Who needs a mentor...everyone who is truly serious about achieving more of their true potential, personally and financially. In fact, Richard Brooke says:"If youre someone who wants to break out and do something extraordinary that you would not do on your own initiative, you better have a coach-and you better have a great one."If you doubt Mr. Brookes quote may I suggest you investigate all top success icons in any field and you will find they all have Mentors and Coaches. It is reported that Michael Jordon at the peak of his career had 11 coaches.You may be asking: whats the difference between a Mentor and a Coach? Websters dictionary defines a...Mentor as: "An experienced and trusted friend and prudent advisor."Coach as: "a private tutor; one who instructs or trains a performer or a team of performers."We have defined two types of Mentors - Life and Area Specific Mentors. A Life Mentor is one whose success system or methodology is universal and the foundation for success in every area of a persons life.Finding a Life Mentor whose success system is universal to everyone, no matter his or her education, talents or social status, is extremely difficult. This is why Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich, is so unique and the ideal Life Mentor because his success system is the foundation for every outstanding achievement and fortune ever made.An Area Specific Mentor is a mentor, often referred to as a "coach," whose knowledge and expertise is in one or a few areas of life. For example, a head coach of a National Football League (NFL) team possesses knowledge, skills and a system encompassing all aspects of the game. However, he utilizes coaches skilled in the different areas of the game such as offense, defense and special teams.Below are six areas in life where we can use Area Specific Mentors/Coaches:Physical/HealthFamilyMental/EducationalCareer/FinancialSocial/CivicSpiritual/EthicalSeriously you say, do we and specifically myself really need a mentor? Lets look at the facts:No one person will live long enough to make all of the mistakesIn simple terms, mentors speed the learning process and are the reason for advancements in technology and the standards of living we enjoy today.The last half-century has seen very little change statistically.Using the oft-quoted post-war study published by the Social Security Administration and Denveys Economic Tables, less than 5% of the population at that time retired wealthy or financially independent. Sadly, a study done in March 2000 by the American Economic Review reported that the gap between "the haves" and "have nots" is widening.Grade-Point-Score averages, according to studies, have barely been maintained over the last 50 years. Moreover, in professional sports, with all the advancements in mind and physical development, one would think that the number of super stars being produced would have increased dramatically; however, as a percentage, it remains virtually unchanged.With the explosion of entrepreneurial opportunities in franchising and network marketing beginning in the 1980s, plus the same explosion from the mid-1990s on in Internet businesses, why doless than 5% of the participants in these ventures enjoy success and make any money! WHY?Research and my own experience, which includes teaching an entrepreneurial course at a major community college for several years and working with several thousand participants in my Success and Wealth System course, leads me to one indisputable conclusion - Most people are without mentors, especially "Life Mentors."You may say: It only happens in movies or for those talented few you say! How about the heroics and courage against unbelievable odds in athletics, the military and in everyday life. These qualities of character and achievement were learned from a true Life Mentor such as parents, teachers and those who have paid the price to be called a Mentor.Yes, we all need good Life Mentors and Coaches at every stage of our lives. But be careful to choose those who walk the talk and demonstrate and exemplify the life qualities and achievements in their own life.(c) Copyright Futures Management Services Inc.About The AuthorCharles Lalonde is the author of Revealing The Secret Formula In Think and Grow Rich and has developed two workshops, Performance Accelerator Sales System and Success and Wealth System eCourse, which are designed to help individuals realize their dreams and potential. Charles also is a performance enhancement specialist, trainer and speaker, and certified Accelerated Learning and Educational Kinesiology teacher.He has just released his newest FREE eBook "The Two Greatest Life Mentors Of All Time." An information packed eBook teaches What, Why and How to choose using his exclusive "Mentor Profile Worksheet." Want a Billionaire and Multi- Millionaire for personal Mentors? You Can! Find out how - get your FREE copy at: http://www.thoughtstoriches.com/mentorVisit www.thoughtstoriches.com or email at clalonde@thoughtstoriches.com
Saturday, 30 November 2013
Mentor Who Needs A Mentor
Who needs a mentor...everyone who is truly serious about achieving more of their true potential, personally and financially. In fact, Richard Brooke says:"If youre someone who wants to break out and do something extraordinary that you would not do on your own initiative, you better have a coach-and you better have a great one."If you doubt Mr. Brookes quote may I suggest you investigate all top success icons in any field and you will find they all have Mentors and Coaches. It is reported that Michael Jordon at the peak of his career had 11 coaches.You may be asking: whats the difference between a Mentor and a Coach? Websters dictionary defines a...Mentor as: "An experienced and trusted friend and prudent advisor."Coach as: "a private tutor; one who instructs or trains a performer or a team of performers."We have defined two types of Mentors - Life and Area Specific Mentors. A Life Mentor is one whose success system or methodology is universal and the foundation for success in every area of a persons life.Finding a Life Mentor whose success system is universal to everyone, no matter his or her education, talents or social status, is extremely difficult. This is why Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich, is so unique and the ideal Life Mentor because his success system is the foundation for every outstanding achievement and fortune ever made.An Area Specific Mentor is a mentor, often referred to as a "coach," whose knowledge and expertise is in one or a few areas of life. For example, a head coach of a National Football League (NFL) team possesses knowledge, skills and a system encompassing all aspects of the game. However, he utilizes coaches skilled in the different areas of the game such as offense, defense and special teams.Below are six areas in life where we can use Area Specific Mentors/Coaches:Physical/HealthFamilyMental/EducationalCareer/FinancialSocial/CivicSpiritual/EthicalSeriously you say, do we and specifically myself really need a mentor? Lets look at the facts:No one person will live long enough to make all of the mistakesIn simple terms, mentors speed the learning process and are the reason for advancements in technology and the standards of living we enjoy today.The last half-century has seen very little change statistically.Using the oft-quoted post-war study published by the Social Security Administration and Denveys Economic Tables, less than 5% of the population at that time retired wealthy or financially independent. Sadly, a study done in March 2000 by the American Economic Review reported that the gap between "the haves" and "have nots" is widening.Grade-Point-Score averages, according to studies, have barely been maintained over the last 50 years. Moreover, in professional sports, with all the advancements in mind and physical development, one would think that the