It was, in fact, the tenth month so the meeting began in Parade with the Skip Equinox; but, to the same extent January and February feature been intercalated, the name is a bit incomprehensible.
Vesta (Roman goddess), patroness of fire, an mold symbol of the eternal confer, else symbols this month.
To the Saxons it was "winter-monat", meaning unfeeling cometh'. After that as soon as Christianity came to the British Isles, it became "heilig-monat", spiritual cometh'. It was else called "midwinter-monath", and "guil erra" ("Aerra Geola"), meaning the previous or rather "giul" (or 'the month former Yule'). The Frankish designation was "Heilagmanoth", spiritual month', when of huge come forth of moral festivals...
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