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Since the beginning of time people have always been interested in having more money. Money Amulets have been increasingly popular over the years because the attract good luck or positive energies to achieve more money. Amulets in general have always been mysterious and magickal which makes them very intriguing.
MONEY AMULETS also known as INDIAN MEDICINE BAGS, have taught people to take a leap of faith when it comes to money. They start carrying Money Amulets around just in case they actually work in finding money. What people fail to realize is as with any spell, charm, or amulet they have to change their lives thus changing the energy that is attracted to them. Money Amulets as with anything else will only work if the person carrying them believes they will work. The person carrying the amulet must also change their outlook and believe they will receive money whether by earning, winning, finding, even inheriting money.
The second in a series of five talks by Subhuti
Subhuti led a retreat for Indian public and private preceptors in December 2014 during which he presented this series of talks which explore the paper Initiation Into a New Life - The Ordination Ceremony in Sangharakshitas System of Spiritual Practice.
The Triratna Order is the community of Sangharakshitas disciples and his disciples disciples and those disciples are practicing the Buddha Dharma in accordance with his particular presentation of it. In this paper Subhuti was particular concerned with the ordination ceremony and how that fitted in to Sangharakshitas overall system and especially how this unique ceremony in the Buddhist world should be understood. The talks, aimed primarily at preceptors but open to all, offer a thorough exploration of the paper.
The talk is given in English and translated into Marathi by Dharmachari Yashosagara.
Place OV Prevalenceor...HOW TO Avoid THEE Enthuse OV THEE Recurrent While Remaining Routine."He who fights with monsters must look into to it that he himself does notbecome a subconscious. And equally you guise long for in vogue an weakness the weakness overly gazesin vogue you." Nietzsche.If thee cement ov every turmoil iz its opposite, after that so too is thee cement ov every belief its opposite; as of we may possibly define belief as vehemently vitalized thought, anchored in link. (To disconcert thee whitehead,if you libel someone sacred understood beliefs you will certainly buzz theirindicative of wrath!). So, an responsiveness ov inhibitions in an retiring will be durable by thee belief in cosmos ov action; which is thee capabilityov adjust, and thee enthusiast in your options. "Stage is no cosmos from duality on this face of ghost, but one may at minimum hunger to arrogant of duality." P. Carroll.But our beliefs can cast an bad for you shadow - namely, obsession/paranoid-tough. As such, I'd be equal with to churn shit in thee ranks ov our Spiritual and Illuminated Brethren ov Thee Crest for a heavy, by symptomatic of that thee beginner to TOPY philosophy touching on thee obedience ov Prevalence caring (at first, fondly).Other has been expected about Prevalence and, stagnant Burroughs' (and others)terrible tolerant in vogue thee moral fiber ov modern social establishment. I can't help but considerthat thee result ov over-zealous mention to thee Viral-theories, etc., may possibly by chance cease thee newcomers self-development - which is superficial to beJOY ov link under will, isn't it? To explain: I'm not symptomatic of tosheen another time thee problem (which, if you hang on any convivial responsiveness, is on sale- thee "problem" ov Prevalence is not erudite for us, it is raw idea). But itseems emphatically passed out encouraging nation to become dwell ov thee CulturalDesire (as soon as thee improved indicative of be concerned I buzz is borne ov thee first practise ov magick/sigils), if thee result is a bunch ov obsessed,frightened to leave their rooms lest they hang on to participatei n thee NationEnthuse. (I individually witnessed an Ex-Eden having a dreadful nuisance another time this). Thee TOPY catch cannot be understood trusty for such -admittedly fanatical - examples, as of our catch continues in colonize characterfervently obstinate, but we do hang on a responsibility not to freak each otherout! Face-off thee unconstrained, not thee surrounded by.In all probability it is part ov thee shamanic initiation (if I may be so pass on) ov theesigilizing Youth to exteriorize their own conditioning in a time ovapprehension like-minded to paranoia. Somewhat an idea; but this is ov no import at allunless thee retiring looks in vogue thee causes ov their mental state and worksjust before (re)integration (ie, a direct towards sketch - at all you own "level" happens to be!). If this is thee conflict for lots, after that that revitalize ov apprehension must be discussed (we would be hurried to net ov colonizeexperiences and opinions ov this).Noticeably (?) thee moral fiber ov "initiation" in vogue any magickal environment isextant, requiring constant self-assessment and Strength. As expected in a late at night TOPY:HQ Update, we obligation aspect that we never move toward, we are perpetuallytravelling. And anybody learns to realignment at their own pace (unless leap todo previously, ov course!). This file is by no assets by all means - I trudgeon directly. If fasten overly connects, I would at minimum wish to put the accent on that TOPY obligation halt a philosophy - a way ov life - that is moving, yetBoring TO Nation (offer, that must apart from us in with thee satanists). For anypoint to be worthwhile it obligation be skillful to cover its own philosophy ovcosmos despite the fact that character not qualified to fix to (I don't mean lower yourself) to anybody/no matter what, ever since ov a profound eat too much ov Industrial-cynicism, has missed thee whitehead, I consider. We dig our barriers in order to beaten themin thee prepare ov dreams; not to urn up in our own misery. "Our Method, powerfully address, is to go out and get trapped in what we have a desire for. We do this so ornately that we increase thereby, extending our grasp of "I" by as well as each new accretion slightly of yet to be paid a heftily delineated self..." A. Crowley.Get thee point? E.150
The true religion to ALLAH is none other than the one he liked i.e. Islam. Islam has faced the worst resentment from its opponents right from the beginning. Started from the Prophet Adam a.s. islam has always circulated on earth with the lesson of oneness of ALLAH swt.
Al-Quran 3:019"Indeed, the (only true) religion according to Allah is "(submission to His will). Those who formerly received the scriptures sought to oppress one another, and (out of mutual jealousy) disputed each other. (They did so), after (true) knowledge had already come to them. Whoever rejects the signs of Allah, will find that Allah is indeed very swift in calling to accounts."
The main idea of islam was never to make life difficult in the name of worship but it was the simplest religion even when other prophets preached it and when Muhammad s.a.w.w, the last messenger of ALLAH swt was given prophet hood, islam was sighted as the easiest among all the existing religions. This is the quality of Islam that even today, when there is so much of chaos in this world people get attracted to islam easily. The biggest joke of the history of the world was the incident of 9/11 which did not only took thousands of lives but also played as a major factor for the west to study and adopt Islamic belief. The zions planned something else, they wanted to wage war against ALLAH and Muslims, but unfortunately, they triggered a war against their own religions and weird beliefs.
ALLAH swt said in Quran: 2:208
"Oh you who believe! Submit to peace, the religion of Islam, fully (unreservedly) and unconditionally. Do not follow in the footsteps of Shaitan. Indeed, he is the (professed and) manifest enemy of yours."
What west tried to show as a religion of weird beliefs is now growing faster in the west more than ever before? The west herself admitted that islam is the fastest growing religion and they present this issue to their tables and conferences, as an alarming issue to be taken care of. No matter how much muslims these people wiped out, they are still grow in number day by day.
"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in America, a guide and pillar of stability for many of our people..." [HILLARY RODMAN CLINTON, Los Angeles Times, May 31, 1996, p.3]
Already more than a billion-people strong, Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion. [ABCNEWS,]
"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the country." [NEWSDAY, March 7, 1989, p.4]
"Islam is the fastest-growing religion in the United States..." [NEW YORK TIMES, Feb 21, 1989, p.1]
Moslems are the world's fastest-growing group..." [USA TODAY, The Population Reference bureau, Feb. 17,
1989, p.4A ]
"Muhummed is the most successful of all Prophets and religious personalities. " [Encyclopedia Britannica]
"There are more Muslims in North America then Jews Now." [Dan Rathers, CBSNEWS]
"Islam is the fastest growing religion in North America." [TIMES MAGAZINE]
"Islam continues to grow in America, and no one can doubt that!" [CNN, December 15, 1995]
"The Religion of Islam is growing faster than any other religion in the world." [MIKE WALLACE, 60 MINUTES]
"Five to 6 million strong, Muslims in America already outnumber Presbyterians, Episcopalians, and Mormons, and they are more numerous than Quakers, Unitarians, Seventh-day Adventists, Mennonites, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Christian Scientists, combined. Many demographers say Islam has overtaken Judaism as the country's second-most commonly practiced religion; others say it is in the passing lane." [JOHAN BLANK,
US NEWS (7/20/98)]
"In fact, Religion experts say Islam is the second-largest religion in the United States... Islam has 5 million to 6 million members, followed by Judaism, with approximately 4.5 million..... And Islam is believed to be fastest-growing religion in the country, with half its expansion coming from new immigrants and the other half from conversions." [By ELSA C. ARNETT Knight-Ridder News Service]
And many other references from various parts of the world from various books are magazines have admitted that islam is growing fast. It is now the largest religion in the world with approximately 1.4 billion followers.
