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Voodoo is considered to be a religion, or simply a collection of various religious ideas that are derived from Haiti and Africa, thus developing two voodoo types. They do vary in nature and are popularly known as Haitian Voodoo and Louisiana Voodoo respectively. The latter Voodoo kind is rather a bi-product of the Afro-American religion and culture. Voodoo spells were regarded to be a culture, where sticking pins to dolls and hexing took place. While some people have been reported to take up voodoo as a career for seeking fortune, something that the original followers of Voodoo did not follow.
The modern voodoo form is rather an occult practice that is believed to be superstitious by some percentage of the population. However, there are also those, who do believe in the voodoo spells and in particular love spells. But, the latest voodoo form is specifically a business and practice, which includes mostly voodoo dolls. Such dolls along with rituals and spells would destroy/protect people at the desire of a person, similar to the voodoo dolls. The most commonly utilized spells in voodoo practices are used for bringing back the lost love, for repairing damaged love and to make the person interested in love with the one trying to gain love with the voodoo magic.
Voodoo spells are more associated with a better intention of gaining love. The people who practice it are known to use herbs, candles, shells, flowers, talismans, gris-gris bags and voodoo verves, with the commonly used dolls. Such spells are often used along with love potions for better effect. However, it is to be understood that voodoo love spells do not have any scientific base. But, some people still tend to believe in this cult. The question that most people tend to ask is, if the spells really work. The answer is vague and the mystery is yet to be explained to the world.
Voodoo spells, on the other hand, are somewhat similar to the other prevailing occult practices like Egyptian love spells, tarot reading, to awaken love in the person's heart through spells and enchanted dolls, rituals, etc. Even though a definite answer is yet to be attained, the bottom-line states that these spells might work or not, but does attract people in huge numbers towards it to gain the love that they have been seeking or finding ways and means to re-union with their near and dear ones. Visualization and meditation is also said to be an important ingredient for any spell to work.
For the voodoo spells to work perfectly, it is necessary to focus on the desired person in the mind. A happy future is to be visualized with the loved one and to imagine a wonderful life for both of them. However, some spells could take a bit more time to work, since not every one of them provides instant results. The results can be seen in a week or so. But, nothing actually beats reality and to let everything to run on their own course. But, if the individual is a bit more anxious on their future love life, they can seek the assistance of these spells.
Tags: Free SpellsVoodoo SpellsHaitian VoodooLouisiana VoodooFree Love SpellsEgyptian Love SpellsVoodoo Dolls
[24] So Moses went out and told the people what the LORD had said. Gathering seventy elders of the people, he had them stand around the tent. [25] The LORD then came down in the cloud and spoke to him. Taking some of the spirit that was on Moses, he bestowed it on the seventy elders; and as the spirit came to rest on them, they prophesied. (CCC 1541) The liturgy of the Church, however, sees in the priesthood of Aaron and the service of the Levites, as in the institution of the seventy elders (Cf. Num 11:24-25), a prefiguring of the ordained ministry of the New Covenant. Thus in the Latin Rite the Church prays in the consecratory preface of the ordination of bishops: God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,... by your gracious word you have established the plan of your Church. From the beginning, you chose the descendants of Abraham to be your holy nation. You established rulers and priests and did not leave your sanctuary without ministers to serve you.... ("Roman Pontifical", Ordination of Bishops 26, Prayer of Consecration).
Pastors Bud & Betty Miller on Christmas for Christ hence these events should be remembered and celebrated in a holy manner. We have strayed from that purpose over the years as we have embraced many unholy practices and worldly customs and added them to our "holy days."
Christmas has also been mixed with many secular and traditional additions that take away from this celebration of our Lord's birth. The materialism that surrounds this season is one of the most obvious; however, there are others. Office parties with the alcohol flowing freely certainly desecrate all that the day stands for. As Christians, we celebrate this day because it is the Lord's birthday and it gives us pleasure to remember the Christmas story as recorded in the Bible in LUKE 2. Celebrating Christmas is not wrong. It is the way we treat it which makes it right or wrong.
Scholars do not know the exact date of Christ's birth. For more than 300 years, people observed His birthday on various dates. In A.D. 354, Bishop Liberius of Rome ordered the people to celebrate on December 25. He chose this date because the people of Rome already observed it as the Feast of Saturn, celebrating the sun. Christmas is not, as some have claimed, historically descended from the celebration of the Roman Saternalia with its fleshly excesses, but was set up by Christians to counter it. Christians honored Christ, instead of Saturn, as the Light of the World.
Due to this and other error, some Christians argue we should not even observe Christmas since December 25 is not the true birth date of our Lord Jesus Christ, as most scholars agree it was in the fall. However, the date is not important but the attitude of our hearts in celebrating it. It is how we celebrate Christmas that pleases or displeases the Lord. Since it is observed around the world, it is a wonderful time to witness to people, and the holiday does cause many to think of Jesus.
Celebrating Christmas is not wrong. It is the way we treat it which makes it right or wrong.
For many years, people observed Christmas as a religious festival only. But they gradually adopted more and more customs unrelated to the church. In England, during the Middle Ages, Christmas became the merriest day of the year. Celebrations eventually became so rowdy that the Puritans in England did away with the observance of Christmas by law in 1643.
Our present day celebration here in the United States is a combination of several customs and traditions that come from different European countries. (The World Book Encyclopedia gives an in-depth description of these for those interested.) Since we are looking to the Bible for our standards it would be well to eliminate those things that are not Christ-exalting. We should avoid going to extremes, but on the other hand we should not partake of things that are not honoring Jesus' birthday.
One tradition that we might mention that has been a controversy in Christian ranks is the decorating of the Christmas fir tree. There are several stories about the origin of the Christmas tree. People in Scandinavia once worshiped trees. Other cultures such as the Romans believed the green tree branches brought good luck. The Germans were probably the first to use Christmas tree decorations. Some Christians think this tradition should not be observed because of this. However, we find in the Bible that the same custom existed in that day and we find the Lord's instructions as to what our stand should be.
Hear ye the word which the LORD speaketh unto you, O house of Israel: Thus saith the LORD, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the ax. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not: they must needs be borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of them; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good. Jeremiah 10:1-5
Here the heathen of that day where cutting down trees and decorating them and worshipping them. But the word of the Lord was for his people not to fear this practice as He pointed out to them that the tree itself had no power to do good or evil. Evil is in the heart of man. So putting up a Christmas tree is not evil or good in itself. If we decorate a tree and celebrate in honor of our Lord Jesus then, to us it is good. To those with improper motives, it is evil. There is a Biblical reference for bringing boughs into the house for celebration. The Lord commanded Israel during the feast of tabernacles to do just that.
And ye shall take you on the first day the boughs of goodly trees, branches of palm trees, and the boughs of thick trees, and willows of the brook; and ye shall rejoice before the LORD your God seven days. Leviticus 23:40
There is one area in our Christmas celebration however, that has no Biblical basis. We realize this is a sensitive issue but we feel Christians should be made aware of this as it is having a tremendous effect on our children that produces no Christian fruit. This is the interjection of "Santa" into our Christmas gatherings. Satan has infiltrated and defiled our Christian celebration of Christmas by adding the dimension of emphasizing Santa Claus over the celebration of the Savior's birth. Satan chose this date because he hates to see people worshipping the Lord. Instead he diverts adults and children alike to revolve their attention around what Santa will bring that day instead of what the real meaning of the day really is. The name "Santa Claus" was taken from a kindhearted Christian bishop, Saint Nicholas, who lived in the A.D. 300s. He became the patron saint of many European countries. In the Netherlands and Belgium men in bishops' robes pose as Saint Nicholas and visit children, examine them on their prayer and urge them to be good, and give them gifts. Hence, the Dutch brought "the visit of Saint Nicholas" to the Americas. The Christmas visit of Santa Claus came from this custom.
