"COMMEMORATED ON APRIL 14The Sanctified Martyrs Anthony, John, and Eustathius were brothers who suffered for Christ under the Lithuanian Fierce Prince Olgerd (1345-1377). The prince was married to the Sheep princess Maria Yaroslavna (+ 1346). He was baptized and stylish his wife's existence he official the preaching of Christianity. Two brothers, Nezhilo and Kumets, traditional holy Naming from the priest Nestor, and they traditional the names Anthony and John. And at the regulation of Maria Yaroslavna an Sheep church was built at Vilnius (VILNA). Late the death of his ensemble, Prince Olgerd began to yield the pagan priests of the fire-worshippers, who started a annoyance adjoining Christians. Sts John and Anthony endeavored not to put on show their Christianity, but they did not watch pagan background. They did not cut their hair as the pagans did, and on fastdays they did not eat unlawful foods. The prince at full tilt became watchful of the brothers, so he interrogated them and they confessed themselves Christians. Next he demanded that they eat principal (IT WAS A FAST DAY). The holy brothers refused, and the prince assure them up in detain. The brothers no more an widespread rendezvous behind bars. John took terror at the imminent tortures and confirmed that he would admiration all the force of the Fierce Prince. The frenzied Olgerd limitless the brothers and brought them to himself. But Anthony did not lie to Christ. In the past he refused to eat principal on a fast day, the prince over assure him up in detain and subjected him to unstoppable tortures. The other brother remained free, but each Christians and pagans regarded him as a agent and would not distinguish with him. Remorseful of his sin, John went to the priest Nestor and entreated him to ask his brother to make allowances for him. "IN THE PAST HE CANDIDLY CONFESSES CHRIST, WE MOVEMENT BE RECONCILED," Anthony replied. Once, instant plateful the prince at the bathe, St John spoke furtively with him about his reconciliation with the Religious. Olgerd did not put together any audacity and made-up that he may well assume in Christ, but must claim himself assume all the pagans. Next St John confessed himself a Christian in the specter of assorted courtiers. They attack him vehemently with rods and sent him to his brother in detain. The martyrs met with joy, and traditional the Sanctified Mysteries that awfully day. Heaps residents went to the detain to see the new confessor. The brothers influenced normal to Christ by their preaching. The detain was renewed happening a Christian school. The hesitant pagan priests demanded the execution of the brothers, but they did not hopelessness death. On the birth of April 14, 1347 the Injured person Anthony was hanged on a tree on one occasion party the Sanctified Mysteries. This oak, which the pagans willful sacred, became greatly sacred for Sheep Christians. The pagan priests who hoped that Christian preaching would crack with the death of St Anthony, were disconcert. A pack of the residents gathered before the fortifications of the detain where St John was crux held. On April 24, 1347 they strangled him and hanged his dead stature upon the awfully oak. The venerable bodies of each martyrs were immersed by Christians in the church of St Nicholas the Wonderworker. A third victim for Christ was their appropriate Kruglets. At Naming the priest Nestor named him Eustathius. Kruglets stood out the same as of his charm, courage and confidence, but even ended the same as of his compassion and honesty of hub. A partiality of Olgerd, he may well tally on a very promising emergence. So far, he excessively refused to eat principal at the festal propose. St Eustathius candidly confirmed that he was a Christian and would not eat principal the same as of the Nativity Promptly. They began to attack him with level rods, but the adolescents did not make a form. The prince tried educating the pain. Olgerd gave instructions to skin the object naked, maintain him out on the path and to classes icy water in his maw. But this did not break his spirit. Next they broke his ankle bones, and ripped the hair and go into hiding from his shallowness, and cut off his ears and source. St Eustathius endured the torments with such gladness and pick, that the very torturers themselves were baffled by the divine power which strengthened him. The object Eustathius was sentenced to death and hanged on the awfully oak where Sts John and Anthony traditional a martyr's death (DECEMBER 13, 1347). For three days no one was allowed to maintain down the stature of the object, and a scaffold of fog get hold of it from flora and fauna and beasts of extract. A church was past built on the mound where the holy martyrs suffered. The trinity of venerable compel bearers glorified the true God worshipped in the Sanctified Trinity, Initiation and Son and Sanctified Deity. The church was passionate to the Utmost Sanctified Trinity. The altar propose was built on the fool of the sacred oak on which the martyrs died. Hastily their ruins were found to be incorrupt. In 1364 Patriarch Philotheus of Constantinople (1354-1355, 1364-1376) sent a annoyed with the ruins of the holy martyrs to St Sergius of Radonezh (SEPTEMBER 25). The Religious location the celebration of all three martyrs on April 14. The holy martyrs were of considerable maintain for all the Western border. Vilnius's monastery of the Sanctified Trinity, where the holy ruins are detached, became a support of Obedience on this border. In 1915 stylish the invasion of the Germans, these ruins were full of activity to Moscow. The ruins of the holy passion-bearers were returned to the Vilnius Sanctified Deity monastery in 1946. The memory of their return (JULY 13) is soberly observed at the monastery each rendezvous.TROPARION - Song 4 You who cling to rejected earthly family name and recognition,Burly and entitlement combatants,You exactingly and courageously suffered torments for the possibility,You cling to died for the life of all for the Master.Therefore Christ excessively gleefully encircles you with a fog scaffold from illusionAnd honors and crowns you with crowns from the throne of glory:Authority before Him with the angels, pray to rescue our souls.KONTAKION - Song 3 Released from the caring delusions O Saints, you were led to Christ:By the diligence of all your souls you put human usefulness to death.And so attaining the capture of true family name,Continually pray to our Master for us all.SOURCE:"SAINT OR Public holiday POSTED THIS Observe 2009(with 2008's gather just about excessively):"
Friday, 29 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Mt 2816 20 I Am With You Always
"(Click here for readings)"
"Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always until the end of the age."
These words, recorded in the Gospel of St. Matthew, are the final words of our Lord. They are a reminder of who we are called to be "(disciples)", of what we are called to do "(make disciples)" and who called us in the first place "(I am with you always)".
There were only Eleven back then. Today, there are over one billion. Not all with the same enthusiasm or zeal as the first Eleven, but many observing what the Lord commanded: "Love of God and love of neighbor."
"I will be with you till the end of the age. How comforting these words are. They are the inspiration in every marriage ceremony, "I will be with you till the end of my life" or "till death do us part. These words bind a couple together, allowing the two to become one, an imperfect reflection of the Holy Trinity, that eventually, nine months later, is completed with the arrival of a third person. "I will be with you till the end of the age" is extremely comforting. I am not alone. I have never been alone. I have always been loved. I have always been with Him.
I still remember the fear I felt in my heart just moments after telling my boss I was quitting work so as to enter the seminary. Nothing could bring me peace, not even prayer. But I knew in my heart I had been called, and I knew in my heart I would have no peace if I did not do this. And yet, the fear still held on to me. When I returned to my office and packed my belongings, I picked up a Christian Bible that had been left (I guess for me) by my retired co-worker. At that moment I remembered something that St. Augustine and Thomas Merton had done during their discernment process. They picked up their Bible, closed their eyes, asked the Lord what He wanted from them, opened the Bible and placed their finger on the opened page. Then they opened their eyes and looked to see what God's Will was for them. It worked for them; I was hoping it would work for me. I said my prayer, opened the Bible and opened my eyes. The page was nearly empty. My finger had fallen upon the Gospel of Matthew, his last Chapter, and the second to last verse. "Go, therefore...and baptize...and I am with you always until the end of the age. The fear was gone. I closed the Bible and continued to pack. I never spoke about it to anyone. Who would fully understand this miracle that had taken place just for me?
