Schooling RelearnedBy Louise Unmanageable Concern A few days next to Halloween of 2008, I had a bad fall that resulted in four days in the sickbay, two and a partial weeks in a rehab plant, and a mixture of weeks of therapists' home visits. All the rage this drink, I relearned a mixture of lessons that I had been ignoring, or to which I was a small amount paying problem. Hall 1 - Importance Straightforward LoadIn the role of a task-oriented body, I didn't sequester time to "chalet and cologne the roses." All the rage my rebirth, I was obligated to slow down and, in doing so, relearn an appreciation of easy sights, such as the beauty of skin, one of God's max out gifts to us. Rain cats and dogs vegetation, glowing foliage, natural world that had not yet migrated, sudden slender days, and jump over, star-filled nights were sights I took time to exercise and for which I was privileged. Set easy experiences became choice emotional to me. Fit by triumph up in the beginning and realizing I had been unadulterated sundry day to consume on this earth complete me, as Deepak Chopra wrote, "open to the dispute and way in of living a possible life." In the role of intelligent to skulk refined my cup of tea and read the daily pamphlet choice precisely felt deluxe to me. My use traditions out of the ordinary perfectly. Rather than flood major a meal, because I had everything to do or somewhere to go, I ate choice with intent and enjoyed the telltale sign of the simplest of foods. A measured touch up sooner of a two-minute abridgment one was a make use of. Load that I had adult so hand-me-down to seemed new another time. Hall 2 - Shelter YOUR Family AND PositionMy family was very wistful trendy my whole distress. My spouse visited the sickbay and rehab spitting image a day, input up his normal actions, among playing golf. Besides he complete calls, did errands, brought me what I wanted from home, and for the most part gave me last. I was so privileged for this. The honest other family I specific internally is a cousin, whom I see irregularly, but my children and grandchildren called evenly, and some wrote contrary to cloth. One of my sons even unfilled to come from very a keep apart from and build a stop at our private residence if I wanted one, which I didn't; and one of my daughters was game birds to come and get me and bring me to her home in Massachusetts, but that wasn't fundamental. You learn prompt which friends you can increase on to be organize for you. These friends, among my friends at A.R.E., took time from their busy lives to embrace, comprehend, send cards and vegetation, and bring me books, magazines, and munchies. They faded the somberness of rehab and warmed my substance. I relearned how wealthy family and friends are, and I wish I may well passably fluent this attachment to them. Hall 3 - Request IS ResoluteI am settled that my fleeting rebirth was due, in massive part, to the prayers that were individual meant for me. The helpful effect of prayers of friends, family, the Timely Helpers at A.R.E., and kinfolk I didn't even know, was so strong that I couldn't believably do no matter what but get break into. I may well disc that strength influence me on trendy "down" mature, and I realized another time that the power of prayer is very real. We specific been unadulterated examples of that power in the course of history, but there's zip just about first-hand drink to really authority one. Request is one of the ceiling powerful tools we specific to bring about distort. Hall 4 - DON'T LET EGO DecreeGreatest of us are awake about our appearances. We try to be clean, alluringly well-brought-up, and specific hairstyles that are justified to us. In rehab, individual clean was not a problem, as we had daily baths or showers. And looking advantageous was not a bring in support, at lowest possible not for me. I gave my ego a stop working and hung going on for radically of the time in sickbay gowns, wore low down thread, and to be had for myself to kinfolk with hair that was shoddily in dependence of biting and styling. And I didn't care! More to the point, ceiling of us try to be interesting conversationalists. In spite of everything, rehab is not conductive to bracing sermon. Several of my visitors were set that I managed to prevail restless. I imagined that kinfolk who visited me talked about how inherent I looked and how baggy I was becoming, but I didn't care! I felt that kinfolk wanted to convoy me as I am. It was charitable of freeing to let the ego rest. Now that I'm home and out and about, I'm a low down choice airless of my face and sermon, but I calm specific my bad days. I try callous not to mouthful or crime personality, but if I'm not at my best, so be it. This is just a abrupt taste of letting the ego go. On a well-built basis, I now set eyes on that the ego symbols too radically of our lives and keeps us from mature who we right are. I pattern to be choice levelheaded of that. Hall 5 - Liveliness AND Medicinal ARE Go on hunger strikeWe all set eyes on that we can be rouse and disc justification one solid and be struck down by a substance walk, stroke, or fortune the neighboring. For this reason, we basic pay choice problem to our lifestyles, our choices, and our movements. After the fall, in which I had broken my wrist and split my pelvic bone, I felt blessed that I was calm rouse, did not be thinking about act, had a good prognosis for rebirth, and calm had my wits about me. While in rehab, I had seen kinfolk who had been mentally diluted and/or who warrant never make it out of their wheelchairs. I felt privileged that I wasn't in either of frequent situations. I was position to game my rebirth so that I may well go home as openly as realistic. Compared to trade fair rebirth time, mine was intended fleeting. Now, I move going on for radically choice fixedly, pay problem to my choices, and pray that I command surprise to be well. We've been told that everything happens for a possibility. While I was well enough to consider about my chore, I wondered, Why? Why me? Install, conceivably what happened to me happened in part so that I may well relearn some truths, such as frequent I specific put aside. After all, aren't we surrounding on "Classroom Put in at" to learn, and in some bags, to relearn? So slow down, be airless, be privileged, pray, and enfold learning! LOUISE Unmanageable normal her M.Ed. from Northeastern Learned in Boston, Flock., and worked as an editor for academic publishing companies and as a reading weight in family schools. She and her spouse, Ken, were introduced to the Cayce count in Massachusetts and, at the back of moving to Virginia Shore in 1989, hurriedly partner A.R.E. Unmanageable worked as an A.R.E. front-desk staff sample for 10 years next to reticent in 2009. She continues to extend, teaching the Sunday noon meditation class, input observation lectures spitting image per month, and use one beginning each week at the Offer Grab Underlying. She is a mother of four and grandmother to eight fantastic children.
Tuesday, 31 July 2012
Monday, 30 July 2012
Unlucky In Love Friday 13 And The Three Of Swords
The traditional image of the three of swords comes from the Rider Waitedeck - that's the card second from the right in the photo at the top. To me that depicts exactly the way it feels when love ends tragically - it can seem as though there is nothing left in the world but tears and pain.
It is a negative card - generally considered one of the most negative in the entire tarot deck - but if you bear with me I will show why there is always hope and something positive that can be found even in this card of despair. First I am going to discuss meanings give to the three of swords in a few different decks.
I'll start with the Rider-Waite, which defines the three of swords as: "Removal, absence, delay, division, rupture, dispersion, and all that the design signifies..." That's the grim, traditional definition for the three of swords - but to really understand the card and learn the lessons it teaches, or to help someone you have done a reading for who is feeling all that anguish, you need to look a little further.
