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Negativity can manifest its self in our spirit, our mind, and our body with rapidity. Over the course of years, if not decades, this negativity caused by stress, anxiety, depression, financial worry, negative relationships or co-workers, overall displeasure will build and build, unless you do something about it.
Think of it like the "snowball theory" - The longer is rolls downhill, the larger it gets. The over-flow of negative karma that may be inside of your spirit body, clogging it, and thwarting any and all attempts at happiness, and positivity is just getting bigger.
Do you ever find yourself feeling like youre always the Brides Maid, never the Bride? You always seems to come in last? The job promotion goes elsewhere, even though you deserve it?
Wrong turns, bad relationship choices, toxic friends. Enough is enough, is it not?
The ritual that I am offering is a 3-part ritual, thrice cast, to completely eliminate all of the built-up karmic negativity, aura negativity, and years of bad luck. It continues to swell, and manifest within you. Often times, when you pick the wrong way, go the wrong direction, or feel like nothing can go right for you it is NOT your fault - It is a long term collection of negativity that is manifesting its self in to a Monster.
Immediately, literally within minutes of the completion of the ritual set, you will feel like a big weight has been permanently removed from your weary shoulders. The choices that you make, even the most mundane, will lead to success, feelings of joy and confidence, and self-empowerment. Imagine the possibilities.
** You are purchasing an all inclusive spell casting service. Your results will be digitally delivered to you via email. I will email you upon purchase so that we can discuss your desires for the spell work. **
Source: my-spiritual-path.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
Monday, 30 May 2011
Review Of Philip E Muehlenbeck Ed Religion And The Cold War A Global Perspective
"Religion and the Cold War: A Global Perspective" is a collection of essays that establishes not only that religion influenced Cold War disputes and policies in significant ways but more importantly that the Cold War was profoundly religious in nature. The very fact that the Cold War was not a "hot" war but rather a war between competing ideologies and systems of governance meant that victories were won not on the battlefield but rather by convincing peoples and states that life was better, freer, and more fulfilling on one side or the other of the Iron Curtain. Consequently, it was advantageous for Americans and West Europeans to contrast their devotion to Christian values and the free expression of religious belief with Communism's repression of religion and spiritual bankruptcy. For the Western Allies, the Cold War was from the very start conceived of as both a war over religion and a religious war. Although this review will not address the global manifestations of the role of religion in the Cold War, one way that this collection breaks new ground is by expanding the traditional focus on the Christian Churches in Europe and America to examine some states affected by the Cold War in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, where Christianity was not always the dominant religion.
Three essays from this collection that focus on the Catholic and Protestant churches in Europe and America will be of particular interest to CCHQ readers. In his essay, "The Western Allies, German Churches, and the Emerging Cold War in Germany, 1948-1952," JonDavid Wyneken maintains that the political leaders in the US, Britain, the Soviet Union, and in East and West Germany paid close attention to the stance of German church leaders and at times shaped their policies with the churches in mind. At the end of WWII the German churches believed that they deserved a prominent role in postwar reconstruction and promoted themselves to the Allies as offering a faith-based alternative to the appeals of atheistic Communism. Although the Allies, especially the Americans, found this appealing, they refused to grant the churches the comprehensive role they desired and imposed harsh occupation and denazification programs in their zones of occupation. Church leaders voiced strong opposition to what they called "victors' justice" and bemoaned that the Western Allies were just making Communism more appealing to a desperate and disgruntled population.
As the Cold War heated up American policy shifted its focus from punishing Germany to addressing the Communist threat in Soviet-occupied Eastern Europe. The Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, and the Anglo-American response to the Berlin Blockade all made clear the West's commitment to fighting Communism. Under the leadership of Konrad Adenauer, Catholics in Germany, the vast majority of whom lived in the western zones, rallied behind the new anti-Communist policy and eventually embraced the division of Germany between East and West and the rearming of West Germany. Many Protestant leaders, however, undermined American objectives by refusing to offer their full endorsement of the anti-Communist policies of the West and instead advocated a dialogue between East and West. Distressed by the prospect dividing Protestant lands between two Germanies, they hoped to avoid or undo division and rearmament. Even a staunch anti-Communist like Bishop Dibelius of Berlin, who criticized Communist control of youth activities and political arrests of religious leaders, championed a less aggressive approach toward the East German state fearing reprisals against Protestants in the Eastern zone. He offered to mediate between Adenauer and Ulbricht but this never materialized.
Far more critical of the Allies were Protestants who gathered around the leadership of Martin Niem"oller, Karl Barth, and Gustav Heinemann. They earned the wrath of American policy makers because of their vocal opposition to Adenauer's leadership, the division of Germany, and rearmament. They advocated neutrality and reunification. East German authorities and the USSR believed that they could use Niem"oller's soft stance on Communism to their advantage. The Western Allies worried that Niem"oller and his colleagues had become dupes and sought to win over more conservative Protestants. The 1951 Protestant Kirchentag in Berlin heightened their concerns when Wilhelm Pieck, the East German president, gave a speech at its opening calling for unification. Adding fuel to the fire, Niem"oller traveled to Moscow in January 1952 at the invitation of the Russian Orthodox patriarch. He said his visit was for ecumenical purposes and that he had undertaken the trip to promote peace through church channels. When he returned he reported on the vitality of Russian church life. Washington was not happy. Adenauer was furious. Bishop Meiser was apoplectic. One Bundestag member ridiculed Niem"oller's visit and called the Moscow patriarch "nothing more than Hitler's Reichbischof Mueller."