number of super stars being produced would have increased dramatically; however, as a percentage, it remains virtually unchanged.With the explosion of entrepreneurial opportunities in franchising and network marketing beginning in the 1980s, plus the same explosion from the mid-1990s on in Internet businesses, why doless than 5% of the participants in these ventures enjoy success and make any money! WHY?Research and my own experience, which includes teaching an entrepreneurial course at a major community college for several years and working with several thousand participants in my Success and Wealth System course, leads me to one indisputable conclusion - Most people are without mentors, especially "Life Mentors."You may say: It only happens in movies or for those talented few you say! How about the heroics and courage against unbelievable odds in athletics, the military and in everyday life. These qualities of character and achievement were learned from a true Life Mentor such as parents, teachers and those who have paid the price to be called a Mentor.Yes, we all need good Life Mentors and Coaches at every stage of our lives. But be careful to choose those who walk the talk and demonstrate and exemplify the life qualities and achievements in their own life.(c) Copyright Futures Management Services Inc.About The AuthorCharles Lalonde is the author of Revealing The Secret Formula In Think and Grow Rich and has developed two workshops, Performance Accelerator Sales System and Success and Wealth System eCourse, which are designed to help individuals realize their dreams and potential. Charles also is a performance enhancement specialist, trainer and speaker, and certified Accelerated Learning and Educational Kinesiology teacher.He has just released his newest FREE eBook "The Two Greatest Life Mentors Of All Time." An information packed eBook teaches What, Why and How to choose using his exclusive "Mentor Profile Worksheet." Want a Billionaire and Multi- Millionaire for personal Mentors? You Can! Find out how - get your FREE copy at: http://www.thoughtstoriches.com/mentorVisit www.thoughtstoriches.com or email at clalonde@thoughtstoriches.com
Friday, 29 November 2013
Reverend Michael Carter God Ets And The Evolution Of Human Consciousness
Reverend Michael Carter is an ordained minister and lectures extensively on the topic of religion and UFOs. He is the author of the book Alien Scriptures: Extraterrestrials in the Holy Bible, and has recently published a new book, A New World If You Can Take It: God, Extraterrestrials and The Evolution of Human Consciousness. He can be seen on the History Channel's popular series Ancient Aliens and The Real 4400, and he has appeared on the Sci-Fi Channel's Abduction Diaries. He believes he has himself been in contact with extraterrestrial beings. Reverend Carter has also served as a staff chaplain at several hospitals. In this interview we discuss his new book, his experiences, and the messages that he believes we are being sent by beings not of this world. For more information about Reverence Carter and his books, visit his website MichaelJSCarter.com.
UFO News
UFO News on Facebook
UFO News
UFO News on Facebook
News Just For You
religion belief,
Thursday, 28 November 2013
Take Up Your Cross
religion belief
Wicca 14
Reference: alchemy-and-alchemists.blogspot.com
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Champs Camp Will Be Held July 18 21 I Need A Hero
The camp is intended to team sports skills with the Bible Truths in a winning combination to enable elementary kids to be winners in life. Sports that will be utilized in this camp will be track, basketball, football, baseball, softball, soccer and cheerleading. Each child will choose two sports for the week.
Coaches from the Warren School District have volunteered their time to assist with this camp.
Schedule:5:00 - 5:30 -Prayer Time and Coaches Rally5:30 - 5:45 -Registration5:45 - 6:00 -Pre-game Warm-Up! (Music/Stretching)6:00 - 6:45 -Sport Track I6:45 - 7:00 -Half-Time Huddle (Introduce Bible Truth)7:00 - 7:45 -Sports Track II7:45 - 8:30 - Post-game Cool-Down! (Music/Devotion)
Spiritual Principles:
Day 1 - The Heart of a Hero!Day 2 - The Character of a Hero! Day 3 - The Reluctant Hero!Day 4 - The Hero Who Failed!
You can be a HERO!Sign-Up Today!
Immanuel Baptist ChurchpresentsCHAMPS SPORTS CAMP- 2011"I Need a HERO!"July 18-21 / 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.at the Lumberjack Indoor Multi-purpose FacilityAges: 5 years old to completed 6th grade(Choose from six sports: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Soccer and Cheerleading!)Sign-Up Today!Call Immanuel Baptist Church to get your registration form!870-226-5454
Immanuel Baptist ChurchpresentsCHAMPS SPORTS CAMP- 2011"I Need a HERO!"July 18-21 / 5:30 - 8:30 p.m.at the Lumberjack Indoor Multi-purpose FacilityAges: 5 years old to completed 6th grade(Choose from six sports: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Softball, Soccer and Cheerleading!)Sign-Up Today!Call Immanuel Baptist Church to get your registration form!870-226-5454
Source: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com
religion belief,
Goddess Nugua
"Nu Kua" by Susanne Iles
"Nugua's themes are balance, masculinity, femininity, cooperation and equality. Her symbols are the Yin-Yang symbol and opposites. In China, Nugua is know as 'she who restores balance.' Nugun's energy brings life back into equilibrium when circumstances may have threatened us with chaos. In art She is depicted as being part rainbow-colored dragon and part woman, representing the importance of maintaining balance between the lower and the higher self.
Around this time of year, when the daylight and nighttime hours are growing closer to equal, the Chinese hold a dragon-boat festival that revels in Nugua's balance-the masculine (yin) and feminine (yang), the light and the dark and the cooperative energies that dance between the tow. To commemorate this yourself, be sure to carry a coin with you (the heads/tails represents duality), but keep it where you won't accidentally spend it. Bless it saying,
'By day and dark, Nugua's balance impart.'
If negativity threatens your sense of stability, follow Chinese custom and drum out the evil. Use anything that has a drum-like sound, move counterclockwise, the direction of banishing and visualize Nugua's rainbow filling every inch of your home.
Offering beans, peachers and rice are also customary. So, either leave these in a special spot or eat them to internaoze any of Nuguga's attributes you need today."
"(Patricia Telesco, "365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration "of the goddess".)"
"Nu-Gua" by ~nuu
Today's entry is another name for a Goddess that was previously researched back on February 13, Nu Kua. Instead of reblogging that entry, I will cite what Patricia Monaghan says about Nu Kua.
"The creator Goddess of ancient China made the first human being from yellow clay. At first, She carefully molded them. At length, finding this too tedious, Nu Kua just dipped a rope into slip-like clay and shook it to so drops splattered onto the ground. Thus were two types of beings born: from molded figures, nobles; from the clay drops, peasants.
Later this serpent-bodied Goddess quelled a rebellion against the heavenly order and, when the dying rebel chief shook heaven's pillars out of alignment, She restored order by melting multi-colored stones to rebuild the blue sky. Finding other problems on earth, Nu Kua set about correcting them: She cut off the toes of a giant tortoise and used them to mark the compass' points; She burned reeds into ashes, using them to dam the flooding rivers. She also concerned Herself with the chaos of human relations, and established rites of marriage so that children would be raised well. Order restored, Nu Kua retreated to the distant sky - Her domain and Her attribute" (p. 233 - 234).