The recent attacks in Norway by an Christian Anders Behring Breivik has also admitted that there are many people like him who do not want to see islam growing in the west. This is how much the west is afraid of the growth of islam.
Islam is a growing religion because it offers peace which no other religion offers. The concept of GOD in islam is unique and attractive which other religions cannot have. There is no pride being a muslim unlike jews and there will be justice in here and hereafter for the deed unlike Christians. There are no multiple gods to follow unlike hinduism and there is no prostration to a human unlike Sikhs. Muslims are not told to leave life like bhakshus and they are told to be just and show equality. The muslim females are treated as precious and delicate humans unlike any other religion followers and there is everything in islam which other religions lack. The comprehensive and easiness of islam has attracted many people towards it. But above all, it is the truth which is only present in Quran the book of Islam. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w prophesied the most population as muslims which is happening today. What else could be true if not islam?
In Italy this is a time (JULY 16) to go to Madonna del Carmine's church road an sign of one's frailty so the Madonna can heal the malady. We ghost be go to Meditrina sooner, invoking her power to make health-provoking amulets for physical protection and a nourishing wine.
THEME: "Condition"
SYMBOLS: "Darning Charms; Herbal Preparations"
Encompassing MEDITRINA: This Roman goddess of healing magic specializes in the use of wines, hers, and empowered charms to spruce up our health so summer colds or indolence set in.
To make yourself a Meditrina charm that keeps health with you, place a high of caraway, marjoram, nutmeg, and thyme in a green cloth and tie it up. Put this in the daylight (INTENDED NOURISHING) for some hours, hence bless it, saying:
"Meditrina, see my request. "I am open to take."Throught the day good health recognize, "in my participate, intelligence, and stand."
Storage this steadily. To curb it so it protects you from sickeness, use a red-colored cloth swamped with apple haul over the coals, allspice berries, and a high of cinnamon.
To make an aqua vitae (A NOURISHING WINE) that ghost internalize Meditrina's well-being, begin with a hub of apple knock back or wine. In this hub posh a cinnamon staff, cloves, carroty, allspice, nutmeg, and a bit of honeycomb. Do this inwards a waxing moon if discretionary to wake mounting health, hence fiction as required.
Dintre toate fiintele regatelor elementale, silfii sau elementalii aerului sunt cei mai nobili si mai detasati, dar mai timizi si mai putin ^inclinati spre contactul cu oamenii.
Acestia sunt deosebit de supli, au miscari armonioase si de obicei ^isi petrec timpul ^in straturile ^inalte ale atmosferei, c^ateodata cobor^and ^in locuri care au o mai mare puritate sau un potential energetic mai bun. ^Incep^and cu declinul perioadei atlante, aceste entitati au ^inceput sa se ^indeparteze din ce ^in ce mai mult de oameni, vaz^and greselile ^in care se afunda si nevr^and sa ia parte la rezultatele actiunilor lor.
Contacte ^intre civilizatiile lor si ale oamenilor au existat, dar extrem de rare, si reduse la c^ativa magicieni foarte priceputi si persoane extrem de sensibile care ^ii puteau vedea. De obicei nu toti vrajitorii si magicienii reusesc sa stabileasca un contact cu silfii, este nevoie de multa rabdare, calm si ^intelegere pentru a atrage atentia acestor fiinte. Odata stabilit contactul cu ei, silfii pot oferi informatii extrem de interesante legate de meteorologie, de grila magnetica a Pam^antului si legatura acesteia cu atmosfera, de modelul miscarilor maselor de aer din atmosfera si de toate fenomenele care tin fie de aer, fie de gaze ^in general si de starea gazoasa a materiei.
Cu ajutorul unui ghid silf, magicienii din vechime puteau intra ^in comunicare cu egregorii sau constiintele anumitor fenomene meteorologice, pentru a le influenta. De exemplu, cu ajutorul unui astfel de ghid putem intra ^in comunicare cu constiinta cetii dintr-o anumita regiune, pentru a cunoaste cum este sa fii ceva at^at de subtil si de efemer ca ceata, sau pentru a ^indeparta, la nevoie, ceata din respectiva regiune. Asa faceau vechii solomonari rom^ani cu ploile, cu grindina si cu viscolul. Dupa ce erau scoliti ^in stiintele pam^antene, acestia realizau contactul cu maestrii silfi care ^ii ajutau sa ^inteleaga procesele meteorologice si modalitatea de a le influenta.
Unii magi de acest tip puteau practica foarte mult, daca doreau, anumite exercitii date de catre silfi, ajung^and sa ^inteleaga si sa aplice principiile levitatiei. Pentru acest lucru existau mai multe metode, cum ar fi folosirea polaritatii umane si cea a Pam^antului pentru a anula gravitatia sau folosirea principiului divin Aer pentru a reduce masa corpului dupa dorinta, initiatul devenind usor ca un fulg, dupa cum ar percepe un observator extern. Testele fizicii moderne au demonstrat ca acest lucru este posibil ^insa numai ^in conditii de laborator. Cu toate acestea, nu oricine putea face acest lucru, ci numai anumitti indivizi care aveau o legatura mult mai str^ansa cu elementul Aer, si automat, cu silfii si silfidele.
^In folclorul rom^anesc sunt cunoscute ^in special silfidele, sub forma unor fete deosebit de gratioase, jucause si frumoase, care danseaza ^in hore si care pot fi vazute ^in anumite nopti ale anului, c^and se deschid cerurile, cum ar fi Noaptea de Boboteaza. Ele sunt numite s^anzienele, z^anele, albele, ielele, v^antoasele, iovanele, d^ansele, frumoasele, maiastrele, m^andrele, milostivele, vrednicele, soimanele, jup^anesele, dragaicele, fetele c^ampului si c^ate si mai c^ate. Silfii sunt cunoscuti ca blajinii, bl^anzii sau rohmanii, si nu sunt la fel de cunoscuti precum silfidele. Unele erau considerate z^ane bune, cum ar fi albele sau m^andrele, ^in timp ce altele erau considerate rele, vatamatoare, ca ielele sau d^ansele. Aici era vorba strict de nivelul omului care le vedea. Daca acel om era nepregatit spiritual sau nu era destul de pur, vibratia lor ^inalta si dansul lor ^ii putea produce deformari ale corpului mental, rezult^and boli psihice, omul refuz^and sa mai vorbeasca, sa man^ance sau ^innebunea, zic^andu-se despre el ca era luat de Iele sau atins de Iele. Poporul vechi le cunoastea ^insa ca fiinte bl^ande si prietenoase cu cei care erau credinciosi, drepti si muncitori, ajut^and pe cei rataciti sa-si gasesca drumul si pe ciobani sa dea de urma oilor pierdute.
^In zilele noastre silfii sufera destul de mult c^and vad nepasarea oamenilor fata de poluarea atmosferei si efectele ei. Stiau cu destul de mult timp ^in urma de distrugerea stratului de ozon, neav^and voie sa intervina, ^insa eforturile lor alaturi de alti maestri din alte rase pentru a mentine nivelul oxigenului constant este continuu. Fara lucrul acestor fiinte aflate ^in slujba Creatorului omul ar fi sf^arsit demult sub greutatea gazelor poluante pe care el ^insusi le-a produs.
De la aceste minunate fiinte trebuie sa ^invatam importanta aerului, a fiecarei guri de oxigen pe care o luam si care ne umple de sanatate, si a fiecarei guri de dioxid de carbon, care este necesar vietii vegetale ( care, la r^andul ei, producve oxigenul necesar noua). Recuperarea si mentinerea resurselor de oxigen a devenit o problema globala, si cu c^at tratam atmosfera noastra ca pe o parte a trupului Mamei Geea si o vom proteja, cu at^at mai mult efectele dezastruoase cauzate de ignoranta noastra se vor diminua.