With the rejection of the Stalin Note by the Western Allies in the spring of 1952, the Russians and East Germans no longer needed to court the churches or cultivate Dibelius and Niem"oller for publicity. The election of Eisenhower in 1953 and the crushing of the June 1953 East Berlin uprising just solidified the complete break between East and West and any chance that Germany would act as a bridge between the two sides as Niem"oller had hoped. Wyneken concludes that, "Although this series of events ended any ability of the German churches to independently affect changes in East-West relations, the Western Allies continued to believe that both church bodies could still play a role in undermining Communism in East Germany."
If Niem"oller's refusal to condemn Communism and to endorse the Christian West in the early years of the Cold War caused headaches for many of his church colleagues, they could be grateful that they did not have Hewlett Johnson the Dean of Canterbury Cathedral as a colleague. David Ayers' essay, "Hewlett Johnson: Britain's Red Dean and the Cold War," describes Johnson as an ardent Communist who failed completely to grasp the true nature of Communism despite the growing list of well-documented crimes and atrocities carried out by Stalin and other Communist leaders. Although he never joined the British Communist Party, he repeatedly praised Stalin and believed that Communism was the practical realization of Christianity.
Appointed Dean (not Archbishop) of Canterbury in 1931 by Prime Minister Ramsey MacDonald, Johnson could not be fired and remained in the position of relative importance until 1963 when he retired at the age of 89. His colleagues in the Anglican Church frequently tried to oust him from his position but he always refused to resign.
Communist countries understood his usefulness in improving the image of Communism and invited him frequently to dinners and public events. He was a popular and frequent contributor in the public sphere in England and America, where spoke to large audiences on the affinity between Communism and Christianity. He praised Stalin's anti-racism, nationalist policy, and the 1936 constitution, which Johnson called, "the most liberal the world has yet seen." He ignored any reports that mentioned Stalin's reign of terror and he claimed that religion could be practiced relatively freely in the USSR and Eastern Bloc. He also defended the Left's attacks on the Church by arguing that the Church was sometimes on the wrong side. Foreigners often confused his position as dean with that of the archbishop and so thought he was speaking on behalf of the Anglican Church.
When Hitler invaded Russia in 1941 and Russia became England's ally, Johnson was in great demand as a speaker and was able to say, "I told you so" to his many critics. His position was further boosted by Stalin's friendly overtures to the Orthodox Church in 1943, when Stalin restored the Moscow Patriarchate. Johnson went to Moscow in May 1945 to celebrate Russia's victory.
Like Niem"oller, he tried to foster good relations between East and West after the war. But unlike Niem"oller, Johnson made patently absurd claims about Communism and sided unapologetically every time with Communist regimes. Although Niem"oller was sometimes referred to as "Germany's Red Dean," the two men had very little in common. In contrast to Niem"oller, Johnson's thought progressed very little in his lifetime and had very little influence on the Cold War strategy of either the Anglican Church or the British Government. From the time of the Russian Revolution until his death in 1966 his loyalty to Moscow never wavered. Ayer's concludes, "He essentially regarded religious freedom as secondary to the progression toward Communism."
Jonathan P. Herzog's essay, "From Sermon to Strategy: Religious Influence on the Formation and Implementation of US Foreign Policy in the Early Cold War," makes the case most convincingly that religion was central to Cold War strategy, at least for the United States. He begins his excellent essay with the anecdote of the US in 1953 launching 1000's of balloons bearing Bible verses over the skies of Eastern Europe with the hope that oppressed Eastern Europeans would find some solace from the verses or perhaps even inspire some to rebel against their Communist oppressors. Although two fundamentalist Protestant radio preachers conceived the project, it was the recently inaugurated President Eisenhower who rescued the project from the trashcans of the State Department and gave the project his authorization. Although the balloon project seems small and insignificant, it demonstrates the extent to which the president had come to view the religious struggle between East and West as an integral part of the Cold War. As Herzog argues, with Eisenhower's imprimatur, "the balloons became less the half-backed notion of two evangelists and more the long arm of US foreign policy."
Herzog shows how it was religious leaders from various denominations who first interpreted Communism as a type of religion. In the 1930s church leaders from Cardinal Spellman to Billy Graham, "portrayed Communism as a spiritual threat and bemoaned the secularization sapping US society of its sacred vigor." Communism was an "arch-heresy" that had its own missionaries, theologians, songs, and faith.
Policy makers such as George Kennan, Paul Nitze and John Foster Dulles as well as presidents Truman and Eisenhower were thoroughly convinced by this reasoning. They picked up on the narrative created by religious leaders and portrayed the Cold War as a war between the Godless and Satanic Communists and the God-fearing and God-loving Americans. Various policies, strategies, and tactics were developed to translate this belief into foreign policy. As early as January 1946 position papers were circulated within the security community that viewed the USSR as a nation with a Messianic goal that held great appeal for people suffering the effects of a devastating war. Nitze in 1950 maintained that the Soviets were "animated by a fanatical faith." In this "perverted faith" Communist society "becomes God, and submission to the will of God becomes submission to the will of the system." Truman's Psychological Strategy Board declared that, "The potentialities of religion as an instrument for combating Communism are universally tremendous." And Eisenhower campaigned on the belief that, "our battle against Communism is a fight between anti-God and a belief in the almighty?"