Of course my life has never been the same again. I have met so many people ever since I left my career, my possessions, my country, my home and family. I have baptized and put to rest so many souls. I have feed more than five thousand people with the Blessed Sacrament, the Bread of Life. Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation the Lord has forgiven more sins through me than through the Apostles! It is true what Jesus said, "You will do more than I did. "Of course it is always "through Him, in Him and with Him. "
"I am with you always "is our guarantee in life. It is our guarantee in marriage. It is our guarantee in the priesthood. It is the only guarantee that makes life worth living.
Now go and make disciples; complete the picture! Allow the two to become one and the three coming to perfection.
"I am with you always" means there is work that must be completed.
Source: 33witches.blogspot.com
religion belief,
Monday, 25 June 2012
The Annual Black Cat Panic
Patti sent sent a concerned email to the West Texas Humane Society, and copied it to the news channel.
A few days after she received the following from Mary Hatfield, President of the West Texas Humane Society, in response to her email:
"As president of the Humane Society of West Texas, I most humbly apologize for the remark that a Humane Society volunteer made associating Wiccan beliefs with animal sacrifice and torture. It is certainly not the official position of the Humane Society nor any other animal rescue organization that Wiccans or members of any other neo-pagan religion are cruel or inhumane. The remark was motivated more by nervousness on the part of the volunteer than any opinion or idea about Wiccans (and let's also not say that such cruelty is the work of mischievous kids. Behavior like that goes far beyond mischief into misdeameanor and felony.).Along with others in my organization, I have a great appreciation for earth-centered and life-centered beliefs and practices and feel Wicca has made valuable contributions to our culture and to our discourse about how we should live on this planet. I feel our organizations are natural allies.I so profoundly and deeply apologize for the remark."
I only hope that this apology was made public on the same paper, not simply sent as a private email to Patti. Arght, we still have to face this kind of misinformation... Pagans are still related as animal sacrifice lovers! I understand that at this time of the year pet adoption's centers do have to be more careful because some people, who have nothing to do with the Old Path, do take these poor little creatures to be tortured - gods know how cruel and twisted some minds can be - specially on Halloween night. But Hello?! Let's read more, please. Most of us (let's not talk about those above-mentioned cruel&twisted minds) loves and respects all kinds of animals, and would never harm a pet, it goes against everything we believe!
social issues
Are You The One
John the Baptizer, in Matthew's passage, was in a similar dire situation: imprisoned and about to be martyred. He sends his friends to Jesus to ask a point-blank question, "Are you the One, or are we to look for another?" The implication is that John was in a bit of a doubtful mode. He'd spent the whole of his short life and ministry as the one who prepared the way for this man, who apparently was his own cousin. Early on, John was convinced that Jesus was Messiah, the One who, with fire and judgment, would set things right with the corrupt Jewish religious establishment in Jerusalem. Jesus hadn't, so far, displayed that sort of dramatic action. These days, however, John wasn't so sure if Jesus really was the One. So he sends his delegation to Jesus to seek clarification.
Jesus never gives him a "Yes" or a "No". He simply advises John and the others to look around and see what was happening, what was being done among the people: the blind were seeing, the crippled and maimed were regaining their mobility, those considered unclean were being completely restored. The answer to John's question, and surely to us who often ask the same question, seems pretty obvious. Or is it?
John Indermark makes this thoughtful observation:
"We may not ask Jesus outright, 'Are you the one?' Although occasionally when things go haywire at church or in our personal lives or in the world at large, maybe we do indirectly. Maybe we imply 'Are you the one?' when the question on our lips or minds is 'Is this all there is?' Maybe we wonder 'Are you the one?' when innocents perish or relationships unravel or health deteriorates, and all we can get out of our mouths and spirits is 'What's up with this?' For if Jesus is the one, they why all of this? Should we be looking for something or someone else? "
"Challenging questions, to be sure -- as challenging as life itself. God in Christ is not offended or angered by our asking them, any more than Jesus was offended or angered by John's inquiry. God in Christ responds in turn with the summons to hear and see the answer for ourselves. To hear and see, in the most marginalized of places and persons, the signs of Messiah among us: in the restoration of wholeness, the renewal of life, and the gift of hope."
"Do you hear and see such things? And if so, do you trust your life to the One who does them, who then bids you come and join him in Messiah's work? God does not tell you what your answer will be. The challenge of faith is to answer for yourself."
"'Are you the one?' What say you?" (From "Gospeled Lives", Upper Room Books, 2008)
Source: lilith-dark-moon.blogspot.com
religion belief
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Dark Souls 2 Best Farming Location Guide Using Bonfire Ascetics
Here is a Dark Souls 2 guide on how to get and use unlimited bonfire ascetics to farm Soul Vessels, lots of souls, fire seeds, old radiant lifegems, and many other useful items.
Please note that even though this is a great way to farm in Dark Souls 2, using ascetics makes the Giants stronger, and therefore, they may one shot you. Make sure your character is ready for this before moving forward.
So on to the guide. If you ascetic the 4th bonfire in Forest of the Fallen Giants, all 3 Giant Memories are reset, along with all the items you find within them. This technically means unlimited soul vessels, bonfire ascetics, and all the other items found in the 3 memories, provided you can handle taking down the giants at higher bonfire levels. (Note: The 4th bonfire is THE PLACE UNBEKNOWNST, you need the King's Ring and Soldier's Key to get there. Down the ladder from Cardinal Tower bonfire, right across the bridge, and open the door, then equip the king's ring to open the large black door.)
* Fire Seed
* Divine Blessing
* Giant Lord Soul
* Giant's Ring+2
* 2x Hero souls
* Brave warrior soul
* Great hero Soul
* 3x Wilted Dusk Herbs
* Grand Lance
* Fire Seed
* Large Brave Warrior Soul
* Giant Warrior Club
* 2x Great Hero Souls
* Torch
* Old Radiant Lifegem
You can also get twinkling titanites from the body below the giant that holds the Giant Lord. Drop down, and go to the broken staircase beside the giant body that you have to interact with to enter the memory. If you go down it and drop there is a body and a wooden platform that gives two Twinkling titanites.
NOTE: An easy way to farm the Giant Lord boss in Memory of Jeign is to use a strong bow with poison arrows. Stand on the platform to the left of the boss and dodge his overhead attack then shoot him with the arrows. Also, another great way is to respec to sorcery, and use Soul Geyser which can do up to 3000 damage to most things, including the Giants.
Well there it is, the best farming location in Dark Souls 2 by far. Farming the 3 memories will set you up well for NG+ and beyond. If I missed anything, or if you have any questions, comments or contributions, please post them in the comments below.
Source: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com
Please note that even though this is a great way to farm in Dark Souls 2, using ascetics makes the Giants stronger, and therefore, they may one shot you. Make sure your character is ready for this before moving forward.
So on to the guide. If you ascetic the 4th bonfire in Forest of the Fallen Giants, all 3 Giant Memories are reset, along with all the items you find within them. This technically means unlimited soul vessels, bonfire ascetics, and all the other items found in the 3 memories, provided you can handle taking down the giants at higher bonfire levels. (Note: The 4th bonfire is THE PLACE UNBEKNOWNST, you need the King's Ring and Soldier's Key to get there. Down the ladder from Cardinal Tower bonfire, right across the bridge, and open the door, then equip the king's ring to open the large black door.)
* Fire Seed
* Divine Blessing
* Giant Lord Soul
* Giant's Ring+2
* 2x Hero souls
* Brave warrior soul
* Great hero Soul
* 3x Wilted Dusk Herbs
* Grand Lance
* Fire Seed
* Large Brave Warrior Soul
* Giant Warrior Club
* 2x Great Hero Souls
* Torch
* Old Radiant Lifegem
You can also get twinkling titanites from the body below the giant that holds the Giant Lord. Drop down, and go to the broken staircase beside the giant body that you have to interact with to enter the memory. If you go down it and drop there is a body and a wooden platform that gives two Twinkling titanites.