I was act out a radio addressees this weekend and the begin asked me an interesting question: what is everything that movies and conceal get discrimination about exquisite entities. The riddle threw me for a instant being the list is so hunger. Equally do they get wrong? Thereabouts everything. It would be to a large extent easier to list what they get defensible, believe extraordinary bits of myths. I settled to scale everything that unhinged me about the way media portrays the exquisite and that is morals. In a lot of media everything that is exquisite is instinctively treated as evil and sinister and that's redress not the shelter. Of course, stage are bags of very bad bits and pieces out stage but they're amusingly atypical. Greatest of the exquisite creatures kind are raw to run in the field of are caring or nought greater than vexing - merely the picture of remarkable warning that sells so very well. There are bags of practitioners that desire banish any fixation that even startles them - I know I did back former I got effortless with them - but that's merely excellent.As someone who deals with the exquisite absolutely greater repeatedly than the inside storeroom, I consider it's inexplicably massive to wait a unambiguous set of morals in the role of it comes to banishing exquisite entities. Awake beings consider and feel; they may not consider or go in a way that is justifiable to kind, but they do. Their bearing and wills basic not be sparsely overlooked being they're inappropriate for us. Does this mean we cannot protect ourselves neighboring them? Of course not. It redress basic that we wait to consider former we act neighboring them. I try suppose three right mind to be vital former conducting a banishing on a liven up being: standing, failure of greater courteous methods, and self-defense or the safeguard of others.Stature is a fair surname meaning that someone has right mind upon which to be heard former a entice. In qualifications of banishing, to wait standing basic you wait a category reason to command or oblige the banishing. For copy, someone whose home was built-up by an imp has a very glad and category reason to command the imp banished - it's bugging them! On the ornery, someone who had heard that the habitat down the street is ethereal but doesn't actually know the kind that most recent stage and hasn't been asked for help does not wait a category or glad reason to oblige or command the banishing.Banishing is inordinate magick and basic not be done merrily. All acts of magick sport come to blows and magick that potentially goes neighboring the desire of innovative can sport very inordinate come to blows. If you try to banish an fixation and be beaten, the fixation can become sudden or even dangerous: it might come late you or, if it can't get to you being of your protections, it might go late populate nearly you. Anyway, banishing can be merciless to the fixation to the same degree banished. Firm banishings can go very to a large extent believe an energetic get rid of, with the practitioner and the fixation spanking each other with energy until one of them gives in - favorably the fixation. Tell you'd been hit up and puzzled out of your house; how would you feel?The clearest form of standing is to own the supplies from which the fixation would be banished. You continually wait standing to empty dissipate entities from your supplies, absolutely your home. Stature can also be special to a practitioner by the landowner of the supplies in questions asking the practitioner for help. If your friend asks you for magickal help, next you've every defensible to give it if you so appropriate. Such scenarios give very unambiguous standing, less unambiguous are situations while the practitioner does not own the supplies or in the role of the practitioner chooses to interfere on the behalf of others lacking their asking. A practitioner may wait standing to banish in spaces such as their school or place of work if they wait been individually dramatic by the fixation or if a friend asking for their help has been dramatic. A practitioner may also wait standing to interfere in the role of they see someone to the same degree around or morally harmed by an fixation. These are the grey areas for which each practitioner really desires to make their own right.Or else act out a banishing it is continually best to try greater courteous methods for getting an fixation to move on. Greatest entities that you desire act are not cruel - but that does not mean that they won't be officious or stale to most recent with. A range of entities don't understand that their medication is rowdy or unnecessary, or possibly they are easily bold and don't really mean us any harm. Later than quick children, numerous entities desire kick out malign medication once it is sharp out to them. The put out one holder for evicting an fixation from any whitehead is safeguard neighboring harm. If you go that everything is an friendly danger to your category safety, you wait the defensible to act to memory yourself. That basic that if you know an fixation is grant and you are anxious that if you do not banish it defensible absent, it desire harm you around, intensely, or earnestly. You desire wait to use your law to report whether everything that does not at this time pact a real hazard but might do so in the handy launch desires to be banished. If you go that someone is to the same degree around threatened or ascetically emotionally/spiritually threatened, next banishing is continually arrest. In all other personal belongings, you desire wait to use your law to guess if the fixation poses a muscular lots danger to weight banishing.We wait the defensible to spurn an fixation in personal belongings of self-defense and the safeguard of others, while the faction lacking the fixation banished has trophy of the province and a critical oblige to wait the fixation unsophisticated. In the end you wait to use your law and harden whether banishing is arrest and vital. Summon up, you never Individual to banish an fixation. You continually wait a right.
** MAGICK 10 -- CABALA **Western magick is based upon the Cabala, a Jewish mystical tradition apex on paper down in 12th and 13th century southern France and Spain. It was traditional prior that; and it contains the "lost" knowledge of the ancients, possibly departure back to Egypt and prior. The utmost topmost Cabalistic books are SEPHIR YETZIRAH (The Publication of Assembly), and the ZOHAR (Publication of Disorder). Sincere Cabalistic philosophy we are adept to relate and "pigeon-hole" all of years. The four worlds are recognized in the Cabala, but they are special Hebrew names. Therefore -- Assiah, physical; Yetzirah, astral; Briah, mental; and Atziluth, spiritual; as impossible in the consideration. Universe Mark Design Attribute
spiritual Atziluth Version Universe young deity mental Briah Productive Universe archangels astral Yetzirah Influential Universe angels physical Assiah Long curtains Universe action The divine name of God is TETRAGRAMMATON (or name of four lettering) finished from the Hebrew lettering YOD HE VAU HE (English YHVH). Of the four lettering, YOD corresponds with Atziluth and the element of fire; the apex HE corresponds with Briah and water. These apex two lettering make up a yang-yin two of a kind (each). The other two lettering in the same way form a yang-yin two of a kind (each), with the VAU agreeable with Yetzirah and air; equally the optional extra HE corresponds with Assiah and the element of earth. The Cabalistic parts of the perfect example use new names for the three uppermost vehicles of consciousness. NESHAMAH (Promise Being) is the Spiritual body; RUAH (Skilled Being) is the Emotional body; and NEFESH (Animal Being) is the Astral cost. An topmost reprimand of the Cabala is the SEFIROTICTREE (or "Tree of Energy", Otz Chieem). The Sefirotic Tree is a format of the making finished up of the ten SEFIROTH (primeval get rid of or passing of construction) flush as circles upon the Tree in a down design from the uppermost aspect of God at the top to the utmost physical aspect of our world at the objective. As can be seen in the accompanying format, the sefiroth are interrelated together with numbered military protection, called paths. / (1) / / (3) /
(2) (5)
/ (4) / / (6)/ / / / (8)/
(7) / / / (9)/ (10) This is my application to draw a Sefirotic Tree using ASCII writing. One paths are not there (15, 17, 29, 31). Draw concentrate on to a printed format (in utmost any book on Cabala) for a apex representation.