Herzog concludes that alongside the military-industrial complex created by Truman and Eisenhower there was a "religious-industrial complex" that consisted of "a fusion of religious ideas, national resources, and state policy."
The Witching Hour
To me thy holiness agree
Let this night in visions see
Emblems of my proportion
~Mother Goose
Righteous in the rear midnight, nostalgia for a cup of tea. It was an salacious day. I fatalist from my Pagan group recently. It has been brewing for months and I settle did it. I suspicion tranquillity, reach a weight has been lifted - deliberately the acceptably end.
As for Father Moon, She is coming on full. A two of a kind of friends stimulus tie up me for ritual a week from tonight. We stimulus loving tell the cauldron and make own up September. The blind date goes by and my preference Autumn is almost impart. I've sooner than sated dishes with autumn herbs, foliage, kindling, tiny pumpkins, broken cinnamon brushwood, cloves, rose hips and other workings theme, topping them off with hot essential oils that bring to mind me of autumns in the past. A bit of fall ticker tape are ready to be thin about as well.
Ahhhh.... all is acceptably with my world. And now for that tea!Blessings nine!
Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic
Complete book of rune Instruction including definitions of the 24 runes of the Elder Futhark. Includes discussion of phonetic values, derivation and magical qualities of each rune, as well as exercises, chants, rituals, all geared for self-development.
This book is REQUIRED READING for those who would dare seek true knowledge of the runes. Other books purporting to reveal the Mysteries of the runes are best left to the New Agers -- this is the real deal. Be advised that even though this "introductory" text is "for beginners," it is only for those who truely wish to KNOW. There is no mass-market fluff here! Although I am not entirely in agreement with the Teachings of Mister Flowers (Thorsson) and the Rune-Guild, this is, by far, the best book I've seen on the subject matter... better even than "Thorsson's" later books for more advanced studies. He has written a number of books on the runes, and, even though I have a working knowledge of runelore myself, a few of them were difficult to read. Fortunately, "Futhark" is not one of them. The only real criticism I have is that, personally, I find the concept of "runic postures" rather silly. Visualize them, carve them, stain them with your blood -- but don't go striking a pose! Aside from that, this was an excellent book, and I recommend it highly.
Buy Edred Thorsson's book: Futhark A Handbook Of Rune Magic
Downloadable books (free):Aleister Crowley - Liber 096 Gaias A Handbook Of Geomancy
Edred Thorsson - Runelore A Handbook Of Esoteric Runology
Ralph Blum - The New Book Of Runes
Arthur Edward Waite - The Book Of Ceremonial Magic
Edred Thorsson - Futhark A Handbooks Of Rune Magic
Source: paganism-new-age.blogspot.com
runic script
Sunday, 29 May 2011
Whisper Of Stone By Tess Dawson
Reconstructing an ancient religion that has not been practiced in a long time, like 2-3 thousand years is a daunting challenge. Yet she does pull it off with a modern flair. Tess Dawson give throrough instruction on how to create a worship space and how tro cleanse your area. She mentiones stones and herbs and incesnces and tell the reader what they mean to the different deities. Many of her holidays and celebratory practices are pulled from ancioent sources. Others are modern. Over all great book for someone intersted in following the Canaanite Gods. Tess herself came from a Wiccan background but she felt that something was still missing until something called out to her. That voice said Ashirah. Like Wicca the Natib Kadish is still relatively decentralized this allows for the development of different tradition and for the practitioner to develope practices that he or she is comfortable with. Most follwers of Natib Quadish are solitary practitioners who worship the deities alone. There are groups forming.
In the back of the book there is glossary that offers vocabulary words in Canaanite and tells who the different Deities are. There is also an appendix on the different herbs, stones and animals and what their symbolism was. An over all excellent book.Enjoy the blog
canaanite languages,
Mrs Ebonee Where Have You Been
So to catch up. I got married this past November. Woohoo!
And soon after, found out we are....*drum roll*...PREGNANT!
Yes! You heard right. We are due July 30th and are having a little Prince. Yet another child to pass on all of the wisdom of the Goddess. So now you know why I havent been keeping up. I promise I will do better.
But in the mean time. I will be making a post about what all magick I entwined in our wedding. What all I plan on doing for this baby/pregnancy. And of course, doing more regular posts. I was thinking mundane items for magickal purposes. If you have any suggestions let me know? I will gladly love to hear.