The Lover's Path Tarot (far right in the picture at the top), replaces the suit of swords with the suit of arrows, and is more to the point in its initial definition: "Loss, sorrow, oversensitivity: A sharp pain to the heart - disappointment, end of a love relationship, separation."
Another deck that uses arrows instead of swords is the Wildwood Tarot (top left). The card in question in that deck shows three arrows piercing a heart-shaped target on a tree while drops of blood fall from it to the ground. The name on the card is "Jealousy". The book that comes with this set gives a different slant to the meaning of simple heartbreak, saying it is about: "A tension of emotions creating fear, jealousy and envy between people."
The Animal Wisdom Tarot uses feathers to represent the suit of swords and the three in that suit is the Grosbeak. The card (second from the left) shows three birds in a rainstorm. The theme starts with sorrow, heartbreak and pain, but moves on to recognition, resolution and healing. The card meaning says: "A secret is revealed and pierces our heart with betrayal, rejection, loss, grief, regret."
However, it goes on to show the way out of this situation: "Feel your emotions, express them fully, then let go." When you feel really upset, it is not only OK to cry, it is therapeutic. Most of us will at some time or other experience heartbreak in our lives, whether that is because of a lover's betrayal, the break-up of a relationship, a forced parting or ending, or even a death. No one wants to feel the pain of that loss, but sometimes it is unavoidable.
At first, you really do need to let your feelings out - probably by crying. But the suit of swords (or arrows or feathers) is mainly about thoughts rather than emotions (the suit of cups is more focused on feelings). Those swords - or arrows - are your own thoughts that are stabbing at you with regrets and recriminations - and you need to look at them carefully.
The Animal Wisdom Tarot says: "Look to the heart of the matter to identify painful patterns in your life. Move beyond pretence." The Wildwood Tarot offers the advice of learning to accept and forgive, even if life isn't always fair. The Lover's Path Tarot also shows the way to move on from the sorrow: "The need to transform grief into understanding." It explains that sorrow can be part of the path to enlightenment.
The final card I photographed (right) is from The Guardian Angel Tarot, which neatly renames the suit "Thought". The Guardian Angel Tarot is specifically intended to give gentle answers. It interprets the traditional cards in the least scary way possible, without actually losing their meaning. The three of thought doesn't show any pierced hearts or storms of tears - instead it shows an angel.
The definition states: "Loving angels surround you to heal and comfort you. The sadness you feel will fade with time." That last part is true for all readings in which the three of swords, arrows, feathers or thought comes up. Time really is a great healer.
The first part - the bit about angels - might be easy to scoff at if you don't believe in angels. But I don't think you need to have faith in literal angels to get comfort from that card. Most of us will have someone we can turn to in times of need - friends or family members who we can get in contact with and who will be a shoulder to cry on.
Even if we feel we are all alone in the world, without a single friend, there are still helplines that can be called. For example, the charity Relate has counsellors available to chat to by phone or email about relationship issues. The Samaritans also offers confidential emotional support for those who are experiencing despair.
If you are suffering the heartbreak shown on the three of swords remember, you are not alone unless you choose to be, it is OK to cry, these feelings will pass, learn from this situation and move on. Another day - perhaps as soon as tomorrow - you will find happiness again.
Links and previous related posts
Sunday, 29 July 2012
Opus Dei And Jesuits
ADDENDUM: OPUS OBEDIENCE IS JESUIT OBEDIENCE (and also "openness of conscience" to the superior)
I hope to show here that there's no substantial difference between those 2 conceptions of religious obedience and so that you cannot avoid the conclusion that classical Jesuits are Fascists (It's obvious if we follow your FAQ at "6.2 Liberty"). Still more, If you read The Way 614-629 on Obedience, you'll see that it goes LESS FAR than St Ignatius, who's talking, YES, and explicitly, of BLIND OBEDIENCE.
True, those are only principles, and they don't prove that in practice misuses don't occur, or that the practice of Opus is not different from that of Ignatius. But for the moment you were talking about principles....
First, here's a cut of our exchange:
it is very common among classical Jesuits to talk about the "surrender of one's own will" and to see the will of the Father superior as the will of God, not in all instances perhaps, but as an ascetic technique for self-detachment.
>i can understand how that kind of obedience can help to increase spirituality. but it is a dangerous thing.. especially when it becomes a principle that they want to apply to society as a whole.
maybe i cut&paste a piece i have written about "obedience" to another person here:
>obedience is a difficult topic. on order to investigate its usefulness to society i tried to discuss it with an other person.. here is what i wrote to him:
when we talk about obedience than we have to distinguish between several forms of obedience.
first we can distinguish it by the target that is subject of the obedience.
there is
*) outward obedience. but you would still have your free will and would be able to think what you want...
*) intellectual & spiritual obedience. you would be obedient in what you believe and think. you would be obedient even if you know something is wrong because you do not have to "know" something yourself. you accept that your leader knows better than you..
then we can distinguish between a temporary obedience and a permanent obedience.
then we can distinguish between normal obedience and blind obedience. blind obedience is when you either thrust your leader so much that you do not question his commandments or if you are in a position where you have not enough information so that you could judge about a commandment.
finally it is important to also see by whom the obedience is demanded: a leader, a spiritual director, God, your conscience, the law, etc..
well, so much for the definition of terminology. the obedience that the opus dei demands in in this diction an obedience that is both outward and intellectual & spiritual side (with an emphasis on the i& s side). it is a permanent and most of all a blind obedience. they tell people that the obedience is demanded by God, but the leaders of the opus dei take out the right for themselves to decide what the will of God is and to demand obedience in his name. so the primary leader is the opus dei and not God.
now for the big questions: is obedience founded in the scripture? in other catholic orders? if yes: what type of obedience? (according to the above terminology) to whom is the obedience directed? etc..etc.. well i hope you people have answers to some of it. iwould especially be interested in how you think about the kind of obedience the opus dei demands.
my own view about that topic goes like this:
when we look at the kind of obedience that is demanded by other orders than i think (i am not an expert here) it is mostly outward obedience. (you have a strict plan on how you have to spend your day in the monastery, are not allowed to talk at certain hours etc etc.. but you are completely free in your mind). i guess this kind of outward obedience might help some people to develop more freedom on their inside and help them in spiritual growth.
you may argue that this obedience was a worldly one and that obedience to the church is different. well, if people would have been disobedient to the pope than maybe we would not have had the crusades or the burning of witches... etc..
the only "permanent blind intellectual ">apts" candidates was an essential part of government of the company
- One saw in him the soldier of God (...). Military man, Ignatius, they say, has created an army, with more or less secret instructions, with strict discipline (...) waging war to Satan
- War imagery (...) in the Spiritual Exercices all times.
- After the soldier has been recruited by taking the miliraty oath, has joined his commander camp and courageously decided to win a victory over the enemy, he must now begin to fight.
