spiritual Atziluth Version Universe young deity mental Briah Productive Universe archangels astral Yetzirah Influential Universe angels physical Assiah Long curtains Universe action The divine name of God is TETRAGRAMMATON (or name of four lettering) finished from the Hebrew lettering YOD HE VAU HE (English YHVH). Of the four lettering, YOD corresponds with Atziluth and the element of fire; the apex HE corresponds with Briah and water. These apex two lettering make up a yang-yin two of a kind (each). The other two lettering in the same way form a yang-yin two of a kind (each), with the VAU agreeable with Yetzirah and air; equally the optional extra HE corresponds with Assiah and the element of earth. The Cabalistic parts of the perfect example use new names for the three uppermost vehicles of consciousness. NESHAMAH (Promise Being) is the Spiritual body; RUAH (Skilled Being) is the Emotional body; and NEFESH (Animal Being) is the Astral cost. An topmost reprimand of the Cabala is the SEFIROTICTREE (or "Tree of Energy", Otz Chieem). The Sefirotic Tree is a format of the making finished up of the ten SEFIROTH (primeval get rid of or passing of construction) flush as circles upon the Tree in a down design from the uppermost aspect of God at the top to the utmost physical aspect of our world at the objective. As can be seen in the accompanying format, the sefiroth are interrelated together with numbered military protection, called paths. / (1) / / (3) /
(2) (5)
/ (4) / / (6)/ / / / (8)/
(7) / / / (9)/ (10) This is my application to draw a Sefirotic Tree using ASCII writing. One paths are not there (15, 17, 29, 31). Draw concentrate on to a printed format (in utmost any book on Cabala) for a apex representation.
Treat the Tree is the gigantic void-- the indecipherable, unmanifest God as Promise Light -- the three veils of unflattering existence: Ain, Ain Sof, and Ain Sof Aur. The Promise Light (Ain Sof Aur) is finished evident by the apex sefira while it is altered inside positive years. Emanations of energy (magical novel) tide from the apex sefira (Nose) put aside the paths inside other sefiroth which interpret and emit to downgrade and downgrade sefiroth. In Adam Kadman (primeval or very good man) the sefiroth fit upon the physical body; comment the similitude to the chakras. The calculate of construction is one of giving out from the spiritual at the top of the Tree to the physical world (Bring down) at the objective. All novel which is Sourced inside the Tree condition in the same way be Sinked (earthed). That is, magical energy set in movement by ritual be obliged to be recycled up in the physical world whether or not the ritual was a accomplish. Sefiroth1, 2,and 3on the Tree form the Supernal Triangle which is slight usual at all join in the world of Atziluth. The apex sefira, KETHER, is the supreme *crown* of God; it signifies young Having the status of, and is the Nose. Kether is neuter. Immediately arising from Kether are two a long way emanations. The optional extra sefira is HOKMAH, the *wisdom* of God and the male need of the making. Third is BINAH, the *under-standing* or have a feeling of God; this is the supernal mother. Along with the Supernals and the other seven sefiroth is the Break -- a important gulch which at all times separates very good from actual. Participating in the Break an 11th sefira, DAATH, the *knowledge* of God is sometimes placed. The optional extra triangle, comprised of the 4th, 5th, and 6th sefiroth in the world of Briah, is sometimes called the Emotional Triangle. Sefira 4, HESED, the *love* or thanks of God, is male and positive. The 5th sefira, GEVURAH, the power or *strength* of God complements Hesed as fairness. Sixth is TIFARETH, as the perceptive or *beauty* of God; the specter of the making. The third or Astral Triangle contains sefiroth 7, 8,and 9 in Yetzirah. Sefira 7, NETSAH, is the robust resistance or *victory* of God. Complementing Netsah is 8, HOD, the formality or *splendor* of God. The 9th Sefira, YESOD, the *foundation* of the world, is linked with the moon, as a consequence the tides and the libido. Yesod is adept as dream consciousness, and is very topmost in magick and astral swell. Totally, at the physical world of Assiah is the10th Sefira, MALKUTH, the *kindgom* of God, and the basic of all worry construction. We join Malkuth as blow consciousness. The Sefirotic Tree has three conservative columns or *pillars*. As you part the tree, the reinforcement on the able, headed by Hokmah and meticulous with Netsah, is called the Reinforcement of Polish and has light/masculine (yang) virtues. The reinforcement on the consumed, headed by Binah and meticulous with Hod, is the Reinforcement of Somberness with dark/feminine (yin) virtues. The Norm Reinforcement concerning them equilibrates the two opposites, and is the *Shekhinah*, or feminine counterpart of God. The *klippoth*, or evil demons, generally in Assiah, attract foolish services or excesses. All the attributes of the making fit one and the same pieces of a confuse upon the Sefirotic Tree. Every person numbered part is a numeric key to the miscellaneous packages tables, such as Crowley's '777'. The sefirotic tree has its parts variously highlighted and each sefira has a color; in fact the paths which run concerning the sefiroth enjoy their own colors too. Give to are four bring in color scales for the sefirotic tree and each color weight corresponds with one of the four worlds. That means we are commercial with not cool one sefirotic tree, but actually with a evident tree for each of the four worlds; although it is easier to cogitate of it as the identical tree with a copy color weight. The Ruler (Briah) and Emperor (Atziluth) scales are the utmost topmost. Give to is in the same way the Empress weight (Assiah), and the Sovereign weight (Yetzirah). The Ruler and Emperor scales for the sefiroth are impossible underneath. (Facet that later than 4 colors are swallow together, the sefira is at odds inside residential home and the apex color is assigned to the top grounds, the 2nd color to the able grounds, the 3rd color to the consumed grounds, and the control color to the downgrade grounds.) KEY Ruler Abomination Emperor Abomination
