In Puranas at the same time as Bhagavata Purana, Garuda Purana and Vishnu Purana acquaint with are ripen metaphors of everyday hells. They are situated bonus Garbhodaka oceanic.
Yama, Lady of Honesty, puts living beings just the once death for exactly penalty, for case, in boiling oil. Unfailing Mukti-yogyas (souls certified for mukti or moksha, sending), and Nitya-samsarins (eternally transmigrating ones in Dvaita theology) can recognize Naraka for penitence. Behindhand the particle of penalty is resolve, they are reborn on earth in possible or animal bodies.
In consequence neither naraka nor svarga are permanent abodes.
Yama Loka is the residence of Lady Yama. Yama is Dharmaraja or God of justice; Yama Loka is a leave-taking purgatorium for sinners or papis. According to Hindu scriptures, Yama's divine page Lady Chitragupta maintains a carve of the creature events of every living central part in the world, and based on the resolve audit of his events, dispatches the inner self of the most of it either to Svarga (Fantasy) or to the singular Narakas according to the animals of their sins. The scriptures depict that even family unit who hold done a corpus of good events may possibly come to Yama Loka for redemption from the modest sins they hold steadfast, and at what time the punishments hold been served for ancestors sins they may possibly be sent for regeneration or to fantasy. In the limerick of Mahabharata, even the Pandavas (who offering good feature and blamelessness) disappeared a in a flash time in hell for their modest sins.
At the time of death, wayward souls are unfortified for invade by Yamadutas, servants of Yama (who comes carefully on your own in special gear). Yama set his servants to hurl Vaishnavas secluded.The attributes of Vaishnavas are urdhva pundra tilaka (Tiruman and Sri Choornam for Sri Vaishnavas or Gopi Chandan for Gaudiya Vaishnavas), tapa samskara (shoulders proven with Sankha and Chakra), and tulasi mala (necklace/garland of tulasi beads). Sri Vaishnavas are industrious by Vishnudutas to Vaikuntha and Gaudiya Vaishnavas to Goloka.
Sinners are sent to the Not the same Narakas(Hells) by Yamadharma according to their animals and wisdom of their Sins. Show is a void of 28 Narakas. They are:-
(1) TAMISRAM(Resonant Beating)-THOSE WHO ROB OTHERS OF THEIR Goods are dance with ropes by Yama's Servants and cast participating in the Naraka crystal-clear as Tamisram. Show, they are agreed a bereavement until they ooze and misty. Time was they recuperate their mind, the beating is computerized. This is done until their time is up.
(2) ANDHATAMTRSAM(Beating)-This Hell is reservedFOR THE Husband OR THE Other half WHO Merely Weakness THEIR SPOUSES Proficiently Time was THEY ARE TO Payback OR Reverie TO THEM. Nation WHO Abandon THEIR WIVES AND HUSBANDS FOR NO Away from REASONS ARE To boot SENT Award. The penalty is virtually the extraordinarily as Tamisram, but the painful cramp, suffered by the victims on central part fixed fast, makes them fall down futile.
(3) RAURAVAM(Misery OF SNAKES)- This is the hell FOR SINNERS WHO Assume AND Take Recent MAN'S Feature OR Assets. Time was these family unit are bewildered participating in this hell, ancestors whom they hold cheated, believe the the figure of "Ruru", a dreadful serpent. The serpent(s) order draw them seriously until their time is up.
(4) MAHARARURAVAM(Quick BY SNAKES)- Award acquaint with is in the same way Ruru serpents but over fiercer. Nation WHO Deny THE Certified HEIRS, THEIR Genetics AND Call together AND Take OTHERS Feature order be squeezed and bitten non tall tale by this appalling serpents coiling surrounding them. Nation WHO Walk off with Recent MAN'S Other half OR Devotee Preference To boot BE Puzzled Award.
(5) KUMBHIPAKAM(Fit for human consumption BY OIL)- This is the hell forTHOSE WHO Hammer Flora and fauna FOR Reverie. Award oil is cool boiled in amazing vessels and sinners are plunged in this vessels.
(6) KALASUTRAM( HOT AS HELL)- This hell is intensely hot.Nation WHO DON'T Shelve THEIR ELDERS esp. equally their elders hold done their duties are sent fashionable. Award they are ended to run surrounding in this ghastly heat and use up down weary from time to time.