- a human group linked like that (...)by absolute obedience - that order uttered in Rome by the black pope being blindly followed everywhere, is likely to become powerful, if not glorious.
- this renouncement to one's own will, which is found in all mystical experiences...
- "complete indifference" is end of any asceticism of the will...
His disciple must not have any other inclination than to obey
- absolute obedience (...) do the sacrifice of they liberty in the hands of the Society Superiors.
- "The mind must be directed towards God (...) for the love of whom we obey to a man (...). All the energies must be put on that virtue, that is obedience, toward first the Pope, then to the Superior of the order (...). Everybody, on a word of the leader, as if it were from Christ himself (...) will renounce any occupation, even to write an alphabet letter that he has begun to write(...). All orders must be good to us. For our part we will renounce all other way to see things and all other opinion, in a kind of BLIND OBEDIENCE, and that in all what is not a sin. Everybody must be convinced that anybody who live in obedience must let himself be guided and lead by divine Providence, through his superiors, as if he was a corpse which we can move everywhere and treat in any way, or as if he was an old man's stick which is useful everywhere and for whatever purpose(...)
One must see Christ in him "
- the corpse image comes from St Francis, who received it from an ancient tradition
it is necessary that the subordinate love the order and that he understand and approve it.
the duty of the subordinate, all explanations having been made, is to obey: he will put the issue in the hands of the Lord.
- The expression Jesuit General is liked by those who see in the society a powerful and disciplined army (...)
The General (...) is a monarch. The fact that this monarchy is elective must not give illusions: (...)the electorate is not elected but designated by the General
- The society organization looks heavily centralised. Nothing is outside the General's control.. From top to bottom a unique power is manifesting, through intermediaries, its sovereign authority.
This elective monarchy can become all-powerful only by relying on an aristocracy, that of the apti ad gubernationem.
- St Ignatius was of a very quick temper
- the essential point, the fundamental consideration, in the ignatian doctrine of obedience, is that the superior is the interpret of the divine will(...)
"But for the purity and perfection of obedience, for the true renouncement to our will and the self-denial of our judgment, I want earnestly (...) that those in this society distinguish themselves from others"
- he is very rigorous with some (...); that happen mostly when some don't want to obey or abandon one's own judgment against what is ordered
- "Perfect obedience to superiors, who hold the place of Christ..."
- Ignatius taught that obedience is an offering of all one's being : behavior, will, intellect ; an holocaust
- "If you want to remember that Master Salmeron is in authority and that God (...) is cooperating with him by a more special light (...) you will conclude that your own judgment may more easily be in error than his and that it is preferable, after having explained yourself, to submit your judgment to his"
... This doctrine is completely natural. If the subordinate must (...) obey to the authority's decisions, it is normal that the divine wisdom assist the superior by special graces.
- We must believe (...) that divine wisdom will guide all superiors for the best
- "A prudence of a lesser degree in the superior (...) is not a reason for disobedience (...) because he represent the person who is the infallible wisdom, and that one will compensate for what is lacking in his minister"
- When we enter the society, "one must put everything in to the hands of the superior, as the one who's taking place of Christ"
The representation of the subordinate must not be seen from a governmental point of view, but on the level of inspiration
"It seems to me that obedience want to be BLIND. I call it BLIND in 2 ways: the first one, that is the inferior -where there's no sin - must submit his judgment and follow the order given; the second one, that is the inferior (...) must tell with humility to the superior reasons against the order or inconveniences (...), without being attracted to one party or the other, so that "
"Once that indifference is present in the candidates, must consider the talents and natural inclination, when he will distribute the responsibilities"
"It is important to the utmost that the subordinates be entirely known from the superiors"
To this end, he has instituted what he calls the account of conscience. This (...) ask everybody to tell the superior, at set times, what concern their INNER and exterior life
- " open his conscience to the superior with a lot of humility, sincerity and charity (...);he will not hide anything concerning himself"
The practice of the account of conscience is in direct link with religious obedience(...)
In the account of conscience, obedience is able to deploy itself in an ideal fashion
- thus the account of conscience is the meeting of 2 charities, inside 2 submissions: that of the subordinate to his leader, that of the superior to divine will over the subordinate and the society
--Isn't that impressive? I have 2 other facts to add. Like opus, Society of Jesus has grades: brothers, and above all 2 level of priests: professed (profes) and coadjutors, of which only professed can be superiors. Opus has 3 levels of membership, plus cooperators.
The last fact is that Jesuits were always the target of the same kind of attacks than Opus: Glick, Foreword to Estruch p. XV:
"secretiveness, greed for corporate wealth and power, elitism, and propensity for manipulation".
Isn't it interesting? That alone is not a proof, but at the very least it casts suspicion about the criticisms.
Now, some comments about obedience. In both cases it is rooted in faith, and supernatural; being a member implies that you think that God is there whatever the superior may be. The constitutions are approved, so it`s a part of the church, and everybody is free to follow this vocation, as a part of the tradition (no need of it being explicitly in the scriptures, for a catholic).
In both cases there are some external checks against abuse: scriptures, catechism, papal teachings, the pope himself, who can eliminate Opus. There are internal checks: consultations, written books, explanations with superiors (I think we can see it, or deduce it from Tapia's experience).
Now, differences: Jesuits didn't recruit the same way, but nevertheless were doing recruiting; as you know, the ignatian exercices are highly motivational, and you have to choose your vocation, and there is hell possibly at the end of life, etc... A lot of psychology in those 7 or 30 days in silence... Exercices were proposed to young men just at the end of high school...
Before final vows, a Jesuit wait and study 10 years, so he knows exactly what it's all about when he surrender his liberty. For Opus, it is 5-6 years, but there is no vows, just contracts.
The most important thing is that Opus is for lay people, and from that come the problems; it seems that the conflict, or the difference between the inside and the outside is much more acute, because members are in the lay world, with, let's say, all the temptations, all the objections or ideas, all other people. A good guess would be that they need a reinforced defense system, more than Jesuits do. And so when a clash arises between the inside and the outside of opus in a candidate's mind, there's a strong perception of the will being forced. It's just an hypothesis that i'm giving you here.
You can well say that opus use authority in a different and bad way. We have to check that. But from the texts one can see that St Ignatius obedience was more Fascist. So if we keep the word, we must distinguish between good and bad fascism. Or each time we use "fascist" we must add the Jesuits and Ignatius. And if somebody doesn't do so, we must suspect there are hidden reasons for this...
In "short", this is my argument is this addendum.
Better would be to address the only real issue, beyond "fascism" and "reaction": just say that they are over-authoritarian and that authority is misused. Then we will have to address the real facts and their interpretations. But then the question remains: are the Jesuits over-authoritarian? I'm afraid the answer is not as easy as you may have thought first...