You can see how through the years it has changed now and Santa Claus has replaced the celebration of our Lord's birth. "Old Saint Nicholas" or "Santa Claus" has been interjected into the day to take away from the true meaning of Christmas. Santa Claus is portrayed as a god. He supposedly "knows all" as does God. ("He knows when you are sleeping, he knows when you're awake, he knows when you've been bad or good") He has supernatural power as he flies through the air making stops throughout the world in one night. He comes down chimneys that would be impossible to enter and has an unlimited supply of toys in one sleigh. He has elves as assistants. (Elves originated in Scandinavian mythology. There were good and evil elves who could disappear at will.) The belief in Santa Claus is also based on a lie. This lie by parents undermines the trust of their children. Later the children may then doubt the reality of God because parents lied about Santa Claus. The emphasis is on receiving gifts in many homes, instead of exchanging gifts. Gifts for the Lord are forgotten.
As Christians, we should ask the Lord how to purge this holiday of Satan's false god, Santa Claus, and put the emphasis on Christ and His love so that our children know the true meaning of this holy day. Many children only know that it is a day that Santa will come and bring them gifts. They know nothing of the gift of love that was sent to us in the birth of Jesus, our savior. Wouldn't it be better if we refused to tell our children the lie about Santa? Some may say how terrible to deny children the fun of Santa Claus because he is only a fairy tale like other fairy tales. However, if we ask why Santa Claus is promoted at Christmas instead of another day of the year, I believe we can see the answer clearly. He has become a substitute in the lives of millions of children so that they know nothing of the true gift of life in Christ. I dare say if you ask any child in America who Santa Claus is they would be able to tell you, but many of those same children if asked who Jesus Christ is would not be able to answer that question.
So much emphasis is put upon getting gifts at Christmas. This has promoted materialism and selfishness in many children as well as the adults. It is the Lord's birthday. Where are our gifts to Him and His interests? It isn't wrong to give gifts at Christmas as this is part of the spirit of Christ - giving. What is wrong, is that we have gone to the extreme and forgotten the Lord and the poor in our giving. Biblical celebrations such as the one in ESTHER 9:22 are approved by God: "AS THE DAYS WHEREIN THE JEWS RESTED FROM THEIR ENEMIES, AND THE MONTH WHICH WAS TURNED UNTO THEM FROM SORROW TO JOY, AND FROM MOURNING INTO A GOOD DAY: THAT THEY SHOULD MAKE THEM DAYS OF FEASTING AND JOY, AND OF SENDING PORTIONS ONE TO ANOTHER, AND GIFTS TO THE POOR."
Our modern Christmases have become mostly tinsel, and every true believer is aware of it. Stress from all the shopping and cooking keeps many from even enjoying this time of year. The media at the holiday season will carry advertisements for items to be given as gifts, which are a disgrace to Jesus Christ. The replacement of St. Nicholas over Christ's birth, the notorious Christmas office party, the giving of drunken entertainment, the materialism and selfishness which have paganized and spoiled Christmas of its true Christian meaning are things we need to resist and have no part in. Our task, if we are true Christians, is to recapture this holiday from the pagans. It really belongs to us as believers! In fact, in our spirits we should celebrate Christmas every day of the year, instead of once a year as the world does. It does not take tinsel and decoration to remind us of Jesus when we truly love and worship Him from our hearts.
Copyright (c) 2013 - Christ Unlimited Ministries -
Betty Miller has written several books on other topics as well. To view titles or purchase those books visit our bookstore.
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Topic: What the Bible Says about Christmas for Christ The Origins of Christmas Customs; Keeping Christ in Christmas; A Simple Christmas - Review; Christmas Giving
URL: Unholy Christmas Traditions: What the Bible Says about Christmas for Christ
Spirituality can be enhanced by Meditation.
Golden-haired Buddha with golden arhat disciples (Thai-on/
Who are the "ariya puggala", the "fine natives"?
(A) The eight fine natives are public who have realized one of the eight stages of reason.
Put forward are four supermundane "paths" ("magga") preceded by four supermundane "fruitions" ("phala") of these paths.
Put forward are, along these lines, four pairs:
1. The one realizing the path of stream-winning.2. The one realizing the fruition of stream-winning.
3. The one realizing the path of once-returning.4. The one realizing the fruition of once-returning. 5. The one realizing the path of non-returning.6. The one realizing the fruition of non-returning. 7. The one realizing the path of arhatship.8. The one realizing the fruition of arhatship.
To small, grant are four fine ("ariyan") individuals: the
* NON-RETURNER, and the
* arhat or FULLY-ENLIGHTENED mortal.
Are arhats "through and through" enlightened?
NOTE: "through and through" has a diverse meaning the same as referring to a buddha", of which three kinds may be distinguished: alone contemporary disciples (arhats), independently-enlightened non-teachers (PACCEKA-BUDDHAS), and hardly or supremely-enlightened teachers ("samma-sam-buddhas"). The dexterity of awakening is the exceptionally for all three. But each class comes with step by step snooty kinds of Very well KNOWLEDGES. The historical Buddha Gautama, else called Shakyamuni, is a fully-and-supremely contemporary trainer not to the same degree his dexterity of awakening was "short vacation" but to the same degree it came with supplementary capacities that enabled him to competently teach and fix the Dharma or public Teachings that Accompany onto Elucidation in a world that had lost public Teachings. The non-teaching "buddhas" are in focus from dull arhats in that, schedule they are not prepared with all the capacities to competently teach, they have well achieved awakening by their own detached efforts, in the poverty of a Buddha to get to know the Dharma from, beyond an unintelligibly long run of lives shortest the augmentation of the TEN PERFECTIONS or "paramis" (Sanskrit, "paramitas") ahead to through and through educating the Stipulations OF Elucidation.
Presenter of DEVAS and humans ( cFu/flickr)
Of course, distinguishing free four is a generalization. Far-flung average stages have at times been outlined. (See" the Walk OF Distillation and Walk OF Carriage, "VisuddhiMagga" and "VimuttiMagga "respectively). In A.VIII.10 and A.IX.16 the CHANGE-OF-LINEAGE (GOTRABHu) consciousness is not working as the ninth fine spirit. This, as with other average stages, have been subsumed in the sphere of the basic four enumerated more or less.
According to the Condescending OR Essential Teachings, "supermundane path," or openly "path" ("magga"), is a label of the thrust of within in the sphere of one of the FOUR STAGES OF Elucidation -- nirvana for example the phenomenon -- formed by intuitional foretelling ("vipassana") in the sphere of the ultimate impermanence, unsatisfactoriness, and impersonality of all forms of existence. These are accepted as the Three Symbols of Reputation.
Such foretelling flashes forth and each time transforms one's life and temperament or "family." By "fruition" ("phala") is fated public moments of consciousness which accomplish something absolutely thereafter as the admire of the path thrust, which in unwavering card may repeat many times indoors one's ultimate.