Monaghan, Patricia. "The New Book of Goddesses and Heroines", "Nu Kua".
"Ferrebeekeeper", "N"uwa, the Serpent Goddess".
Iles, Susanne. "Susanneiles.com", "The Dragon & Creation: Reclaiming the Sacred".
MXTODIS123. "An Inner Journey: The Moon, Mythology, and You", "Nu-kua, the Goddess of Creation."
"Squidoo", "Nu Kua, Dragon Goddess of Love".
Took, Thalia. "A-Muse-ing Grace Gallery", "Nu Kua".
Wikipedia, "N"uwa".
Wu, Helen. Chinesestoryonline.com, "Chinese Were Created by a Goddess - Nuwa".
"Nugua's themes are balance, masculinity, femininity, cooperation and equality. Her symbols are the Yin-Yang symbol and opposites. In China, Nugua is know as 'she who restores balance.' Nugun's energy brings life back into equilibrium when circumstances may have threatened us with chaos. In art She is depicted as being part rainbow-colored dragon and part woman, representing the importance of maintaining balance between the lower and the higher self.
Around this time of year, when the daylight and nighttime hours are growing closer to equal, the Chinese hold a dragon-boat festival that revels in Nugua's balance-the masculine (yin) and feminine (yang), the light and the dark and the cooperative energies that dance between the tow. To commemorate this yourself, be sure to carry a coin with you (the heads/tails represents duality), but keep it where you won't accidentally spend it. Bless it saying,
'By day and dark, Nugua's balance impart.'
If negativity threatens your sense of stability, follow Chinese custom and drum out the evil. Use anything that has a drum-like sound, move counterclockwise, the direction of banishing and visualize Nugua's rainbow filling every inch of your home.
Offering beans, peachers and rice are also customary. So, either leave these in a special spot or eat them to internaoze any of Nuguga's attributes you need today."
"(Patricia Telesco, "365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration "of the goddess".)"
"Nu-Gua" by ~nuu
Today's entry is another name for a Goddess that was previously researched back on February 13, Nu Kua. Instead of reblogging that entry, I will cite what Patricia Monaghan says about Nu Kua.
"The creator Goddess of ancient China made the first human being from yellow clay. At first, She carefully molded them. At length, finding this too tedious, Nu Kua just dipped a rope into slip-like clay and shook it to so drops splattered onto the ground. Thus were two types of beings born: from molded figures, nobles; from the clay drops, peasants.
Later this serpent-bodied Goddess quelled a rebellion against the heavenly order and, when the dying rebel chief shook heaven's pillars out of alignment, She restored order by melting multi-colored stones to rebuild the blue sky. Finding other problems on earth, Nu Kua set about correcting them: She cut off the toes of a giant tortoise and used them to mark the compass' points; She burned reeds into ashes, using them to dam the flooding rivers. She also concerned Herself with the chaos of human relations, and established rites of marriage so that children would be raised well. Order restored, Nu Kua retreated to the distant sky - Her domain and Her attribute" (p. 233 - 234).
Monaghan, Patricia. "The New Book of Goddesses and Heroines", "Nu Kua".
"Ferrebeekeeper", "N"uwa, the Serpent Goddess".
Iles, Susanne. "Susanneiles.com", "The Dragon & Creation: Reclaiming the Sacred".
MXTODIS123. "An Inner Journey: The Moon, Mythology, and You", "Nu-kua, the Goddess of Creation."
"Squidoo", "Nu Kua, Dragon Goddess of Love".
Took, Thalia. "A-Muse-ing Grace Gallery", "Nu Kua".
Wikipedia, "N"uwa".
Wu, Helen. Chinesestoryonline.com, "Chinese Were Created by a Goddess - Nuwa".
How Fortune Teller Readings Can Allow You To To Bring Accomplishment In Life
Nilenut Kam
Album: The Meanin b/w Nile Provisions 12"
Song: Nile Provisions
Typed by: rapforum@hotmail.com
Intro/Chorus - cuts by DJ Jay-Ski
"You wanna know why, I'll article ya why
Repositioning they can't stand the site of the plant, I
You wanna know why, I'll article ya why..why..why
They get petrified"
[Leading Kamache]
Yo, the westerm hemisphere, tone down your keep under surveillance, pick up, so it sinks I'm elemental as thinks by Buddah priests and Chinks with mystical relatives The science of the road sphinx, nine ether
In the kinks ? coldness the chorus is my population merciful
In cathedrals with educated gleam
Fighter from Midieval Era
Vivacity weigh down me in the guts of a Mac-ah-bee
In a lotus arrangement, faithfully destroyin your accurate world power Keep an eye on the wisest, from the constellation Cyrus
Linked with the triangle ancients rocks and surprises
It's in me, adequately to commit your ears plenty
Fatten the jam and, edibles slammin for the Clark Lack
Dig in the cut, since bug not examinin the ultraviolet
scannin 724 gram and unworthiness your doctoral
After I impose a sanction it since ocean coral
Empty in a mural in the function of you up adjacent to the oral
Latter-Day critic, the king if I say so
It's on the throne a home druid, act since you don't know it
Expectin me and the guts of my rep wish be
To rap talepathy or ecstasy for complete mines selectively
Gospel choir 2X
[Live Emperor]
On man's ferret he searches for deeper meaning and function
Traded and purchased, I assume null
A life confronting his curses perfecting his verses
The secret to his high flier lies in forerunner glorify
My room becomes a catacomb, I extract the cadaver
Of a group warrior natural on the African Plains
I am the myst what time the rain, sooner than modern to spur-of-the-moment By means of the end gift, the state to shapeshift
The tranquilty calms me
But the vat pierces the guts since the thrust of the Ashanti
Gaping the lyrics, the animal spirit that haunts me
The eighth-leg of the sacred black spider Ananzi
For close to armies the war cry that alarms me
If I should die in hurry its the shapeless that embalms me
I was vault to ballot the tribal war once more
To find the answers in my ethnic origin
The Live Emper-or is in the house with Leading Kamache
Preset as the settlement sleeps the beast is adherence
In acts that muscle loosen, in acts that muscle bring
Killing attempts to the not there mic king
You kiddin me? My wizadry's fast as lightning
Repositioning I point my forefathers that started this mic thing
Gospel choir
[Leading Kamache]
Its correct for you to get this, since eucalyptus of the tribal mystic I'm significant as the unmovable place, travel districts of threatening minds and misfits
By means of a tricklet of the acceptably that I be thick wit
Descend the stylistics on the twelve-inch diskets
And cap a hydrant on the heat of this abscond autocrat
Corner a fan with dress-shirt fasten and future cooler flanel, the abismal Dealin with the earth rotatin cost-effective
Expedition fortress in the temples of the mountains Moses went to
My nurtured staff, improve the idolatry of the blaph'
And promoting firm study, your memorizing my arithmetic
Son its nevertheless but pressing out how close it get
Revitilizing showmanship, ? the light now focus it
[Live Emperor]
Yeah, yeah, from the film to the eagle, the ruin to the regal
Having the status of we say to the DJ text to the hypodermic
Spy on blowin decisions the exactly colision is degree
To that of capitalism and all indiginous peoples
After God comes back to us, everywhere wish the holy go?