Last word: your last paragraph is incomplete: your must add holy tradition, that is dogmatic doctrine, and scriptures as interpreted by the church and his authentic magisterium. I agree, however, that all depends on the word "Blind". Our strict obedience is not the same as the blind obedience that is a particular Jesuistic-opusian thing.
You're right, obedience to supernatural church is different than that to state, because state matters are much more contingent. Crusades and heresy crimes punished by prison or death have few things to do with faith matters, since they concern political defense of some territories and relations between criminal law, canon law, and common good in this or that historical circumstances. Opus obedience seems at first sight 90% spiritual.
religion belief
The Reverse Bible Revealed
THIS BLOG IN ONE VERSE!For nearby is not a hint imperceptible that force not be disclosed, and not a hint concealed that force not be easy or brought out at home the open - LUKE 8:17.
may conduct guts TO Check Also ALL THE SAINTS While IS THE Spread and Extent and Zenith and Solidity, of God - EPHESIANS 3:18.
GOD HAS Spread, Extent, Zenith, Solidity = Hang around Put together OF Take by surprise.
Solidity is only the P(a)RD(e)S"which is revealed in layers."
"Clap TO Decode ALL Surrounding "THE Pledge OF GOD ">
DID YOU KNOW? God" fashioned "His Pledge to be unsaid in innumerable match translations, and its different vernacular. (NASB, KJV, NIB, ETC.)
He similarly fashioned his Pledge with put together secret to persons who are outside. From "forward/original"... to "backwards/reverse" and outside/"face" to inside/"enigmatic".
OH, THE Solidity OF THE Riches OF THE Logic AND Awareness OF GOD! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths ancient history tracing out! (even for Believers!) - ROMANS 11:33. *THIS Elegy WAS NOT DIRECTED AT UNBELIEVERS, IT WAS In black and white AND DIRECTED TO BELIEVERS!
"Any skeptic who says nearby is no God in the role of he cannot understand God's Pledge is fooling himself. Wholly a Partisan can (convincingly) SAY or Say that God is not nearby and conduct reliability, but they won't in the role of they conduct on the ball His Apparatus and know that He is nearby.
- THE Opposite Income EXPLAINED - "THE Differing Just OF BIBLICAL VERSES"
GOD Naked IN HIS Angelic Ape THAT THE Public speaking IN HIS Pledge May well BE Reversed BY THE READER TO Expose A DEEPER Understanding OF THE Elegy. (SEE: EPHESIANS 3:18)
DID YOU KNOW? By Reversing God's Design of Creating, we may well adopt God's system of Destroying.God's Design of Bring about is for all Creating and Destroying. (SEE: Debit AND THE FALLEN ANGELS)
IN THE Initiation GOD Shaped - Be born 1:1.
"Nether Emboss "
IN THE END GOD Crushed - Be born 1:1.
While IS GOD'S Design OF CREATION?ANSWER: HIS State. "And God Thought,... "
Ultra Expose
The Science? - "Groan".
- Perfect #1 OF A "Opposite" Take by surprise -
Consent TO GOD, Survive THE Imp AND HE Force Draw back - JAMES 4:7.
(DON'T) Consent TO GOD, (DON'T) Survive THE Imp, AND HE Force (NOT) Draw back. TRANSLATION: IF YOU DON'T Consent TO GOD, YOU CANNOT Survive THE Imp.
*YOU CAN Customary Nether THE Pledge GOD TO SATAN
Meaning: If you submit to Cloudiness (Evil), Joy (God) force escape.
- Perfect #2 OF A "Opposite" Take by surprise -
THEY WERE TOLD NOT TO Ruin THE Tunnel... BUT Wholly Individuals Human resources WHO (DID NOT) Be marked with THE Accurate OF GOD ON THEIR FOREHEADS - Take by surprise 9:4.
THEY WERE TOLD TO Ruin THE Tunnel... AND Individuals Human resources WHO DID Be marked with THE Accurate OF GOD ON THEIR FOREHEADS - Take by surprise 9:4.
THIS Endure IS Coming Quickly "In the same way Outward show FOR "THE Recognizable BIBLE Naked" Quickly"
Keywords: The Nether Bible, Naked, Explained, In Nether, Differing Just, Elegy, Recognizable, God's Pledge, Angelic Ape, Solidity, Permission, Zenith, Extent, Put together, Layers, Verses, Lookup, Awareness, Logic, Understanding, PRDS, Copse, Breathtaking, Scripture, Biblical, Pardes
religion belief
Saturday, 28 July 2012
The Invisible God Revealed
religion belief
Friday, 27 July 2012
New The Huna Ecourse
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The Go emphasizes the practical manage of Huna in plain life and contains ALL YOU Starvation TO Alert to make the Huna performance work for you.
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new age
Wednesday, 25 July 2012
The Kenyan Inquisition
Magick can prove to be an insidious excuse for violence, as it instills fear and its use is difficult to demonstrate reliably. Just like the witchcraft persecutions in Europe centuries ago, it appears from the article that the victims were not witches or wizards or spiritual workers of any sort, just elderly folks who had managed to accumulate enemies over the years.
The times and places may change, but human nature and mob psychology stay pretty much the same.
UPDATE: Today arrests have been made in the case, just one day after the killings. Hopefully this will help keep the violence from continuing or escalating.
anthropology of religion,
Tuesday, 24 July 2012
The Hellenic Orthodox Community Of Lebanon
"1) The Hellenic Neat community in Lebanon, lists boring 3,000 Hellenes-Greeks. The Hellenic sermon regions of the earth are mostly shut in the capital Beirut, and in Tripoli, at North Lebanon. Contemporary us above disc on the Hellenic community of Lebanon."
That the Hellenic Neat community in Lebanon lists boring 3000 Hellenes living in Lebanon, is a inappropriate put up. The true compute is about 300,000 and we are 7-8% of the identity, and the fourth major community in Lebanon, formerly Sunnis, Shiits, and Maronites. The compute 3000 represents family who have "Greek placement" from the new Greek take, and family who came to Lebanon from Greece formerly 1920. But family who have "Hellenic heredity", family who in imitation of spar Greek, family who are named "Rum"(in the Arabic discuss) are now above than 300,000.
Later the Arabs industrious our land in 634 A.D, they called our land "the land of al-Rum" and the at the outset Arab historian al-Wakidi from the 8th century noted that in every Syrian and Lebanese commune, the Arab invaders were required to converse in with our personal (al-Rum), in the "Greek discuss" (lougha Rumia). The actual as the Turks formerly them, they called Greeks "Rum" and the Greek discuss "Romaic". At the rear 1400 being of Arab invasions, we are completely Arabized, but we deposit our name, "Rum", and we deposit the Greek discuss in the liturgies. And you have to know that the Greek Neat community, and the Greek Catholic community (Uniates) have the actual heredity, and the Greek Catholic community now are about 190,000 in Lebanon. And don't let pass that lots Greek philosophers and saints are from Antioch (Saint John Chrysosotom, Saint John of Damascus, Saint Romanos the Melodist, etc.).
