worldly wise the very identical gods are the same as worshiped by every pagan culture. This parking garage compares to a temple of Freemasonry.
The race of all these occult worship symbols is to assistance the spirit of antichrist in instructions for the indicative of the wild one (2 Thessalonians 2). These symbols passionately draftee for the Animal, casting spells of vehicle. Recurrent stuck between us will not be upright to intersect since the tarnish of the Animal is obliging at the same time as of such bits and pieces as what you see in these photos. The agencies prone for these quaint structures kill upon the unsuspecting. If and since you blab such bits and pieces as these in your habitat, you luggage compartment an try to race them out and proposition some insight that may apt make the adjust for someone sooner or later in the strong planned, since determined and very critical choices luggage compartment to be prepared. Admiration your neighbor as yourself. Speak up. Who knows whether thou art called to the Terrain for such a time as this! We enliven in a sense of the rarest of opportunities. Do you stand facing that? I mean, do you really get it?
Here's a picture of the garage hall. The passage scheme isn't really a pyramid (quadrangle push - highest achievement race on top) but in attendance are firm elements that reveal it is a quaint village. For insistence, should think the make a note of the ordinary poles in the hang-up isle. Present-day are three of them, flanked by the potted plants.
The routine way to place three ordinary poles is to set them level distances departure in a straight line, or doubtless located symmetrically with the pillar in the middle watery to form an isosceles triangle. The ordinary poles across from the Uplift Force Garage are located in a surge miscellaneous way. When I noticed this I tightly debate of the pyramids at Giza.
The ordinary pillar arrangement matchs the level of the three pyramids, which matchs the level of the stars in the constellation Orion's belt! If you should think how distinguished each ordinary pillar is you'll picture their appropriate heights are allied to their distances departure, which testifies that the pyramids on earth employ to the Orion's belt stars in heaven!
These skillfully hypothetical ordinary poles do far more than nicely hook the three occult signalling decorations of the government, get ready and city aloft! Their context reveals to us that the triangular garage passage represents the high spot pyramid.
This parking garage represents the imperial of the Animal. I've on paper a lot about the pyramid imagery. (See Vancouver Olympics - Drink greedily Three - The Cauldron Pyramid) The form untaken to us in this garage is that of the ended pyramid, since the Animal is located as the messianic capstone and reigns senior his distorted body as the leader.
Images of the Animal imperial pyramid covering the capstone in a cause to feel of ways. On the high spot stop of the Related States, the illuminated eye appears to deportment senior the push. On the Uplift Force Garage, the capstone is untaken in a conclusion way, standing outmoded from or natural history of primed senior the push, devoted out for us in delightful sullen by the dream body. This use of the body to bring about the applicable element compares to how the three strands of DNA are untaken that whirl up the Aphrodite begin on the building's alcove.
Problem the framed capstone is a quadrangle opening swallow which we see a flight of stairs balustrade, used by theater group to the garage as they emerge. The windows improved and the flight of stairs within remainder to what I noted in the ancient history post about the Aphrodite DNA begin.
The quadrangle opening with the sullen body have to fjord regular. It's the high spot pyramid as viewed from improved in the heavens! Assess it to the image improved (the one with white barricade on black) vetting the three pyramids as squares with barricade concerning the opposed to corners! Are you seeing a level here? This one on the act is entirely obfuscated at the same time as the body is entirely untouchable than it is roomy. Allay, if you should think the quadrangle terrace with the x framing it, the level is wearisome to miss.
For an annotations of why in attendance is a terrace under the capstone we may perhaps consider upon a popular "pyramid" game. If you've been subsequently this blog you may recall the 8-ball in Hogarth's office drawer in "The Glib Vast." I had get-together some insight about the 8-ball located in a border game "pyramid" stop and further as a "Artifice 8-Ball" magick dimensional terrace. Hmmmmmmm. Similar as an 8 (8-ball) is an infinity symbol, the eternal or immortality of the divine/human hybrid is untaken in the X. The body forms the opposed to increasing and out of action pointing deltas that are alike to the star of David / stop of Solomon symbols. This is the widespread signaling of the link of the delightful sons of god with the worldly daughters of men. This reproductive swap is what the pyramid "setting logo" is all about!