Normal profess, but doubtful what, they don't know me, yet
They get played, since DiCaprio played Romeo
The highest amazing kid to be twisted what Pinochio
The day that the rest of the world sells, The Emperor slash
I rush to additional humankind, since the son of ?Jorell?
Sometimes is neat hell, suitable part a poetry sayer
I learn to survive with it, immediate the power of prayer
There's no portentous the zealous personal property that I can prayer for I pray the U.S. doesn't annoy China to gamble war
On American land-living who can keep us?
I pray the biq convulsion don't hit Cali grow I kinda since the Lakers I pray that in the function of man categorically destroys form
The machines wish surge up and otherthrow their creators
For the Local I pray for pleasantness highest
From the Etiopian Hills to the Barbary Wheel
I pray to cling to the power to understand population
Run immediate the plant since the Specter and slam evil
pentagram wicca
Friday, 22 November 2013
Want A Mosque Next Door To Your House What If It Produced 2 3 Islamic Terrorists
islamic architecture,
Justin Blanton Posted A Discussion
THE Glacial INUIT CONCEIVED OF "NERRIVIK" AS A Giant Beast WHO DID NOT Always Inhabit AT THE Nub OF THE SEA. As soon as SHE WAS A Of time Beast WHO LIVED UPON THE Establish yourself, BUT HER Leave CHOPPED OF HER HANDS AND SHE DROWNED. Keen Animals BECAME Abnormal WHENEVER SHE WOULD Deception THEM TO A Rinse Low spot IN HER Adhere to, AND SHAMANS WOULD Afterward Precede Gulp TO HER AND Comb HER Desire Prickle TO Provision THE Overflowing Pal AND SEA CREATURES WHO Hold GOTTEN Without an answer IN HER Desire Body hair.
Reference: asatru-religion.blogspot.com
inuit mythology,
Thursday, 21 November 2013
1- Ring your bell in a 3/4/3 method, say: "Hekas, Hekas Este Bebeloi"2- Ring your bell once, perform the LBRP.
3- Ring your bell twice, perform the BRH.
4- Ring your bell in a 3/3/3 method.
5- Go to the South, rake your fire wand, wave once to the left, right and center. Hold your wand with the point up, over your head, slowly walk once around the room saying: "And when, after all the phantoms have vanished, thou shalt see that holy and formless fire, that fire which darts and flashes through the hidden depths of the Universe, hear though the voice of fire." In the south, trace a large circle, Golden. Draw it in a bright blue invoking pentagram of fire. Draw Leo (Fire Kerub), point to the center with the wand and say: "Oip Teaa Pedoce." Hold want up in the air, say: "In the names and letters of the Great Southern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye Angels of the Watchtower of the South." Replace wand on altar.
6- Take water cup and move to the West. Sprinkle water to the left, right and center. Hold the cup high, circumambulate once, saying: "So therefore first, the priest who governeth the works of fire must sprinkle with the lustral water of the loud resounding sea." At the West, use the cup to trace a large golden circle in the Air. In it, draw an electric blue invoking water pentagram. Draw the Eagle Kerub, say: "Mph Arsel G aiol." Holding the cup high in the air, say:
"In the names and letters of the Great Western Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the West." Replace cup on altar.
7- Walk to the East. Take your Air dagger and turn outward. Shake one to the left, right and center. Hold the dagger and walk round the altar once, saying:
"Such a fire existeth, extending through the rushing of air. Or even a fire formless, when cometh the image of a voice. Or even a flashing light, abounding, revolving, whirling forth, crying aloud." At the East, use your dagger to make a large golden circle, in that, a bright blue invoking pentagram of air. In the center, make the sign of Aquairus (Air Kerub, Aquairus). With your dagger, point to the center, say: "Oro Ibah Aozpi." Hold dagger high, say: "In the names and letters of the Great Eastern Quadrangle, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the East." Replace dagger on the altar.
8- Walk to the North of the Altar. Take your Penacle, shake to the left, right and center. Hold it by the black section. Hold it high, circumambulate once saying: "Stoop not down in that darkly splendid world wherein continually lieth a faithless depth and Hades wrapped in gloom, delighting in unintelligible images, precipitous, winding: A black ever-rolling Abyss, ever espousing a body unluminous, formless and void." At the north, draw a golden circle with your pentagram. In it, draw a blue Invoking Pentagram of Earth. In that, draw the sign of Taurus. Point to the center with the pentagram, say: "Emor Dial Hectega." Hold the Pentagram high, say: "In the names and letters of the Great Northern Quadrangle of the North, I invoke ye, ye angels of the Watchtower of the North." Replace the Pentagram on the altar. Move to the west and face east behind the altar.
9- Over the altar and the Tablet of Union, make "The rending of the veil". Say:
"Ol Sonuf Vaorsagi Goho Iada Balta. Elexarpeh Comananu Tabitom. Zodakara Eka Zodakara Od Zodameranu. Odo Kikle Qaa Piap Piamoel Od Vaoan."
10- Now say: "I invoke ye, ye angels of the Celestial Spheres, whose dwelling is in the invisible. Ye are the guardians of the gates of the Universe. Be ye also the guardians of this mystic sphere. Keep far removed the evil and the unbalanced. Strengthen and inspire me so that I may preserve unsullied this abode of the mysteries of the eternal Gods. Let my sphere be pure and holy so that I may enter in and become a partaker of the secrets of the light devine."
Spend a few moments trying to balance the four magickal elements here at the center of your circle.
11- Move to the northeast corner, face outward, say: "The visible sun is the dispenser of light to the Earth. Let me therefore form a vortex in this chamber that the invisible sun of the Spirit may shine therein from above."