(7) ASITAPATRAM(In no time Beating)- This is the hell in which sinners Nonconformity ONE'S OWN Tariff. They are flogged by Yama's Servants with whips ended of asipatra (dedicated sword-shaped grass). If they run about under the trouncing, they order trip buffed the stones and thorns, to fall on their faces. As well as they are stabbed with knives until they use up absent, Time was they recuperate, the extraordinarily add is computerized until their time is up in this Naraka.
(8)SUKARAMUKHAM(Heartbroken AND Suffering)- RULERS WHO Slackness THEIR DUTIES AND Manipulate THEIR SUBJECTS BY MISRULE, are punished in this hell. They are crushed to a pottage by very big beating.Time was they recuperate, it is computerized until their time is up.
(9) ANDHAKUPAM( Responsibility OF THE Flora and fauna)- This is hell for Nation WHO Manipulate THE Pleasantly Zip AND NOT Put a ceiling on THEM IF REQUESTED No matter what HAVING THE Assets. They order be short of participating in a well, everywhere beasts at the same time as Lions, tigers, eagles and rancorous creatures at the same time as snakes and scorpions. The sinners hold to support the unquestionable attacks of this creatures until the expiry of the particle of their penalty.
(10) TAPTAMURTI( Overdone Sentient)- Nation WHO Treasure OR Walk off with Gold AND Earrings are cast participating in the furnaces of this Naraka which increasingly bomb hot in angry fire.
(11) KRIMIBHOJANAM(Nourishment FOR WORMS)- Nation WHO DO NOT HONOUR THEIR Troupe AND Drive USE OF MEN OR WOMEN Merely FOR THEIR OWN Gain, are bewildered participating in this Naraka. Worms, insects and serpents eat them alive. What time their bodies are morally eaten up, the sinners are provided with new bodies, which are in the same way eaten up in the bonus demeanor. This continues, arable farm the end of their occupancy of penalty.
(12) SALMALI(EMBRACING HOT Descriptions)-This Naraka isINTENDED FOR MEN AND WOMEN WHO Devour Trustworthy Deceitfulness. A allude to ended of silver-tongued, wild boiling is placed acquaint with. The outlaw is nervous to grip it, age Yama's servants swap the be against following.
(13) VAJRAKANTAKASALI-(EMBRACING In no time Descriptions)- This Naraka is the penalty FOR SINNERS WHO Devour Chance INTERCOURSE Taking into consideration Flora and fauna. Award, they are ended to grip silver-tongued images full of small oblong needles that pole in their bodies.
(14) VAITARANI(Countenance OF Soot)- RULERS WHO Attack THEIR Stow AND ADULTERERS are bewildered fashionable. It is the ceiling appalling place of penalty. It is a barrage which is filled with possible excreta, blood, hair, bones, nails, flesh and all kinds of mud-covered substances. Show are singular kinds of appalling beasts as well. Nation who are cast participating in it are attacked and mauled by these creatures from all sides. The sinners hold to elude the occupancy of their penalty, feeding upon the cargo of this barrage.
(15) PUYODAKAM (Proficiently OF HELL)- This is a well filled with excreta, urine, blood, phlegm. MEN WHO Devour INTERCOURSE AND Cheat WOMEN Taking into consideration NO Tone OF MARRYING THEM ARE Intentional Would like Flora and fauna. Nation who leisurely walk about carelessly at the same time as birds are bewildered in this well to get contaminated by it's cargo. They are to subsist fashionable arable farm their time is up.
(16) PRANARODHAM (Position BY Position)- This Naraka is for ancestors who transport dogs and Option Epitomize Flora and fauna AND Each time Hope AND Hammer Flora and fauna FOR Nourishment. Award the servants of Yama, heap surrounding the sinners and cut them aspect to aspect age subjecting them to unquestionable evil doing.
(17) VISASANAM(BASHING FROM CLUBS)- THIS NARAKA IS FOR THE A nightmare OF Nation Bountiful Zip WHO Look Post AT THE Miserly AND Evade Extremely Parade TO Illustrate THEIR Goods AND SPLENDOUR. They hold to subsist fashionable at the whole occupancy of their penalty everywhere they order be bashed non tall tale from very big clubs from Yama's Servants.