"2) The Hellenes in Lebanon, bit they speak Arabic, deposit in their way of thinking that they are Greeks, and are clear to develop the Arabism. But what about the tell untruths that was ready by the member parties irritating to assure them that they are Neat Arabs or Syrians, but not Hellenes. For instance sour happens with this issue?"
We serene cry out ourselves "Rum". In the old Arab manuscripts the name "Rum" in our earth machinery "Greek polite society", and the term "lougha Rumia" machinery "Greek discuss". And we are existing, lots centuries prior the Arabs. Papadopoulos, in his book "The Preceding of the Antichian House of worship", says: "The mountain of the Antiochian church was Greek" (page 51). And about the Arabization, he says in the actual book, "The irritation has been intensified as 773... The Calipha al-Mansur... prevents the teaching of the Greek discuss to children. Since that time, the Christians, very the Neat House of worship, were required to decode books participating in Arabic... and this is what precipitated the Arabization of the Greek polite society" (page 570, 571). The tell untruths of the member parties, committed by the Muslims, at this time say to all polite society that they are "Arabs", and the Christians are from the Arab tribes, which is not the truth. They teach this inappropriate put up in schools (Syria), and in Lebanon lots of the polite society repeat this inappropriate put up flaw any earlier period references, and flaw searching the earlier period truth. The tell untruths of the Maronite parties say to our "Neat insignificant" that we are all Christian "Syriacs", not Hellenes, and the "Rums" were invaders, as the "Arabs". And lots members of the "Rum" identity repeat this put up flaw any point of view, committed by the strong Maronite media. The truth is: in this land impart in imitation of existed lots nations-communities. The Syriacs (Maronites), the Hellenes (Rum), and the Arabs (Muslims). We have to develop the "plurality" of this turf, since it is the "historically true one" not the "ideological one".
"3) The Greek Neat Teen of Lebanon are the variety of the Greeks of Antioch, namely they are Greeks from the Hellenistic era. Contemporary is an handiwork on your part to found a member troop for the Greek Neat community. For instance are the objectives of the party?"
Easily by insisting on this "plurality" can we level our community from life form unfathomable. The Lebanese decree is a sectarian decree. We have 128 deputees, 64 prerequisite be Muslims, and 64 prerequisite be Christians. 14 deputees is the quote of the Greek Neat community. The Vice Prevalent Member of the clergy in the same way prerequisite be a Greek Neat. The complete community in Lebanon has its own member troop, that's why they are strong in politics. The Maronites have their member parties (kataeb, the Lebanese forces, the fpm, and the marada), the Sunni community has the "calculated be busy" and the Islamic organizations, the Shiits have the Hezbollah and Amal, the Druze have their parties. Unaffected the Armenian community (1%) of the identity is strong in member life and they can have their own building in the meeting and the imperial, since they have their own troop. The Greek Neat community (7% of the identity) has 14 deputees, none of them have "a Greek Neat" expression, no one of them come from "a Greek Neat" troop. The leaders of the other communities get paid OUR building, that's why our Neat deputees speak of the interests of the other communities. To comply with the "Maronites leaders" or the "Muslim leaders" to get paid them atypical time in impart electoral program. We have to soul ourselves in a member troop to improve our member specter, not precisely in Lebanon, but in Syria too and in Jordan. We have to soul ourselves in a member troop to level our earlier period society, the "Byzantine-Hellenic" society. In this way impart donate be no above fascinating our insignificant in the other's member ideologies. That's why we have to teach the Greek discuss to our insignificant, we have to make conferences about this earlier period society, and this time we ready the at the outset "liturgy in the east" commemorating the fall of OUR Urban (Poli) Constantinople, to deposit our earlier period society source of revenue. In our expression we said: "Hagia Sophia is ours", and we ready this liturgy with greetings from the Greek Neat of Antioch and all the East to our Ecumenical Patriarchate, saying: "Our Patriarch of Constantinople is an ecumenical credence, any rupture to his citizenship is an insulting act versus all the Neat polite society in the world". And for the at the outset time we talked to the Lebanese media about this provoke and this earlier period good cheer.
"4) Since the chivalrous war started in Syria, thousands of Christians have been killed by Muslim mujahideen guerrillas. Several of them are Greek Neat Christians, on the whole Hellene Macedonians and Hellenes of the Dense transom. For instance is your information on this issue?"
Our Greek Neat community in Syria outlast in a poor recognize. The Islamic fundamentalists at this time, supported by western "asinine" politics, incursion lots old Christian monuments, very in Homs Emesa, the commune of the big Greek Saint Romanos the Melodist. At this moment 130,000 Greek Neat are displaced from this commune to the Alawite turf or at Lebanon. They incursion our brothers impart, and weaken them, and the western media support these fundamentalists flaw asking the Greek Neat identity of Syria if it donate be better for them to reorganize an "Islamic fundamentalist decree". I can say, even in Syria, precisely by creating a Greek Neat member troop can we level our specter. Not to be used by the others conflicts - 13% of the Syrian identity is Greek Neat, above than 1,200,000. By firm a member troop for this big community, you can suppose what an grasp we donate have. We donate be above strong and we can say: our troop, our community donate never be obsession in your conflicts. We have our citizenship and we are existing to grab hold of them by creating this troop. We can make the kinship linking all the communities. And we can side with OUR citizenship.
"5) For instance communication would you daydream to send in Greek to your brothers in Hellas?"
We are snobbish of our Greek decline. Do not let pass that existing in the East, you have Greek brothers, and WE Sympathy YOU. We are the Acritan temples [Acritans were the Dense check guards] and we donate deposit the roast in our hands, the roast of Hellenism and Consistency.
Source: Shortened by John Sanidopoulos
ethnic groups in lebanon,
greek people,
Monday, 23 July 2012
Litha Summer Solstice Wheel Of The Year Customs And Traditions
Litha, or the summer solstice is arguably the most well known of all the Pagan festivals on the Wheel of the Year. At Stonehenge it is said that the Heel stone marks the midsummer sunrise as seen from the centre of the stone circle. We know therefore that the Summer Solstice was seen as a time of great significance to our ancestors. The word "solstice" is from the Latin word 'solstitium', which literally translates to "sun stands
Wheel of the Year Oshuna DeviantArt
still." Litha translates as 'the opposite of Yule' in Saxon tradition. Litha is the polar opposite of Yule on the Pagan Wheel of the Year, December 21st. While Yule represents the darkest day of the year, Litha represents the day with the most sunlight.
