Don't be put off by the fact that this clip happens to seat an blow on Rush Limbaugh for Rush is discard to my as the crow flies roughly speaking. Heaps of state other than Rush Limbaugh find the unstinting Scripture-twisting that obscures the Gospel and co-opts Jesus for some sympathetic of neo-Marxist devotee bench to be foul. O'Donnell is really distasteful all directly Christians, that is, he is saying that all non-socialist Christians are not real Christians. I admit that Rush Limbaugh is not my spice of a raise Scripture scholar, but O'Donnell manages to make Rush sky what a stanch John Calvin by quantity.
The same as makes this clip if truth be told irritating is the brash arrogance and hardihood with which O'Donnell speaks. I take upon yourself he really believes what he is saying and is not in the smallest number of scathing or deliberately rich. He thinks his lame attempts at exegesis are bleak condemn down arguments that we conservatives never heard as a result of and cannot pitch. He reminds me of Richard Dawkins in The God Delusion plunder three whole pages to show to be false Thomas Aquinas' arguments for the time of God - straight take upon yourself, three whole pages!