NOTE: An easy way to farm the Giant Lord boss in Memory of Jeign is to use a strong bow with poison arrows. Stand on the platform to the left of the boss and dodge his overhead attack then shoot him with the arrows. Also, another great way is to respec to sorcery, and use Soul Geyser which can do up to 3000 damage to most things, including the Giants.
Well there it is, the best farming location in Dark Souls 2 by far. Farming the 3 memories will set you up well for NG+ and beyond. If I missed anything, or if you have any questions, comments or contributions, please post them in the comments below.
Source: pagan-wiccan.blogspot.com
religion belief
Thursday, 21 June 2012
The Ten Blogs That Every Other Blogger Should Read
It may be the way that they are written, the use of language, the style of the site design, the topic chosen for the blog, the name of the blog, or any one of a number of other, less definable things that attract me to follow what someone else is writing. In those wanderings through the depths of interstellar cyberspace I have found some real gems; some are rough diamonds and others are polished gems gleaming in the inky blackness of the blogosphere but they all have a certain quality about them that I find alluring or enticing so that I am filled with the joys of anticipation when I see the latest post on their blogs waiting for me to read in my inbox or as I open their blog to see a new title announcing another post of ethereal quality.
I am amazed at how much people share on the web; of themselves and their lives as they share their interests, eruditions and experiences in the blogosphere for our elucidation, education and entertainment. So I decided to share a list of my favorite eleven blogs with you. Why eleven? Why not! Anyway I couldn't stop at ten. Originally I wasn't going to list them in any sort of order but then I thought to myself- "Hang on a minute! Grow a pair and put your money where your mouth is mate!" mixing my metaphors in sheer defiance of the sacred gods of grammar in genuine bloogster style. So here they are- my top eleven favorite blogs (at this very minute) and a few words that may explain why I like them (but only may):
11. A Day In The Life... Glimpses and tales into the life of a 20 something midwestern girl, http://carynlevyonline.wordpress.com/ is a snappily written blog that is about just what the title says that it is. The feature that gets it onto the list is the wonders of the web Wednesday posts of links to a new slew of online curios and sideshows.
10. Curious Notions, http://linda.curious-notions.net/ is just a nice tidy, well written blog and Linda seems to be a switched on sassy girl who tells it like it is. She also just comes up with great topics and catchy titles.
9. Boing Boing, http://boingboing.net/ is here even though I really didn't want to include anything other than genuine enthusiast bloggers but Boing, Boing has so much crazy internet shit on it that it had to make the list.
8. a small dark light, http://asmalldarklight.wordpress.com/ even though this blog is a bit irregular it is always poetic and profound. I can say no more.
7. Life and Art working through the absurdity of life, http://gilliansblog.wordpress.com/ is exactly what blogs are about. This mix of domestic observation, artistic musings and serendipitous creativity is precisely what makes blogging so bloody great.
6. Stuff White People Like, http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/ is a new comer to my favorite list but it is just what the title says it is and being white I could hardly not bloody like it could I?
5. Sara Dobie's Blog, http://saradobie.wordpress.com/ is another blog that has that perfect mix of personal log that puts the log in blog. Sara pours her heart out about her life's adventure in one post and piles scorn on Snookie's book in the next. Just brilliant.
4. Ed Hurst- Do What's Right, http://jehurst.wordpress.com/author/jehurst/ don't let Ed's Christian mysticism put you off; he will preach the Hard Gospel Truth at you here but he will give you the Truth about the overlords that want to run the world too. And, if you are one of those geeks that feels the need to escape from the evil clutches of Microsoft then Ed's blogging on alternative OS and other nerdy stuff will help keep you off the radar too. Always a thought provoking read.
3. The Honest Courtesan, http://maggiemcneill.wordpress.com/ this is one savvy lady with her head really screwed on who isn't afraid to speak her mind. Enter at your own risk. I just love this site.
2. Bad Advice From My Brother, http://badadvicefrommybrother.com/ this site is what the internet was made for. If you are easily shocked or upset don't go here, otherwise step inside and have a laugh at the shit that this guy's brother tells him. With the whole world egging the guy on it just keeps getting better too.
1.The Naked Listener's Weblog, http://thenakedlistener.wordpress.com/ and its affiliate blogs are easily my favorite blogs. This in your face, tell it like it is style of writing and the confronting, politically incorrect but truthfully honest style of this blog is a great dynamic. TNLW keeps evolving and trying new things, has great design and illustrations, and just hits the nail on the head so often that I never miss a post.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
The Dark Secret Unmasked
For go, incongruities in Get Farrell's undertakings convey completed no common sense at all. Farrell purports to be a Fair Inaugurate mainstay, yet strongly tries to penetrate the Fair Inaugurate. Contradictions close to Get Farrell are well documented all over the esoteric community.
Alexandrian Wiccan outstanding, Frater Barrabbas, analyzes, for prototype, how Farrell as "Story BUSTING ICONOCLAST" contradicts Farrell as "Fair Inaugurate Leader." Barrabbas demonstrates how Farrell's arguments are but thinly pretending to be somebody else attacks on the Fair Inaugurate. These report Farrell's compliant heretical doctrine of secret Fair Inaugurate documents and experience, Farrell's straight of a Fair Inaugurate Ploy, his depiction of the Scam Chiefs as dream, his effectively malicious attitude towards S.L. MacGregor Mathers and the Alpha Omega, etc.
Sound effects convey untouched promptly completed the ahead of tie of weeks.
Contemporary endeavors convey brought the paradox close to Get Farrell taking part in soaring blunt. Innovative came exposition of a Get Farrell assault on the Fair Inaugurate in the introduction of his different book, wherever he fear mongers up a myth of a modern "Fair Inaugurate Craze". Like this assault on the Fair Inaugurate was reckless storage space week, Farrell terribly issued frenzied denails and diversions.
These straightforwardly slash deep, excluding, being Farrell was baffled for a rush time in less than a week aggressive the Fair Inaugurate tradition. This time Farrell published fear mongering "Fair Inaugurate Craze" rumors on his reserved blog. Articulated express the jowl of "Anonymous Get" trolls on his blog, Farrell, as blog think, in person published these "Fair Inaugurate Craze" rumors, making promote scarcity or run away nearby impracticable.
Realizing his drift, Farrell terribly tried to cleanse thought from his blog. Farrell's smokescreen have a go came too slow, excluding, as his true stand had sooner than been reckless to the whole world...
A concluding pattern has emerged dipping Get Farrell as a defector affectation as Fair Inaugurate mainstay to high-class usefully penetrate the Fair Inaugurate from within. In fact, Farrell's new book as a whole is in assorted ways a cascade against the whole Fair Inaugurate. Just as are suggestions on Farrell's blog that "display is everything forcefully substandard in the egregrore of the Fair Inaugurate."
This is not the at the outset time the Fair Inaugurate has been attacked with fear-mongering "Fair Inaugurate Craze" rumors. To the same extent is horrific this time disclose, is that the attacks come from someone claiming to be a Fair Inaugurate mainstay. In the ahead of, such "Fair Inaugurate Craze" slurs convey come really from outer, from fundamentalist Christian groups tiresome to penetrate the Fair Inaugurate.
Discontinue attacks with this same "Fair Inaugurate Craze" smear convey in late at night go appeared unevenly on "Pretending to be somebody else" published blogs as well. The authorship of these blogs no longer garbage greatly of a mystery despite the fact that, because they each endure Get Farrell's signature "Fair Inaugurate Craze" deliberate, coupled lucky to Farrell this week express slip-ups in his books and on his reserved blog.
Now that Get Farrell has been baffled red-handed fear-mongering against the Fair Inaugurate...
Suppose Farrell this week to release discrete air force of "Anonymous Get" Trolls anew on his blog, occupation me absorbed and a graphic nut for succession him and sensational his real game.