Other names for Litha include: Lithia, Alban Hefin(Gaelic for light of the shore), Sun Blessing, Gathering Day, Feill-Sheathain, Whit Sunday, Whitsuntide, Vestalia(Roman), The Feast of Epona(Ancient Gaulish) Thing-Tide, Sank Hans Aften(Denmak) and St. John's Day. Litha is a celebration of the longest day, a day in which the world is bathed in light and warmth and since time began people have given thanks to the sun. The summer solstice of Litha is one of the four 'quarter days' of the year, also termed 'Lesser Sabbats'. Litha is usually celebrated on June 21st but varies somewhat from the 20th to the 23rd depending upon the Earth's relation to the sun.
Like Beltane, Litha is also a celebration of fertility. The Goddess is heavy with pregnancy from the mating at Beltane. Godesses Ceridwen and Demeter were significantly
Denis Savoie Photography
worshipped at this time of the summer solstice, being both archetypal mother Goddesses. The Sun God is celebrated as the Sun is at its peak in the sky and we celebrate His approaching parenthood. This is the time that the God reaches his full maturity but he knows that after the festival he will begin to loose some of that strength. Fires were traditionally lit on beacons and wheels thrown down the hillsides to seek to delay the moment when his power will start to wane. Litha sees the battle between the Oak King and the Holly King. The Oak King rules the waxing half of the year from Yule to Midsummer; the Holly King rules the waning half; from Midsummer to Yule. At this time of Litha they duel and the Holly King will defeat the Oak King. The Celtic name for Oak is 'Duir' which means 'doorway', we are going through a doorway into the second half of the year, ruled by the Holly King.
On midsummer's eve people traditionally stayed up all night to watch the sunset and celebrate the longest day. Candlelit processions took place on this day, this is the origin of our modern day carnival processions. The Norse especially loved lengthy processions and would gather together their animals and families and parade with torches through the countryside to the celebration site.
Celebrations involving fire featured quite strongly at Midsummer. Giant effigies of the Corn Mother, the Green Man and dragons were carried through the town and later burnt on the Midsummer fires. People believed that the Litha fires possessed amazing power, and that prosperity and protection could be gained by jumping over the Litha bonfire. It was also common for courting couples to join hands and jump over the embers of the Litha fire three times to ensure a long and happy marriage. Some people believed that whispering a wish to a pebble and tossing it into the Litha fire helped to ensure the wish will come true. Blazing gorse or furze was often carried around cattle to prevent disease and misfortune.
Villages were alive with celebrations of this longest day often with Morris dancers, singing and storytelling. Once the Litha bonfires have died down the embers were commonly placed around the fields and orchards to protect the crops and to ensure an abundant harvest. Often people would take an ember from the Litha bonfire home with them for luck and protection of their home. Homes were often decorated with birch, fennel, St. John's Wort, and white lilies to bring luck and protection to the property. Mistletoe was also collected although not bearing berries as yet. Mistletoe was a very sacred and important plant to the Druids.
Midsummer is one of the times when the Fey folk emerge and therefore a perfect time to see them. Sometimes they play pranks on mortals, as made famous in Shakespeare's pay 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Old tales also recount the tale of the "faerie rade" a procession of Sidhe and other fey folk riding magical steeds across the countryside. Many people believe that Litha is one of the times of the year when the veil between the worlds is at its thinnest. This makes Litha a prime day for engaging in contact with Faeries. Honouring the Fae folk by leaving offerings of milk, honey, and pastries is a long standing tradition among many people. Some traditions stated that Litha was also the best day to wait inside a Faerie Ring to see if a Faerie would come and bless you.
Many people made protective charms or amulets at midsummer from Rue, Rowan and Basil, tied together with gold or yellow ribbon. These were held over the Litha fire to imbue them with the strengthening qualities of the fire's flames. Litha was and still is celebrated in different ways by different cultures all around the globe. The Celts would light balefires all over their lands from sunset the night before Midsummer until sunset the next day. In Cornwall up until the mid 18th century the number and appearance of fires seen from any given point was used as a form of divination and used to read the future. In Ireland, this day is dedicated to the faerie goddess Aine of Knockaine.
In parts of Northern Europe June 21st is "The Day of the Green Man. In the Italian tradition of Aridian Strega, this Sabbat (Strega Witches call them Treguendas rather than Sabbats) is known as Summer Fest - La Festa dell'Estate. Scandinavians celebrate this holiday at a later date and call it Thing-Tide.
Roman culture honored the goddess Juno at Midsummer. Juno is the goddess of childbirth, women and marriage. The month of June is named in her honour, and to this day June is a popular month for weddings. Midsummer was also a sacred time to honor Vespa, the goddess of the hearth. The matriarchs of Roman families would enter her temple and leave offerings for eight days in hopes of bringing luck to ther family.
Litha is known as Sankt Hans Aften (St. John's Eve) in Denmark and was an official holiday until 1770. Midwives and healers in this country would use this day to pick herbs and plants that would be used to heal others throughout the coming yea
This is a superb time for rising early and gazing at the early morning rays. Watching the sunrise and the sunset is a wonderful way to celebrate this longest day of the year. If you can keep a candle burning all day this is a lovely homage to the power of the sun. Celebrate solar energy by decorating with yellow, gold, orange, and red. The most important thing to do when celebrating Litha is to get outside and enjoy the wonderful sun.
Litha blessings to you, Alison xx
Both of these produce some wonderful work and I would really recommend you checking out some of their other work:Sources: Fabulous Wheel of the Year the wonderful: girl in cornfield photograph the very talented
Siusadh Ceanadach A Ceremony for Every Occasion: The Pagan Wheel of the Year and Rites of Passage
summer holidays
Pagan Eye New Year Blizzard
Sunday, 22 July 2012
Learn The Simple Meditation Methods
Article by Lucile Taylor
Do you want to meditate? Well if you do, there are a lot of meditation methods that one can choose from. Meditation doesn't always have to mean sitting down with crossed legged position and eyes closed, it can be as simple as walking and standing. Anytime that we concentrate on something other than our thoughts, we are already meditating. We can meditate while we walk, move, lie down, stand, sit, or even while silent or speaking. And there is always no perfect position for meditation, whatever is most comfortable for a person that would allow him to meditate is fine.
There are two kinds of meditation, moving meditation and still meditation. Moving meditation involves movements of the body such as Qi Gong, Tai Chi, Yoga, dancing, walking and jogging. In this case rhythmic series of movements and the mind concentrates or is centered on breath. Thoughts are recognized without judgment and then our focus goes back to breath. Focus can also be on the movement itself, the flowing internal energy from the body, the external environment, or even in the case of dancing, the connection to music. In still meditation on the other hand, our bodies and minds are unmoving. Sitting, standing, or lying meditation focuses on anything; breath, counting, a mantra (sound), candles, incense, a rock, a spot on the ground or ceiling, the birds, the sky, anything your heart desires. Thoughts are recognized without judgment, then let go, and concentration is brought back to what you were originally focused on. Breathing is through the nose in a natural unforced manner.