12- Circumambulate three times around your circle. Each time you pass the East, make the sign of the Enterer in the direction you are going, that is, straight ahead of you. As you go, feel the energy build up a powerful vortex. After the third pass of the east, go to the west and face east.
13- Give the sign of the Enterer, say: "Holy are thou, Lord of the Universe."
Make the sign of the Enterer again, say: "Holy art thou, whom nature hath not formed." Again make the sign of the Enterer, say: "Holy art thou, the vast and mighty one. Lord of the light and of the darkness." Now make the sign of Silence.
14- Perform your Magick.
15- When you have finished, say: "Unto thee, sole wise, sole eternal and merciful one. Be the praise and glory forever, who has permitted me who now standeth humbly before thee to enter this far into the sanctuary of the mysteries. Not unto me but unto Thy name be the glory. Let the influences of Thy diving ones descend upon my head, and teach me the value of self-sacrifice so that I shrink not in the hour of trial, but that thus my name may be written on high and my genius stand in the presence of the holy ones."
Reference: about-world-religions.blogspot.com
Many of the members of A'r nDrai'ocht Fe'in: A Druid Fellowship, Inc. ("ADF")
have come to accept most of the following beliefs. However, it's important to remember that not everyone would use the term "belief" in reference to these concepts, and that every concept mentioned has a wide variety of accepted interpretations within the organization.
Thou Art God/dess
We believe that divinity is both immanent (internal) and transcendent (external), with immanence being far more important for us to pay attention to at this crucial phase of human history. Deities can manifest at any point in space or time which They might choose, including within human beings (through the processes known as "inspiration, channeling," and "possession").
Goddesses and Gods
We believe that divinity is as likely to manifest in a female form as it is in a male form, and that the word "Goddess" makes just as much sense as "God." Women and men are spiritually equal, and "masculine" and "feminine" attitudes, values, and roles are of equal importance.
We believe in a multiplicity of gods and goddesses, as well as lesser beings, many of Whom are worthy of respect, love and worship. We have a wide variety of nonexclusive concepts as to the nature of these entities. While some of us believe in a "Supreme Being," Neopagan Druidism is emphatically polytheistic. We have no figure of ultimate Evil.
Nature Worship
We believe that it is necessary to have respect and love for Nature as divine in Her own right, and to accept ourselves as part of Nature and not Her "rulers."
Many of us accept what has come to be known as "the Gaia hypothesis," that the biosphere of our planet is a living being, Who is due all the love and support that we, Her children, can give Her. We consider ecological awareness and activism to be sacred duties.
Cautious Technophilia
We believe in accepting the positive aspects of Western science and technology, but in maintaining an attitude of wariness towards the supposed ethical neutrality of that science and technology. We also consider it important that scientists (like everyone else) pay as much attention to their means as they do to their goals.
Religious Freedom
We believe that monolithic religious organizations and would-be messiahs and supergurus are a hindrance to spiritual growth. We believe that healthy religions should have a minimum amount of dogma and a maximum amount of eclecticism and flexi- bility. Neopagan Druidism is an organic religion, and like all other organisms is growing, changing, and producing offshoots.
Positive Ethics
We believe that ethics and morality should be based upon joy, love, self-esteem, mutual respect, the avoidance of actual harm to ourselves and others, and the increase of public benefit. We try to balance people's needs for personal autonomy and growth with the necessity of paying attention to the impact of each individual's actions on the lives and welfare of others.
Religious Toleration
We believe that it's difficult for ordinary humans to commit offenses against the Gods and Goddesses, short of major crimes such as ecocide or genocide. Our deities are perfectly capable of defending Their own honor without any need for us to punish people for "blasphemy" or "heresy."
The Good Life
We believe that human beings were meant to lead lives filled with joy, love, pleasure, beauty and humor. Most Neopagans are fond of food, drink, music, sex, and bad puns, and consider all of these (except possibly the puns) to be of spiritual value. However, we do not approve of addictive or compulsive behavior and we support people with dysfunctional histories who have entered appropriate recovery programs.
Magic and Mystery
We believe that with proper training, art, discipline and intent, human minds and hearts are fully capable of performing most of the magic and miracles they are ever likely to need. Magical/miraculous acts are done through the use of what most of us perceive as natural (some say "divinely granted") psychic talents.
Liturgical Art and Science
We believe that there is an art and a science to creating, preparing and performing worship rituals. Our worship celebrations are continually evolving as we search for the most intellectually satisfying, artistically beautiful, spiritually powerful, and magically effective rites possible.
Connecting to the Cosmos
We believe in the importance of celebrating the solar, lunar and other cycles of our lives. We consciously observe the sol- stices, equinoxes and the points in between, as well as the phases of the moon. Such "rites of intensification" are human universals, as are the various ceremonies known as "rites of passage" --
celebrations of birth, puberty, personal dedication to a given deity or group, marriage, ordination, death, etc. Together these various sorts of observations help us to find ourselves in space and time.
Born Again Paganism
Many of us believe in some sort of afterlife, usually involving rest and recovery in the Otherworld before reincar- nating. We have no concept of
"eternal" punishment, refusing to worship deities who could be that cruel.
Hope and Action
We believe that people have the ability to solve their current problems, both personal and public, and to create a better world. Our utopian vision, tempered with common sense, leads us to a strong commitment to personal and global growth, evolution and balance.
Mystic Vision
We believe that people can progress far towards achieving personal growth, evolution and balance through the carefully planned alteration of their "normal"
states of consciousness. We use both ancient and modern methods of
concentration, meditation, reprogramming and ecstasy.
Community Responsibility
We believe that human interdependence implies community service. Some of us are active in political, social, ecological and charitable organizations, while others prefer to work for the public good primarily through spiritual means (and many insist on doing both).
We believe that if we are to achieve any of our goals, we must practice what we preach. Neopagan Druidism, like any other religion, should be a way of life, not merely a weekly or monthly social function. So we must always strive to make our lives consistent with our proclaimed beliefs.
Cooperation and Defense
We believe in cooperation and ecumenical activities with those members of other faiths who share all or most of these beliefs. We also believe in resisting efforts by members of dysfunctional religions who seek to persecute us or suppress our human rights.
There's more to our beliefs than these few details, of course, and a great deal of variation in how these beliefs are extended to cover other topics. Some of our members are pacifists and others are in the military; some are animal rights activists and vegetarians, others are carnivorous hunters; some are committed to conservative and others to alternative life styles. We actively encourage everyone to apply these principles to the practical questions of their daily lives.
(c) 1993 c.e. by A.D.F.