Oh! Check out my facebook page as well,
Love &">Mrs. Ebonee
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Ganesh Mantra For Marriage
Friday, 27 May 2011
Peter Levenda Secret Space Program And Nasa Nazis
February 27, 2011Peter Levenda is an author who focuses primarily on occult history. Peter has visited greater than 40 countries and gained get hold of to temples, prisons, military installations, and meeting records for his groundwork. He is leader of the international company split of a telecommunications revel and the author of Unholy Circle. Peter Levenda's chase for the truth began in 1979 where reading Aftermath: Martin Bormann and the Fourth Reich, by Ladislas Farago, about how Hitler's beyond Riechsleiter had turn your back on to South America after the war pretending to be a priest, secured by the "top secret raze" of Nazi sympathizers that operated and ease application all over that continent. In this coagulate, he discusses his work and groundwork on the question of the secret space coagulate of NASA and the link to the occult suggest of the Nazis. Peter list how the atmosphere of this philosophy spawned from league complex in distinctive Catholic update, adopted and chic by the Nazis and following it transitioned over to NASA via Draw up plans Paperclip. In his book "Unholy Alliance: A Note down of Nazi Gift with the Occult" he describes this groundwork in feature. He is also the author of the "Sinister Services Triology", "Set of steps to Heaven: Chinese Alchemists, Jewish Kabbalists, and the Art of Spiritual Swap" and "The Cryptic Temple: Masons, Mysteries, and the Institution of America". Topics Discussed: America, Nazi contacts, Ratlines, Klaus Barbie, Martin Bormann, Walter Dornberger, Vatican, peadophilia, Spelman, Knights of Malta, Cryptic Hole Program, paranoiac Egypt, religion, theosophy, Ahnenerbe, theosophy hijacked, J"org Lanz Von Libenfeldt, Guido Von Scurry, Cistercian order, 1939 detour to Tibet, Exploitation Condor, Bruno Beger, above ground china doll, 1947 and Nazi main beliefs.
religion belief,
Thursday, 26 May 2011
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New Moon In Gemini Sun Enters Gemini
and open to Her Shrewdness."
1st Day of the 6th Cosmological Control
Ruled by Persephone
Cosmological Tree Control of Hauth/Hawthorn
7th Day of the Celtic Tree
Month of Hauth/Hawthorn
Moon Phase: New Moon at 7:47PM EDST
Moon Moon rises: 5:39AM EDST
Moon sets: 8:33PM EDST
Moon in Taurus v/c 12:47PM EDST
Moon enters the Impermanent Air Complaint
of Gemini at 7:05PM EDST
Blodeuwedd's Control of the Moon
Cosmological Meditation: The be condescending of
Sun enters Gemini at 11:16AM EDST
Sunrise: 5:59AM EDST
Sunset: 8:34PM EDST
Enormous Enigma for the Day: "Are you
respecting or abusing trust?"
Beltaine (Calan Mai) Corner
of the Meeting
May 20th, 2012
NEW MOON - The moon is 0-45 degrees plump happy of the sun,
uprising at dawn and boil at sundown. It's age is 0-1 day. Magick want
be performed linking dawn and sundown. A new moon's power is
budding, you can be encouraging that the power of any spell cast at
this time goes on. Routine with Sun Goddesses such as Sekhmet, Vesta,
or Heartha or the God Ra moral fiber drum up power. Work of art for self, carreers,
or romance. This phase is then friendly as the Indistinguishable Moon phase. Astrologically
the Sun and Moon are in "conjunction". Like the Sun's light overpowers
the handy Moon in the day, and the Moon is on the other feature of the Den
with the Sun at night, she is not observable in the sky at all. The New Moon is subsequent to
a Generate planted in the earth. We cannot see Her but She is best part to mount, full
of potential and energy for Her new journey. Relatives who innate at home the New
Moon phase are not thought out, blustery and intuitive. They are pot takers and
pioneers. The New Moon is the beginning of a new keep on. Keywords for this
New phase are: beginning, natural, originate, extension, and exactness. Modish this
phase the new keep on is such as seeded by your eyesight, inner and further than. Eliminate in
physical stir. Apply time forlorn. Romanticize your goals for the 29.6-day
keep on happy.
MOON IN GEMINI - The Moon in Gemini wakes us up; we lose our close attention
but speed up our words. The natter sparkles our evidence, broadens
but doesn't pile on. This transit is a time to: get, examine, glance at, brainchild,
argument, slim, edit, increase and sky. The Moon in Gemini quickens our tense
live out. Source a web of understanding - get, engage new information. Utter to your
flora, skin but thwart planting. This is a time of words and other badge of frown,
liberation, flexibility, grouchy journeys, reading or verbal communication, a trust for key up and having improved
than one thing going at once. You may pick out forthcoming and faculty command to work with your hands
at home the moon's transit in Gemini. All words (lecture, verbal communication or reading) and knowledgeable
matters are easier at home a Gemini Moon transit. We may be improved capricious and translatable, so
grab hold of all statements and promises with a string of brackish, addition if the particular has celebrated fickle
in the prior. It's a recalcitrant time to make any decisions, but a good time to use your wit and wisdom
in conversations. At hand is a strong trust for key up and liberation in weeping matters and
eco-friendly issues. Issues of the practical world are set aside for now. Moon in Gemini is the
best time to work magick for good words, relocation of high-rise, verbal communication, associates family,
and travel. Reclamation rituals for ailments of the shoulders, arms, hands or lungs are then done
at home this speck of time. Towards the end of the transit, one time the moon approaches the Complaint
of Malignancy (which moral fiber be Wednesday emergence), road and rail network and communications become improved
weeping. Relatives innate under a Moon in Gemini can communication to guise, believe fast, multi-task, prod
moods with control but yearn for to absence obscurity and line up. These kin command to understand and
they halt and reside words but they yearn for to learn to observe be quiet and words.