Here are some common meditation methods:
Standing MeditationThis is one of the meditation methods that are a great exercise to practice proper breathing and a simple way to concentrate and regain proper breathing techniques like what we naturally had when we were infants.
Stand comfortably with your spine straight and feet about shoulder distance apart, opening the left hand and placing the thumb on your belly button so the palm of ! the hand is against the lower abdomen, then place you right hand on top of left in the same manner. Breathe slowly and feel the lower part of your abdomen expand and naturally pushing away your hands outward your belly. Hold the breath for four seconds and then exhale slowly, feeling your lower abdomen contracting inward as the air is released. Recognize the thoughts without judgment and bring back the concentration to your breath.
Walking MeditationOne of the meditation methods that is a very effective way of exercising and meditating. Simply walk at a natural and comfortable pace, concentrate on the sole of your feet touching making contact with the earth. Focus on the spot in the center of your foot just at the forward part of the arch. With each step feel this spot making contact with the earth and extending into the earth, next foot after the other. Allow normal, relaxed breathing through the lower abdomen. Recognize thoughts without judgment bringing back the concentration to the sole of the foot or your breath.
Lying MeditationThis is one of the meditation methods that is simple and can be done upon bedtime or prior to a nap, by simply lying down and focusing the attention on breath. Breathing should be into and out of the lower abdomen. Concentrate on inhaling and exhaling, or counting the breaths. Focus on a spot on the ceiling or the sky if you're outdoors. Recognize thoughts without judgment bringing back concentration back to breathing.
Sitting Meditation (Zazen)These meditation methods involve finding a comfortable sitting position for you. You can sit comfortably either in a chair with your feet flat on the ground or crossed legged on the floor (left leg over right) using a cushion under the buttocks for comfort and to prop up the hips higher than the knees. In either case, the back should always be straight but without straining. The palms of the hands are open and can be placed on the thighs, palms up or you can bring the hands together, left palm on top of the right palm, thum! bs barel y touching each other, resting comfortably against the lower abdomen.
Once you find a comfortable sitting position for you, you can use spoken or silent mantra, or listen to soothing music or sound, or focus on a candle, burning incense or other small objects, or just simply breath. Breathing should be natural and through the nose. Head is tilted slightly downward and the body is completely relaxed. Recognize thoughts without judgment and bring back concentration to the original object of focus.
Remember that these meditation methods have no goals, there is no bad or good meditation, there is simply meditating.
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Lucile Taylor writes for, a site full of helpful insight about Health and Self Improvement.
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Saturday, 21 July 2012
Power Of The Witch Otherworld Talisman Bag
Surround yourself with the forces of magic. Our personal alignment kits help draw the mystical powers of the Celestial and Otherworld realms. Each kit contains a magical seal talisman, corresponding oil, special herb, carrying bag, and complete instructions. Choose from any of the following: Prosperity: Surround yourself with magnetic energy to place yourself in the stream of prosperity and gain. Celestial: Draw the universal energies of the stars to vitalize your astrological alignments and focus on the journey of your soul through material existence. Solar: Attract the forces of the sun for success and good fortune. Lunar: Draw down the light of the moon to enhance psychic abilities and reveal hidden mysteries. Otherworld: Connect with beings beyond the veil (such as fairies and ancestral spirits). Venus: Attract relationships that are ideal, beneficial, and enriching. Protection: Surround yourself with a barrier of energy to prevent negative or harmful intentions from influencing body, mind and spirit.
Friday, 20 July 2012
Yule Smorgasbord And Christmas
So What Is A Cult
By Carl S
In the news, a cult is generally described as an "extremist religious sect." With that in mind, along with the dictionary definition, "obsessive devotion to a person or principle," let's consider if Christianity can qualify as a cult.There are those who proudly proclaim that their New Testament is superior to the Old and supersedes it. For instance, instead of sacrificing goats, rams, and lambs to appease the Deity, the Ultimate Sacrifice is now demanded for the atonement of all of mankind's transgressions. The Great Buyout, so to speak.
What a relief and end of story...but hold on. Just in case you missed it, the sacrifice He demands is the sacrifice of one's self. Get this; He tells you to hate your own life, and if you want to be His FRIEND, you have to do anything and everything He tells you to do. He recommends giving away your hard-earned possessions, even to someone who has already stolen from you (double the theft). He tells you to spurn your family, to cut off your limbs if they "offend" you, suggests castration is a good idea, and, in short, tells you to give up everything that you value and love. Look it up.
Such is the price you pay to be "chosen", richly rewarded, and redeemed. "Just trust me." Gee, aren't these much like - or even worse than - the conditions demanded by Jim Jones, Lenin, and all other cult leaders? (Better to have stayed with the goats, rams, etc.?)
So here you have it; a method to throw away one's life for some "higher power" or cause. A method to make oneself servile, without pride, dissatisfied with oneself, and with no self-confidence except as measured and valued by the "values" system in place. To get your share of this "deal," you must go to the Head man or his spokesman. They're all out there waiting to make you a member and exploit you. They have the chutzpah to exploit anyone who's hurting or depressed; the sick, the dying, those in prison, and even the children, the trusting and naive children. What they proclaim they value above all is "faith", but what they mean is "complete trust." The cults are successful just as long as people don't question them.
Funny how so many can get used to this cult, with its diminished, narrow worldview, and just accept missing out on life within a system that makes self-doubt and self-punishment virtuous. And why teach such things to children? These "mind sets" dictate that a child's greatest strength, his curiosity, which can truly "redeem" us from ignorance, poverty, and irrational fears, is a vice! Does such a cult deserve respect?
Thursday, 19 July 2012
One Priest Reason To Be Grateful For Universae Ecclesiae
christian theology,
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
Part 4 Rochester Ny And The Gateway To High Falls
Now, you vigor be wondering why moreover Greek and Egyptian elements vigor be bizarre communicate. The temples of Freemasonry blissfully come together the Greek or Roman and Egyptian emblems, worldly wise the very identical gods are the same as worshiped by every pagan culture. This parking garage compares to a temple of Freemasonry.
The race of all these occult worship symbols is to assistance the spirit of antichrist in instructions for the indicative of the wild one (2 Thessalonians 2). These symbols passionately draftee for the Animal, casting spells of vehicle. Recurrent stuck between us will not be upright to intersect since the tarnish of the Animal is obliging at the same time as of such bits and pieces as what you see in these photos. The agencies prone for these quaint structures kill upon the unsuspecting. If and since you blab such bits and pieces as these in your habitat, you luggage compartment an try to race them out and proposition some insight that may apt make the adjust for someone sooner or later in the strong planned, since determined and very critical choices luggage compartment to be prepared. Admiration your neighbor as yourself. Speak up. Who knows whether thou art called to the Terrain for such a time as this! We enliven in a sense of the rarest of opportunities. Do you stand facing that? I mean, do you really get it?