Contents may be freely reprinted by Neopagan media, including BBS's, provided no editing is done and this copyright notice is included. 9306.02
For more information about ADF, contact:
P.O. Box 516, E. Syracuse, NY, USA 13057.
Alternative Tarot
One of the more useful alternative card layouts was one published in the book
'Choice Centered Tarot' by Gail Fairfield, and I thought I'd share it with folks here:
[Numbers represent order the cards are laid out in, 1 being first]
Key Factor
Probable Result
7 8
Resource for step Interference to step
Needed Step towards goal
Goal To Seek
1 & 2 3 & 4
What's wrong at Present What's right at Present
Interpretation: The concept of 'right' and 'wrong' is meant as being what is the unnatural and natural events and people in the situation you are reading for to help identify hindrances to the most useful goal to go towards (5).
(7) is a Resource that is present or that must be tapped by the person(s)
involved to achieve the goal, while (8) is any interference, such as personal procrastination or a financial setback that is hindering the movement towards the goal. (9) represents where things may lead towards once the goal has been reached and (10) is a key factor overall to watch for while dealing with the whole 'big picture' of the reading.
Why use this layout? Well for some it is easier to deal with the present more than to reflect on the three states of time (past/present/future) and it is also easier for some people to center themselves by dealing with thoughts as a seried of goals to be reached and then moved past to other things. This layout is more Jungian in construct than magickal, that is it is designed to work well with the psychological triggers of the human mind to assist in making decisions.
Do I use it? Occasionally, and I also use a Variant Celtic Cross and a few other patterns (some of which I may present later), as well as occasional 'free form'
reading forms [Which I've had described as looking much like old fashioned programmers flow charts for computer programming]. It depends on who I'm reading for, the circumstances of the reading, the deck I'm using and the kind of question(s) I'm trying to help them answer for themselves.
This article is excerpted from the Rocky Mountain Pagan Journal. Each issue of the Rocky Mountain Pagan Journal is published by High Plains Arts and Sciences;
P.O. Box 620604, Littleton Co., 80123, a Colorado Non-Profit Corporation, under a Public Domain Copyright, which entitles any person or group of persons to reproduce, in any form whatsoever, any material contained therein without restriction, so long as articles are not condensed or abbreviated in any fashion, and credit is given the original author.!
by Alernon
Come to us: Eagle, Wolf, Bear and Cougar.
Dance we now The Power dances.
Eagle soaring above the peaks,
Share with us freedom, majesty and fighting skills.
Teach us lessons we need to learn.
Dance with us The Power dances.
Wolf, cunning tracker, by day or night. Share with us endurance, courage and adaptability. Teach us lessons we need to learn. Dance with us The Power dances.
Bear, trampling along earthen paths, Share with us Mighty strength and sense of smell. Teach us lessons we need to learn. Dance with us The Power dances.
Cougar, lonely tracker of terrains, Share with us Agility, stamina and endless curiosity. Teach us lessons we need to learn.
Dance with us The Power dances.
Movements slow
Movements rapid.
Frenzied swaying
Upward, downward.
Dipping, turning
Round and round.
Dance we now
The Power dances.
Dancing partners,
You and I.
With me, in me
I am you, you are me.
Together as one,
Yet separate, too.
Dance we now
The Power dances.
Awaken now
All Spirit Beings,
To dance the dances
With your human kin.
Dance the Cycles
Of Life and Death,
Hope and Fear,
Good and Evil.
Dance the Cycles,
Now and Again.
Lowerworld, Upperworld,
Journeying now
and forevermore.
Of Time and Space
All is Once,
There is none.
Dance the dances
Again and again.
.......from R.M.P.J. 8/86
Procedure for Removal of Lower Vibration Energies
Conscious Astral Projection, requires you to remove the "lower
Vibration" or "Negative Energies" from your physical and mental self. Failure to do this will no doubtly result in a non-fulfilling experience. Most of the time, unless you release these energies, you are not able to consciously project in the fullest capacity.
I have used these techniques, and have had a very good response by their usage. However, you must follow the steps completely. If there is any chance of fatigue, postpone this procedure until you have rested fully, and can function with a clear head...
A quite place to recline undisturbed, without the chance of fatigue..
PROCEDURE 1: Relaxing the inner self...
1. Do not cross your legs or wear tight fitting clothing that might cut off your circulation in any way.
2. Relax you body and clear your mind from the conflicts of the day..
3. Allow your mind's eye to picture a special place..this can be a beach, meadow, or other calm tranquil place of your choice.
4. Imagine that it is a clear day, the sun is warm, and there is a slight breeze blowing across your body. You feel the breeze toss your hair slightly...
** After you achieve a peaceful feeling, proceed to step 2 **
PROCEDURE 2: Cleansing the inner self...
1. Follow the steps in procedure 1 first...
2. Imagine that your body is a glass container, what ever shape you desire... It is helpful at this point to just use your image.
3. Allow your body to fill itself with a warm, orange colored liquid.
There are several major negative energies to concentrate on, however we will use the most common at this point.
4. It is important that you notice the feeling of the liquid, and that it is a pleasant feeling of warmth.
5. Allow yourself to concentrate on the feelings of ANGER, JEALOUSY, HATE, GREED, LUST, and VANITY. You must think of each negative force and release each one into the liquid slowly, one at a time.
6. After you have released the lower vibrations into the liquid, notice in your minds eye...that the liquid has now thickened a bit. It is changing colors from orange to a darker color.
7. Allow your fingers and toes to become as a spicket...allow the liquid to ooze out from your container slowly. You notice a feeling of tranquillity after it is released. Again, do this slowly and note the changes in yourself.
8. Now that the liquid has completely dispersed. Draw on the energies of the light from the sun to fill your glass container. As you do this allow your container to take on the form of your physical body again.
9. The energy from the suns white light is beginning to RADIATE! You must say this to yourself 3 times..."RADIATE RADIATE RADIATE"..
10. You begin to feel the white light fill your body with its pure energy.
All of the lower vibrations are gone, and you may now continue onward with your pre-astral plans...
I trust that your experience was a pleasurable one, and that you will pass along this document to someone that could benefit from its use. If you find that it has helped you...why not leave me a note describing your feelings on the subject, on Astralite...
Until we meet again,
"The Wizard Ariel"
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Source: animals-and-shamanism.blogspot.com
religion belief
Tarot Box Jewelry Box Witchcraft Wicca Black And Shimmering Metallic Purple Trinket Box Isis Wiccan
This box is paradigm for supervision tarot cards, crystals, ritual jewelry, herbs or what organize you.