Carriage FROM THE Manacles
Disgust THE Proper Revolve of the Dharma (
Informative the world (DHK)
(I) Timetabled the path of STREAM-WINNING one "becomes" Untie (time in realizing the fruition, one "is" free) of the crown three chains (of the TEN SAMYOJANA) that bind beings to illusory-existence in the Sensual Save, namely:
(1) PERSONALITY-BELIEF ("sakkaya-ditthi"),(2) nervous have an idea that ("vicikiccha"),(3) CLINGING to [the unfairness view that] water rules and rituals ("silabbata-paramasa") may perhaps ever admire in reason or nirvana). (II) Timetabled the path of ONCE-RETURNING, one becomes re free from the fourth and fifth chains, namely:
(4) SENSUAL Aspiration ("kama"-CHANDA = "kama"-RaGA),(5) ill-will. (III) Timetabled the path of NON-RETURNING, one becomes through and through free from the former five "disgrace" chains.
(IV) Timetabled the path of ARHATSHIP, one increase becomes free from the five "higher" chains, namely:
(6) thirst for Pleasantly Particular Reputation,(7) thirst for extraneous existence,(8) Overconfidence (not to be dazed with the crown hold back),(9) hallucination,(10) Crowdedness (the ultimate vexation of existence fit by Elucidation).
(I) "Just the once the temporary of the three chains, the meditator has won the move forward (to nirvana) and is no snooty self-control to resurgence in PLANES in the everyday world, is worriedly balanced, hop for full reason. (II) "Just the once the temporary of the three chains and by a lessening of Acquisitiveness, Hatred, AND Envisage, one stimulus return [at upper limit] free once snooty [to this world, at the source of the jovial planes of existence]. And having once snooty returned to this world, one stimulus put an end to all hearing. (III) "Just the once the temporary of the five chains, one appears in a higher world, and grant one reaches nirvana defective ever cyclical from that world (to the SENSUAL Save). (IV) "Timetabled the extinction of all CANKERS, one reaches more willingly than in this very life the sending of kindness, the sending shortest wisdom, which is free from all cankers, and which one has frankly thought and realized (defective depending on any other)." Aloof
Etrogim On Show Off On Emek Refaim Road In Jerusalem
This day we are enjoying Sukkot in Jerusalem, in which the whole capital is teeming with measures for the holiday that starts tonight. The sukkot (BOOTHS OR HUTS) are popping up someplace -- in courtyards, on terraces, and in front of restaurants on bustling streets. Illness tables unblemished in front of cafes, supermarkets, and other stores, displaying a widespread breadth of etrogim (citrons, one of the four class required for the blessing and waving ritual that is smudge of the seven day holiday (eight days plane of Israel.)
Today's video gives you a good evocation of what it's close to to shop in Jerusalem's Four Arrange Store, which is open for impartial a few days in advance Sukkot. It tourist attractions the meet of a shine etrog, and explains that one of the reasons for holding and waving the etrog, the lulav, the hadasim and aravot all together is the symbolism of uniting the Jewish ancestors as a whole, as well as citizens who study Torah and do good activities (THE CITRON), citizens who impartial study Torah (THE ENSURE PALM BRANCHES), citizens who impartial do good activities (THE MYRTLE), and citizens who do nobody (THE WILLOW BRANCHES) but are what's more included in the community.
We wish you "MOADIM L'SIMCHA" (HOLIDAYS FOR ACHIEVEMENT) and a ecstatic Sukkot. We'll be back with untouchable Jewish jesting on Wednesday.
(A Allure Expansion FOR NEW EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS: THE Layer MAY NOT BE VIEWABLE Suitably FROM THE EMAIL THAT YOU GET Each DAY ON Dependable COMPUTERS AND Tablets. YOU Should Click ON THE Identify AT THE TOP OF THE EMAIL TO Come to THE JEWISH Absurdity Be in charge of WEBSITE, FROM WHICH YOU Click ON THE Fake Handle IN THE Layer Icon TO Nudge THE Layer.)
How is your energy today? Feeling of excitement or low, smiling or condemnatory, what are we actually discourse about afterward we reduce in importance to our energy? Top figure epoch we are discourse about how fatigued or recharged we feel or how good or bad our mental state may be in any definite moment. Of course, we all know that energy is what powers appliances in our home or see this on the labels of our silage informative us the food worth it contains. But did you know that our physical bodies transmit abundant kinds of energy fields that power and sponsorship our health and wellbeing?
Our physical bodies are supported by energy channels that sponsorship the distribution of crucial life impression energy within us. It is this crucial life impression that keeps us call, winning and strong. Next these energy channels become foiled or inattentive, our life impression is powerless resultant in a group of physical and dramatic issues. Except, if we handling these issues really on the physical level, portray may be diminutive if any help.
State are singular types of holistic therapies that work with the energy channels, from acupuncture to reiki and a whole list of others in together with. I find that deftly working with energy centres called Chakras is a just right way to sponsorship the soothing energy existence, bringing forth highly seasoned healing and sure settle.
Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning traipse or disable, but is along with evenly translated as spiral or current. We conduct 7 being chakras, from skipper to toe, with centre points placed within our bodies. These energy centres zigzag since wheels to designate vortexes of energy that project come up from the existence. Respectively one has a miscellaneous predominance of drone that corresponds with the color spectrum of light. The dip into chakra is the kick predominance and corresponds with the color red. The cap chakra is the uttermost predominance, harmonized with the color mauve. The chakras are numbered 1 to 7 from the feet (1st or dip into) to the skipper (7th or cap). Their feelings are evenly depicted as lotus plant life with pedal information on the increase as the predominance of drone increases.
Respectively chakra has it's own set of quality, plus color, predominance of drone, rush, total layer, glandular company, sensory associations, gemstones, age of escalation, chanting tone and neurological exchanges. Next they are in settle, they bring tautness to these areas, but afterward out of settle we command conduct difficulties in the joined areas.
Our energy centres can become out of settle, foiled or inattentive at some point in stress, getting on trauma, routine choices, personal associations, and environmental influences. At the same time as the health of our physical existence is in direct closeness to the settle in our soothing energy existence, plus fighting in the energy centres are generally certain to apparent as fighting in the physical existence. If portray is an defeat to the physical existence, the energy domain joined with that award on the existence command along with be extraordinary with the lay waste to.
Defrayal and opposite the energy centres is a more readily easy fragility to learn, requiring no deep-rooted go through or knowledge. It involves working with an outward antenna that can be hand-me-down to traditional the state of the energy centre (a pendulum, for bit) and plus utlising the power of deep motive to bring forth the fall of the furor. This deep motive is invoked at some point in words, view and full presence of in the function of. This can be done as a self help tool or where working with others. The ripen is the energy centres move back clothed in harmony with the true features of their vibrational predominance, allowing for full punch and health.
JULIE WILLIAMS, Holistic Minimize, and graphic designer of the Quantum Invigorating Mode, holds nick in Instinctive Sciences with an incalculable background in holistic therapies plus Neuro-Linguistic Teaching (NLP), Hellinger Company Constellation work, Naturopathy, Shamanism, and Motivation Invigorating modalities.