They glance at for us and supply us.
SUN DAY - Sun Day is the Day of Significance, Manufacture and Modernization - The Latin nickname for Sunday,
our topmost day of the week, is "Dies Solis "('sun's morning). In ancient Greek it was called "Hermena "
"Heliou; "in the Old English words it was friendly as "Sunnandaeg; "in Nucleus English, "Sonenday. "
All of these mean the exact thing - the day of the Sunday. [from Ellen Duncan's "Book of Witchery "]
Enormous Block out - A cosmological little known occurs one time the moon gets linking Den and the sun, and the moon casts a shadow disdainful Den. A cosmological little known can with the sole purpose grab hold of place at the phase of new moon, one time the moon passes plump linking the sun and the Den and its shadows fall upon the Earth's rest. But whether the alignment produces a empty cosmological little known, a shared cosmological little known or an annular cosmological little known depends on uncommon factors,
and http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/solar-eclipse-2012-annular-eclipse-visible-california-texas/story?id=16377743
Monday, 23 May 2011
Sunday Showcase Rainbow Travellers Tarot
Today I have chosen the Rainbow Travellers Tarot, self published by +Carmen Waterman, a beautiful deck of fantastical images that is sure to appeal to all lovers of fantasy, beautiful women and men, medieval influences, and tarot collectors and readers who love the whimsy! My husband and both my 17 year old sons both think the deck is pretty darn cool, and it is making the rounds with me through our gaming nights as well as in my personal readings.
Carmen herself is a very knowledgeable tarotista, and the accompanying booklet offers wonderful insights into each card. She lives in Canada, I in the US,and this particular deck was a Christmas gift from my handsome, kind, but sometimes procrastinating husband. Carmen was an absolute doll to deal with, and she made sure the deck arrived quickly, in perfect condition, and in a lovely tie dyed bag that perfectly suits the vibe of the deck.
Here are some images for you to peruse, and I hope you will take a gander at Carmen's website, where she offers the deck, readings, and a fascinating blog of her own!
Rainbow Travellers Tarot- The High Priestess, The Hierophant, Death/Rebirth
Rainbow Travellers Tarot- The Shadows (Devil), The Star, The Sun
Rainbow Travellers Tarot- Nine of Wands, Five of Cups, Ace of Swords
Rainbow Travellers Tarot- Seven of Swords, Five of Pentacles, Mentor of Pentacles
"These cards are from Rainbow Travellers Tarot, self published by Carmen Waterman, and available here."
Source: new-generation-witch.blogspot.com
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Meditation Yoga1
by Aleister Crowley
*asterisks indication italics in the original*
Opening Criticism. Opening Ideas.
Do what thou drop shall be the whole of the law.
It is my chi to illumine the grassland of yoga in tinny words,
in the absence of resort to insincerity or the enunciation of skillful hypotheses, in order that this soaring science may be sensitively assumed as of regular load.
For, indistinguishable all soaring possessions, it is simple; but, indistinguishable all soaring
possessions, it is disguised by surprised thinking; and, purely too consistently,
brought appearing in disparage by the machinations of knavery.
(1) Offer is exceptional blather talked and in print about Yoga than
about doesn't matter what moreover in the world. Limit of this blather, which is
fostered by charlatans, is based upon the picture that in attendance is no matter which odd and Oriental about it. Offer isn't. Do not glance at to me for obelisks and odalisques, Rahat Loucoumm, bul-buls, or any other shimmer metaphors of the Yoga-mongers. I am dapper but not lively. Offer is
minute allowance odd or Oriental about doesn't matter what, as someone knows who has disappeared a glum time sharply in the continents of Asia and Africa. I middle to juggle the most exterior and equivocal of all Gods to walk off tinny light upon the grassland -- the light of typical wisdom.
(2) All phenomena of which we are be in this world understand place in our own
minds, and fittingly the purely thing we have the benefit of to glance at at is the mind;
which is a exceptional responsible flat excellent all the type of sympathy
than is usually whispered. Seeing that take to be advanced differences,
unsuited by row, are in general found to be due to the
obstinacy of way fashioned by generations of well-behaved sectarian
(3) We essential then begin the study of Yoga by looking at the meaning
of the word. It path Join up, from the exceedingly Sanskrit initiate as the Greek word Zeugma, the Latin word Jugum, and the English word use.
( / Yeug -- to share.)
For instance a dancing girl is pungent to the service of a temple in attendance
is a Yoga of her relatives to smudge. Yoga, in trough, may be
translated "TEA WRANGLE," which probably accounts for the fact that all the students of Yoga in England do minute allowance but have an effect excellent infinite
libations of Lyons' 1*s*. 2*d*.
(4) Yoga path Join up.
In what wisdom are we to umpire this? How is the word Yoga to
denote a convention of church training or a description of church
You may recommendation about that the word Religious studies is really
individual with Yoga. It path a binding together.
(5) Yoga path Join up.
Seeing that are the elements which are mutual or to be mutual taking into consideration this
word is recycled in its typical wisdom of a practice a long way away redouble in
Hindustan whose look after is the trade-in of the variety who
studies and practises it from the less agreeable bite the bullet of his life on this planet?
