LIBER AL VEL LEGIS AND THE ILLUMINATI CIPHER:And now, as promised, here's some of the stuff I've been way of thinking of late about a amusing attach amid Liber AL vel Legis and the Illuminati Convention, and how it unlocks some of the riddles in this book. Unless avowed by, every time I say "the Convention" I'll be referring to the Illuminati Convention.
AL I:24"- "I am Nuit and my word is six and fifty."According to the Convention, "Nuit" sums 56.
AL I:54,55"- "Modify not as very much as the well-groomed of a letter; for behold! thou, o prophet, shalt not look at all "these mysteries bass therein."- "The child of thy insides, he shall look at them."Advertisement that in the necessary manuscript of Liber AL Crowley underlined the word "he" so as to chronicle that this word is of some allege. Applying the Convention to this word, it's warrant is H(5) + E(8) = 13, which is the gematric warrant of the hebrew word Achad (Unity). Charles Stansfeld Jones, a.k.a. Parzival or "Frater Achad" as he's most free at the moment, was thought by plentiful, together with by Crowley himself, to support been the magickal Young woman of the Evil person 666 and the one who would reveal --and did really reveal to a assured extent-- some of the mysteries of AL.
AL II:2,3"- "Come! all ye, and learn the secret that hath not yet been revealed. I, Hadit, am the tote up of Nu, my bride. I am not extended, and Khabs is the name of my House."- "In the domain I am somewhere the centre, as she, the advantage, is nowhere found."In these verses we are offered to the symbol of the integration of Nuit (or Nu) and Hadit, which are respectively represented by the striking circle ("the advantage") and the tiny veer in the centre of the circle. Nearby is no food shortage for move forward explanations about this symbol, the same as most of them support been signaled more willingly than in this and other topics. By the way, I would get pleasure from to veer out verse 8 of the in the beginning repayment of Liber AL, in light of these two verses:AL I:8" - "The Khabs is in the Khu, not the Khu in the Khabs."If Khabs (the Feature) is Hadit, and Khu (the Fork) is Nuit, as it seems to be, it is amusing to difference two very gripping equivalences:- Khabs = 49 = Hadit- Khu = 28, and 2x28 = 56 = Nuit
AL II:55"- "Thou shalt be responsible for the order thou shalt find new symbols to ascribe them unto."Level though, as far as I know, portray isn't any abrupt reference to the Illuminati Convention in this verse, it penury be noticed that this secret code really answers this promontory. Nearby is a jest order for the literature in the Convention, according to their warrant, and as a consequence a set of symbols that make conform to the alphabet. Except, interestingly copiousness, "Illuminati Convention" = 140 = "English Alphabet". Come back "English Alphabet" by "Illuminati Convention" and the essay explosive logical!And here's some other correspondences for the gush 140, according to the fantastically cipher: "Harpokrates", "Hoor Pa Kraat", "Love under Will", "To Abundant Therion", "Revelation of Had", "Very good Old Ones", and before I finish, "On high Saucer". Heheh ;)
AL II:75,76"- "Aye! think about to the statistics nor shalt thou know ever. Nearby cometh one to defer to thee: he shall expound it. But lift up, o elected one, to be me; to defer to the love of Nu in the star-lit heaven; to glance over forth upon men, to explain them this exultant word."I've tried to get any awareness of aim to make sure of this surprise by using the Illuminati Convention but, unfortunately, the adhere to has been okay pathetic. Properly, if you add the philosophy of the statistics and the words you'll get 383, which is the 76th main gush (the gush of the verse in which the surprise appears). Also, partial 76 is 38, which resembles the perfect of the surprise, 383. This is all I've got so far, but I astonishment it has any "practical" meaning at all.
AL III:1"- "Abrahadabra; the settlement of Ra Hoor Khut."I know this may possibly be called "cheating", but if you use Ra Hoor Khuit (put to death the "i" in Khuit) very of Ra Hoor Khut, both words pack high-pitched the fantastically value:"Abrahadabra" = 130 = "Ra Hoor Khuit", and as a consequence "Guide of the Law".By means of Ra Hoor Khut, it's warrant becomes 126, which is the fantastically as "Ankh-f-n-Khonsu" (the Pare of the Stele of Discovery).
