.,.From top to bottom, on p. 334 Trombley mentions a passage from a life of St. Nicholas of Sion, in the rise of G. Anrich, "Hagios Nikolaos", vol. 1 (Leipzig 1913), pp. 13-15. Anrich's book is full to me. This life has been translated happening English as "The Nature of Saint Nicholas of Sion". Script and Variety by Ihor Sevcenko and Nancy Patterson Sevcenko (Brookline: Hellenic Speculative Group, 1984), as well full to me. Nevertheless, the pertinent passage from the Sevcenko rewording is available on the Centro Studi Nicolaiani web site:[15] One day acquaint with came men from the hamlet of Plakoma, who strike down in advance holy Nicholas and said: "O servant of God, on our land acquaint with is a sacred tree in which dwells the spirit of an contaminated idol, that destroys both men and fields. It is as well... to the find a bed and we are unable to go clear about our concern [?] on set down of it. May Your Religiousness construct to our entreaties and lower yourself to come with us and strike it, so that God, Enthusiast of mankind, may tell your prayers strength of will out the contaminated spirit habitat in that tree, and the fields and the find a bed may be at direct and find infringe.
[16] Individual so mightily urged by the residents of the hamlet of Plakoma, Nicholas, the servant of God, accessible prayers, and came to the spot everywhere the tree stood. Seeing the tree, holy Nicholas said: "Is this the sacred tree?" In salutation, the men of the past fields understood to him: "Yes, Member of the aristocracy." And Nicholas, the servant of God said: "Since are persons gashes in the tree?" They understood to him: "Assured man of old came to strike the tree with two hatchets, and an axe. And as he began to strike it, the contaminated spirit harried elsewhere the blades, and slaughtered the man, so that his serious was found at the pedigree of the tree." Expound prayers, the servant of God Nicholas--there days a horde of almost three hundred men, women and children to glare at the procedure of God, for none assumed that such a tree, days sacred, was about to be felled--then the servant of God Nicholas knelt and prayed for two hours. And revolution, he enjoined the men voice saying: "In the name of our Member of the aristocracy Jesus Christ and of Holy Sion, come here, try and cut it down."
[17] A bristle ran tell all persons who were standing voice holy Nicholas, and no one dared so significantly as to gaze at at the tree. Later the servant of God Nicholas said: "Result in me the penknife and I decision cut it down in person in the name of my Member of the aristocracy." Spoils the penknife, the servant of God Nicholas completed the sign of the mixture director it and struck the sacred tree seven period. The contaminated spirit saw that the servant of God Nicholas had power from God, and taking into consideration the tree was struck by Nicholas' holy hands, the contaminated spirit cried out, saying: "Woe be unto me: I completed for in person an ever-expanding habitat in this cypress tree and back never been subjugated by anyone; and now the servant of Nicholas is putting me to group, and no longer decision I be seen in this place. For not lately has he expelled me from my habitat in the tree, but he is hooligan me from the limits of Lycia, with the help of Holy Sion."
[18] Just the once he was about to strike this sacred tree, the servant of God said: "Comprise with one discernment up the hill on the North get into formation." For it was designed that the tree would fall to the West. The contaminated spirit meditation at that use to scare the horde. And he completed the tree lean just before the North, up the hill everywhere the horde stood thought, so that they all screamed with agitation in one representative, saying: "Servant of God, the tree is coming down on top of us, and we decision cease to exist." The servant of God Nicholas completed the sign of the mixture director the tree, hard-pressed it back with his two hands, and understood to the sacred tree: "In the name of my Member of the aristocracy Jesus Christ I order you: turn back [in the other regime] and go down everywhere God has fated you." Forthwith, the tree influenced back by the decision of God and motivated just before the West, everywhere it crashed. From that time on, the contaminated spirit was no longer seen within persons parts. And they all overvalued God, saying: "One is God, who gave power to his servant on top of the contaminated spirits."
[19] The sacred tree having been felled, the servant of God gave epigrammatic in the capital of Myra that workmen be found to saw up the tree. Just the once the workmen heard of the bunch of the tree, that not lately was its perplex the regularity of three and a curtailed cubits but that its even was forty cubits, they were atrocious, saying: "We decision not be smart to deal with with such a tree." So the servant of God Nicholas completed it renowned that he was seeking workmen from any civic. And opinion none, he was leap to make his ruling in the hamlet of Karkabo. And workmen were found, five in appear, and by the power of God and the prayers of holy Nicholas, they sawed up the tree. Just the once the whole encircling find a bed of Arneai and Myra saw that the tree had been sawed up by the prayers of holy Nicholas, they obtained his aptly [?] and came to drag it elsewhere. It was dragged to the holy and proud memorial of Holy Sion, and all overvalued God, who had identifiable such power unto His servant Nicholas.According to Trombley, p. 334 and n. 45, Louis Robert, "Villes et monnaies de Lycie, Hellenica" 10 (1955) 188-222 (at 197-199, non vidi), unhurried this passage from the Nature of St. Nicholas of Sion to be trace of the life of the cult of Artemis Eleuthera happening the 6th century. On the following 3rd century A.D. coin from Myra in Lycia, snakes assert Artemis Eleuthera, in a tree, on top of woodcutters:
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