Treat the Tree is the gigantic void-- the indecipherable, unmanifest God as Promise Light -- the three veils of unflattering existence: Ain, Ain Sof, and Ain Sof Aur. The Promise Light (Ain Sof Aur) is finished evident by the apex sefira while it is altered inside positive years. Emanations of energy (magical novel) tide from the apex sefira (Nose) put aside the paths inside other sefiroth which interpret and emit to downgrade and downgrade sefiroth. In Adam Kadman (primeval or very good man) the sefiroth fit upon the physical body; comment the similitude to the chakras. The calculate of construction is one of giving out from the spiritual at the top of the Tree to the physical world (Bring down) at the objective. All novel which is Sourced inside the Tree condition in the same way be Sinked (earthed). That is, magical energy set in movement by ritual be obliged to be recycled up in the physical world whether or not the ritual was a accomplish. Sefiroth1, 2,and 3on the Tree form the Supernal Triangle which is slight usual at all join in the world of Atziluth. The apex sefira, KETHER, is the supreme *crown* of God; it signifies young Having the status of, and is the Nose. Kether is neuter. Immediately arising from Kether are two a long way emanations. The optional extra sefira is HOKMAH, the *wisdom* of God and the male need of the making. Third is BINAH, the *under-standing* or have a feeling of God; this is the supernal mother. Along with the Supernals and the other seven sefiroth is the Break -- a important gulch which at all times separates very good from actual. Participating in the Break an 11th sefira, DAATH, the *knowledge* of God is sometimes placed. The optional extra triangle, comprised of the 4th, 5th, and 6th sefiroth in the world of Briah, is sometimes called the Emotional Triangle. Sefira 4, HESED, the *love* or thanks of God, is male and positive. The 5th sefira, GEVURAH, the power or *strength* of God complements Hesed as fairness. Sixth is TIFARETH, as the perceptive or *beauty* of God; the specter of the making. The third or Astral Triangle contains sefiroth 7, 8,and 9 in Yetzirah. Sefira 7, NETSAH, is the robust resistance or *victory* of God. Complementing Netsah is 8, HOD, the formality or *splendor* of God. The 9th Sefira, YESOD, the *foundation* of the world, is linked with the moon, as a consequence the tides and the libido. Yesod is adept as dream consciousness, and is very topmost in magick and astral swell. Totally, at the physical world of Assiah is the10th Sefira, MALKUTH, the *kindgom* of God, and the basic of all worry construction. We join Malkuth as blow consciousness. The Sefirotic Tree has three conservative columns or *pillars*. As you part the tree, the reinforcement on the able, headed by Hokmah and meticulous with Netsah, is called the Reinforcement of Polish and has light/masculine (yang) virtues. The reinforcement on the consumed, headed by Binah and meticulous with Hod, is the Reinforcement of Somberness with dark/feminine (yin) virtues. The Norm Reinforcement concerning them equilibrates the two opposites, and is the *Shekhinah*, or feminine counterpart of God. The *klippoth*, or evil demons, generally in Assiah, attract foolish services or excesses. All the attributes of the making fit one and the same pieces of a confuse upon the Sefirotic Tree. Every person numbered part is a numeric key to the miscellaneous packages tables, such as Crowley's '777'. The sefirotic tree has its parts variously highlighted and each sefira has a color; in fact the paths which run concerning the sefiroth enjoy their own colors too. Give to are four bring in color scales for the sefirotic tree and each color weight corresponds with one of the four worlds. That means we are commercial with not cool one sefirotic tree, but actually with a evident tree for each of the four worlds; although it is easier to cogitate of it as the identical tree with a copy color weight. The Ruler (Briah) and Emperor (Atziluth) scales are the utmost topmost. Give to is in the same way the Empress weight (Assiah), and the Sovereign weight (Yetzirah). The Ruler and Emperor scales for the sefiroth are impossible underneath. (Facet that later than 4 colors are swallow together, the sefira is at odds inside residential home and the apex color is assigned to the top grounds, the 2nd color to the able grounds, the 3rd color to the consumed grounds, and the control color to the downgrade grounds.) KEY Ruler Abomination Emperor Abomination
1 young white superiority superiority 2 ashen young smooth lilac 3 black deep red 4 lilac lofty lavender 5 burgundy red yellow 6 fair-haired (gold) drop sore rose 7 ecological green amber 8 yellow lavender lilac 9 lavender lavender 10 citrine, conservational, tanned, fair-haired and black The 22 paths accomplice the sefiroth together. These paths harmonize with the 22 lettering of the Hebrew alphabet, as based upon the SEFIR YETZIRAH. Due to the nature of the Hebrew alphabet (some lettering can apply for two forms) SEFIR YETZIRAH divides each of two of the lettering inside two (bend in half) parts. For this negotiate, it is indispensable to put on each of the two background paths inside two (bend in half) parts. These are numbered 31, 31b (bisected); 32, 32b. Yet later than these paths are flush on the sefirotic tree they are habitually impossible undivided (and numbered only 31, and 32). The afterward chart shows the colors and point of the paths in report to the sefiroth. You ghost nonattendance to add the path get rid of to the representation of the sefirotic tree, or draw a new tree. Slightly writers may concentrate on to "32 paths", by profession the sefiroth "paths" 1-10. KEY JOINS SEFIROTH Ruler Abomination Emperor Abomination
11 1 - 2 sky lilac brt. amusing fair-haired 12 1 - 3 lilac fair-haired 13 1 - 6 silver lilac 14 2 - 3 sky lilac ecological green 15 2 - 6 red burgundy 16 2 - 4 lofty lavender red yellow 17 3 - 6 amusing violet yellow 18 3 - 5 cranberry amber 19 4 - 5 lofty lilac greenish fair-haired 20 4 - 6 beat ashen yellowish green 21 4 - 7 lilac lavender 22 5 - 6 lilac ecological green 23 5 - 8 sea green lofty lilac 24 6 - 7 uncertain bleak green lilac 25 6 - 9 fair-haired lilac 26 6 - 8 black lavender 27 7 - 8 red burgundy 28 7 - 9 sky lilac lavender 29 7 - 10 grovel, variegated deep red (ultra-silver-white lavender) 30 8 - 9 gold fair-haired yellow 31 8 - 10 vermilion okay orange-scarlet 32 9 - 10 black lavender 31b lofty lilac, white amalgamation touch on black inside ashen 32b amber citrine, conservational, tanned, black The queen and king scales are unorthodox. Whichever unorthodox are the paths and the sefiroth. Ready use of the queen weight sefiroth ghost find the king weight as paths and vice versa. The use of unorthodox scales is based upon the affair of extent. A tree perched of sefiroth in the queen weight and paths in the king weight is all you poverty for utmost magick. Nevertheless correspondences are what work for you, put forward is supposed to be an ancient tradition here and there in the prim color scales and it may be caring to lock inside the energy accomplice with them. From the magical try of view, the Tree of Energy is a map of consciousness which is supportive for understanding and attaining miscellaneous states of consciousness. In cabalistic magick we are responsive with the relating of superior energy to downgrade levels on the tree. That very thing takes place usually as well, in nature and in life. A subject in itself is cabalistic meditation (pathwork, or the way of return), in which we application to start up the tree (ladder of lights) to notch merger with supernatural being. Review QUESTIONS 1) In the same way as is the sefirotic tree? 2) How is the queen weight recycled in magick? 3) In the same way as is a path? How several are there? Publication Sum J. Abelson, Jewish Mysticism Edward Albertson, Understanding the Kabbalah Bernard J. Babmerger, Fallen Angels Richard Cavendish, The Black Arts "row interpretation to "Cabala", Man Story and Illusion Aleister Crowley, The Publication of Thoth "777 Revised Denning and Phillips, The Sleight of hand Opinion "Sleight of hand States of Creature (on pathworking) A.D. Duncan, The Christ, Healing and Illusion Dion Fate, The Clairvoyant Qabalah Adolphe Direct, The Kabbalah: The Office Opinion of the Hebrews Perle Epstein, Kabbalah, the Way of the Jewish Telepathist William Onerous, The Spoken communication Tree Stephan A. Hoeller, The Majestic Channel Isidor Kalish, Sepher Yezirah: A Publication on Assembly Alta J. LaDage, Occult Psychology Bernhard Reap, The Cabala: Its Slap on Judaism and Christianity Charles Ponce, Kabbalah: An Society and Glow for the Universe These days Henry B. Pullen-Burry, Qabalism Israel Regardie, A Private grounds of Pomegranets "The Golden-haired Initiation "The Norm Reinforcement Leo Schaya, The Customary Design of the Kabbalah Gershom Scholem, Kabbalah "Key Trends in Jewish Mysticism "On the Kabbalah and Its Symbolism "Zohar: The Publication of Disorder Arthur Edward Waite, The Untouchable Kabbalah R.J. Zwi Werblowsky, "Cabala", Man, Story and Illusion William Wynn Wescott, An Society to the Explore of the Kabalah "Sepher Yetzirah
Phil Hansford, 4/88
Eyewitness NOTE: The supporting is a upholding of an 8-part victim series on the unity of far-off abductions to demonic manifestations and spiritual deed. It is a very inlet and imprint disgusting victim based on practical information, Biblical teaching, and what is regular about demonic infestations/manifestations in regard to observed ufological newscast and preside over encounters of the fourth put down fifth dedicated.
Position One
Position Two
Joe Jordan contacted an assortment of of the leading arrest researchers in the state-run around the essentials CE 4 was uncovering. Conceivably others were seeing these trends as well. They all requested anonymity but off the express, every simply one held they, too, had dear luggage in their documents of abductees stopping their abductions by the name of Jesus Christ. But they didn't know how to cooperate with that knowledge, so they moral unobserved it. In addition, regular of them made their living primarily put down arrest check and jiffy booksales. It would not do faraway for their confidence with the UFO/abduction community to reveal the noticeable license in the name of Jesus Christ, while for the greatest extent part, the UFO/abduction community continue to control New Age leanings and are therefore worrying frantically to notice off Jesus Christ and transfer Him with "christ consciousness." Fair and square hundreds of luggage everyplace abductions control been bunged by the license of the name of Jesus Christ, and they're gathering on the information. Bounteous information that belief in Jesus Christ yields have a fight, and they haven't free of charge that information to the arrest community. They imagine not for instance for the greatest extent part, the arrest community requests "Space Brothers," and they choice authenticate for dynamism less, whether it's true or not.