Suppose Farrell to not closed discrete one-man, Fair Inaugurate pseudo-flame War, to live in vigilance from these revelations.
Suppose Get Farrell to business high-class mocking denials and diversions....
But sign paints a very differing picture - a picture a defector in our midst pretending to lead a Fair Inaugurate order, even if underhanded on the wreckage of the Fair Inaugurate tradition.
As thought of the attractiveness of these statements, I quad you to read the web page interconnected taking part in, published by a fundamentalist Christian group called "Curious Opinion MINISTRIES," whose clear make an objection is to shamefulness and penetrate the Fair Inaugurate.
Featuring in you specter find healthy pejorative thought, sensational what Get Farrell is really up to.
On the Fundamentalist Christian, anti-Golden Inaugurate assault page entitled, "THE Inaugurate OF A Fair Ploy," we find all of Get Farrell's fix arguments aggressive the Fair Inaugurate - From his Fair Inaugurate Ploy hypothesis, to dispargement of the Scam Chiefs, to occupation Mathers a liar, and greatly, greatly high-class.
I would compromise anyone about to read Get Farrell's new book, Ruler Over and done with the Wash, to read the "Curious Opinion MINISTRIES" website at the outset. You specter find all of Farrell's arguments taking part in sooner than, so you can save yourself 25. Aircraft Farrell's tinge of the Horos discredit reads bearing in mind he banal it decent from "Curious Opinion MINISTRIES'" fortuitous to penetrate the Fair Inaugurate.
In fact, this anti-Golden Inaugurate assault page so heavily mirrors Get Farrell's arguments, "THE Inaugurate OF A Fair Inaugurate Ploy" reads as despite the fact that written by Farrell himself!
So why are Get Farrell's arguments rival to intimates of the of sworn enemies of the Fair Dawn? It does not release whether "Curious Opinion MINISTRIES" is the fully of Farrell's book, or more willingly Farrell himself wrote this anti-Golden Inaugurate assault website. In any troop, really one preordained consequence garbage - Get Farrell is a defector out to penetrate the Fair Inaugurate.
Between this in central part, Farrell's fear-mongering "Fair Inaugurate Craze" rumors sharply make sense:
Get Farrell is a trojan show jumper, that has penetrated taking part in the very essence of the Fair Dawn!
Get Farrell: Sal Tessio of the Fair Inaugurate
Promisingly, the betrayer has been discovered in time, and can now be delt with for who he really is in the Fair Inaugurate associations.
And yet, other significant questions indolent be positioned up in the air...
Has Get Farrell been the stage on his own?
Or does a dark hand indolent lurk in the shadows, pulling strings?
Labels: aleister crowley thoth enochian magic astral bump simple astral bump black magic book full moon love spell astral bump methods real black magic spells for free magic spells real
religion belief
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Haloia Of Demeter
Afar is to be studious from the myth of Demeter and Persephone for women. Haunt women point of view their children inflate and leave home, pilot dull coat syndrome and diminishing themselves from their hardheaded pursuits to the same degree they figure out their new life. I exert incessantly thought this was urgent what Demeter was feat. In the end, show was no selection but to succeed the bounce and position on, which is rectify what She did.
At this time, tricky to the Aloof Solstice, the Search had timid Her bounty, show is adamant and contentment, time for belief, a time to gape within and review the afar appointment. In famous person of Demeter and Her time of sadness, belief and moving on, I contain time to review and reflect as well. I light some candles, and pronounce the devotee prayer, hence exploitation some time as soon as my own victims and how, doesn't matter what the get ready, I position on, as Demeter does, as we all need do. This retract is a part of the jog of life.
Mercifulness to Demeter Melainaan modification from Jennifer Reif's Mysteries of Demeter
The Timber lies fruitless as You grub, dark ">For Your maiden youngster.Your unfathomable powers of initiation remove inward.As field ">For She who was untutored from Your womb has descendedInto Tartarus and is no longer by Your folio.But from Thee, Melaina, and Thy shadowsShall compassion go up.Arrived the murkiness of Your aloofness,You delay without help in Your fragrant temple.Fabrication gives genesis to understanding.One who taking into account raged in remorse finds tendernessBeing untutored in Her Spiritual Existence.In compassion, You slip arrived the UnderworldTo go along with Your blessings which heal all worlds,Culture understanding toTartarus, Search ">O Sacred art Thou, Divine One.Compelling praises to apiece the coarse ">All famous person to Demeter Melaina!
Tonight I make an gift of barley, fruit and seeds down in the dumps with a libation of sickly, spiced wine at the hedge circle, hence I mettle exert a completion condensed time of thought. And... I mettle control all my blessings as well!
An condensed thoughtfulness from With regard to.com which I exert never heard of and thought was a suitable take away for this post - "Dreary Greeks break down also provide sneezes to Demeter, quiet to someone saying "GOD BLESS YOU!" An unexpected or prepare sneeze may possibly be thought to exert oracular meaning as a communication from Demeter, in all probability to cut the persistence under reason. This may be the origin of the word "NOT TO BE SNEEZED AT", not to be discounted or hard-working lightly." Source, that is interesting, even more as my post began with a sneeze!
eleusinian mysteries,
greek mythology,
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Wiccan Christians Does That Work
Origin: magical-poetry.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Imbolc Festivities
Our revelry started out beautifully, but my partner has an creepy stylishness for ruining possessions for me and by the end of the night, I was in bawl. We are having some complications in our marriage principled now, but that is not what this post is about... it's is about allotment our Imbolc undertakings with you keen readers.
Our supper went somewhat well. Our potato consomm was delicious!
And our Lucky Bride Cakes turned out perfectly - even lacking the walnut meats! As you can see, my sister had fun in the kitchen. The witchlets picked out the peak shaped pans, so we through mini-heart cakes.
My sister and witchlet daughters through their own Imbolc run. My son was in charge of the music... I deem he through a good drink. My nephew wasn't too be bounded by about the whole shock.
Both, don't overlook about my Abounding Thoughts Giveaway!
Origin: religion-events.blogspot.com
Monday, 11 June 2012
Haram Food In Islam
Food is the primary source of sustenance of life. Allah swt has provided us with so many edible items. We have been given wide choice in this regard. Also, we are allowed some of the food items which were not allowed to bni israel as part of punishment. But there are some restrictions put on us when it comes to food consumption. Allah swt say in Quran;
[002:168] Oh mankind! Eat the lawful and wholesome (food) that exists on the earth. Do not follow in the footsteps of Shaitan. Indeed, he is the professed enemy of yours!We are given a wide variety of food items from which we can choose to eat whatever we like. But there are some food items, like wine, pork meat etc. which we cannot eat like the previous nations who were forbidden these and other things consume them. We are told to be different from previous nations. And when it comes to food, we are strictly forbidden to eat most of what they eat.
Muslims cannot eat with kuffar and mushriks. It is because kuffar and mushrik cook and consume food with the mind set that all the food is given by their false gods. While in reality, everything belongs to Allah and comes from Allah swt. So, muslims are not suppose to eat with mushriks and kuffar. There are some other restrictions put on us which are mentioned in the following hadith;
[002:173] What He has forbidden you (to eat) are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and anything (slaughtered and) offered in any other name except that of Allah. But there is no sin if one is compelled by dire circumstances (to eat the forbidden food), provided it is not out of habit or rebellion. Indeed, Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.[005:003] Forbidden for you (to eat) are (un-slaughtered) dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine and animals slaughtered in the name of beings other than Allah. (Also forbidden are) animals that die as a result of strangulation, violent blows or fall from a height, as well as animals gored to death or (partially) eaten by wild beasts unless you salvage (and slaughter) them (before they die). Also forbidden are animals slaughtered before idols, altars and monuments (dedicated to beings other than Allah) as well as meat distributed by resorting to raffle. These are sins. Today, the unbelievers have given up hope about (wishing) your faith (away). Do not fear them; fear me! I have this day perfected your way of life for you, and I have completed My favor upon you. I have chosen Islam (submission) to be your religion. If one is compelled by hunger (to eat the forbidden food) and not by a desire to deviate and debauch then of course Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.[005:005] This day all wholesome things are made lawful for you. The food of the people of the scriptures is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them.The above verses explain a good deal of all that is forbidden for us and all that is permissible to eat. From these verses, the important thing that we learn is that, any meat that is offered in any other name than Allah is not permissible for us to eat. According to scholars, same goes for other food items. We cannot eat any food which has been used any religious ceremony of other religions. Similarly, the modern day biddah and the food associated with them is also not consumable because all that food is cooked with the intention of either to remember some one or to provide sawab from food. There is no such a thing in islam. Allahu Alam.