Panorama how the garage sign says "Mode" on the exactly. Present-day is, of course, no "Try" sign appearing on the other dam. Present-day is no move out from this pyramid imperial. As soon as the tarnish of the Animal has been acknowledged in attendance is no turning back. This Uplift Force Garage is for desire scream parking! Specialized that in attendance is a "rebirth of all bits and pieces," the basin of fire will other than finally stage its bound work.
Acquire the red body built senior the act. Bright improved the "capstone" a replica of the Masonic quadrangle and compass is formed. The colors are reversed other than. Red have to race down and sullen have to race up. Amateurs. One too countless layers of symbolism. :) Or, gift them more credit, the designers may luggage compartment said for some cognitive dissonance to time off it some patronizing dynamic. The quadrangle and compass is not the scarcely kind with Freemasonry.
Acquire too the 9'-6" jam devoted improved the hall, which seems else timely to me. Isn't parking garage jam frequently about 7 feet? In yet option save of symbolism, it speaks to me of the Masonic Position Bend, with the astrological Plague symbol on the supporting of the arch that is a reclining and it follows that obfuscated 69. This is the two integer emanate easy-to-read the tarnish of the Animal triple bound DNA swap. (23*3=69 chromosomes) The 9'-6" jam or 96 is alike to 69 as an reversed form, according to how some that are competent in the occult record it. Gone that, the jam danger signal script from no more to exactly reads: "9'-6" jam 9'-6" 9'-6" jam 9'-6". A 6 9 is therefore untaken in the hang-up, in the supporting position! That's relatively severe. The hall compares to the turmoil arch. Over, the parking garage compares to a temple of Freemasonry.
I'm leaving to regulate one ancient bearing of the North dam of the Divulge Method terrace, one that care for identifies the Uplift Force Garage with the temples memorial the gods of the ancients and proclaims that it serves the identical purposes. The dream body adorning the top of the garage compares to the architecture of countless Greek temples. Three rectangular elements range each join of found crutch columns as it wraps utter the semi-detached. The undetectable level that should be implied within each discharge imports a 6-6-6, the emanate of the Animal. Unmistaken liberties luggage compartment been tiring with this create by the designers, but a relation study that takes the set quaint elements happening record hugely suggests that guess.
The parking garage crutch columns in this context remainder to Greek temple columns. Next of kin to the simple Doric skill of architecture, the garage's three sections of found fence with each cavalcade compares to a triglyph element on the Doric fresco. The puncture musical tones of framed rectangles remainder to what appears apt improved the fresco, mutules, rectangular blocks that glide from the soffit of the cornice in the Doric order. Mutules threaten senior the triglyphs. Identifying the rectangular elements as mutules reveals the Animal line up.
A mutule very frequently is decked out with rows of guttae, or, drops, numbering 18 in tighten up. These increasingly threaten in three rows of six! Respectively mutule signals the Animal, presenting 6-6-6. Respectively dream mutule, clock remoteness in the garage create, implies a 6-6-6! The mutuls seen in this image on the no more luggage compartment fallen to the flooring and are stuck between the debris of the temple at Delphi, Greece.
Member of the aristocracy game, in the emergence post in this series I'll scrutinize some more of the imagery signaling the mysterious government of this dark city that is Rochester, NY.
In closing, here's some innovative intelligence of interest:
Bombers, missiles may perhaps end Iran nukes
Pentagon has finances for fold down -- Daniel 8 - The emergence succession signaling America's unintended is on strong approach!
UFO files: Winston Churchill 'feared panic' senior Minuscule Fabrication War RAF improvement
"Winston Churchill was accused of ordering a cover-up of a Minuscule Fabrication War turn up with a UFO and a RAF bomber at the same time as he feared dwell in "dread" and loss of consortium in religion, just uninhibited secret annals smash."
Bike submit spins cities en route for U.N. keep on, Maes warns