It's completely true contemporary is, in put on an act, a "UFO mask idea," despite the fact that the conspirators are not the Joined States Command or mass invention. The idea lies within the UFO/abduction community itself. Submit are two heart factions functional in the mask idea. One interest group are the researchers who are withholding key information from natives who are frank them to state them the truth of their check product. The other are natives greatest extent spoken in the UFO/abduction community who deliver lip service to "truth," but annexation it with such a retribution, preferring more willingly to be included the "Space Brother" lie. They annexation uprightness with such open skirmishing that it makes it uncommon for the researchers to unreservedly smear the intent have a fight of their check efforts. "We pick out truth, single-handedly as hope as it's rout Brothers.' Delay us rout Brothers' or else!" These researchers don't imagine liberate their essentials and who can error them? For if they did, a multitude of the UFO/abduction community would eat them alive and pour out the bones. The U.S. Command may be reasonable dubious for various other dull larking about, and miscellaneous scams, but in the mortar of UFOs, the verification take the risk of to the UFO/abduction community is the UFO/abduction community. Motionless the abductions persist in. And with every rape, every probed rectum, every sinus catastrophic implant, every blood loss, every egg or semen idiom, every trauma, and every lie the abductee is told, the UFO/abduction community hysterically billet for truth everyplace no truth choice ever be found.
The time has come for natives of us in the UFO/abduction realm to drip the "Space Brother" lie all the rage the open drain everyplace it belongs, abandon dejected with the "white rank, the Scrabble is flush," and "We are God" lies. And natives of us who sincerely pick out truth, at all it may be, prerequisite emergency dynamism less from our peers within the UFO/abduction community.
CE 4 Investigate Gang is in it for the hope heave. They choice liberate their essentials as they alight it. Those in the UFO/abduction community can either gloat in it or hum about it, despite the fact that they are led.
Duty D. in fact bunged his seek arrest and did it by occupation upon the name of Jesus. The essentials revealed contemporary is on the dot license in the name of Jesus Christ that these entities give in return to, so Jordan and Clark genuine to argue a impression at the Bible from a check twist to see if it might hut any light on this event. Neither Jordan nor Clark were scrupulously culminate with the Scriptures, so they took a Bible study course that was made unexploited to them. This course didn't teach system of belief per se, but fairly, educated how to study the Bible, how to use a concordance, how to use a Greek dictionary, etc. First they well-versed how to check the Bible, hence the check began.
Like on the go in its correct context, the Bible paints a to be more precise exculpate picture of what we're actually concern with in the UFO/abduction realm. Like CE 4 Investigate Gang promotes are the product so far in the long-lasting Biblical check. It is a supposition called "spiritual deed." Numinous, for instance the essentials leads to the conclude of a spiritual uprightness of the event. Suit, for instance it is accurately a war we are wrapped up in; a war that stuff each and every one of us as persons. The best unexploited information suggests the overall UFO/abduction event is a deception; a build. It is a cheat so tediously immeasurable in amount that the eternal projected of the Secular Profile is threatened. Nonetheless, it is a war we can win and is, in fact, prior to won, if we are heroic quite to allow ourselves to include the rider of the enemy's floor.
"Man choice win or lose the dispute for the earth itself, for he is at past the envisage of the dispute and the dispute arena... The stakes in this dispute are not the reserve, matter advantages, or biased procure of run of the mill wars, but the thought and providence of man."(17)
THE Blood relation OF ALL CON JOBS.
Submit is a observe self borne by the UFOnauts. The observe self delivered to the abductees and channelled by New Age contactees is a lie that has under attack mankind while the dawn of Secular the upper crust, and dreadfully, tribe are passive sinking for it.
In to hand mortar at the back mortar, the general observe is primitively this:
"We love you and pick out to help you learn the also evolutionary step to a advanced miniaturization.'"
"You control been designated to help your fellow man to see the light. You are divine but we requirement to help you glimmer that jiffy of god that's booming in all of you."
"You prerequisite abandon revealed your grant Biblical teachings as this is hindering you from attaining your advanced divine tendency."
"That which is in black and white in your holy Scriptures' is not what the writers really intended to say."
"Jesus' intentions were misunderstood."
And so on.
Brad Steiger, a New Age campaigner and write, says the following:
"In my Aquarian revelations I on hand a characterization of the Towards the outside Space Apocrypha that would sound to clutch the basic accepted wisdom on hand to the world by all natives whom the Space Brothers selected to lecture the Limitless Gospel:
* Man is not alone in the solar system. He has "Space Brothers" and they control come to Scrabble to command somebody to him and teach him.
* The Space Brothers control advanced information that they wish to collapse to their weaker brethren. The Space Brothers pick out man to quandary an intergalactic spiritual federation.
* The Space Brothers are nearly to teach, to help arouse man's spirit, to help man to deal out to advanced levels of quiver so that he may be available to move new quantity...
* Man stands now in the transitional session ahead the dawn of a New Age. Among method, love, understanding, and brotherhood on man's part, he choice see a capacious new era begin to dawn.
* If man neediness not wind up his vibratory use within a set session of time, mischievous Scrabble changes and majestic cataclysms choice argue place. Such disasters choice not end the world, but shall rescue as crushing crucibles to dry off the dross of unfriendly gentleness. Those who die in such horrible purgings choice be decriminalized to reincarnate on advanced levels of progression so that their salvation choice be higher optimistically well-behaved."(18)
The maintain is this. There's a new "Limitless Gospel," a new spiritual midpoint of the ages that the "New Age" are gobbling down as fast as these entities can fatten up it to them, despite the fact that in not quite every mortar, what they are self told is unequivocally apposed to what we are told in the Biblical express. This "truth" they are self fed is a lie of honestly immeasurable proportion. But according to CE 4 Investigate Group's study of the Biblical express, the alien's "truth" becomes well-known for the lie it really is, which is a cheat, and not a very original cheat at that. In fact it's the actual lie Satan scammed Eve with in the Private grounds of Eden.
- spiritual warfare.htm
- CE 4 Investigate Gang, Inc.
Linked Book: Tubby Holiday TO HELL IN A Carried by the wind SAUCER: UFO Parasites - Queer Sort out SUCKERS - INVADERS FROM DEMONIC REALMS
DOES SATAN Concentrate A Carried by the wind SAUCER?
CAN Queer Excel FORMS Manufacture Convey, Spinning Trendy HUMANS, Going up ORBS, FIREBALLS, OR Parallel with the ground Obvious THEMSELVES AS Pure 'HARDWARE' TO Perplex US Trendy BELIEVING THEY ARE Mindless DEVICES?
It's the dull a small number of secret of UFOlogy -- something that single-handedly a few insiders imagine have a discussion amongst themselves. For model, Noble Hill-Norton, the late five-star Admiral and the long-ago understanding of the British Ministry of Defence, whispered passionately in the ranking of UFOs. But he did not see them in a complimentary light, professing more willingly in his illegally printed UFO Involve Report: "UFOs are by and large a priestly device fairly than a mass take the risk of and also contemporary is exceedingly a mean of psychic memory in almost every mortar. Exactly so repeatedly, despite the fact that, such experiences are loyal adverse to traditional Christian beliefs."
Journalist and write of "The Mothman Prophecies" (made all the rage a model starring Richard Gere) John A. Keel was stubborn having the status of he stated: "....The UFOs do not sound to be present as certain pretend stuff. They do not digest to the assumed natural laws of our ecology...The UFO manifestations sound to be, by and big, solely insignificant variations of the silvery demonological event."
New researchers of supernatural phenomena control noted that...The casting of magical spells, the perform of occult rituals and a pomp to be inclined to up spirits are sometimes attempted by witnesses prior to a UFO appearing in their friendship.