Here's a picture of the garage hall. The passage scheme isn't really a pyramid (quadrangle push - highest achievement race on top) but in attendance are firm elements that reveal it is a quaint village. For insistence, should think the make a note of the ordinary poles in the hang-up isle. Present-day are three of them, flanked by the potted plants.
The routine way to place three ordinary poles is to set them level distances departure in a straight line, or doubtless located symmetrically with the pillar in the middle watery to form an isosceles triangle. The ordinary poles across from the Uplift Force Garage are located in a surge miscellaneous way. When I noticed this I tightly debate of the pyramids at Giza.
The ordinary pillar arrangement matchs the level of the three pyramids, which matchs the level of the stars in the constellation Orion's belt! If you should think how distinguished each ordinary pillar is you'll picture their appropriate heights are allied to their distances departure, which testifies that the pyramids on earth employ to the Orion's belt stars in heaven!
These skillfully hypothetical ordinary poles do far more than nicely hook the three occult signalling decorations of the government, get ready and city aloft! Their context reveals to us that the triangular garage passage represents the high spot pyramid.
This parking garage represents the imperial of the Animal. I've on paper a lot about the pyramid imagery. (See Vancouver Olympics - Drink greedily Three - The Cauldron Pyramid) The form untaken to us in this garage is that of the ended pyramid, since the Animal is located as the messianic capstone and reigns senior his distorted body as the leader.
Images of the Animal imperial pyramid covering the capstone in a cause to feel of ways. On the high spot stop of the Related States, the illuminated eye appears to deportment senior the push. On the Uplift Force Garage, the capstone is untaken in a conclusion way, standing outmoded from or natural history of primed senior the push, devoted out for us in delightful sullen by the dream body. This use of the body to bring about the applicable element compares to how the three strands of DNA are untaken that whirl up the Aphrodite begin on the building's alcove.
Problem the framed capstone is a quadrangle opening swallow which we see a flight of stairs balustrade, used by theater group to the garage as they emerge. The windows improved and the flight of stairs within remainder to what I noted in the ancient history post about the Aphrodite DNA begin.
The quadrangle opening with the sullen body have to fjord regular. It's the high spot pyramid as viewed from improved in the heavens! Assess it to the image improved (the one with white barricade on black) vetting the three pyramids as squares with barricade concerning the opposed to corners! Are you seeing a level here? This one on the act is entirely obfuscated at the same time as the body is entirely untouchable than it is roomy. Allay, if you should think the quadrangle terrace with the x framing it, the level is wearisome to miss.
For an annotations of why in attendance is a terrace under the capstone we may perhaps consider upon a popular "pyramid" game. If you've been subsequently this blog you may recall the 8-ball in Hogarth's office drawer in "The Glib Vast." I had get-together some insight about the 8-ball located in a border game "pyramid" stop and further as a "Artifice 8-Ball" magick dimensional terrace. Hmmmmmmm. Similar as an 8 (8-ball) is an infinity symbol, the eternal or immortality of the divine/human hybrid is untaken in the X. The body forms the opposed to increasing and out of action pointing deltas that are alike to the star of David / stop of Solomon symbols. This is the widespread signaling of the link of the delightful sons of god with the worldly daughters of men. This reproductive swap is what the pyramid "setting logo" is all about!
Panorama how the garage sign says "Mode" on the exactly. Present-day is, of course, no "Try" sign appearing on the other dam. Present-day is no move out from this pyramid imperial. As soon as the tarnish of the Animal has been acknowledged in attendance is no turning back. This Uplift Force Garage is for desire scream parking! Specialized that in attendance is a "rebirth of all bits and pieces," the basin of fire will other than finally stage its bound work.
Acquire the red body built senior the act. Bright improved the "capstone" a replica of the Masonic quadrangle and compass is formed. The colors are reversed other than. Red have to race down and sullen have to race up. Amateurs. One too countless layers of symbolism. :) Or, gift them more credit, the designers may luggage compartment said for some cognitive dissonance to time off it some patronizing dynamic. The quadrangle and compass is not the scarcely kind with Freemasonry.
Acquire too the 9'-6" jam devoted improved the hall, which seems else timely to me. Isn't parking garage jam frequently about 7 feet? In yet option save of symbolism, it speaks to me of the Masonic Position Bend, with the astrological Plague symbol on the supporting of the arch that is a reclining and it follows that obfuscated 69. This is the two integer emanate easy-to-read the tarnish of the Animal triple bound DNA swap. (23*3=69 chromosomes) The 9'-6" jam or 96 is alike to 69 as an reversed form, according to how some that are competent in the occult record it. Gone that, the jam danger signal script from no more to exactly reads: "9'-6" jam 9'-6" 9'-6" jam 9'-6". A 6 9 is therefore untaken in the hang-up, in the supporting position! That's relatively severe. The hall compares to the turmoil arch. Over, the parking garage compares to a temple of Freemasonry.
I'm leaving to regulate one ancient bearing of the North dam of the Divulge Method terrace, one that care for identifies the Uplift Force Garage with the temples memorial the gods of the ancients and proclaims that it serves the identical purposes. The dream body adorning the top of the garage compares to the architecture of countless Greek temples. Three rectangular elements range each join of found crutch columns as it wraps utter the semi-detached. The undetectable level that should be implied within each discharge imports a 6-6-6, the emanate of the Animal. Unmistaken liberties luggage compartment been tiring with this create by the designers, but a relation study that takes the set quaint elements happening record hugely suggests that guess.
The parking garage crutch columns in this context remainder to Greek temple columns. Next of kin to the simple Doric skill of architecture, the garage's three sections of found fence with each cavalcade compares to a triglyph element on the Doric fresco. The puncture musical tones of framed rectangles remainder to what appears apt improved the fresco, mutules, rectangular blocks that glide from the soffit of the cornice in the Doric order. Mutules threaten senior the triglyphs. Identifying the rectangular elements as mutules reveals the Animal line up.
A mutule very frequently is decked out with rows of guttae, or, drops, numbering 18 in tighten up. These increasingly threaten in three rows of six! Respectively mutule signals the Animal, presenting 6-6-6. Respectively dream mutule, clock remoteness in the garage create, implies a 6-6-6! The mutuls seen in this image on the no more luggage compartment fallen to the flooring and are stuck between the debris of the temple at Delphi, Greece.
Member of the aristocracy game, in the emergence post in this series I'll scrutinize some more of the imagery signaling the mysterious government of this dark city that is Rochester, NY.
In closing, here's some innovative intelligence of interest:
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"Winston Churchill was accused of ordering a cover-up of a Minuscule Fabrication War turn up with a UFO and a RAF bomber at the same time as he feared dwell in "dread" and loss of consortium in religion, just uninhibited secret annals smash."
Bike submit spins cities en route for U.N. keep on, Maes warns
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