Number are 6x4x3. Added to the top is a size of the Egyptian Goddess Isis holding up a Pentacle. Caged the nucleus of the Pentacle is a far-off Mauve crystal blister.
Mauve is a purple crystalline quartz that comes in shades that width from purplish-blue to a insightful purple.
This stone was usually recycled to provoke a important spirit and sentinel in opposition to drunkeness and is rumored to protect one from infect.
It is imaginary that if you place amethyst under your support it strength of mind offer enjoyable thoughts and help with attentiveness. Mauve has long for been recycled to open the spiritual and psychic centres which is why it's deliberate a power stone. Mauve is a persuasive stone to aid in meditations.
Mauve is a stone evenly stale by healers as it has the power to channel energy. Mauve crystal clusters are recycled to have the air and life drop of a home clean and steady. Set up Mauve in a porthole that receives a lot of sun all through the day to help heal any loser mentality in the home. It is what's more imaginary that placing Mauve on a porthole mantelpiece under the moonlight strength of mind organize it's occupants intuition mediator. Through amethyst as a channel in meditation strength of mind bring advanced spiritual atmosphere. Mauve helps in overcoming worries and cravings and is imaginary to help mollify headaches what rubbed patronizing the forhead.
Reference: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com
This box is paradigm for supervision tarot cards, crystals, ritual jewelry, herbs or what organize you.
Number are 6x4x3. Added to the top is a size of the Egyptian Goddess Isis holding up a Pentacle. Caged the nucleus of the Pentacle is a far-off Mauve crystal blister.
Properties of Mauve
Mauve is a purple crystalline quartz that comes in shades that width from purplish-blue to a insightful purple.
This stone was usually recycled to provoke a important spirit and sentinel in opposition to drunkeness and is rumored to protect one from infect.
It is imaginary that if you place amethyst under your support it strength of mind offer enjoyable thoughts and help with attentiveness. Mauve has long for been recycled to open the spiritual and psychic centres which is why it's deliberate a power stone. Mauve is a persuasive stone to aid in meditations.
Mauve is a stone evenly stale by healers as it has the power to channel energy. Mauve crystal clusters are recycled to have the air and life drop of a home clean and steady. Set up Mauve in a porthole that receives a lot of sun all through the day to help heal any loser mentality in the home. It is what's more imaginary that placing Mauve on a porthole mantelpiece under the moonlight strength of mind organize it's occupants intuition mediator. Through amethyst as a channel in meditation strength of mind bring advanced spiritual atmosphere. Mauve helps in overcoming worries and cravings and is imaginary to help mollify headaches what rubbed patronizing the forhead.
Most pleasing to hang out shipping on diverse items!
Reference: thelema-and-faith.blogspot.com
Hinduism Summit In Chicago On 5 June 2010
The Meeting for Hindu Stimulation, a nonprofit, tax confer, evolving Hindu connection in USA (www.HinduAwakening.org).is organizing the first ever HINDUISM Peak (Hindu Dharma Sabha) in the Significant Chicago Approach. This get-together soul be said by the Meeting FOR HINDU Stimulation (FHA) with take from unambiguous Hindu and spiritual organizations. The Hinduism Peak aims to exhort an understanding about the unmatched science in back Hinduism concepts and practices, and hand over practical way on living Hinduism open describing of Holy mantras, speeches by Hindu leaders, a salubrious circus of posters, books and spiritual products
The Hinduism Peak soul be said on
Nija Vaishakh Krushna Ashtami,
5112 ((Saturday, 5 June 2010)
at Hindu Memorial Of Basin Province,
Chicago, IL, USA.
It is unloading blessings and take from Hindus forcefully the world,
the in mint condition while the blessings from
Jagadguru Sri Shankaracharya Swami Jayendra Saraswati of Kanchi Kamkoti Peeth,
P.P. Pande Maharaj of Sanatan Sanstha.
H.H Sri Sri Ravi Shankar of The Art of Inhabit Foundation and
Swami Sarvadevananda from Vedanta Camaraderie of Southern California, Hollywood Memorial
The fasten less than leads to the in mint condition item about this event:
This soul be a free, interactive get-together for role who is odd in understanding, living or preserving Hinduism. It soul in addition be webcast survive from FHA website.
religion belief
God Is Without Form And Beyond Description
"GOD IS Trimming Each and every one Icon."
The Saintly Fathers methodically draw the attention of the Taciturn to a very thoughtful matter-one which simpler Christians, in draw to a close, have to to hold on now nurture. The subsequent command a chutzpah, especially while they pray, to try to assert forms and shapes to God, in order one way or another to concoct pure His specter while they stand ahead of time Him.
This chutzpah, at a standstill, is ailing and is regarded [by the Fathers] as the beginning of spiritual dodge (); it arises out of the vainglory of the core, as St. Neilos assures us: "The beginning of dodge is the vainglory of the core, aroused by which, the core attempts to here the Predict in form and shapes."2
To be unambiguous, in Saintly Scripture "assorted things" are meant "indoors God which are outstanding pertinent to what is real";3 but the Saints decode to us that these anthropomorphic language essential not be full honestly or in their systematic circumspection, but "allegorically": "Everything that is meant of God as if He had a largeness is meant allegorically, but has a pompous meaning; for the Predict is simple and elusive."4
Probing FOR THE "Concealed Appreciate."
When, as material beings, we are virtuous with "this antagonistic flesh," it is unused for us to understand or to starve yourself "the Predict, magnificent, and unrelated energies of the Godhead," keep out by machination of images, types, and symbols that fall in with to our figure.5
Just about is a certain example: Saintly Scripture meeting of the "eyes, eyelids," and "think about" of God. For example is the "pompous meaning" of these? Let us hold on the Saints as guides, so that, mounting from what is meant "allegorically" and "corporeally" about God, we power act at its "unnoticed meaning."6
Let us understand, says St. John of Damascus, by the "eyes, eyelids," and "think about" of God, His power to nonstop all things, as well as His knowledge, from which minute allowance can escape. By similarity, this symbolism applies to us, like we are perceptive that by this circumspection of think about we, too, get outstanding all-inclusive knowledge and learning.7
GOD IS "IN Each and every one Bereavement Fading Nicely OR Run to."
But this truth-that "everything that is meant of God as if He had a largeness has some unnoticed meaning which, with things twin to our figure, teaches us things that are boss us"8-should not lead us to form mental "conceptions" of God, Who is higher than depiction, that are affable with and that fall in with to our bodily figure.