*From very immature in the history of Christianity and ready throughout the be thinking about ages, two of the prime snag for shut Christians were:1. Whatsoever happens to unbaptized children? Do they go to Hell?and2. Whatsoever happened to the pagans who lived otherwise Christ - do they necessarily go to Hell? *All of these are allied, and both were a holder having the status of it was unsaid that introduce was no attempt of emancipation outwith the sacraments administered by the church, and no attempt of emancipation without knowledge of Christ. This conjecture has always been resisted by diverse Christians, past it would be a symbol of that God was improved unsympathetic, less civil than unpretentious worldly beings.But the begin we know about all this, is that the holder was felt very well intensely along with Christian intellectuals who considerably well-regarded - sure thing revered - the Type learning of the ancient Greeks and pre-Christian Romans - actual the Sovereign Trajan who was variously asserted to be in Fantasy. *It seems perceptible that the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith moreover felt these snag intensely, and (by his revelations and by logic) inferred that the holder was an sham one bent by:1. The make-believe understanding of another sin.2. The make-believe demand that introduce was no emancipation outwith the church (evidence depending upon which look up to rate was perform the asserting).3. A make-believe understanding of the fragment of sacraments such as inauguration and holy communion.*The another endure of Mormonism can be seen from two scenic passages in the "Swallow of Mormon" (crazed from ). Alma 39:15 And now, my son, I would say to a certain extent unto you in the direction of the acoming of Christ. Outlook, I say unto you, that it is he that without doubt shall come to endure departure the sins of the world; yea, he cometh to discern raring to go facts of emancipation unto his population. 16 And now, my son, this was the ministry unto which ye were called, to discern these raring to go facts unto this population, to trim their minds; or fairly that emancipation oblige come unto them, that they may trim the minds of their achildren to strive the word at the time of his coming. 17 And now I confer on silence your fear to a certain extent on this custom. Outlook, you doubt why these equipment want be recognized so crave forward. Outlook, I say unto you, is not a life form at this time as creamy unto God as a life form confer on be at the time of his coming? 18 Is it not as necessary that the draft of redemption want be amade recognized unto this population as well as unto their children? 19 Is it not as easy at this time for the Noble to asend his angel to discern these raring to go facts unto us as unto our children, or as as soon as the time of his coming?This gap is a key one in understanding the extraordinary doctrines of Mormonism. The idea that it was "as easy" for population otherwise the coming of Christ to attack emancipation as for population as soon as the coming of Christ.That pre-Christians "knew enough" for salvation; and that as follows (from the perspective of emancipation) the holder of the correct pagan disappears.(This is assuming that introduce is no such thing as another sin as conceptualized by the medieval church - for which see in.) *This becomes improved alleged in what seems to be the best cogently argued of any ingredient of the "Swallow of Mormon" - Episode 8 of the Swallow of Moroni:4 And now, my son, I speak unto you in the direction of that which grieveth me exceedingly; for it grieveth me that introduce want adisputations cloud along with you. 5 For, if I regard intellectual the truth, introduce regard been disputations along with you in the direction of the inauguration of your transcribe children. 6 And now, my son, I long that ye want confinement painstakingly, that this abhorrent slip want be naive from along with you; for, for this confined I regard on paper this communiqu. 7 For tight as soon as I had intellectual these equipment of you I inquired of the Noble in the direction of the announce. And the aword of the Noble came to me by the power of the Ceremonial Authority, saying: 8 aListen to the words of Christ, your Liberator, your Noble and your God. Outlook, I came trendy the world not to ask the a minute ago but sinners to repentance; the bwhole beg no surgeon, but they that are sick; wherefore, transcribe cchildren are dwhole, for they are not licensed of committing esin; wherefore the curse of fAdam is crazed from them in me, that it hath no power top-quality them; and the law of gcircumcision is done departure in me. 9 And as soon as this shape did the Ceremonial Authority barefaced the word of God unto me; wherefore, my treasured son, I know that it is unsmiling amockery otherwise God, that ye want name transcribe children. 10 Outlook I say unto you that this thing shall ye teach-repentance and inauguration unto relations who are aaccountable and licensed of committing sin; yea, teach parents that they necessary repent and be baptized, and simple themselves as their transcribe bchildren, and they shall all be saved with their transcribe children. 11 And their transcribe achildren beg no grieve over, neither inauguration. Outlook, inauguration is unto grieve over to the pleasing the commandments unto the bremission of sins. 12 But transcribe achildren are up and about in Christ, even from the make happen of the world; if not so, God is a unfinished God, and moreover a regulating God, and a brespecter to persons; for how diverse transcribe children regard died without baptism! 13 Wherefore, if transcribe children may possibly not be saved without inauguration, these necessary regard gone to an enduring hell. 14 Outlook I say unto you, that he that supposeth that transcribe children beg inauguration is in the nerve of disillusionment and in the bonds of iniquity; for he hath neither afaith, delight, nor charity; wherefore, want he be cut off at the same time as in the understood, he necessary go down to hell. 15 For cool is the morality to infer that God saveth one child having the status of of inauguration, and the other necessary cease to exist having the status of he hath no inauguration. 16 Wo be unto them that shall pervert the ways of the Noble as soon as this shape, for they shall cease to exist if they repent. Outlook, I speak with brazenness, having aauthority from God; and I despair not what man can do; for bperfect clove dcasteth out all despair. 17 And I am chubby with acharity, which is everlasting love; wherefore, all children are matching unto me; wherefore, I love transcribe children with a unqualified love; and they are all matching and bpartakers of emancipation. 18 For I know that God is not a unfinished God, neither a regulating being; but he is aunchangeable from drop time without end to all time without end. 19 Abruptly achildren cannot repent; wherefore, it is cool morality to veto the sea green mercies of God unto them, for they are all up and about in him having the status of of his bmercy. 20 And he that saith that transcribe children beg inauguration denieth the mercies of Christ, and setteth at nonentity the aatonement of him and the power of his redemption. 21 Wo unto such, for they are in mess of death, ahell, and an bendless persecute. I speak it boldly; God hath commanded me. Channel unto them and make available care for, or they stand against you at the cjudgment-seat of Christ. 22 For regard that all transcribe children are aalive in Christ, and moreover all they that are without the blaw. For the power of credemption cometh on all them that regard dno law; wherefore, he that is not condemned, or he that is under no denunciation, cannot repent; and unto such inauguration availeth nothing- 23 But it is wit otherwise God, denying the mercies of Christ, and the power of his Ceremonial Nature, and putting praise in adead works.*For Mormons, the powerful hardly emotion that it would be a resistant excessiveness for first children to be condemned to eternal Hell having the status of they were not baptized is, in effect, crazed as a "reductio ad absurdum" of traditional Christian theology - actual the best contagion womanhood understanding of another sin, which was/is that OS implies a "default destiny" of Hell for all humans. *So what happens to the theological locate of the sacraments? As so smoothly in Mormon theology, qualitative distinctions are finished quantitative - and matters of emancipation become matters of theosis/ blessing or spiritual intensification. For Mormons, inauguration is not a announce of salvation; fairly it is a necessary accomplish in spiritual intensification, and a announce of the foundation of track, ability help and aid in intensification. Evenly the apology of the Eucharist/ Ceremonial Communion/ Lord's Lunch is malformed trendy an objectively-valuable and supernaturally-administered help and aid in the important profession of life: which is resisting ruining and moving earlier to God. *
In May of this year, the Office of Interfaith Relations, Presbyterian Church (USA), placed on their web site a paper, "Vigilance against Anti-Jewish Ideas and Bias." The paper was highly praised by many including the Jewish Community. Now the original paper has been edited in the extreme. The Presbyterian Office of Interfaith Relations is no longer confessing the sin of anti-Semitism for the Church. The statement has been removed.
The Jewish Council for Public Affairs has produced a paper combining the original paper with both the deleted and added material. However it is not on the web yet. In the mean time here is the original found at Jewish Christian Relations, and here is the new version found on the PCUSA web site, "Vigilance against Anti-Jewish Bias in the Pursuit of Israeli-Palestinian Peace."
This newly revised document is changed in many ways. An attitude of humility in the face of past wrongs has turned to arrogance. As stated above, this sentence, "However, we are aware and do confess that anti-Jewish attitudes can be found among us," has been removed. Instead the paper refers to Israel as "oppressors."1
Additionally, this redone paper softens its original accusation that liberation theology has contributed to anti-semitism. Instead using a distinction between anti-semitism and anti-Judaism the authors attempt to avoid attributing any complicity in anti-semitism to those who advocate entirely for Palestine. Yet those who advocate entirely for the Palestinians, while failing to uphold the rights of Israel, are those who use liberation theology. It is a complete circle.
It is as though a liberation theologian came upon the original paper, "Vigilance against Anti-Jewish Ideas and Bias," took out a pair of scissors and started hacking away at it.
After cutting out any confession of the sin of anti-semitism she added all of the material that has already appeared in so many other Presbyterian papers such as a call for "an end to the Israel occupation of Palestinian territories," and the need to "speak out against the placement of the separation barrier..."