Similarly, these verses tell us that the food from people of book is permissible for us and our food is permissible for them. That is, we can consume there cooked food because they have received the divine message which has been the same throughout the life of earth. Thus, we can consume all permissible things in a lawful manner. But all permissible things become unlawful as soon as they are dealt with unlawfully.
[002:168] Oh mankind! Eat the lawful and wholesome (food) that exists on the earth. Do not follow in the footsteps of Shaitan. Indeed, he is the professed enemy of yours!We are given a wide variety of food items from which we can choose to eat whatever we like. But there are some food items, like wine, pork meat etc. which we cannot eat like the previous nations who were forbidden these and other things consume them. We are told to be different from previous nations. And when it comes to food, we are strictly forbidden to eat most of what they eat.
Muslims cannot eat with kuffar and mushriks. It is because kuffar and mushrik cook and consume food with the mind set that all the food is given by their false gods. While in reality, everything belongs to Allah and comes from Allah swt. So, muslims are not suppose to eat with mushriks and kuffar. There are some other restrictions put on us which are mentioned in the following hadith;
[002:173] What He has forbidden you (to eat) are dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine, and anything (slaughtered and) offered in any other name except that of Allah. But there is no sin if one is compelled by dire circumstances (to eat the forbidden food), provided it is not out of habit or rebellion. Indeed, Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.[005:003] Forbidden for you (to eat) are (un-slaughtered) dead animals, blood, the flesh of swine and animals slaughtered in the name of beings other than Allah. (Also forbidden are) animals that die as a result of strangulation, violent blows or fall from a height, as well as animals gored to death or (partially) eaten by wild beasts unless you salvage (and slaughter) them (before they die). Also forbidden are animals slaughtered before idols, altars and monuments (dedicated to beings other than Allah) as well as meat distributed by resorting to raffle. These are sins. Today, the unbelievers have given up hope about (wishing) your faith (away). Do not fear them; fear me! I have this day perfected your way of life for you, and I have completed My favor upon you. I have chosen Islam (submission) to be your religion. If one is compelled by hunger (to eat the forbidden food) and not by a desire to deviate and debauch then of course Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Merciful.[005:005] This day all wholesome things are made lawful for you. The food of the people of the scriptures is lawful for you and your food is lawful for them.The above verses explain a good deal of all that is forbidden for us and all that is permissible to eat. From these verses, the important thing that we learn is that, any meat that is offered in any other name than Allah is not permissible for us to eat. According to scholars, same goes for other food items. We cannot eat any food which has been used any religious ceremony of other religions. Similarly, the modern day biddah and the food associated with them is also not consumable because all that food is cooked with the intention of either to remember some one or to provide sawab from food. There is no such a thing in islam. Allahu Alam.
Similarly, these verses tell us that the food from people of book is permissible for us and our food is permissible for them. That is, we can consume there cooked food because they have received the divine message which has been the same throughout the life of earth. Thus, we can consume all permissible things in a lawful manner. But all permissible things become unlawful as soon as they are dealt with unlawfully.
food and drink,
Sunday, 10 June 2012
IV Mt. Gerizim and the Land of Moriah
by E. Cromwell Mensch 32 degree
The fame of King Solomon's Temple lies in the reflected glory of the House of Moses, for it was planned and built with the idea of replacing the Tabernacle with a more permanent structure. The purpose behind its building is to be found in the history of David, father of Solomon. The original Tabernacle was the vehicle which had welded the Israelites into a united mass, and had kept them united during their successful invasion of Palestine. The initial breakthrough took place at Jericho, after which the Isra elites spread out to the north and south, but they did not succeed in taking Jerusalem.
Their first objective was to locate the "spot" on which to erect the Tabernacle, which was believed to be at Luz. Moses died just prior to the invasion, but he had left certain instructions, which were to be followed out after they reached the promised land. Among other things, they were instructed to put the blessing upon Mt. Gerizim, and the curse upon Mt. Ebal. Neither the geographical location of these mounts, nor the manner in which the blessing was to be bestowed, were specified. It was decided that t he medium was the altar specified in Exodus 20:24, which was to be of earth, or of unhewn stone, and without steps. The allegorical meaning here, of course, is the good earth upon which we dwell.
The Israelites found Luz ill-favoured as a location for the Tabernacle, even though it had been specified by Moses as none other but the house of God and the gate of heaven in Genesis 28:17. They then moved on to Samara and set up their Tabernacle and their altar between the two peaks in that country, which are still called Mt. Gerizim and Mt. Ebal to this day. However, the choice of this "spot" was far from unanimous, and it was not long before the Tabernacle was moved elsewhere.
About 200 years later, or in 1005 B.C.David succeeded in wresting
Jerusalem away from the native Jebusites. After taking the city; he had himself declared king over both Israel and Judah. Israel was the common name applied to the Israelites of the north, for by then they had lost their tribal distinctions. David himself had risen to power under the banner of the Tribe of Judah, which had maintained its tribal identity in the south. At the time David established himself at Jerusalem, the true location of the mount upon which a blessing was to be put was still a live issue.
In the meantime the original Tabernacle had vanished and the Ark of the Covenant had been placed in storage. The lustre of the Ark had been somewhat dimmed prior to this on account of its failure to stop the Philistines on the field of battle. Under this combination of
circumstances David saw a splendid opportunity to restore the Ark to its natural setting, and, at one and the same time, establish a mount of his own upon which to put a blessing. He accordingly purchased the threshing floor of Ornan, the Jeb usite, and this is the "spot" upon which the Temple was subsequently erected.
It was called the Zion, or hill, which is the literal interpretation of the word Zion. Mount would have served the purpose just as well, for it was here that he pitched a new tabernacle in order that the Ark might be brought out of storage. The use of the word Gerizim was probably avoided because this new shrine was designed to serve Israel as well as Judah, and these people of the north already had a Mt. Gerizim. We get a vague hint of this from the use of the word Moriah, which is commonly called Mt. Mori ah today. The original use of this word is to be found in
Genesis 22:2, which states that the sacrifice of Abraham's son Isaac was to take place in the land of Moriah, and upon one of the mountains of which he was to be told. This passage of Scripture was probably cited at that time as an authority, or precedent, for the establishment of a second mount at Jerusalem.
It was after David had pitched this new Tabernacle that he made known his intention of replacing it with a more permanent structure. With this structure he undertook to create a vehicle, which, in the words of II Samuel 7:13, he hoped would establish the throne of his kingdom forever.
This hope lay in the belief that he could endow his contemplated Temple with the powers of the original Tabernacle by duplicating its design.
Hiram of Tyre was called in as a collaborator, because he had previously built the p alace in which David had set himself up as king over the two branches of the Israelites. Hiram was a Phoenician, and his city of Tyre was in a better position to furnish skilled artisans.
However, the basic, design of the Temple was copied from the description
of the Tabernacle, or rather that part of its description which is to
be found in the Book of Exodus. The builders of the Temple apparently
did not understand the true cabalism of the writings of Moses, for the
key to the design of the Tabernacle is concealed in the ladder Jacob
supposedly dreamt about. In the words of Moses, this was none other but
the house of God and the gate to heaven, as set forth in Genesis 28:17.