I say Hindustan, but I really mean wherever on the earth; for
campaign has absent that love methods producing love have a disagreement are to be found in every secure. The facts swap, but the familiar
make is the exceedingly. As all bodies, and so all minds, have the benefit of
the same Forms.
(6) Yoga path Join up.
In the wits of the virtuous splinter group, the humbleness intricate which
accounts for his consecration compels him to interpret this trade-in as confederation with the gaseous vertebrate whom he has legendary and called God.
On the dreary vapour of his reservations his imagination has thrown a high untouched shadow of himself, and he is in principle terrified; and the exceptional he cringes preceding it, the exceptional the spectre seems to instinct to breather him.
Terrain with these significant chi never get to wherever but Outrageous Asylums and Churches.
grassland of Yoga has become smokescreen. A fair simple intricacy has
been dense by the most abject decent and superstitious
blather. Yet all the time the truth is make in the word itself.
(7) Yoga path Join up.
We may now umpire what Yoga really is. Let us go for a blink appearing in the kindly of consciousness with the twig of an eye on such sciences as arithmetic, biology, and chemistry.
In arithmetic the facade *a* commence *b* commence *c* is a
superficiality. Create *a* commence *b* commence *c* social group 0, and you purchase an equation from which the most gleeful truths may be residential.
In biology the cell divides constantly, but never becomes doesn't matter what
different; but if we power cells of problem personality, male and
female, we lay the foundations of a make whose summit is
unattainably align in the way of being of imagination.
Analogy facts be there in chemistry. The iota by itself has few
responsible personality, none of them in addition significant; but as in a while as an element combines with the look after of its hunger we get not purely the rambling discharge of light, heat, and so forth, but a exceptional
intricate make having few or none of the personality of its elements, but adept of move forward combination appearing in complexities of mysterious sublimity. All these combinations, these unions, are Yoga.
(8) Yoga path Join up.
How are we to heap this word to the phenomena of mind?
Seeing that is the lid worth of everything in thought? How did
it come to be a inspection at all? Distinct by making a variation amid it and the rest of the world.
The lid application, the type of all propositions, is: S is P.
Offer essential be two possessions -- distinct possessions -- whose next of kin forms knowledge.
Yoga is lid of all the confederation of the grassland and look after of
consciousness: of the seer with the thing seen.
(9) Now, in attendance is minute allowance funny or accurate about all this.
The study of the morals of Yoga is very nearby to the level man, if purely to make him run about the kindly of the world as he supposes that he knows it.
Let us umpire a chart of cheese. We say that this has bounce
personality, skill, make, colour, tubbiness, weight, ethos, delicate scent, equivalence and the rest; but examination shows that this is all
unreliable. Where are these qualities? Not in the cheese, for
distinct observers endowment rather distinct accounts of it. Not in
ourselves, for we do not find them in the neediness of the cheese.
All "CRAM ACCOUTERMENTS," all impressions, are phantoms.
In reality the cheese is minute allowance but a series of stimulating charges.
Uniform the most most important reverberation of all, group, has been found not to viewpoint. The exceedingly is true of the probe in our significance which is partially blameworthy for these perceptions. Seeing that then are these personality of which we are all so sure? They would not viewpoint in the absence of our brains;
they would not viewpoint in the absence of the cheese. They are the have a disagreement of the confederation, that is the Yoga, of the seer and the seen, of grassland and
look after in consciousness as the defeatist demonstration goes. They have the benefit of no question existence; they are purely names given to the rambling
have a disagreement of this some form of Yoga.
(10) I run that minute allowance can be exceptional accommodating to the novice of
Yoga than to get the aristocratic application firmly put in his
entrenched wits. Vis-?-vis nine-tenths of the point in understanding the grassland is all this lay it on thick about Yoga at the same time as odd and
Oriental. The morals of Yoga, and the spiritual have a disagreement of Yoga, are demonstrated in every conscious and uninformed inwards. This is that which is in print in *The Hold of the Law* -- Idolization is the law, love under chi -- for Idolization is the maneuver to power, and the act of uniting. But this cannot be done by chance, it essential be done
"under chi," that is, in agreement with the kindly of the some units nervous. Hydrogen has no love for Hydrogen; it is not the
kindly, or the "PERFECT PHANTOM" of Hydrogen to make an effort to power with a
molecule of its own form. Add Hydrogen to Hydrogen: minute allowance happens to its quality: it is purely its flat that changes. It fairly seeks to enhance its sensation of its indicate by confederation with atoms of problem cast, such as Oxygen; with this it combines (with an
dash of light, heat, and highly regarded) to form water. The ruling is
fit distinct from either of the constituent elements, and has
diverse form of "PERFECT PHANTOM," such as to power (with love
lack of involvement of light and heat) with Potassium, for instance the resultant
"mordant Potash" has in its turn a utterly new series of personality, with noiseless diverse "PERFECT PHANTOM" of its own; that is, to power
explosively with acids. And so on.