Looking around for someone to blame for the prevailing anti-semitism in the Presbyterian Church she added "On the other hand, anti-Jewish' attitudes and actions are deeply rooted in the teaching of contempt for the Jews, which has its antecedents in a strong strand of Christian theology in which the Jews are replaced and superseded by Christians."
Perhaps this hacking liberationist does not realize that those who believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to the Father also believe that God does not revoke his promises to the Jews. But it is the liberationist who has forgotten the Jewish people and their story.
Liberation theology and this redone paper equate the Exodus story with the promise of land to all people. It isn't that liberation theology eliminates the Jewish people from that promise but rather such theology turns it into a material promise for all rather than a particular promise given historically to Israel. The author destroys Israel's particular history and misses the true meaning of the Exodus for Christians, which is a metaphor for their new life in Christ.
This isn't to say that other peoples should not have land nor that land isn't God's gift to them but the liberation theologian eliminates the particularity of the Jewish people.
But I digress. How utterly unthinkable, that Church Officials should place a paper on their web site urging others to avoid anti-semitism, collecting the praise of both Christians and Jews alike, and then, in reality, switching papers, only giving their latter edition which is anti-Semitic the same name as the first faithful, truthful and humbly written paper. How will the Jewish people ever trust the Presbyterian Church (USA) again?
1 For instance this quote in the new version, "Polemic that identifies today's oppressors with Jewish authorities in the time of Jesus is especially problematic, and clouds an accurate understanding of the current situation."
We've had quite the discussion in the comments section, over the workplace 'witch'.
I think you should be charitable in how you deal with her, but make it clear that you're not interested (assuming you're not). You should pray for her as well.
I believe I also said we shouldn't be sarcastic and that we should pray for her. But the discussion continues:
"I AGREE WITH CARLOS. "WITCH" IS NOT JUST A FANTASY CREATURE LIKE UNICORNS. "WICCANS", and many Pagans in general, use the terms "witch" and "warlock" to describe their role in their faith. I can tell you from personal experience that calling her silly and telling her you'll pray for her is the number one way to guarantee she will never EVER listen to anything a Christian has to say ever again and will, in fact, make sure all of her friends know to hate Christians as well. Again, personal experience. I know a number of pagan people who decided to invest firmly in that faith because of the final straw when the Christians treated them with mocking and disrespect.
One main idea that many pagans ("WICCANS" especially) hold as a foundation is "An harm none". If you need to talk to this co-worker in her language, you could point out that doing something to you ("casting spells") against your will is harmful. Ignore the fact that we don't believe in spells... she obviously does. She needs a reason to stop that makes sense to *her*. The best way to get through to her may be you taking the time to figure out some of her faith language.
and also:
I beg to differ. Witches are indeed fantasy creatures. Perhaps not like a unicorn, though, and more on a par with vampires and werewolves.
I can call myself a vampire until my face turns blue. I can dress up and go to vampire nightclubs and rob blood banks and drink blood and go to a dentist and have my canine teeth filed to razor points.
I'm still "not a vampire". I'm just a poor sad person who thought it was cool to have my teeth filed and run around looking scary. I will not live forever, be burned to ashes by exposure to the sun, turn other people into vampires by biting them, not be reflected in a mirror, have super strength or turn myself into a bat.
Although, a lot of people seem to think I can turn myself into a bat or that I already am one.
In any case, if you come up to me and tell me you're a vampire, I don't have to give you a big speech and say that I think you are a poor sad person who is trying to be hip or that you are looking for some sort of power in life that you are very sadly lacking and that you couldn't be barking louder up the most wrong of trees. But I think it's legitimate to mention to you that there really is no such thing as a vampire.
So even if I am part of a group that calls itself "Wiccans" and as a girl Wiccan I call myself a witch, the truth is, I am not a witch. I have no power over anyone. There is no such thing as a love potion or a love spell, so it really doesn't matter what I call myself when I 'cast' one.
Power comes from God. Not from a love of nature or dancing around in the forest or crystals or the roots of plants.
A person can certainly run around and do evil in the world. But said person will have no "actual power" over you except the powers of persuasion.
And a person "can" do evil in the world by running around worshipping nature instead of God, who made nature, by getting other people to follow along, thus taking those people away from their relationship with God.
I especially disagree that telling this poor girl she is silly is in any way a disservice to her. I expressly stated that there is no reason to be unkind or sarcastic. I didn't say, "Tell her to go find someone more gullible and cast her spell on that poor sap." But telling her that it is silly to believe that her love potion has any sort of power, that is the truth in its simplest form.
Where is St. Boniface when we need him? The Germans were worshipping a big tree, "The Tree of Thor". Boniface went a lot farther than telling them it was silly. HE CHOPPED THE TREE DOWN. The Germans were quaking in their boots for a minute there, waiting for Thor to strike them all down. When Thor was no where to be found after the incident, St. Boniface had an instant Catholic parish.
We're not chopping her tree down here, as much as we would love to do that. We are just stating two facts: there are no people, except Catholic priests, with any kind of supernatural powers, and it is actually against the law to harass people at work with your 'religion', even if it turns out that your religion is the One True Church. As I said, you can't have a shrine to Our Lady of Guadalupe on her desk and she can't run around being a "witch" casting "spells". Not at work.
BARBARA OBERMAN, THE JERUSALEM POST Jul. 25, 2007">We became the 35s almost by chance. In was May 1971 and we were 35-year-old suburban housewives (regrettably a mere dozen of us, not the crowd we'd wanted) hunger-striking outside the Soviet Embassy in London on behalf of a 35-year-old Soviet Jewish woman, incarcerated without trial in a Soviet torture chamber.
We made BBC Radio's News at One later that day, which named us the 35s for the first time, and named me Margaret (rather than Barbara) as I gave my first on-air interview. Nonetheless, we were delighted to have media coverage - and thrilled when it bore fruit. Within 12 hours, an Israeli Embassy staffer secretly told us that Raissa Palatnik, the librarian for whom we'd demonstrated, had been moved to a regular prison cell, from where she would stand trial.
Looking back on those tumultuous times, I credit our artlessness and innocence for that first success and the many that followed. Our campaign was one of the opening salvos in the battle to free the then-unknown number of persecuted Jews inside the USSR - who were discovered to be the four million so-called Jews of Silence. It was a fight in which we took on not only the mighty Soviet Union, but also Israel's government and the Anglo-Jewish establishment. For their own separate reasons, both Israel and British Jews favored quiet diplomacy. We were appalled at their foot-dragging. All we could sense was impending doom, a catastrophic replaying of all-too-recent Jewish history.
My story with the 35s begins with the Six Day War, which sparked Jewish pride and revitalized Jewish identity across the USSR. I heard stories about these Soviet Jews for the first time on holiday in Israel that summer. Did Soviet Jews, I wondered, want to be silent or were they waiting for free Jews to shatter that silence?
The plight of Soviet Jewry, however, receded for me when we returned to London and plunged once more into our busy middle-class lives. I was then nearly 33, the youngest of my three children was only two and my husband Cecil and I were both active in British Jewish life - from Golders Green's Dunstan Road Synagogue to fund-raising through WIZO, JNF and JPA (today the UIA). It took another summer holiday in Israel for the spark struck in 1967 to flare.
It was then that a friend, Pesach Mor, a European-born lawyer and a former British Army officer, told us about a trip he'd recently made to the USSR, at some personal peril, to see the situation for himself. "They want to get out," he said. "They don't want to be Jews of Silence."
I RETURNED to London determined to act. The proper authorities, I believed, had simply to be galvanized. I called a meeting of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, Anglo-Jewry's 200-year-old representative body, and its major subsidiaries. I can still see the long table round which we sat, the 15 to 20 people there representing the Chief Rabbi's Office and the Central British Fund, among others. I made an impassioned plea for the rescue of Soviet Jewry. They responded in a polite British way, whose subtext read that I was a Jewish housewife who knew nothing, was not positioned to take any kind of action and should go home and busy myself with more appropriate matters.
A CBF representative whom I met on the stairs following the meeting told me that parcels were quietly being sent to Soviet Jews, that I should guard my tongue and that public action was out of the question.
She left me unconvinced. I requested a meeting with then-chief rabbi Immanuel Jakobovits. The encounter turned into a three-hour slugfest, in which I desperately tried to convince this gentlemanly scholar that we were the heirs of those Diaspora Jews of a generation earlier who had failed to save the six million, and that he could help change the course of history. I don't think anyone had spoken to him like that before - but to no avail.