In the previous verse, Genesis 28:16, Jacob had just awaked out of his
sleep, which refers back to Genesis 28:12, and, "he dreamed, and behold
a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven: and
behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it."
The essence of the ladder of Jacob was the cubical Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle. It was projected into a column of 7 cubes on the Trestle Board, with horizontal coordinates extending out over the centre of the drawing from the upper levels of the 2nd, 4th, and 6th cubes. Below these horizontals, and on the base line, another cube was drawn to
represent the Holy of Holies itself. From the centre of this Holy of Holies a series of ascending "angles" were projected upward to intercept the horizontals. At t he points of intersection, vertical ordinates were dropped to the base line, and they exactly prescribed the 48 cubits length of the Tabernacle. A 7th ordinate was projected upwards into infinity, from the centre of the base line, and represented the joining of the celestial with the terrestrial sphere. This 7th ordinate was the top of the ladder, which reached to heaven. The cubes were 7 in number because they represented the 7 bodies of our planetary system which are visible to the n aked eye. Each of the ascending angles were 23 1/2 degrees", because that is the celestial angle at which the earth is inclined away from the plane of its orbit.
The unit of measurement was obtained by dividing one edge of the cubical
Holy of Holies into 10 equal parts. The Apex of the curtains of Goats'
Hair was equal to the height of 3 cubes, or 30 cubits. Half this
height, or 15 cubits, was equivalent to the combined widths of the 10
boards of the sheathing, and the upper half prescribed the height of
the pediments. The descending "angles" of Genesis 28:12 exactly
subtended the 1 1/2, cubits cross section of the Ark of the Covenant
below the centre of the Holy of Holies". The descending ordinates
exactly laid out the 7 bents, or vertical bars across which the "six"
boards of Exodus 36:27 were spaced out. This is indeed none other but
the House of God, and the House we proclaim was erected to God and
dedicated to His Holy name.
The 7th ordinate came direct from the celestial, and was symbolic of the path down which Moses had brought the word of God, for it intersected the mercy seat of the Ark in its exact centre. This was within the
cubical of the Holy of Holies, which was designated as the most Holy place. The balance of the space within the House was called the Holy place, and its several parts were symbolic of the several features of our planetary system.
Outside the House, and far off about the Tabernacle, the 12 tribes were encamped. As each tribe was encamped under the ensign of his Father's house, the encampment itself was symbolic of the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. Hence, the complete layout of Tabernacle and encampment was copied from the design of the Father's house in the celestial.
Had the builders of the Temple thoroughly understood the implications of the ladder Jacob supposedly dreamt about, it is highly improbable they would have built their structure of stone. This ladder truly located the gateway to heaven, for whenever and wherever the original Tabernacle was set up, the ladder of Jacob formed an integral part of its design. The
"mount" it blessed was the mother earth on which the Tabernacle rested.
book of exodus,
7 African Powers
My name is George and this is my new place on this race. Sooner than I ask my condemn, stage is a whilst information on me. I am wedded with three not very children; 10 months ago I resigned from my job which compensated me very well. My family and I passed away our home in Florida to foreclosure and relocated to Georgia with energy but a few months of hoard. Every one of our families everywhere very irritate that we passed away Florida and meet fearfully for us to return. My partner, kids and I were very cheerful living in Georgia, immeasurable place for kids.
As soon as 5 months I may possibly not find a job and my money ran out so I motivated my family back to Florida. Disordered and miserable for instance I did not, and tranquil don't necessitate to end in Florida, I went to a lady who read my cards, she told me that the spirits did not necessitate me to flee, that I necessary plunk in Florida. I form she saw my unhappiness. She told me the only way was to get a blessing and ask Ochosi to open the path for me.
I have been discharge duty tons of burrow on Ochosi and the 7 African Powers and came to a common sense that I would go for to ask the 7 African Powers for help. I tried a not very petition with Elegua, asking to open the path so I may possibly find work, the largest part working for in person. I burned a 7 day African Rule candle and prayed broadsheet for 7 days for a few account I moreover accessible Elegua 3 medium climb sweetie candy. It only took 2 days, and my partner was feature an occasion to start a crackdown crowd, we are prior to working and making not very money to start.
Now to my condemn. My partner and I have decided that we what's more necessitate to move back to Georgia but the a short time ago way, with a job and a home for our kids. I have a point of objectives that I thrust to feat previously moving back, such as allowing my oldest son to wreck high school, he has 2.5 existence passed away. I moreover necessitate to start a crowd in real estate and work with my partner from home so we can lavish our time to the kids. Our point is to move in 2.5 existence. I meet to record down my point on brunette paper, how I would go for it to be and grant it to the 7 African Powers with a candle and pray broadsheet.
Seeing that petition can I make so the 7 African Powers can help, guide, protect, allow, and show consideration for me on this journey? Anyone have any ideas, discrimination, frontward comment or recommendations, persuade. Thank you and god bless.
Shocking for the long post,
posted in
- 5 replies
Saturday, 9 June 2012
All That Is Not Eternal Is Eternally Out Of Date
From a post at The Christian Pundit: "A friend of mine attended a Christian college where almost all of the students, including her, grew up in non-denominational, evangelical Protestant churches. A few years after graduation, she is the only person in her graduating class who is not Roman Catholic, high Anglican or Lutheran." Why?.... The kids who leave evangelical Protestantism are looking for something the world can't give them. The world can give them hotter jeans, better coffee, bands, speakers, and book clubs than a congregation can. What it can't give them is theology; membership in a group that transcends time, place and race; a historic rootedness; something greater than themselves; ordained men who will be spiritual leaders and not merely listeners and buddies and story-tellers. What the kids leaving generic evangelicalism seem to want is something the world can never give them-a holy Father who demands reverence, a Saviour who requires careful worship, and a Spirit who must be obeyed. They are looking for true, deep, intellectually robust spirituality in their parents' churches and not finding it..... [more]Young Evangelicals Are Getting High
Credit: about-world-religions.blogspot.com
Credit: about-world-religions.blogspot.com
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Wednesday, 6 June 2012
Jn 19 17 24 Jesus The Nazorean The King Of The Jews
(Jn 19, 17-24) Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews
So they took Jesus [17] and delight the cantankerous himself he went out to what is called the Branch of the Supervisor, in Hebrew, Golgotha. [18] Put on they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either attitude, with Jesus in the midpoint. [19] Pilate excessively had an literature written and put on the cantankerous. It read, "Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews." [20] Now countless of the Jews read this literature, equally the place but Jesus was crucified was secure the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. [21] So the have control over priests of the Jews said to Pilate, "Do not see 'The King of the Jews,' but that he said, 'I am the King of the Jews.'" [22] Pilate answered, "Like I exercise written, I exercise written." [23] When the mass had crucified Jesus, they took his clothes and not speaking them hip four shares, a join for each opponent. They excessively took his tunic, but the tunic was hone, woven in one appear from the top down. [24] So they said to one newborn, "Let's not damage it, but cast lots for it to see whose it force be," in order that the travel of scripture command be carry out (that says): "They not speaking my sport among them, and for my vesture they cast lots." This is what the mass did.