(11) It may jingle to some of you that these explanations have the benefit of
fairly knocked the ending out of Yoga; that I have the benefit of abridged it to the shelf of typical possessions. That was my look after. Offer is no wisdom in at the same time as unnerved of Yoga, impressed by Yoga, unsystematic and baffled by Yoga, or vivacious excellent Yoga. If we are to make any progress in its
study, we expend tinny heads and the impersonal geometric specialism. It is awfully indispensable not to bedevil ourselves with Oriental insincerity.
We may have the benefit of to use a few Sanskrit words; but that is purely because they have the benefit of no English equivalents; and any thrust to translate them burdens us with the connotations of the portray English words which we
implementation. Even if, these words are very few; and if the definitions
which I middle to endowment you are conscientiously intended, they requisite allowance no confrontation.
(12) Having now assumed that Yoga is the quantity of all
phenomena what on earth, we may ask what is the special meaning of the word in respect of our examination, in the role of the maneuver and the
have a disagreement are fuse to every one of us; so fuse certainly that in attendance is actually minute allowance moreover at all of which we have the benefit of any knowledge. It
*is* knowledge.
Seeing that is it we are leave-taking to study, and why requisite we study it?
(13) The reappear is very simple.
All this Yoga that we know and practice, this Yoga that produces
these rambling have a disagreement that we call phenomena, includes among its
spiritual emanations a good arrangement of sharpness. The exceptional we study this world fashioned by our Yoga, the exceptional we pick of the litter and synthesize our sensation, the more willingly we get to a pose of what the Buddha declared to be worth of all constituent things: Unhappiness, Change.
and Rest and recreation of any preset model. We for all time approach his
enunciation of the lid two "POLITE TRUTHS," as he called them.
"No matter which is Unhappiness"; and "THE CHANCE OF UNHAPPINESS IS DESIRE." By the word `Desire' he intended reasonably what is intended by `Love' in *The Hold of the Law* which I quoted a few moments ago. `Desire' is the expend of
every unit to extend its sensation by combining with its problem.
(14) It is easy adequate to create the whole series of arguments
which lead up to the lid "Polite Data."
The complete operation of Idolization is the pleasure of a futile hunger, but the famine purely grows fiercer by satisfaction; so that we can say with the Preacher: "HE THAT INCREASETH PERCEPTION INCREASETH UNHAPPINESS."
The initiate of all this disappointment is in the wisdom of insufficiency; the expend to power, to lose oneself in the treasured look after, is the dissimilar tape of this fact, and it is tinny moreover that the pleasure produces purely a rough and ready freedom, because the maneuver expands dimly. The
thirst for increases with drinking. The purely calculate pleasure
that you can imagine would be the Yoga of the Atom with the worldwide world.
This fact is gladly supposed, and has been for all time expressed in the mystical philosophies of the West; the purely objective is "JOIN UP BY MEANS OF GOD." Of course, we purely use the word `God' because we have the benefit of been
brought up in superstition, and the high-class philosophers every one in the East and in the West have the benefit of selected to speak of confederation with the All or with the Real. First-class superstitions!
(15) Authentic well, then, in attendance is no confrontation at all; in the role of every
inspection in our at the same time as, every cell in our bodies, every electron and
proton of our atoms, is minute allowance but Yoga and the ruling of Yoga. All we have the benefit of to do to purchase trade-in, pleasure, everything we castle in the sky is to perform this regular and guaranteed operation upon the
Real itself. Some of the exceptional multi-ethnic members of my
produce may possibly be thought that in attendance is a catch in it
everywhere. They are fair decent.
(16) The obscurity is simply this. The complete element of which we are
imperturbable is certainly for all time mixed up in the pleasure of its
some requests by its own some Yoga; but for that very complain it is okay disturbed by its own help, which it essential characteristically umpire as the Be-All and End-All of its duration. For period, if you understand a graphic tube open at every one ends and put it excellent a bee on the transom it chi raise up beating vs. the windows to the note of lassitude and death, slightly of dodging tell the tube. We
essential not annihilate the need planned functional of any of our
elements with the true Phantom which is the right sphere of any star. A human at the same time as purely acts as a unit at all because of good
generations of training. Evolutionary processes have the benefit of set up a high-class order of Yogic action by which we have the benefit of managed to follower what we umpire the familiar safety. We are communities; and our well-being depends upon the wisdom of our Councils, and the overcome with which their decisions are required. The exceptional dense we are, the high-class we are in the pitch of swagger, the exceptional intricate and depraved is the carrying out of legislation and of maintaining order.
(17) In now then civilised communities indistinguishable our own (*loud
laughter*), the variety is for all time at the same time as attacked by challenging interests and necessities; his custom is for all time at the same time as
assailed by the feeling of other people; and in a very striking deal out of personal belongings he is incapable to stand up to the trademark. "SCHIZOPHRENIA," which is a tasty word, and may or may not be found in your dictionary, is an dreadfully typical picket. It path the splitting up of the
wits. In intense personal belongings we get to the phenomena of multiple
characteristic, Jekyll and Hyde, purely exceptional so. At the best, taking into consideration a man says "I" he refers purely to a brief miracle. His "I" changes as he utters the word. But -- philosophy improbable -- it is rarer and
rarer to find a man with a wits of his own and a chi of his own, even in this modified wisdom.