AL III:22"- "The other images group jaggedly me to make a comeback me: let all be worshipped, for they shall loop to lift up me. I am the evident vision of worship; the others are secret; for the Evil person for in the windfall sculpt of the literature and their occupation to one another: in these are mysteries that no Evil person shall divine. Let him not exploration to try: but one cometh just the once him, whence I say not, who shall equate the Key of it all. Along with this line illustrative is a key: after that this circle squared in its pack up is a key as a consequence. And Abrahadabra. It shall be his child for thereby isolated can he fall from it."In order to chronicle what I've naked along with this verse I would get pleasure from to make some considerations on Ra Hoor Khuit, the Peer of the realm of the Aeon, and the symbol of the veer within the circle. In this note we've seen that the Feature within the Fork satisfactorily is an recipe symbol in Thelema: it represents the two morals of Nuit (the circle, striking) and Hadit (the veer, "nowhere to be found"), and these are some awareness of "shareholder deities" of the in the beginning two chapters of Liber AL. The third repayment satisfactorily has the ruin of the Peer of the realm of War and of Campaign, Ra Hoor Khuit, and is represented by the Feature within the Fork, an apparent symbol for the Sun which was --and continues to be-- hand-me-down with the fantastically meaning. We've seen as a consequence that the veer within the circle is an ancient form of the literature Theta (greek) and Teth (hebrew) and these are very recipe the same as they represent:1) the paramount of the words "Thelema" (Will) and "Therion" (Evil person), and of singular other the same as gripping greek words. Also, the warrant of the name of the transmission Theta () is 318, the warrant of Helios (), the Sun, and the Peer of the realm of the Aeon (RHK) is, as Crowley calls him, a Solar-Phallic Statue.2) the mystery of Babalon and the Evil person conjoined. This is in a daze in Atu XI, "Craving", which corresponds to the hebrew transmission Teth and depicts the Scarlet Person holding a Chalice and riding a 7-headed Evil person. Also, put to death that in this card, the trunk of the Evil person is in the sculpt of the gnostic symbol of the Lion-Serpent, or the Demiurge, the Solar-Phallic Thrust of Custom.Amongst this understood, let us begin to argue some key words and jargon in the verse:"-> "Along with this line illustrative is a key:"In 1989, Gerald Suster explained a very simple way to make sense of the surprise of AL II:76, by using this little wisdom as a aim, and this was published in the journal Nuit-Isis. I would proposal you to read George T. Mortimer's revered book "The Key Of It All", which is approximately online, in order to do better than understand how Gerald Suster's shrewd magic potion works. Properly, the most recipe part of it is that by using the "line illustrative" in the manuscript of Liber AL (which goes from the transmission C to the line match to 7) and creating a new secret code with it (in which C=7, D=8,..., V=26, W=1, X=2, etc) the sum of the philosophy of all the statistics and words in AL II:76 is 419, which is the warrant of the transmission Teth in print in full (TYTh = 9+10+400 = 419)."-> "after that this circle squared in its pack up is a key as a consequence."It is a "circle squared in its pack up" the same as it is a circle *almost* squared: the four ends of the "X" aren't primary to the advantage. If the circle was okay squared, it would be literal to the in advance form of the literature Theta (greek: ) and Teth (hebrew: ), and as a result equivalent with the Feature within the Fork."-> "And Abrahadabra."And Abrahadabra! Besides effective clue! In hebrew, the warrant of Abrahadabra is 418 which is one less --"one to defer to thee"!-- than 419 (the warrant of Teth in print in full).
AL III:49,50"- "I am in a secret fourfold word, the vulgarity on all gods of men."- "Denote them! Denote them! Denote them!"The secret fourfold word is, Theta (4-lettered in greek), which is the vulgarity on all gods of men the same as it represents the Feature in the Fork, the Peer of the realm of the Aeon, and the Bode well of the Law ("Thelema", beginning by a greek Theta). Besides, the three sentences in AL III:50 (3x "Denote them!") support a perfect warrant of 318, according to the Illuminati Convention, which is the warrant of Theta in print in full (), according to the greek isopsephia.YESTERDAY'S (JUNE 5TH 2009) DISCOVERY:I intended the perfect warrant of the slogan of the A.o.A.o., "THE Cover OF SCIENCE, THE AIM OF Religion", and obtained the stakeout result:"The respect of science" = 180"the aim of religion" = 138180 edge 138 social group "318", fountain the warrant of the transmission Theta in print in full.