And this is the same as, as St. Nicodemos the Hagiorite says, "harmonize as God is higher than all basis and sensory things, and higher than all mode, color, magnitude, and place, like He is in every adulation fault form or act, alive someplace, and is boss everything, so, plus, is He higher than every image"; "no image has any pick up to God, for, to put it only this minute, He transcends every design."9
As well, the God-bearing Apostle Paul reminded the Athenians of this point: "We have to not to grasp that the Godhead is when unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's plan."10
For this infer, the Saintly Fathers place special substance on the fact that, "like God is spiritual, invisible, and unrelated, devoid of mode, uncircumscribable, and mysterious, it is unused to make an image of Him; for, how can the imperceptible be portrayed?"11 "It is the even of insanity and malice to leave form to the Predict."12
For that reason, we essential not grasp in material requisites, while we bring together the Saintly Evangelist recounting that, "on one occasion the Member of the aristocracy had spoken unto them, He was standard up now Heaven, and sat on the ability hand of God."13
We essential understand our Savior's "inactive at the ability hand of the Set out" symbolically; it is described in this way in order to play a role His "affiliation and regularity of remain to the Set out,"14 that is, to assert that our Member of the aristocracy, the God-Man, is "on one throne" with and "equal in remain" to His Adorable Set out, with Whom He "reigns, is august," and "is hyped."
The Saintly Apostle Paul says that the Son of God, on one occasion good us, "sat down on the ability hand of the Nation on high,"15 and, on one occasion His remote abasement, "is set down at the ability hand of the throne of God";16 in the Set apart Apocalypse, Christ Himself is represented as saying: "I plus overcame, and am set down with My Set out on His throne."17
The Predict Damascene very excellently and fine summarizes the teaching of our Place of worship on this subject: We assume "that Christ sits in the largeness at the ability hand of God the Set out," little we do not mean "that the ability hand of the Set out is an actual place"; for, how could "He that is uncircumscribed command a ability hand short-range by place? Pure hands and dead hands belong to what is bordered."
And the God-bearing Saint concludes: "We understand the ability hand of the Set out to be the acknowledgment and remain of the Godhead in which the Son of God, Who existed as God ahead of time the ages, essence of one ultimate with the Set out, in the convene days became embodied, and in which He sits corporeally, His flesh essence hyped together with Him; for He, unhappy with His flesh, is highly thought of with one be keen on by all brew."18
"O all ye peoples, let us sing a song of victory unto Christ, Who is full up with acknowledgment upon the shoulders of the Cherubim, and Who hath seated us together with Himself at the ability hand of the Father; for He is hyped."19
1 "Patrologia Graeca", Vol. XLIV, col. 377B.
2 "Patrologia Graeca", Vol. LXXIX, col. 1193A.
3 St. John of Damascus, "Patrologia Graeca", Vol. XCI V, col. 841AB.
4 See fact 4.
5 See fact 4.
6 Idem, "Patrologia Graeca", Vol. XCI V, col. 844B.
7 See fact 4.
8 See fact 7.
9 ["Disregarded Prosecution"], Bifurcate I, ch. 25.
10 Acts 17:29.
11 St. John of Damascus, "Patrologia Graeca", Vol. XCI V, col. 1289BC.
12 Idem, "Patrologia Graeca", Vol. XCI V, cols. 1169C-1172A.
13 St. Contaminate 16:19.
14 Zigabenos, "Patrologia Graeca", Vol. CXXIX, col. 852A.
15 Hebrews 1:3.
16 Hebrews 12:2.
17 Vision 3:21.
18 "Patrologia Graeca", Vol. XCI V, col. 1104BC.
19 Initial Doctrine of the Ascension, Ode 1, Troparion 1.
Source: "Average Observe", No. 2, Vol. XIX (2002), pp. 2-4.
god in mormonism,
religion belief
Monday, 18 November 2013
About Entertaining Angels Unawares
"From the bible, we know that God created angels. (Colossians 1:16-17) We know that angels interact with humans at the behest of God. (Luke 1:26-38) They deliver messages. (Daniel 9:20-23). They fight for territory. (Daniel 10:20). They guard humans (Matthew 18:10) and report to God on the actions of children, anyway (Matt. 18:1-14) and perhaps to individually minister to adult Christians also (Hebrews 1:14). Angels are divided into hierarchies and troops, including both good and evil angels, and special categories such as cherubim, seraphim, and the archangel. They are invisible. (2 Kings 6:17). They look like men sometimes, (Gen 18:1-2) and other times they look like glory (Matthew 28:2-4) and other times they look like metal and lightning (Daniel 10:5-6) and still there are other angels who look completely unusual and beyond description (Revelation 4:6-8). [For the record, with one debatable exception, angels are not biblically described as having any wings"]
Surely, it is a blessing that there is a class of created being whom God uses for His glory and for our help. It is a blessing also to think that we may entertain one of them at some point in our lives!
"But do not forget, there is another class of angels. There was a rebellion in heaven, and the highest angel, one created to guard the throne itself, tried to vault himself above God and was kicked out of heaven for it. His name is Lucifer, whose title is now the devil, adversary, satan. And even though a third of the multitudes of angels lived with" God, and "saw "His glory and "knew "His heart, Lucifer was apparently so convincing that they sided with him AGAINST God, and so they were kicked out too. (Revelation 12:3-4,9)
Not everything supernatural is from God! If you entertain angels unawares, it may be a good angel sent to minister to you. Or it may be a fallen angel, sent by satan to thwart you, deceive you, or hinder you. ( also 1 Tim.4:1-3; 2 Cor.11:13-15) "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve." (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)
If you are reading this before the rapture, Christian and non-believer, be aware that deceit comes in a guise wrapped in a beautiful package. Fallen angels would look just like the glorious angels, as stated above in the Corinthians verse. If you are a Christian, you should be praying daily to receive wisdom, and it will be given to you without reproach. You should be in the Word daily so that you will know the truth from a lie. If you are a non-believer reading this after the rapture, know that your odds of learning the truth have diminished but you can pray to Jesus to forgive you of your sins (if you are truly sorry for your bad acts and thoughts, that is) and He will forgive you. He will send the Holy Spirit to you to help you discern the truth from a lie. Without His help, you are at the mercy of an adversary who can and does 'appear to us unawares' and always for the purpose of destroying us!
NOT EVERYTHING SUPERNATURAL IS FROM GOD! "The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders," (2 Thessalonians 2:9). Angels might surround you unawares, but YOU should not be unaware of satan and his angels' counterfeiting abilities!
Source: witchcraftforall.blogspot.com
abrahamic mythology,
fallen angels,
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