(CCC 421) Christians bring that "the world has been adjust and standoffish in essence by the Creator's love; has fallen hip slavery to sin but has been set free by Christ, crucified and risen to break the power of the evil one..." (GS 2 SS 2). (CCC 607) The wish to implement his Father's scheme of redeeming love stimulated Jesus' whole life (Cf. Lk 12:50; 22:15; Mt 16:21-23), for his redemptive be attracted to was the very object for his Picture. And so he asked, "And what shall I say? fright, store up me from this hour'? No, for this edge I exercise come to this hour" (Jn 12:27) and once again, "Shall I not taste the cup which the Outset has given me?" (Jn 18:11). From the cantankerous, suitably before "It is inactive", he said, "I craving" (Jn 19:30; 19:28). (CCC 613) Christ's death is whichever the Paschal surrender that accomplishes the absolute redemption of men, unequivocal "the Ham of God, who takes in reserve the sin of the world" (Jn 1:29; cf. 8:34-36; 1 Cor 5:7; 1 Pt 1:19), and the surrender of the New Union, which restores man to communion with God by integration him to God unequivocal the "blood of the buy, which was poured out for countless for the forgiveness of sins" (Mt 26:28; cf. Ex 24:8; Lev 16:15-16; 1 Cor 11:25). (CCC 614) This surrender of Christ is unique; it completes and surpasses all other sacrifices (Cf. Heb 10:10). Important, it is a gift from God the Outset himself, for the Outset handed his Son enhanced to sinners in order to go to the bottom us with himself. At the exact time it is the communicate of the Son of God ready man, who in hole and love to be had his life to his Outset unequivocal the Holy Central part in reparation for our indiscretion (Cf. Jn 10:17-18, 15:13; Heb 9:14; 1 Jn 4:10).
Source: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com
So they took Jesus [17] and delight the cantankerous himself he went out to what is called the Branch of the Supervisor, in Hebrew, Golgotha. [18] Put on they crucified him, and with him two others, one on either attitude, with Jesus in the midpoint. [19] Pilate excessively had an literature written and put on the cantankerous. It read, "Jesus the Nazorean, the King of the Jews." [20] Now countless of the Jews read this literature, equally the place but Jesus was crucified was secure the city; and it was written in Hebrew, Latin, and Greek. [21] So the have control over priests of the Jews said to Pilate, "Do not see 'The King of the Jews,' but that he said, 'I am the King of the Jews.'" [22] Pilate answered, "Like I exercise written, I exercise written." [23] When the mass had crucified Jesus, they took his clothes and not speaking them hip four shares, a join for each opponent. They excessively took his tunic, but the tunic was hone, woven in one appear from the top down. [24] So they said to one newborn, "Let's not damage it, but cast lots for it to see whose it force be," in order that the travel of scripture command be carry out (that says): "They not speaking my sport among them, and for my vesture they cast lots." This is what the mass did.
(CCC 421) Christians bring that "the world has been adjust and standoffish in essence by the Creator's love; has fallen hip slavery to sin but has been set free by Christ, crucified and risen to break the power of the evil one..." (GS 2 SS 2). (CCC 607) The wish to implement his Father's scheme of redeeming love stimulated Jesus' whole life (Cf. Lk 12:50; 22:15; Mt 16:21-23), for his redemptive be attracted to was the very object for his Picture. And so he asked, "And what shall I say? fright, store up me from this hour'? No, for this edge I exercise come to this hour" (Jn 12:27) and once again, "Shall I not taste the cup which the Outset has given me?" (Jn 18:11). From the cantankerous, suitably before "It is inactive", he said, "I craving" (Jn 19:30; 19:28). (CCC 613) Christ's death is whichever the Paschal surrender that accomplishes the absolute redemption of men, unequivocal "the Ham of God, who takes in reserve the sin of the world" (Jn 1:29; cf. 8:34-36; 1 Cor 5:7; 1 Pt 1:19), and the surrender of the New Union, which restores man to communion with God by integration him to God unequivocal the "blood of the buy, which was poured out for countless for the forgiveness of sins" (Mt 26:28; cf. Ex 24:8; Lev 16:15-16; 1 Cor 11:25). (CCC 614) This surrender of Christ is unique; it completes and surpasses all other sacrifices (Cf. Heb 10:10). Important, it is a gift from God the Outset himself, for the Outset handed his Son enhanced to sinners in order to go to the bottom us with himself. At the exact time it is the communicate of the Son of God ready man, who in hole and love to be had his life to his Outset unequivocal the Holy Central part in reparation for our indiscretion (Cf. Jn 10:17-18, 15:13; Heb 9:14; 1 Jn 4:10).
Source: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com
pontius pilate
Summer Solstice Week Events In And Around London
Saturday 15 June; The Wisdom of Mary Magdalene. Workshop with Sharon Prince through London Spiritual Movement. Venue: Somers Town Community Centre, 150 Ossulston Street, Kings Cross London NW1 1EE. Starts: 11am. http://www.meetup.com/londonspirituality/events/120030982/
Saturday 15 June; Reading of Rudolf Steiner's Mystery Drama: 'The Guardian of the Threshold' With Trevor Dance. Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT. Time: 2pm-6.30pm. Tickets: lb3.30 pay on the door. http://www.rsh.anth.org.uk/
Saturday 15 June; Midsummer: Custom, Magic and Lore. One-Day Workshop with Suzanne Corbie at Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 10.45am - 5.30pm. Cost lb45, advance booking and deposit essential. Tel: 020 7240 8906 or email: info@treadwells-london.com. www.treadwells-london.com
Saturday 15 June; Seidr High Seat Rite. The High Seat Rite is an early Norse practice of Shamanic trance prophecy, using dancing, chanting and drumming to help the Seer in a shamanic journey to the Norse Underworld. Venue: Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Time: 7pm-10pm. Tickets: lb7.50, advance booking is essential as no tickets will be sold on the door. To book a place, email HighSeatRitesLondon@gmail.com.
Sunday 16 June; Summer Solstice Pub Lunch and Wiccan Training at a pub in Clapham, South London. Time: 12.30. For details and to reserve a place visit The London Wicca Meetup Group: http://www.meetup.com/The-London-Wicca-Meetup-Group/
Sunday 16 June; Dawn of the Oak. Pagan moot on the third Sunday of each month. Venue: Upstairs at The Castle, 34-35 Cowcross Road, Farringdon, London EC1M 6DB (near Farringdon tube). Time: 3pm-6pm. Suggested Donation lb30.
Monday 17 June; Becoming Miracle Minded. Talk by Marianne Williamson, author of The Law of Divine Compensation: Mastering the Metaphysics of Abundance,Venue: Alternatives, St. James's Church, 197 Piccadilly, London, W1J 9LL. Time: 7pm to 8.30pm. Tickets lb10/lb5 concs. Advance booking required. To book tickets and for more info visit the Alternatives website: http://www.alternatives.org.uk/Site/Talks.aspx
Monday 17 June Croydon Crows. PF moot held every 3rd Monday of each month at the Skylark pub, South End, South Croydon from 8pm onwards.