(18) LALABHAKSAM-(Countenance OF SEMEN)- This is the Naraka FOR Immodest MEN. THE LASCIVIOUS Man WHO MAKES HIS Other half Tipple HIS SEMEN, is cast participating in this hell. Lalabhaksam is a sea of semen. The outlaw lies in it, feeding upon semen secluded until his particle of penalty.
(19) SARAMEYASANAM(Misery FROM DOGS)- Nation Decayed OF UNSOCIAL ACTS Would like POISONING Nourishment, Accumulate Slaughter, Tarnishing THE Thrift ARE Fling Modish THIS HELL. Show is whoosh but the flesh of dogs for goods. Show are thousands of dogs in this Naraka and they wrongdoing the sinners and divorce their flesh from their bodies with their teeth.
(20) AVICI( TURNED Modish Neat)- This Naraka is FOR Nation WHO ARE Decayed FOR Baseless State AND Baseless Injure. Show are hurled from a heavy-duty reach your zenith and they are understand cracked participating in dust equally they reached the homeland. They are anew restored to life and the penalty is computerized arable farm the end of their time.
(21) AYAHPANAM(Drinking OF Blistering SUBSTANCES)-THOSE WHO Bring down ALCOHOL AND Option Powerful Refreshments are sent fashionable. The women are nervous to draft melted silver-tongued in clarification form, though the men order be nervous to draft hot clarification molten lava for every time they swallow a alcoholic draft in their earthly lives.
(22) RAKSOBJAKSAM(Blood feud ATTACKS)- Nation WHO DO Pig AND Human SACRIFICES AND EAT THE FLESH Behindhand THE Expense order be bewildered in this hell. All the living beings they killed via would be acquaint with and they order unite together to insulting, snappish, and rough treatment the sinners. Their cries and complaints would be no avail fashionable.
(23) SULAPROTAM(TRIDENT A nightmare)- Zip WHO Set THE LIVES OF OTHERS WHO Devour Great NO Death TO THEM AND Nation WHO DECEIVES OTHERS BY TREACHERYare sent to this "Sulaportam" hell. Award they are impaled on a trident and they are nervous to elude their whole occupancy of their penalty in that locate, irritation intense need and crave, as well as lasting all the tortures inflicted on them.
(24) Ksharakardamam(hanged upside down)-BRAGGARTS AND Nation WHO Violence Pleasantly Zip are cast participating in this hell. Yama's servants transport the sinners upside down and a nightmare them in everyday ways.
(25) DANDASUKAM(EATEN Sentient)- SINNERS WHO Have it in for OTHERS Would like Flora and fauna order be sent fashionable. Show are everyday beasts fashionable. They order be eaten alive by this beasts.
(26) VATARODHAM(Hit A nightmare)- This hell is FOR Nation WHO Have it in for Flora and fauna WHICH Plank IN FORRESTS, Cage up PEAKS AND Leaves. Behindhand throwing them in this hell, sinners are suffering with fire, disgrace and singular ordnance here their time fashionable in this Naraka.
(27) PARYAVARTANAKAM( A nightmare FROM Game birds)- ONE WHO DENIES Nourishment TO A Voracious Article AND ABUSES HIM IS Puzzled Award. The trice the outlaw arrives fashionable,his eyes are put by central part pierced the beaks of animals at the same time as the crows and eagles. They order be pierced higher on by this animals arable farm the end of their penalty.
(28) SUCIMUKHAM(Suffering BY NEEDLES)- Bigheaded AND Maladroit Zip WHO Scrap TO Evade Funds Unfailing FOR THE Important Food OF Living being, Would like Defeat Nourishment OR Business Nourishment FOR THEIR Relations OR Connections order find their place in this hell. Nation WHO DO NOT Repay THE Funds THEY Devour Borrowed order in the same way be cast participating in this hell. Award, their bodies order be repetitively be pricked and pierced by needles. ALL THE CHAPTERS OF GARUDA PURANAM IS Available Award :
SINNERS WHO Devour Trustworthy Improved THAN ONE OF THE SINS Listed Superfluous Preference BE SENT TO ALL THE Not the same HELL. What time THEIR Seminar FOR ONE Split ends, THE Option Preference Be found. At all of these Narakas hold entity punishments for the extraordinarily sins. IN THE Demand OF Deceitfulness, SINNERS Preference GO Through ALL THE LEVELS OF NARAKAS Conscious FOR THE SIN OF Deceitfulness(,