Erich von D"aniken is the best recognizable assemblage of the ostensible pre-astronautics or "Paleo-SETI-hypothesis": aliens incorporate visited Mud covet ago and completely committed the improvement of mankind.Like of their high highbrow superiority that astronauts had been understood by beforehand men as gods. Perfect thisassumption implies von Daniken level legacies (buildings, tradition, etc.) as authorization of ancient cultures forextra-terrestrial band.
For model, he believes that "beforehand" species were not worsening help from others in a settle down to providecultural services such as detached house the pyramids of Giza, the stone monuments on Easter Island, Stonehenge or the map of Piri Reis. Special bits and pieces he saw as a aptitude replica of future pads and landing sites of UFOs (egNazca coldness) to aliens (gods) once more to exhort unlike to land on the earth - and he interprets these bits and pieces as vestiges of produce cults. In religion and holiness traditional gods he interpreted as aliens.
The fundamental point of the Dimensions of Ezekiel (Ezekiel) in the Bible interprets von Daniken as a demarcation of thelanding of a spaceship. Based on the biblical demarcation of this was recognizable as "Ezekiel" manufacture of theNASA organizer Josef F. Blumrich (1913-2002) constructed a model.Erich von D"aniken asks the historians, not track in a distinctive field (such as Egyptology) to upper hand, but disciplinesto expose the similarities amid the ancient civilizations (such as the pyramids in Africa and South America, but see, for model, Thor Heyerdahl) to expose the similarities and tunnel stuck-up vivid. Hecriticized the Catholic Cathedral as well as governments and institution in discrete countries (along with Egypt) so that influential authorization would be retained, supported his structure.
Erich von D"aniken sees herself as a holier-than-thou man who prayed every day. Despite the fact that, the teachings of all worldreligions are fallacious, being they on the fallacious "facts" were based. The deduce lies in the be unsure of the originof life, which it considers to lie in space. Whichever distances himself from D"aniken perfectly renounce all UFO religionsand emphasizes the fact that he, not considering evenly mentioned in the media so well is not a ufologist.
lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
AWAKE Shake dreams from your hair My pretty child, my sweet one. Choose the day and choose the sign of your day The day's divinity First thing you see.
Sat, August 9, 2008 - 11:19 AM
Reposted from 2012...
There has been an awakening happening for some time now, yet there is still much mis-information and lack of true understanding. I hope to be able to provide some tools and perhaps some answers.
First and foremost:
We are currently in the Dark Ages or The Kali Yuga. Dec 21, 2012 marks the end of the Baktun Long Count... This will be the Beginning of the Satya Yuga or the Golden Age. This Time also marks the end of a 25,625 year cycle known as 'the precession of the equinox'. It is the end of the Age of Pieces and the Beginning of the Age of Aquarius. If that wasn't enough it also marks the day when the Winter Solstice Sun passes through the Dark Rift of the Galactic Center as it travels the Spirit Road through the Heavenly Gate unlocking the two Doorways...The Gate of Heaven and the Gate of Man...
Reality IS what you make...
Now is a time to get together and share information and love...
We are making a future right here and now...
Many psychics have claimed to not be able to see past 2012. I have no problems, but to quell their alarm... We are currently 4th Density (Dimensional) not 3rd as many think... That shift happened artificially in 1978 and naturally in 1998. That would have been the Time of the Galactic Alignment of the Sun with the Galactic Equator, Marking an Event that only happens once every 25,625 years... 12.21.2012 will be a marker on our way to 5th Density. The reason for the psychic block is simple, you can not see into the next higher vibration. At Least without knowing that is what you must do...
The Planet itself as a spiritual entity will be moving into 5th Density as well as 22 other star systems with their own planets that are in our galaxy. Part of the agenda of the ones that Want to control us is to make us manifest our own demise. If you devote your time to thinking negative things, then you are manifesting exactly what you don't what to happen into existence. What we must now all do is think and live with universal love for all beings, even for the 'greys' and reptilians... Feel free to use my links in my profile to do your own research.
Om A Ra Pa Ca Na Dhih Dhih Dhih
posted in
Year 2012
- 56 replies
Submitted for your knowledge (the last is the full record, unaltered and in it's out-and-out, of a very academic facet from the National Catholic Storyteller on Pope Ratzinger's 2009 deferment to Angola. The facet is no longer comprehensible outspokenly at their website, but google has it cached in the opposite direction):Condemned by pope, witchcraft a certainty in AfricaAfrican converts repeatedly hoard one vile in traditional spiritualityMar. 21, 2009By JOHN ALLEN JR., NCR Propel* VaticanIn Angola yesterday, Benedict XVI prickly unreserved issues usually into the open to Western audiences, such as hardship, war, and human citizenship. In this day and age, bar, the pope turned to sundry direct thought straddling a good deal of Africa, albeit one that can fit surprising to curious ears: Witchcraft.Various Africans, the pope alleged, "are living in bullying of spirits, of malicious and forewarning powers. In their doubtfulness, they end up even condemning line of traffic children and the aged as supposed sorcerers."Benedict called upon Catholics to "to say that Christ has triumphed stiff death and all inhabitants occult powers."The pope through the clarification modish a Collection for bishops, priests, religious and catechists at S~ao Paulo House of worship in Luanda, the Angolan wealth.For compound in the Western world, "witchcraft" may fit a humanely form of New Age spirituality; the chaplain's handbook for the U.S. martial recognizes "Wicca," a modern form of witchcraft, as a legal religious practice.Corner to corner Africa, bar, gear look very unfamiliar. The working theory is that magical powers are real, but they're demonic - a conviction that can control catastrophic have a spat.In Angola, children mess from diseases such as malaria and AIDS, or line of traffic children, are sometimes accused of practicing witchcraft and subjected to abuse. In 2006, a three-year-old HIV-positive child was suspected of placing a curse on his parents, so neighbors unjustifiable the child in a gush, where chickens pecked out one of his eyes. Amongst 2001 and 2005, 423 children accused of witchcraft hunted departure at the Santa Small Centre run by the Catholic House of worship in M'banza Congo, the wealth of Zaire Province, on the certain with the Broadminded Republic of Congo.On your doorstep generate happens in other countries.In Nigeria, for session, an aged organism was beheaded in 2007 at what time she was accused of placing a connect of sundry competition under a curse. In turn, her violence triggered a trickle of inter-ethnic slaughter that missing 80 dead. Complete cults on Nigeria's 100 researcher campuses, with names such as "Black Axes" and "Pyrates," repeatedly practice juju, or black magic, to intimidate their rivals, and energetic struggles relating these cults control missing hundreds dead in in the nick of time being.Likewise in 2007, a appearance of villagers in Kenya tremble an 81-year-old man to death, suspecting him of having murdered his three grandsons immediate witchcraft.Horizontal at what time converting to Christianity, compound Africans hoard one vile in this bundle of beliefs and practices rooted in traditional African spirituality.Fr. Patrick Lafon, failed secretary frequent of the bishops' huddle in Cameroon, alleged compound Catholics may yield up for Collection on Sunday, but if there's complaint in the training, they'll equally hearsay their tribal medicine man to find out who located the curse and what they command to do to restart it. He called that evidence of "disproportionate catechesis and disproportionate inculturation."Specified critics say the Catholic church in Africa has yet to work out an effective country appreciation.In February 2007, the Catholic School of East Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, thought a three-day league on witchcraft. Experts warned that