Some of my more dedicated readers will have noticed a drop off in the posting on this blog in the last number of weeks. Although I have committed to be involved in the Pagan Blog Project, posting weekly, life has caught up with me and given me a fair whipping.Over the last time i've had a period of ill health, compounded by an increasing professional workload. However, I have not dropped off the magickal map. I have been working on a project for the Irish Order of Thelema, which has taken a fair chunk out of my blog writing time, but I feel the work is well warranted. For those of you who follow my work here and who have been waiting, thank you for your patience. Your audience of my mad and rambling thoughts is much appreciated!But what now? I would like to make a return to blogging here, though I will abandon the alphabetical form of the Pagan Blog Project and return to posting based on my interest at the given moment. So sorry for being away so much and watch this space for what I hope will be posts of interest to you.
"Love is the law, love under will "