Ladle 21 tells us that Lucifer impulsion be chained and confounded dressed in the Abyss-alone, for 1,000 years, so that he cannot dint planet. But he impulsion be set free a long time ago the 1,000 years - I impulsion get to that part tomorrow.
So, everywhere impulsion we be? The condemned impulsion be in Hell. We, exclusive friends, impulsion be in the glorious presence of Jesus himself. This, those, in NEW JERUSALEM. "Ladle Payment 20" congress about the 1,000 Soul. Epic 4 says, "I saw thrones on which were seated ancestors who had been total engine capacity to consider, And I saw the souls of ancestors who had been beheaded since of their tell about Jesus and since of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or his image and had not customary his dent on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and reigned with Christ a thousand years." Epic 6 tells us, "Blessed and holy are ancestors who peculiar part in the better revival. The zoom death has no power aloof them, but they impulsion be priests of God and of Christ and impulsion govern with him for a thousand years."
So what happens directly a long time ago the Tribulation? The disagree at" Megiddo (Armageddon)" impulsion happen, and Christ impulsion come - THE Dignified APPEARING - and defeat the forces of the Anti-Christ. So, he impulsion set up his Place in a New Jerusalem, consider the living people who peculiar survived the burden, and next the 1,000 years govern impulsion begin.
So, all of ancestors who peculiar died for example Adam and Eve, up bare the End of The Seven-Year Experimental, as well as ancestors who were Raptured, and the saved who survived the Experimental, impulsion ALL be with Jesus all the rage the 1,000 Time govern. A marvel I've been asked is, impulsion we know our treasured ones in heaven? Greatest yes indeed we will! In "Luke 15:7 and 10", Jesus understandably says that the saints who were with the angels in Paradise revel whena sinner is saved. So, they know so a sinner is saved, they know what is going on and who is trendy.
In fact, we impulsion know people in Paradise bigger than we did in this life. 1st Corinthians 13:12 says, ".... now we see ended a sheet, darkly; but next semblance to face: now I know in part; but next shall I know even as as well I am accepted." The few period in the Bible that tells about others on Obtain courtyard ancestors who had gone to Paradise, it seems very piquant that ancestors who had gone on to Paradise knew ancestors immobile on Obtain. For pattern, in "1st Samuel 28" so Saul had a psychic call together up Samuel from Sheol. Saul knew Samuel, and Samuel knew Saul. We are as well taught that we impulsion not wish for to be introduced to one in Paradise - we impulsion know them upon going in attendance. I impulsion not wish for to be introduced to Paul, we impulsion know about each other.
One pattern of this is found in the Transfiguration. ("Luke 9:27-31") MOSES AND ELIJAH appeared to Jesus on the Hill OF TRANSFIGURATION. They knew what was be subjected to on Obtain, they knew tetragon so to come to the mountain to get together Jesus and Peter, James and John. They talked about the death of Jesus that would happen in Jerusalem. "Peter, James, and John" approved them at this point - but had never met them. Assorted pattern is everything I discussed the other night concerning the Displeasing of Hell - but it circuitous the Well-heeled Man and Lazarus. ("Luke 16:23") The Well-heeled Man looked and saw Abraham and Lazarus, other than he was in hell and they were in sheol. ("See My Correspondence about the Displeasing of hell for higher on this"). Existing is bags of details in scripture that shows that we impulsion all know each other in Paradise.
A conscript that was brought up in recent times is this: Having the status of about the children who are innate all the rage the Experimental, that endure the Tribulation? Spring, let me say this. All ancestors who return from being Eleventh-hour or Raptured from the start of time to the post advantage of the burden as Christ sets up his testify, we impulsion all be in overvalued bodies, famine the body Jesus had so he returned. So, what about these children? Let me conscript one higher thing out, next i impulsion about this.
Having the status of in attendance impulsion be adults and teenagers who as well endure the Experimental, as well as children, they impulsion not peculiar overvalued bodies since they were not Raptured and did not die. They impulsion at the end of 1,000 years, but not all the rage. So let me put it this way. Having the status of in attendance impulsion be people famine that, they impulsion be superior to peculiar children all the rage the 1,000 years. That being rumored, any child innate all the rage the Experimental and 1,000 Soul has a choice: "Remnant Christ or Don't".
If, by the advantage these children peculiar full-fledged dressed in adults, and peculiar turned 100 Soul old, if they peculiar not approved Christ, they impulsion trustworthy be sent to Hell. Existing is no mortal way that they impulsion not know of Christ's gift of use. He impulsion happen with us. Absolutely. We impulsion see his eminence broadsheet. If they peculiar not turned to him, it main that they are a friend of Lucifer and diagram to help him overthrow God a long time ago the 1,000 Soul are aloof. I impulsion uproar higher about this tomorrow, in part two.
Unmoving, I impulsion stick together on one higher thing former closing out. Bodies. Also ancestors with overvalued bodies and harden bodies impulsion peculiar flesh and bones. Specter we peculiar blood? "Yes". The Bible never says whatsoever overturn to this. Jesus says, "A spirit does not peculiar flesh and bones as you see that I peculiar." ("Luke 24:39") Unmoving, we are not spirits - we impulsion be spirits in Overestimated bodies. Our bodies impulsion be famine ancestors of Adam and Eve former the Slip. Beforehand sin. They had blood in their bodies. Our bodies impulsion be as real as they are now, body systems and all - but fault sin. "We impulsion eat and guzzle in the testify". Jesus ate and drank a long time ago his revival. That originally indicates that in attendance impulsion be fluids in our bodies and that the digestive carry impulsion be carried on, which would decide the presence of blood. Even though we cannot say for unconscious, in attendance is proper details to lead us to persist this.
I think you peculiar gained some forecast dressed in these emergence accomplishments. Air free to jot down, I impulsion be constant this tomorrow night with the clearing and the about to this question: Having the status of happens a long time ago the 1,000 Soul, so Lucifer is released for the Resolution Battle? Having the status of happens a long time ago that? Specter Harmony decisively come? Yes, it impulsion. I impulsion about that tomorrow. Or, bigger yet, you can read for yourself what impulsion grow in "Ladle Chapters 20 and 21." Break up next, get care, god bless, and peculiar a large night those. "Troy Hillman"