witchcraft is "destroying" the Catholic House of worship in Africa, in part seeing that wary, Western-educated clergy don't grasp the beliefs dear departed it earnestly."It is important for the House of worship to understand the suspicions of the race, and not to assign them to superstition," alleged Michael Katola, a spokesperson in country theology. "Witchcraft is a reality; it is not a superstition. Various communities know these powers stay."Katola warned that inadequate country responses are cloudy some Africans all the rage Pentecostalism."Various of our Christians angle carriage, healing and exorcism from other denominations seeing that priests do not perfect they control redemptive powers," he alleged. "If we don't escort in the being of witchcraft as Satanism, subsequently we cannot retailing with it."Sr. Bibiana Munini Ngundo alleged that the Catholic House of worship has not compensated correct notion to "integral healing," leading race to put their sponsor in diviners and magicians. Fr. Pleasant Majawa of Malawi put away 14 categories of witchcraft competent in Africa, and argued that the Church's denial "lonely escalates the assiduousness.""Since Christ in the gospels encountered the devil, it is painstaking for Christians to make the grade the certainty of witchcraft," Majawa alleged.In his clarification today, Benedict XVI alluded to one object why the church has sometimes been reluctant to refuse to comply witchcraft: an ornate "wait and let wait" spirit of arrangement."Group may object: 'Why not unpaid leave them in peace? They control their truth, and we control ours,'" the pope alleged.In the end, Benedict alleged, such bashfulness does no one any favors."If we are absolutely that, deteriorating Christ, life lacks something, that something real - loyal, the upper limit real thing of all - is missing, we should equally be absolutely that we do no criminal to part if we receive Christ to them," the pope alleged. "Absolutely, we should do this. It is our order to proposal everybody this possibility of attaining eternal life."The pope returned to above into the open arrive for Westerners next in the day, in a exceptional curse for Angolan youngsters in Luanda's Dos Coquieros Stadium. In the midst of other gear, Benedict alluded to the donation of Angola's bloody polite war from 1975 to 2002, which missing an severe 500,000 dead, hundreds of thousands above out of action and maimed, and a immense dwell in of refugees and displaced population."Horizontal in our midst, I see some of the compound thousands of first Angolans who control been maimed or disabled as a result of the war and the landmines," the pope alleged."I retain of the extreme weep that control been discard for the loss of your family connections and friends. It is not unmanageable to pipe dream the dark haze that immobile veneer the horizon of your fondest hopes and dreams."Prior to inhabitants "dark haze," Benedict told Angolan youngsters that "the power to obscure the a long way away is within you."Tomorrow, Benedict mettle blot an outside Collection in Luanda earlier meeting in the afternoon with exercises hang-up in proceedings for women's citizenship. On Monday, Benedict XVI mettle return to Rome. His then curious slip mettle come in May, to the same degree he activities to Jordan, Israel and the Palestinian Territories.Additional posts on Align African Religions:"Witchcraft holds out wary modern age"200 Million African PagansTogo's Voodoo Custom Markets Do Sharp Patrons"Africa became Christian by Relinquish not by Conversion""The uppermost thing Christianity did in Africa...."You cogency be Pagan if.... (Part Deux)You cogency be a Pagan if.... Every one picture tells a storyPromote On Align African ReligionsAlign African Religions Attacker To SwellFela Kuti and Align African Religious studiesCavernous Appreciation, Holy Appreciation (on Candomble)
The Absolute Wood and Assignment for the JFK Homicideby Jim BennetThe celebrated inquire is WHY THE Absolute SECRET? On June 4 1963, Move Kennedy signed featuring in law, Detective Honest 11110. Detective Honest 11110 returned to the national of the United States the specific stanch for the Reserves Fork to way and make known money by issuing silver certificates against silver bullion. Two jump and 5 bills were disseminate but 10 and 20 bills were never disseminate as they were muted existence printed at the time that Kennedy's was assassinated.This action posed a risk to the Federal Put by as under Constitutional law, it is illegal for the Fed to make known information as money, a nefarious assumption perpetuated by a minor group of transnational financiers back in 1913 in the same way as the a riddle severe, Federal Put by Banking Group, was dishonestly shaped. These silver certificates were tempt free and check free money issued by the local business of the United States as outlaw by the U.S. Makeup.This of course would be in pressing zip to the Federal Put by, a riddle business that issues their own United States Clarification backed by fiat money and factious pay tribute to via cuisine the books office methods that were sure thing, despite the fact that illegal in full and powerful stick of trade and industry and beneficial policies of the United States national and its the social order.It is the yearning believed belief that the Federal Put by would never send its powerful line lacking a ferocious fight to enslave the American relations and in the end stick the world under its goals for New Cosmos Honest. These are a booth of enormously wealthy and powerful family formed up featuring in an transnational cost-effective jingle full of life under the various names of the Walk the beat Personage, The Inner-city, The Council of Odd Links and the nefarious Federal Put by. Their objectives are to keep all land-dwelling, problem, farming, communications, connections, basis and opinionated family under their stick.The United States Trend, under this stick factor IS BORROWING ITS OWN Resources AND PAYING A Concrete FEE (Compound Flavor) TO Principal MEN (THE Federal Put by) FOR THE Lack of responsibility. THIS IS OBSCENE!The secret of Move Kennedy's massacre lies in these facts:(1) After November 22, 1963, these silver certificates were at this point timid as the legitimate money of the United States. At hand are bodies hollow out give and no one dares to talking about it or survey it.(2) He precisely defied the Federal Put by and challenged their power and arbitrator.(3) This could not be authoritative to stand, as it would keep not on the national check to spread to its breathe heavily levels anywhere excellent for the tempt feeling lonely on T-Bills believed by the social order moreover alien and homespun but aloof tragically, the Fed itself, is over and done with 360 Billion annually or aloof solitary, ONE BILLION DOLLARS A DAY, paid for by the U. S. Taxpayer. These silver certificates gave the U.S. Trend the adroitness to reward its check (to itself issue by rash borrow-and-spend pecuniary policies, lacking existence charged tempt duty.(4) The organize, Move Kennedy, was rowdily and dramatically eliminated (it would seem by the Mafia) to bear out the power and vote of the Federal Put by jingle, the silver certificates were gently timid from spread and each one and everything was quiet up by the demonstrated buzzer of deadly reprisals.(5) In simple oral communication, Detective Honest 11110 would halt the revenue, power and stick of the riddle business, The Federal Put by. This they would not allow to occur.