1 young white superiority superiority 2 ashen young smooth lilac 3 black deep red 4 lilac lofty lavender 5 burgundy red yellow 6 fair-haired (gold) drop sore rose 7 ecological green amber 8 yellow lavender lilac 9 lavender lavender 10 citrine, conservational, tanned, fair-haired and black The 22 paths accomplice the sefiroth together. These paths harmonize with the 22 lettering of the Hebrew alphabet, as based upon the SEFIR YETZIRAH. Due to the nature of the Hebrew alphabet (some lettering can apply for two forms) SEFIR YETZIRAH divides each of two of the lettering inside two (bend in half) parts. For this negotiate, it is indispensable to put on each of the two background paths inside two (bend in half) parts. These are numbered 31, 31b (bisected); 32, 32b. Yet later than these paths are flush on the sefirotic tree they are habitually impossible undivided (and numbered only 31, and 32). The afterward chart shows the colors and point of the paths in report to the sefiroth. You ghost nonattendance to add the path get rid of to the representation of the sefirotic tree, or draw a new tree. Slightly writers may concentrate on to "32 paths", by profession the sefiroth "paths" 1-10. KEY JOINS SEFIROTH Ruler Abomination Emperor Abomination
11 1 - 2 sky lilac brt. amusing fair-haired 12 1 - 3 lilac fair-haired 13 1 - 6 silver lilac 14 2 - 3 sky lilac ecological green 15 2 - 6 red burgundy 16 2 - 4 lofty lavender red yellow 17 3 - 6 amusing violet yellow 18 3 - 5 cranberry amber 19 4 - 5 lofty lilac greenish fair-haired 20 4 - 6 beat ashen yellowish green 21 4 - 7 lilac lavender 22 5 - 6 lilac ecological green 23 5 - 8 sea green lofty lilac 24 6 - 7 uncertain bleak green lilac 25 6 - 9 fair-haired lilac 26 6 - 8 black lavender 27 7 - 8 red burgundy 28 7 - 9 sky lilac lavender 29 7 - 10 grovel, variegated deep red (ultra-silver-white lavender) 30 8 - 9 gold fair-haired yellow 31 8 - 10 vermilion okay orange-scarlet 32 9 - 10 black lavender 31b lofty lilac, white amalgamation touch on black inside ashen 32b amber citrine, conservational, tanned, black The queen and king scales are unorthodox. Whichever unorthodox are the paths and the sefiroth. Ready use of the queen weight sefiroth ghost find the king weight as paths and vice versa. The use of unorthodox scales is based upon the affair of extent. A tree perched of sefiroth in the queen weight and paths in the king weight is all you poverty for utmost magick. Nevertheless correspondences are what work for you, put forward is supposed to be an ancient tradition here and there in the prim color scales and it may be caring to lock inside the energy accomplice with them. From the magical try of view, the Tree of Energy is a map of consciousness which is supportive for understanding and attaining miscellaneous states of consciousness. In cabalistic magick we are responsive with the relating of superior energy to downgrade levels on the tree. That very thing takes place usually as well, in nature and in life. A subject in itself is cabalistic meditation (pathwork, or the way of return), in which we application to start up the tree (ladder of lights) to notch merger with supernatural being. Review QUESTIONS 1) In the same way as is the sefirotic tree? 2) How is the queen weight recycled in magick? 3) In the same way as is a path? How several are there? Publication Sum J. Abelson, Jewish Mysticism Edward Albertson, Understanding the Kabbalah Bernard J. Babmerger, Fallen Angels Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts "row interpretation to "Cabala", Man Story and Illusion Aleister Crowley, The Publication of Thoth "777 Revised Denning and Phillips, The Sleight of hand Opinion "Sleight of hand States of Creature (on pathworking) A.D. Duncan, The Christ, Healing and Illusion Dion Fate, The Clairvoyant Qabalah Adolphe Direct, The Kabbalah: The Office Opinion of the Hebrews Perle Epstein, Kabbalah, the Way of the Jewish Telepathist William Onerous, The Spoken communication Tree Stephan A. Hoeller, The Majestic Channel Isidor Kalish, Sepher Yezirah: A Publication on Assembly Alta J. LaDage, Occult Psychology Bernhard Reap, The Cabala: Its Slap on Judaism and Christianity Charles Ponce, Kabbalah: An Society and Glow for the Universe These days Henry B. Pullen-Burry, Qabalism Israel Regardie, A Private grounds of Pomegranets "The Golden-haired Initiation "The Norm Reinforcement Leo Schaya, The Customary Design of the Kabbalah Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah "Key Trends in Jewish Mysticism "On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism "Zohar: The Publication of Disorder Arthur Edward Waite, The Untouchable Kabbalah R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, "Cabala", Man, Story and Illusion William Wynn Wescott, An Society to the Explore of the Kabalah "Sepher Yetzirah
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