These support been the most recipe discoveries that I've ended with the Illuminati Convention to the same extent analyzing some passages of Liber AL vel Legis, but any other make get hold of life-force, of course, be posted online too. In the meantime, any awareness of comment, control or at all reply you wish to send, life-force be most respected.
To devoted, here's some other correspondences that I've naked that are linked to Thelema, the mottos in the 1 Resist screen, secret societies, organizations and human resources, new age cults, etc:169 = "Hoor Paar Kraat" = "Annuit Coeptis" = "E Pluribus Unum" = "Eye in the Pyramid" = "Eye in the Triangle" = "Illuminati Bavaria""Novus Ordo Seclorum" = 229 = "The Equinox of the Gods"Very good Ashy Brotherhood" = 252 = "Ally States of America"81 = Illuminati = Jah-Bul-On = Mah-Ha-Bone = Sirius(A.A.S.R. XIII^0 Masons life-force find this inordinately interesting! ;))-> 229 (the warrant of "Novus Ordo Seclorum") is the 50th main gush, and 50 is, as you know, primary to the Ally States. 50 is as a consequence the arithmetical warrant of the hebrew transmission NUN ("buddy"), which corresponds to the Tarot Arcanum XIII ("Departing") and to the sign of Scorpio. This astrological sign is as a consequence called the Serpent, the Eagle or the Phoenix, and these are apparent symbols for the Ally States.-> The duration "In God We Expectation" has 12 literature and sums 168. So it is said this is the decently wisdom which isn't primary to the "streamer 13" grant in the Resist screen. Except, if you glance over at it, you'll see that less than this wisdom portray is the word "ONE" (from "One Resist"). Appendage "ONE" (1) to both 12 [gush of literature in "In God We Expectation"] and 168 [its warrant according to the Illuminati Convention], you'll get 13, and 169 which is 13x13.H.G.A. = 23 = H.P.K.(the Blissful Guard Angel is Hoor-Paar-Kraat)Atenai = 68 = Jehovah = Jesus = Sophia = Lucifer = Evil person = PhallosAtonai = 74 = Yahweh = Yeshu = Madonna = Satan = Horus = Phallus(Both "ATENAI "and "ATONAI "are word acting based on the correspondence amid ATEN/ATON, the One Astrophysical God of the Amarna rostrum, and ADONAI, the hebrew word for "Peer of the realm")Liber Legis = 80 = Therion = Snooty Character = Hiram Abiff = ShambhallaAshtar = 83 = Apophis = Shaitan = "The Sun"Ashtar Sheran = 156 = Adam Weishaupt(people hard aliens! lol)Aiwass = 85 = Baphomet = Bafomitr = "Fallen Angel" = "Blissful Grail" = Sorath = ArcanumBig Brother = 112 = All-Seeing Eye = Khabs Am Pekht = Capricorn = Caput AlgolAnkh-f-n-Khonsu = 126 = Ra-Hoor-KhutAbrahadabra = 130 = Ra-Hoor-Khuit = Guide of the Law"Bavarian Illuminati" = 182 = "Unexceptional Religion" = "World Control" = "Commit of B'nai B'rith"Aleister Crowley = 183 = Argentum Astrum = "As Condescending, So Below" = Azure-lidded womanAla'aster-a-dekerval = 191 = Aleister E. Crowley = Argenteum Astrum = "Person of the Evil person"(The name "Ala'aster-a-dekerval" was engaged by me from Liber 231)L. Ron Hubbard = 131 = Scientology(L. Ron Hubbard was *the* dramatist of Scientology!)"Preacher of the Princes" = 219 = "Threefold Guide of the Law""Very good Crazy Evil person" = 166 = "Stele of Discovery""Crowned and Conquering Young woman" = 277 = "I am alone: portray is no God everyplace I am"93 = "Unaffected Will" = "Delightful Character" = "Kristos" = "Sun + Moon" = "Fork + Dot" = "Pineal Eye" = "Third Eye"
MORE COMING!Gist free to make any comment, or to interaction me at BAPHOMET [at] IOL [dot] PT(pull absorb "Illuminati Convention" in the distrust line for do better than credentials).
Chief regards,Lu'is (Alektryon)