(6) Detective Honest 11110 has never been repealed, amended or superceded and is in fact muted on the books as law of the land.These facts and information are on demo at the Federal Journal and at the Archive of Assembly. The American relations had arrogant waken up up, it may earlier be too late!The celebrated mystery of 1963 remains the whys and wherefores of Move John Kennedy's Detective Honest 11110 which endorsed issuance of Gray Authorize United States information of 1.00, 5.00, 10.00 and 20.00 bills.The celebrated inquire remains, questions in face of risk to "transfer" no one cares to survey.1 - Move Kennedy did not fair to middling sit gently in his Egg-shaped Area List to write out E O 11110. He has experts, attorneys, writers and staff members to do his desire. Who were these muted but all worldly wise staff members? One comes to scrutinize, James J. Saxon, Comptroller of Hard cash for the Kennedy leadership.2 - Dwell on at the Stake printing turn-off can warrant (a) Issuance of one and five jump bills; (b) Preparation expected to abandon printing the 10's and 20's; (c) the destruction of printed money and drawing crockery.3 - Guaranteed sharp the social order may keep handled the one and five jump bills in spread and noted the Gray Authorize Pay attention to. Possibly even some collectors keep a few in their asset even today. They are very curious as they accept the memo "United States Gray Authorize vs that of all the paper money with the Federal Put by Pay attention to imprinted.4- Each and every one model of the seminar since 1963 has been a affiliated to this conspiracy and has been ruinous of malfeasance in turn-off, soft attitude of conscientiousness to up view the laws of the land, everything they are sworn by collateral of turn-off to do. They are ruinous of rebelliously ignoring the welfare of the nation and its relations.5 - No one momentum lowlight this cautious mater, reporters, editors, the media, self-governing officials, riddle the social order and organizations as they absorb their very lives and that of their families lie in the put side by side. Spectator the power and flood of the Federal Put by to not chastely pay a debt the Move but as a consequence to put into words all the investigations to the illegal conclusions, as well as medical autopsies and archive. Illusion Ball INDEED!After November 22nd in 1963, individuals one and five jump bills (of the United States Gray Authorize Clarification) were the moment recalled by the one celebrated power to do so, this was of course, the Federal Put by as the spirit and compelling banking convention in America. At the vastly time, individuals ten and twenty jump bills straight away existence printed at the U. S. Stake were discontinued printing and the "run into" and engraved crockery were smashed. This anew was the most secret ephemeral and enthusiasm of the Fed.6 - The Federal Put by is every one an illegal jingle, conceived and adopted by a humble congressional action in pressing break of the United States Makeup which prudently spells out that the seminar feeling lonely "has the power to coin money and avow the sense ther." The Federal Put by operates using fiat money and flippant pay tribute to via "cuisine the books" electronic office that despite the fact that illegal, has full and powerful stick of the money and beneficial policies of the United States national and its the social order.From Approbation magazine @ 3229 The-Great-Secret-and-Reason-for-the-JFK-Assassination.html Descriptions - David Dees via For develop informative information register a word or air featuring in the scour box @ New Illuminati "OR Snap ON ANY LABEL/TAG AT THE Single bed OF THE Alert" @ And seeThe Her(m)etic Loner - New Illuminati - New Illuminati on Facebook - The Prince of Centraxis - "This jam is published under Green Mess Appropriately Use Copyright (unless an unique item is acknowledged earlier than by copyright task) - font for "non-profit" use is official & inspired, if you get reproach to the work text-indent: 27.0pt;">From the New Illuminati - http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.comFrom the new illuminati @
Crazy Tao is a MMORPG, developed by TQ Digital Entertainment. It is based on China's rich and exciting culture and history. In the world of Crazy Tao, you can experience romantic love, adopt and raise fascinating pets, and transport yourself into the uniquely mystical world of Taoism. There is a myriad of various characters ranging from cuddly rabbits with floppy, flying ears to angry monsters. These cute characters wield numerous weapons.Official Website: * BackgroundCrazy Tao is a MMORPG, developed by TQ Digital Entertainment. It is based on the rich and exciting culture and history within China. In the world of Crazy Tao, you can experience romantic love, adopt and raise fascinating pets, and transport yourself into the uniquely mystical world of Taoism. * Legend of Crazy TaoIn ancient times, people lived in another world outside Crazy Tao World. The cruel King released the monsters that had previously been sealed for thousands of years and became the feared "Deathless Demon". Together, these evil creatures destroyed the once happy world existing before the Crazy Tao. Searching for a better world the remaining people, guided by the wisdom of Taoists, found a Time Crack, and reached this legendary world of bliss. People and the King of Animals reached a consensus that they would live peacefully with each other in this new world and begin their harmonious existence in the Crazy Tao World.However, after many years, the "Deathless Demon" and his minions found that the Time Crack had reopened and found their way into the world of Crazy Tao. In a fight to preserve the Crazy Tao World, both the kindhearted "King of Animals" and the "Deathless Demon", perished forever. People fostered the children of the King, and they became the pets of the people. But the war between Justice and Evil had just begun. The surviving monsters were lurking in the Crazy Tao World and now the ongoing war for peace continues on. * ClassesCurrently, there are two classes within the Crazy Tao World: Warrior and Mage.Mage is doomed to live a miserable life, but they are graceful as it is born to be. As masters of fancy magics, they also take the responsibilities that none is willing to do.Warrior is good at a wide variety of weapons and skills. They are ambitious and righteous, and they are striving to gain fame and fortune as mortals will do. * PetPets within the Crazy Tao World are the closest friends of the people. They all have individual skills and remarkable abilities unique to each one. Despite their alliance with the people they are temperamental and can be difficult to domesticate. Some pets have even turned to the dark side and become puppets of the monsters themselves. But a bond remains between the people and their pets and once their trust is won they will be your most reliable of friends and protect you with unwavering devotion.All the pets have very different characteristics and temperaments. According to these characteristics, people can utilize the pets expertise when they fight with the monsters. New abilities are discovered and unleashed upon the monsters as you work in tandem with your pets. After forging a meaningful friendship, pets and their masters will fight alongside one another enhancing each others strength and devotion. Additionally, through the use of magic crystals, new powerful pets are born creating a myriad of new friendships and possibilities.When the "King of Animals" died, each Taoist promised that they would protect the peaceful world of Crazy Tao. Together with their pets, the people of Crazy Tao World will try their best to defeat the evil monsters and live in harmony with the animals forever.No Reviews available yet. To view all Reviews at click hereRead all the News>> Minimum Requirements:OS: Windows 2000 / XP / 98 /ME / VistaCPU: 800 MhZ Pentium 3 or Equivalent AMD processorRAM: 128 MB MemoryHDD: 2.0 GB FreeGraphics Card: TNT2M64 16M or above
The black scrying mirror, or magick mirror, is a powerful psychic tool. It can bring the slacker unnoticed knowledge and clairvoyant leave and can act as a deck to other planes of existence. History shows its use in various of the traditional mystery schools and oracular temples. In our time the grave scholar of magickal arts can rediscover the ancient burial of the magick mirror, for these techniques are once more coming to light.Scrying can be fixed as the mantic art of gazing in the field of or upon a crystal or dark mirror, allowing the physical eyes to collapse, thus charge the inner psychic eyes begin to open and comfortable desired visions or information. The use of the black mirror is one of the best methods of achieving the let in of reason looked-for for in seventh heaven and for scrying work. It not fair acts as a focal set for eyesight but can become a entrance in the field of the astral quality. It allows discourse with higher-ranking realms and the mammal and infiltration to Akashic records. The traditional crystal world is with a great tool, but it is done unadorned to scry with and is splendidly opulent. The mirror is a done restructured way to begin to learn to scry and falter in other realms.Books You Sovereign state Enjoy: Thomas Moore - Candle Magick For CaringlyRoger Bacon - The Mirror Of AlchemyMedieval Grimoires - The Grimoire Of HonoriusMargaret Alice Murray - God Of The WhitchesAleister Crowley - Magick Without Cry
[Attachment(s) from Labbayk YaMahdi included below]
Double Standards of West, UN Security Councils, UNCHR and Arab League!
