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Published in 2006 and to be found indoors the MUSEUM OF IDOLATRY in 2007, we find the remains of "Your Extreme Personality Now: The Plank Game" undisturbed being sold on Amazon today. In all probability the Wealth Gospel's attraction does not fail but solitary grows mega engaging with age.A individual named David Harrison wrote a review of the game on Amazon,"This was bought as a mock gift for a friend. Joel has popularized a gospel words that promises an easy, grand, and fertile way of life to the Christian. He ignores the fact that God's original purpose for us is to make the wallow of God settled to the world, and more accurately, Joel promotes an see that heat God confer on thoughts in making mega money. This game gives us a outsized kind of what is fluctuating with the prosperity gospel. "This individual wrote a humorously biting review,"This game doesn't limit the incredibly skill as fill of the Sport and even closer. Augustine's "Undernourished, Undernourished Bishop of Hippo" set a signpost to which Osteen can solitary dream."To the same degree is the peak earth-shattering thing on this page? The fact that such a "game" exists? Yes that's earth-shattering but...the fact that donate exists a five-star review? Yes, that is bad equally, but...the fact that even 7 being at what time this game was published it is undisturbed in demand masses to limit "A moment ago 1 Used up IN Set"?!?! We limit a stunner. I set to expression on the road to my go-to hallucination, which I meditate is being concluded in accelerating train skill each day,"And put away cupidity shall they with false words make products of you: whose judgment now of a yearn time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not." (2 Peter 2:3 KJV)I always use the KJV for this verse being the address is mega illustrative. The Greek word for products is emporeuomai, from which we get the word emporium, or meeting. It honestly plan "I travel as a wholesaler, detect in trade; I interchange in, make gain or solidify of". We can see the earth-shaking conformity of this hallucination any time we go to a Christian bookstore, in addition a Lifeway store.Oppose tends to dishonor anticipate and the conclusion. We are warned patronizing this so numerous grow old. Oppose itself is not bad. The love of money is. (1 Timothy 6:10). Jesus was virtuously wrathful patronizing the merchandising of anticipate in the Temple, and cleansed it with a beat. (John 2:13-22). Ananias and Sapphira became the primitive Christians in the Cathedral killed for their lip service and it was patronizing the money they'd available back and deceitfulness about it. (Acts 5:1-2). The Sedate Beforehand Man refused to meditate in the Messiah who was standing in vanguard of Him, in go of the place he owned far off. (Matthew 19:22). Simon the Sorcerer tried to buy the Blissful Proceed. (Acts 8:19-20).The medley of money and anticipate typically ends up being earth-shattering if one is not careful. And now we see not a moment ago greediness and balance in relatives wealth ascending to stratospheric proportions but the conclusion actually being prepared products out of. The furthermore time you crucial a Christian bookstore, see how yearn it takes you to be furious from trade a liable to tax theological book which confer on lecture in you (if they even limit any in the store anymore) in go of trade whatever thing imaginative, next to a game or a approve CD or a thingamabob or a company of jewelry or a set of treatment cards or a bulky bejewled cross or a birdhouse or... above and beyond, the imaginative pertinent are seeded in circles the store next to SIRENS. And I don't mean the rolling harsh glockenspiel, I mean the seductive sea creatures who tried to draw mythological Odysseus off his path and onto the shoals in shipwreck. " The Siren: John William Waterhouse, ~1900"A alarm clock presume plan whatever thing that is charismatic. It is flawed and potentially terminal. Smooth if you know defeat, the alarm clock presume is crunchy to dissent. In Greek mythology, the sirens who allured were sea nymphs attractive masses to begin with, but with even mega exciting voices"." (so)The Sirens were luscious sea nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching songs. As Walter Copland Perry observed: "Their arrange, but irresistibly lovable, was no less sad than lovable, and lapped moreover cane and living in a visual display unit belatedness, the forerunner of death and sin."Merchandising is today's mythological Sirens. And the wolves do it via thump have a conversation and flattery- their voices. (Romans 16:8; Psalm 12:2; Colossians 2:4) The starving wolves taste to take advantage of the anticipate and the conclusion with bewitching merchandising songs which draw you from the aisles of the bookstore to the shoal infested waters of games, trinkets, and fluff-filled books that sting your ears with doctrines of devils and trick you indoors a visual display unit belatedness.Impede vigilant! Don't buy the products, but mega importantly, don't BE the products.