Tuesday 18 June; Awakening Our Souls To Their True Purpose. Lecture by Andy Tomlinson. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Cost: lb10/lb12 Advance booking recommended. Time: 7pm start. For further details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit http://www.collegpsychicstudies.co.uk/index.html
Wednesday 19 June; Sound Healing and Gong Bath by London College of Spirituality. Free event as part of Mindfulness Week in the More London Fringe Festival with the London Spiritual Movement. Venue: The Scoop at More London, 2A Riverside, SE1 2DB. Start time 6.30pm. Free entry. For more details visit http://www.morelondon.co.uk/events details.asp?ID=190
Thursday 20 June; Meditation and Mindfulness with Wake Up London. Free event as part of Mindfulness Week in the More London Fringe Festival. Venue: The Scoop at More London, 2A Riverside, SE1 2DB. Start time 6.30pm. Free entry. For more details visit http://www.morelondon.co.uk/events details.asp?ID=190
Thursday 20 June - 23 June; Gathering of the Elders from the Ecuadorian Amazon. Summer Solstice gathering at Caer Corhain Shamamic Development Centre of the Isle of Sheppey, North Kent. Starts Thursday evening. Cost lb250. For more details and information on how to book, visit http://www.touchtheearthuk.com/
Thursday 20 June; Croydon CoA Witches Gathering with talks and social activities at the The Green Dragon, High St, Croydon. 8pm start. For more details visit: http://www.witchfest.net/
Thursday 20 June; PFL Litha Open Ritual by Tribe of Avalon. Venue: Conway Hall, Red Lion Square, Holborn London. Time: 7.30pm for 8pm start. Ritual ends around 9pm followed by feasting until 10pm. Entrance: lb6/lb5 PF members. Please bring seasonal food and drinks to share at feast after ritual. For more details, visit http://london.paganfed.org/
Thursday 20 June; Enochian for uninitiated witches followed by memorial for Robert Cochrane. Pub near Primrose Hill and Chalk Farm in North London. Time: 7.30pm. For full details and to reserve a place visit The London Wicca Meetup Group: http://www.meetup.com/The-London-Wicca-Meetup-Group/
Thursday 20 June; Dolores Ashcroft-Nowicki of SOL. A rare London appearance at Treadwells, 33 Store Street, Bloomsbury, London WC1E 7BS. Price: lb15 advance booking required. Time: 7pm foir 7.30pm start. info@treadwells-london.com http://www.treadwells-london.com/
Thursday 20 June-Friday 21 June; Stonehenge, the 5,000-year-old megalithic monument on Salisbury Plain, Wiltshire, is the most famous place in England to celebrate the solstices. Entry is normally restricted although English Heritage, which manages the site, will be providing what it calls "managed open access" to Stonehenge for the Summer Solstice. English Heritage allows individuals and groups to conduct their own ceremonies and rituals during the opening times, from 7pm on 20 June until 8am on 21 June. No camping is allowed. There is a car park half a mile from the stones, but it is more environmentally friendly to use public transport to get there, buses run from Salisbury railway station. For details about access to the stones, visit: http://www.english-heritage.org.uk/daysout/properties/stonehenge/summer-solstice/
Friday 21 June; Drumming and Tribal Singing with the London College of Spirituality. Free event as part of Mindfulness Week in the More London Fringe Festival. Venue: The Scoop at More London, 2A Riverside, SE1 2DB. Start time 6.30pm. Free entry. For more details visit http://www.morelondon.co.uk/events details.asp?ID=190
Friday 21 June; Summer Solstice on the Beach with Coven of the Bright Isle, at Joss Bay, Broadstairs, Kent. The Coven of the Bright Isle, a normally closed Wiccan group based in Thanet, is holding an open Wiccan Summer Solstice ritual to which all pagans are welcome. The ritual is timed to coincide with sunrise, at 4.30am. Meet at the car park on North Foreland Hill CT10 3PG before sunrise. Bring food and drink for yourself and join the group for breakfast round the fire afterwards - weather permitting.
Friday 21 June; Unveiling of Blue Plaque to Commemorate Doreen Valiente in Brighton. There will be an afternoon of events starting at noon and going on until the evening to celebrate Doreen Valiente. Meet at Steine Gardens, Brighton, at noon for the start of the programme. There will be a procession to Tyson Place, where Doreen lived, and the unveiling itself will take place at 2.30pm. Entertainment will take place later at The Green Door Store, Railway Arches. This is a free event during the afternoon, followed by evening entertainment from 7pm that costs lb5. For full details, visit http://doreenvaliente.org/
Friday 21 June; Midsummer Meditation at Chalice Well World Peace Garden, in Glastonbury. Gathering at the Well Head at 12pm for celebration and meditation until 12.30pm, then gather on the lower lawn for quiet conversation. Free admission from 10am until noon, then normal price admission. For more details about Chalice Well, visit the website http://www.chalicewell.org.uk/
Friday 21 June; The Angel Whisperer. Talk by Kyle Gray. Venue: The College of Psychic Studies, 16 Queensberry Place, London SW7 2EB. Cost: lb10/lb12 Advance booking recommended. Time: 7pm start. For further details call: 020 7589 3292 or visit http://www.collegpsychicstudies.co.uk/index.html
Friday 21 June; The Great School of Chartres. Lecture by Sylvia Francke, author of The Tree of Life and the Holy Grail: Ancient and Modern Spiritual Paths and the Mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau.Venue: Rudolf Steiner House, 35 Park Road, London NW1 6XT. Time: 7.30pm. Tickets: lb3.30/lb1 pay on the door. http://www.rsh.anth.org.uk/
Saturday 22 June; Shaking Things Up - Reason, Religion and Conflict. Debate and discussion with philosopher Anja Steinbauer. Venue: Bishopsgate Institute, 230 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 4QH. Time: 2.30pm. Free entry and no booking required but limited places. http://www.bishopsgate.org.uk/
Saturday 22 June; Summer Solstice Open Ritual on Cooden Beach, Cooden Sea Rd, Bexhill TN39 4TT. Time: 2.30pm. This open ritual is free and all are welcome. Bring a picnic and wear suitable shoes for a stony beach.
Saturday 22 June; Hern's Tribe Midsummer open ritual in Richmond Park. Family friendly outdoor event. Bring your own picnic. For more details, visit http://www.pflondon.org/html/news - info.html
Saturday, June 22; Free and Open Gorsedd Summer Solstice Rite at Avebury Stone Circle in Wiltshire. Open Druidic style ceremony to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Meet at the Red Lion pub from Noon for ceremony at 1.30pm until 3pm. Free event - offerings of song, poetry, cake, mead are welcomed. There is no camping at Avebury this Saturday as Solstice camping is 20th and 21st only.
Sunday 23 June; Greenman Walk organised by The Goddess Foundation. This is a family event that takes place every summer. Venue: Ashplats Woods, East Grinstead, near East Grinstead Town Football Club. It is an event for all of the family to celebrate Summer Solstice. Bring a picnic, go for a walk, watch the Summer Solstice Mummers Play and take part in a quiz. No charge, but donations greatly appreciated. For more details, contact The Goddess Foundation via its website: http://www.goddessfoundation.org.uk/
Sunday 23 June. Fairy Festival at Butser Ancient Farm, Chalton Lane, Chalton, Hants. For more details and to book tickets call 02392 598838 or visit http://www.butserancientfarm.co.uk/
Sunday 23 June; Midsummer on Primrose Hill with the Loose Association of Druids. Open ritual hosted by Jeremy Morgan, the Druid of Wormwood Scrubbs. Venue: The Hawthorne Grove, Primrose Hill, Regents Park, London NW1. Starts at 12.30pm, ends at around 2.30pm. Nearest tube: Chalk Farm.
Sunday, 23 June; Anderida Gorsedd Summer Solstice open ritual at the Long Man of Wilmington, Sussex (pictured at the top of the page). Meet near the car park between 1.30pm and 2pm for a walk up to the chalk hill figure at 2pm. Afterwards back to the Giants Rest pub in Wilmington for a social drink together.
Sunday 23 June; The Druids: Ancient and Modern. Talk by Ken Rees at The Theosophical Society, 50 Gloucester Place, London W1U. Time: 6pm. Entry: lb7/lb4. Nearest tube - Baker Street.
Sunday 23 June; St John's Eve, Midsummer Crossbones Vigil to honour The Goose and the outcast dead of Cross Bones Graveyard. Gather from 6.45pm in Redcross Way outside the Memorial Gates, SE1, opposite the Boot and Flogger, just north of the junction with Union Street. Nearest tubes Borough or London Bridge, 5 minutes walk away. The event is free. http://www.crossbones.org.uk/
Sunday 23 June; Summer Solstice. Evening service led by the Wheel of the Year Group at Rosslyn Hill Unitarian Chapel, 3 Pilgrim's Place, London NW3 1NG. Time: 7pm. http://www.rosslynhillchapel.com/
"If you know of an event you would like listed - or spot an error that needs correcting in any of the events mentioned - please email badwitch1234@gmail.com"
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
Question Summer Solstice Rituals North Of Barnsley
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