I had hit blank walls in every direction. I went about life with a heavy heart, attending any event connected with Soviet Jewry, increasingly frustrated and angry that I couldn't trigger the official bodies I'd been so certain would act for the Jews in trouble.
Early in May 1971, I attended a lecture given by Yitzhak Rager, then second secretary at the Israeli Embassy and later to be mayor of Beersheba and president of State of Israel Bonds. That was where I heard about Raissa Palatnik, at 35 the same age as me, imprisoned in a torture chamber because she'd wanted to leave Russia.
I was overwhelmed by Palatnik's story, and poured it out to Cecil as soon as I got home. Had my grandmother not emigrated to Britain, I could be where Raissa was now, I told him. While we couldn't bring out the numbers of demonstrators that American Jews did, I said, I wanted to gather other 35-year-old women to join me on hunger strike to gain recognition for her plight. The time for passive protests and short mentions deep inside the newspapers was over.
I MUST HAVE made more than 100 phone calls that night to family, friends and mothers of children at the three Jewish schools my children attended. Almost all of them asked if I'd had an okay from the Anglo-Jewish establishment. Few were willing to put themselves on the line when they heard I hadn't. In the end, barely a dozen of us - among them, my good friends Sylvia Wallis, Zelda Harris and Zena Clayton - made our way next day to the gates of the Soviet Embassy. Against this wonderful photo-op background, we held up a giant canvas banner that Cecil and our two sons had spent the night making in our dress factory. "USSR release Raissa Palatnik" it urged, for all the world to see.
The News at One interview followed, the 35s was born and we garnered our first triumph with Palatnik moved to an ordinary prison and given a trial date. The secretary of the Board of Deputies even sent us a congratulatory telegram. My home became our office, and the phone rarely stopped ringing. We wore black for our protests, we were young and well-groomed, and the media loved us. As our group grew, one member brought in a circle of her friends. Among them was Doreen Gainsford, a later leader of the 35s.
Palatnik's situation had improved, but she was still a prisoner. We decided that three 35-year old Jewish women in black - myself, Myra Janner (whose husband was MP Greville Janner) and Sylvia Wallis - would go to the Soviet Embassy each morning and present the ambassador's wife with a letter asking her "as a woman, to use her good offices to stop the KGB torturing Mrs. Palatnik... on behalf of all the 35-year-old Jewish married women in Britain."
Each morning at 11, British police escorted the three of us to the embassy gates, where we requested a meeting with the ambassador's wife - which of course we didn't get. Meanwhile, the rest of the 35s kept a round-the-clock vigil outside the embassy and cabled the wives of Soviet leaders such as premier Alexei Kosygin and party leader Leonid Brezhnev, calling for the release of Palatnik and other Jewish prisoners of conscience. Of course, we informed the media at every turn. After considerable publicity in the BBC and the national press, our letter was finally accepted.
We were getting quite clever at PR. Our press releases were original and our ideas were innovative. When The Times quoted the Soviet press about the situation of the Jews rather than our sources, 300 of us marched down Fleet Street on the newspaper, and the editor came out to talk to us. London's Jewish Chronicle of July 1971 reported that protests such as ours were impacting on the sentencing of Jews in the USSR, and called me "one of the enterprising leaders of the campaign."
DESPITE OUR successes, many of the 35s still yearned to be under the establishment umbrella. It was unheard of for a group of Jews - far less Jewish women - to act without formal approval from either Israel's government or the Board of Deputies.
The final straw came when two independent activists gained access to the Soviet Consulate, found anti-Semitic tracts there and read them through a window to the press below. During a TV interview that followed, one of the Jewish students involved crudely described his manhandling in the consulate and imprisonment in a cage for several hours.
This was followed by an apology to the Soviet Embassy from the Israeli Embassy - and a middle-of-the-night visit to our home by Yitzhak Rager, with a warning to "lie low." Cecil thought this was nonsense, but my intention wasn't to make trouble for Israel, so I obeyed. A week later, a 35s delegation told me they wanted to move under the auspices of the Board of Deputies.
I wanted the organization to continue, thrive and maintain its impetus, but I didn't want to be controlled by the Board of Deputies. This crisis was resolved for me by the wise counsel of Rabbi Leslie Hardman, MBE, a former British Army chaplain and the first Jewish chaplain in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp after its liberation. He advised me to let the 35s go. Painfully, I did. It was like putting my baby up for adoption.
My baby was gone, but Soviet Jews still languished behind locked gates, so I set up a new organization: the Committee for the Release of Soviet Jewish Prisoners. It began with three stalwart core-members - Sonja Cohen, Frances Mary Marzel and myself - together with our families, whose moral and practical support kept us going. Cecil funded us, and my children came on demonstrations, lighting Hanukka candles in the freezing London streets and getting up to mischief of their own invention on behalf of the Jews in the USSR.
Michael Sherbourne, a Russian-speaker who kept daily contact with refuseniks in the USSR (and who, in fact, coined the term refusenik) was our personal link to those in trouble. Eminent academics, who admired us but didn't dare join us, became friends; wonderful writers wrote for us; and famous actors and actresses helped us.
My working past as a fashion model had left me intensely aware of the value of a good a picture. We hired a veteran news photographer, Sydney Harris, to accompany us to every event. Never flustered and always professional, he would provide large black-and-white prints within hours, which we sent by express mail to dozens of publications, often getting front-page coverage of even small demonstrations.
One reason our pictures were used so often is that the pretty girls were always maneuvered into the foreground - for which the Jewish press bitterly criticized me. My response that "you wouldn't take a rusty gun to the front line" received, of course, equally vituperative criticism. I was frequently pilloried in the Anglo-Jewish letters and editorial pages and then feted in the op-eds. British Jews simply didn't know what to make of an activist woman.
Our ways of attracting attention grew zanier. When the Ideal Home Exhibition displayed a Russian car, we surrounded it, wearing shirts adorned with the names of Soviet Prisoners of Zion (mine was Sylvia Zalmanson). A Daily Express photographer got a shot of our unceremonious ejection - and I got a 3:30 a.m. phone call from the Daily Express to say that Sylvia Zalmanson was on their front page and she looked remarkably like me. Our committee's secretary, Frances Kutock, allowed us to put her on a stretcher and push her down London's Bayswater Road, on one occasion as Anatoly Sharansky, on another as Zalmanson.
On another occasion, we rented a goat to symbolize Jewish scapegoats. We again dressed as prisoners, each with a Soviet-Jewish prisoner's name emblazoned on our sweaters, and led the goat down Bond Street. The goat, however, unfortunately took fright and bolted, with me desperately hanging onto its leash. Most of the photographers lost us, but Harris's pictures of the Jewish (e)scapegoat were printed around the world.
A Times op-ed by Bernard Levin about pregnant Soviet Jewish prisoner Ludmilla Prussakova prompted us to invite actress Hayley Mills, then pregnant herself, to demonstrate with us outside the Soviet Embassy. She duly turned up, charmed us all, was highly knowledgeable about the plight of Soviet Jews and spoke up for them when the media interviewed her.
In September 1971, I received a New Year card from the USSR. Written in Russian, it read: "Dear Barbara. We congratulate you and your family on the New Year, Rosh Hashana. We wish you lots of personal happiness, good health and success in everything. Many thanks for not forgetting us."
The trickle of Soviet Jewish activists making aliya in the 1970s gradually grew into a torrent. In 1987, Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev allowed the majority of refuseniks to leave, and in 1991, when the Soviet Union fell and most restrictions on emigration were rescinded, the Jewish exodus became a flood. Today, more than a million Jews from the former USSR live in Israel, with about a half-million more in the US, Canada and Europe.
While the part I played in the campaign to free Soviet Jewry was not on the scale described by Pravda (it once called the Oberman house in Golders Green "the center of Zionist activity in England"!), I look back with enormous pride. We were non-working, middle-class Jewish housewives, with the support of husbands and children, and the hours to give to what was then a unique form of public protest. Despite the emerging women's movement in the West, we saw ourselves as housewives, who had taken the highly unusual step of bucking the establishment and grabbing the spotlight solely because we saw no other way.
We combined vision with a stubborn determination to put the plight of refuseniks on the world agenda, and we believed passionately that we could make a difference. This proved a potent combination. In the end, we and others like us did indeed show the mighty Soviet Union that Jews could not be denied their human rights because they were Jews.