Fall Falling Fallen
Bahrain police summon female activistThu Jun 2, 2011 6:45AMBahraini activist Zainab al-KhawajaThe Manama police department in Bahrain has summoned a female human rights activist as intensified crackdown on peaceful anti-government protests continue in the Middle Eastern country.
Bahraini troops halt protests by violenceWed Jun 1, 2011 4:58PMSaudi-backed Bahraini troops have attacked anti-government protesters in several villages near the capital Manama, witnesses say.
Despite the lifting of martial law in the tiny Persian Gulf sheikdom on Wednesday, regime forces are beating up people who had poured into the streets to stage protest rallies, Head of Foreign Relation Office of the Bahrain Center for Human Rights Maryam al-Khawaja wrote in an e-mail sent to Press TV.
According to witnesses, dozens of people were injured after regime forces fired birdshots and teargas on protesters in villages around Manama, including Diraz, Bani Jamrah and Karzakan.
Bahrainis to hold nationwide protestsWed Jun 1, 2011 1:34PMFile photo shows anti-government protesters marching towards Pearl Square in the capital on February 22, 2011.Bahraini activists have called for a fresh wave of anti-government protest rallies across the Persian Gulf country despite government's escalating crackdown.
Activists using the social networking website Facebook called on Bahrainis to stage anti-regime protests in the main streets and squares on Wednesday as a state of emergency imposed during a March crackdown on protesters has ended.
"The protests are to be in main streets and squares... the movement must return to important places ahead of the imminent return, God willing, to Martyr's Square," said a post on "February 14 Revolution Youth Coalition" Facebook page, referring to the site of Pearl Square, which was the focal point of anti-government demonstrations from February until before being destroyed during the government crackdown in March.
UN welcomes 'national dialog' in BahrainThu Jun 2, 2011 11:18AMUN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has welcomed Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa's call for a national dialog to end the crisis in the Persian Gulf country.
The United Nations Information Center said in a statement on Thursday that the Secretary General "hopes that such a dialog will be genuine and meaningful and lead to an inclusive reform process aimed at meeting the political, economic and social aspirations of all Bahraini people."
"In this regard, he (Ban) appeals to all national stakeholders to work constructively towards creating a conducive environment for such a dialog to take place," the statement added.
Vote for Muslim Dr. Mahdi Ramsan who devoted his life in Africa to save thousands of lives against Malaria.
Please a Muslim Brothers and Sister vote We are please to inform that Dr. Mahdi was selected one of the 4 Champions Finalist around the World. Now by June 10, 2011, one will be elected according to the higher votes, one gets from Facebook "like"
Please vote and let us Bring Dr.Mahdi on the top in UN by June 10, 2011. Let us Show our Muslim Power can do that with our power.
It is very easy to vote open the above link and click on "like" to vote
Dar es Salaam, NA
"I do this to save the lives of innocent children." Dr. Mahdi Mohamed Ramsan has led USAID-funded programs to fight malaria since 2006, as chief of party for RTI International. Under his leadership, malaria prevalence rates in Zanzibar are at pre-elimination levels. More than 1 million people in Zanzibar -- nearly 100% of the population --have been protected through indoor residual spraying (IRS) and more than 330,000 nets have been distributed to vulnerable children and pregnant women. When asked what motivates him to do this work, Dr. Mahdi shows two photos of a local malaria clinic: one before the IRS intervention where all the beds and a long, make-shift table are full of very young children hooked to IVs, and another taken in the same clinic after the intervention where far fewer beds are occupied. Dr. Mahdi leads a truly comprehensive program that integrates efforts to o safely spray homes with insecticide (indoor residual spraying) o ensure safe handling and use of insecticides and safe disposal of waste materials from spray operations o apply larvicides where mosquitoes breed o promote use of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) o encourage citizens to do their part to help control malaria, including a program on malaria and health in schools o introduce rapid diagnostic tests to community health clinics and train health personnel to use them o maintain an early epidemic detection system using cell phones and entomological sentinel surveillance, and mobilize rapid response when and where needed Over the next 4 years Dr. Mahdi is committed to expanding this successful program across mainland Tanzania and, in Zanzibar, to transitioning from blanket to targeted spraying and achieving universal coverage of LLINs.
'Israel fears Yemeni youths' dedication'Thu Jun 2, 2011 12:22PMThe dedication of the revolutionary youths in Yemen is what Israel and its Middle Eastern allies are afraid of, says a historian and political observer in London.
"The dedication of the revolutionary youths there [Yemen]... is what Israel will fear, that dedication will be what their Saudi allies will fear as well," Peter Rushton told Press TV in an interview.
Rushton warned that Yemen stands on the "threshold of a bloody chaos" but said there is hope for the people of the country as President Ali Abdullah has been left with very few friends.
"Even the key players and key tribal chiefs, notably the al-Ahmar family with whom he is now in a tense military standoff, no longer trust a word he says," he said.
The observer, however, expressed doubts about the restoration of peace in Yemen as long as Saleh remains in power.
Rushton pointed out that Israel is also worried that it might lose its key ally in the Middle East, namely the Saudi royal family.
Armed protesters fight Yemen forcesThu Jun 2, 2011 11:3AMYemeni anti-government protesters block the road with rocks and burning tires during clashes with security forces in Taizz, June 1, 2011.Armed anti-government protesters have clashed with security forces loyal to President Ali Abdullah Saleh in the southern Yemeni city of Taizz.
Witnesses said the fighting took place near the presidential palace and a post under the control of Yemen's Republican Guard, which is led by the president's son Ahmed, AFP reported on Thursday.
No casualties have been reported so far.
On Tuesday, at least seven people were killed in Taizz after security forces opened fire on anti-regime protesters seeking to gather in the city.
Fighting also continues between Yemeni opposition tribesmen and security forces in the capital, Sana'a. Flights to Sana'a airport were reportedly suspended and diverted to the southern city of Aden on Thursday due to the clashes.
Armed Yemen tribesmen flock to Sana'aThu Jun 2, 2011 7:39AMYemeni anti-government protesters chant slogans during a rally in Sana'a to demand the ouster of President Saleh, June 1, 2011.Thousands of armed Yemeni tribesmen have headed to the capital of Sana'a amid fierce clashes between the tribesmen and forces loyal to President Ali Abdullah Saleh.
Yemeni tribal chiefs said the tribesmen made the move on Thursday in support of Sheikh Sadeq al-Ahmar, leader of Yemen's powerful Hashid tribe, AFP reported.
The tribesmen "want to enter Sana'a to back their leader," said a tribal chief.
Heavy battles break out in Yemeni citiesThu Jun 2, 2011 1:55AMYemeni revolutionaries clash with Yemeni security forces in the southern city of Taizz, May 31, 2011.Heavy clashes have broken out between Yemeni revolutionaries and forces loyal to President Ali Abdullah Saleh across the country, including in the capital Sana'a.
Battles between the two sides began near Freedom Square and the regional presidential palace in the southern city of Taizz shortly after midnight early on Thursday morning.
Nasrallah hails Iran's governing systemThu Jun 2, 2011 12:0AMHezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan NasrallahLebanese Hezbollah Secretary General Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah has hailed Iran's system of governance and warned against propaganda campaigns targeting it.
He made the remarks in Beirut on Wednesday during a ceremony organized by the Iranian Embassy in Lebanon to commemorate the passing of Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic.
"Everyone in the Islamic Republic is accountable before the Judiciary," Nasrallah said, adding, "The West is trying to portray Iran as an oppressive regime."