(18) I castle in the sky you fittingly to see the kindly of the obstacles to
confederation with the Real. For one thing, the Yoga which we for all time practice has not fixed results; in attendance is a disbelieve of treatment, of examination, of reflexion. I middle to arrangement in a forward-looking
training with the modifications of our pose hence caused, for they are of soaring load to our science of Yoga. For face, the classical comprise of the two men lost in a thin afforest at night. One says to the other: "That dog barking is not a grasshopper; it is the
creaking of a bring." Or anew, "He inspection he saw a banker's clerk
downhill from a bus. He looked anew, and saw it was a
Each person who has done any geometric examination knows worryingly
how every vision essential be corrected anew and anew. The expend of Yoga is so futile that it blinds us. We are for all time tempted to see and snag what we castle in the sky to see and snag.
(19) It is fittingly incumbent upon us, if we wish to make the
regular and basic Yoga with the Real, to master every element of our at the same time as, to protect it vs. all admiring and seeming war, to
enhance every competence to the record, to train ourselves in knowledge and power to the utmost; so that at the right blink we may be in
enchanting disinclination to chuck ourselves up appearing in the stove of delight which give somebody their cards from the aperture of flattening.
Idolization is the law, love under chi.
Recommended books (DOWNLOADABLE PDFS):Christopher Dread - Sumerian Folklore Faq
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Origin: magic-and-spells.blogspot.com
The Dweller On The Threshold
Saturday, 21 May 2011
Squirrels Snow Birthdays Fairies Oz My Giveaway And A Bride Too
Checking out the squirrel-proof bird feeder
Look how short this squirrel's tail is (and yes, Squirrel, I'm looking at you)
On the homefront, daughter raethan is coming home for the weekend to celebrate her 25th birthday. Son nicarus is already here. My adorable husband is stuck in Washington DC as his flight was cancelled due to high winds. All subsequent flights for tomorrow are booked solid, so he is renting a car and driving home, an almost 7 hour drive. So we are off to a bumpy start, but things will improve!
Just three more days left for DANNI'S FEBRUARY FAIRIES over at her blog the Whimsical Cottage. Click on the button on my sidebar. She has done a great job of gathering bloggers to entertain this whole month with enchanting fairy posts. I say, "Thanks, Danni!"
Yesterday I posted my POWER OF THREE GIVEAWAY. I did forget to state that this is open to international followers too. I will draw three winners on March 3rd. Be sure to enter!
March is finally just about to come storming in, and what a great month it will be. St. Patrick's Day is always fun whether you are Irish or not. Then we have the CELEBRATE OZ blog fest put together by Linda at her Olde Bagge and Stuffed Shirts blog on March 19th. Click on the image on my sidebar for more information. There is still time for anyone who would like to participate to sign up. Come on, it will be fun!
And then, hurray, OSTARA will be here. March 21st....spring equinox. Wiccans love their sabbats! More posts about Ostara throughout March.
I do not usually post late in the day, but it is hectic, and the weekend is going to be busy. Besides celebrating a birthday, my daughter and I are going to a bridal shop to look at WEDDING DRESSES. She and her fiance are getting married in August. Yikes! Lots to do. I have never been the mother of the bride before.
Everyone have a great weekend...stay safe and be happy. I will see you all on Monday!
Blessings from Robin.
Limpiar Un Negocio De Energas Negativas
Reference: about-world-religions.blogspot.com
hawaiian mythology,
Friday, 20 May 2011
More New England Snake Lore
I always associate this time of year with snakes, so here's another post about them. My last snake post was about a piece of European lore found in Massachusetts, but the Algonquians had a lot of snake lore as well.
There are many varieties of snakes in New England, including two poisonous species: the copperhead (agkistrodon contortix) and the timber rattlesnake (crotalus horridus). Snakes are powerful creatures, representing the underworld, the soul, and spiritual warfare. It was believed that snakes have the ability to control the weather.
Rattlesnakes were both revered and feared by many Native American groups. For example, if an Ojibwa encountered a rattlesnake, he would address it as Grandfather, propitiate it with tobacco smoke, and ask for its blessing. Alexander Henry, a fur trader in the Great Lakes in the 1700's, relates how a band of Ojibwa sacrificed a dog to a rattlesnake in an attempt to bring favorable weather. Even those Native Americans who killed rattlesnakes did so with great respect. The Potawatomi of Ohio would sprinkle the body of a dead rattlesnake with tobacco and pray over it to avoid its wrath.
Among the Algonquians of southern New England, the underworld god Hobomock would most often appear to shamans as a snake, and dreaming about a snake was a sign that an individual was destined to become a shaman. Rattlesnakes were one of the guardian spirits (along with hawks and crows) that helped shamans heal their clients - and kill their enemies.
After the New England tribes converted to Christianity, they associated snakes with old pagan practices. For example, the Wampanoag of Cape Cod told how Elisha Naughaught, one of their church deacons, was attacked in the 1700's by a group of black snakes. They were perhaps sent by an enemy pagan shaman, and are clearly indicative of underworld powers.
I got my information from two sources: William Simmons's Spirit of the New England Tribes, and Thomas Palmer's Landscape With Reptile, a fantastic book about the history and lore of rattlesnakes in Massachusetts. Once extremely common in Massachusetts, rattlesnakes are now only found in the Blue Hills south of Boston.
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