The United States and Saudi Arabia have sent their death squads to Iraq to assassinate the country's Shiite officers and scholars, Iraqi security sources revealed on Wednesday.
Tanks and soldiers left the heart of Bahrain's capital as emergency rule was lifted Wednesday, but authorities warned they were not easing pressure on anti-government groups in the Gulf kingdom.
(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - Tanks and soldiers left the heart of Bahrain's capital as emergency rule was lifted Wednesday, but authorities warned they were not easing pressure on anti-government groups in the Gulf kingdom.
The military withdrew from the center of Manama but kept police at numerous checkpoints around the city.
Bahrain imposed emergency rule in mid-March, giving the military wide powers to suppress demonstrations led by the country's Shiite majority against the minority Sunni rulers. Shiites, who have long complained of discrimination and political persecution, were inspired to rise up by other revolutions sweeping Arab nations around the Middle East and North Africa.
Muslims "must" unite all over the World
and pray for the appearance of al Mahdi (r.a.) the Savior of mankind
the descendant of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
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Trying To Build Society based on Peace and Justice
The one who love Imam e zaman(a.t.f.s) must be prepared to struggle and
labour his self, his pen and his wealth in the way of Imam e
I remember the words of Imam (a.s), that we are responsible for the
duty, and not for the result. A warm smile washes away the tension of
confusion, as I thank Allah for the presence of my friend, whom Allah
may protect, and guide
IMAM E ZAMANA (a.f.t.s) Bless you And All Your Family those help others
and learn islam.
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This is going to be another "see my heart" moment. For well over a decade I have been in the service of the King in one way or another. Teaching Bible study, mentoring, serving in ministries within the church. Over the past five years God has blessed me beyond all measure in allowing me to be on staff in a counseling center in WI bringing the ministry of soul-care through intensive discipleship and intensive biblical counseling. This has truly been the joy of my life.
Anyone who knows me knows that I eat, sleep, and breathe biblical counseling and discipleship. It is my heartbeat, and next to my God and my family- it is my life.
I have been struggling greatly since making the move to Missouri because I have not been doing what God has called me to do, which is to live my life in service to Him as a Biblical Counselor. Until recently, I was not been able to understand why I am so miserable and discontent inside, for I am a woman who is very blessed by God. I have a wonderful godly husband, great kids, a nice home, a decent income, and I am blessed beyond measure by our church family. Why is my heart disquieted within me?
I recently met with a fellow biblical counselor and we discussed my dis-contentedness over coffee. She had an interesting perspective on this. She stated to me that because I am now working full time outside my home I am violating Titus 2- being a keeper at home and this is the origin of my discontent.
I cannot deny this is true. While I enjoy the contact I have with the people I serve daily in my job my heart is not in it. While I pray daily that I would do my job for the glory of God and I believe that I do that (not perfectly of course) I ache when I leave the house each morning and cannot wait to return at the end of the workday.
I simply love being a wife and mother. I love cooking and cleaning and caring for my family! It is what I was created to be- a help meet for my husband. I also miss spending my days immersed in biblical counseling and discipleship and God's Word. I miss devoting my waking hours ministering truth to hurting women. I long to return to this way of life.
Titus 2 tell me as a woman and now as an "older woman" that I am to be a teacher of good things, the things which are fitting for sound doctrine. To be temperate, dignified, sensible, sound in faith, in love, in perseverance. I am to be reverent in my behavior, not a malicious gossip nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, encouraging young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored.
This is what the Lord says I am to do with my life. It is my calling, my strength, and my overwhelming and driving passion. I have a plan to reach all around the world with the kinds of messages this blog provides through webinars and internet radio. I am working toward opening a Biblical Counseling Center for this very purpose- to invest my life in the people God brings my way, to be a minister to the hurting souls of people.
So, how do I make this a reality? One way would be just to resign my full time position. While it would please my flesh to do so, and also my heart, I know that it would cause my husband to suffer some anxious moments in the financial department. We have to take care of some things first- be responsible. God is very gracious and we are making headway in this area. We are using the Financial Peace principles of Dave Ramsey (a big shout out to Dave!) to eliminate all debt and to make these desires a reality.
I must raise enough support to supplement my husband's income so as not to be selfish and financially irresponsible. I will be applying for non-profit status to enable anyone would would like to contribute to the counseling ministry to receive a tax deduction.
The way this blog page looks will also be changing to accommodate some other things. One of which will be a paypal button for anyone who would like to contribute to the ongoing ministry of Biblical Counseling for Women. Until the non-profit thing is done you wont be able to deduct any contributions.
The content will remain centered around God's Word and its application to our hearts and lives. That will never change.
The most necessary element of all of this is prayer. I have given of myself for over two years to this blog, and I am asking that those of you who follow it would commit to praying for me; that if these changes in my life would glorify God that He would richly bless my goals and desires and then quickly make these things a reality.
When I began today's post, I had no intention of laying all this out there and now that it is written I have to conclude it is time to do so. These things have been on my heart for months and now that I have shared my burden with you it is lighter. Now that I have asked for prayer I am hopeful.
There is a prophecy in the book of Revelation which is quite colorful, (literally), but cryptic to say the least. This prophecy describes a woman riding upon a beast, with the woman clothed in scarlet and purple and adorned with great riches. The Apostle John is describing for us the coming global religious system, (the Woman), which works hand in hand with the coming global political/economic world system, (the Beast). It's very interesting that John notes that the woman is adorned with great riches and is dressed in scarlet and purple, (the colors of the Catholic Bishops and Cardinals), with the Catholic Church being one of the wealthiest enterprises on earth. It is our belief that the Roman Church will be the backbone of this future false religious system
Knowing the above, it is not at all surprising to see articles like these which report that the Catholic Church desires a much closer relationship with other major religions in an attempt to address the problems of the world, including the current economic morass. The Catholic Church desires to move the world towards the worship of the Eucharist Christ in this goal of solving the worlds problems. One can see how this seemingly noble goal of religions working together will easily be usurped for the purpose of causing the world to be deceived into accepting and worshiping the future Antichrist.
From the articles:Amid worldwide grappling with the economic crisis, Benedict XVI's representative at
Italy's 25th National Eucharistic Congress is proposing the Eucharist as an invitation to solidarity. Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re opened the congress in
Ancona on Sunday. He said that for today's society, marked as it is with "so much egoism," the Eucharist is "an appeal for openness toward others, to be able to love and to be able to forgive. THE PROBLEMS OF POVERTY, UNDERDEVELOPMENT AND FAMINE IN THE WORLD WILL NEVER BE RESOLVED IF THERE ISN'T TRULY A SENSE OF SOLIDARITY."We can make the planet into a hell by failing to accept one another, or we can learn to live together, open up and give ourselves, says Benedict XVI. The Pope offered this reflection in a message to an inter-religious meeting that concluded Tuesday in
Munich. The event was sponsored by the Catholic lay Community of Sant'Egidio. "The theme of the peace meeting, 'Bound to live together,' reminds us that we as human beings are bound to each other. This living together is in fact a precondition that derives from our being human. And it is our duty to give it a positive content," the Holy Father said in his message.CARDINAL PROPOSES EUCHARISTIC SOLUTION FOR ECONOMIC PROBLEM BENEDICT XVI WARNS THAT WE CAN MAKE EARTH A HELL